After the ghost-headed crow died, the environment of the First Layer Immortal Formation changed, and everything around it began to become blurred, as if fog had formed.

Brother Hantan and his son raised their feet. They wanted to get close to Gu Zheng who was sitting cross-legged, but Gu Zheng stopped him in time through voice transmission from his mind.

After the ghost-headed crow died, even if the first level of the immortal formation was broken, Gu Zheng also had some understanding of the next level of the immortal formation. This is also a rule in the multiple immortal formations. Understand, some of them will be learned naturally without any investigation.

"Master, what's the matter?" Brother Hantan asked.

"I'll tell you later."

Gu Zheng didn't answer right away, he was still sitting cross-legged, still stabilizing his natal to dark cyclone, just absorbed the original energy of the ghost-headed crow, and his natal to dark abstention suddenly increased a lot, just like he had just cultivated Like promotion, it takes a bit of time to stabilize.

In addition to stabilizing the natal to dark cyclone, Gu Zheng is also using his divine sense to investigate the fairy formation, in order to gain more understanding of the fairy formation.

After a while, Gu Zheng said: "The next layer of immortal formation is a trapped formation. Fortunately, I stopped you just in time. Otherwise, as soon as you take a step, we will immediately enter the second layer of trapped formation, and we will be in a difficult situation by then. If you are in a different position, that would be a hassle.”

Hearing what Gu Zheng said, Brother Hantan and his son couldn't help being afraid. The formation is the common shortcoming of both father and son. Once they are separated from Gu Zheng in the formation, not to mention what kind of danger they will encounter, anyway, in terms of mentality The two of them will definitely be lost.

"Let's go, let's take a step together, so that when we appear in the next formation, we will be in the same position."

Seeing that Gu Zheng raised his feet, Brother Hantan and his son also raised their feet, and the footsteps of the three fell at the same time, and the eyesight in front of them also alternated with light and dark.

This is a beautiful fairy array space. The first feeling it gave Gu Zheng and the others was like coming to a garden. Within the reach of the eyes, there are flowers, grass and winding paths.

Not daring to act rashly, the monk Hantan and his son stayed where they were, knowing that Gu Zheng would use his divine sense to investigate the fairy formation again at this time as usual.

"Let's go!"

Gu Zheng greeted him, and Brother Hantan and his son immediately followed his footsteps, fearing that they would make a mistake.

There are three roads ahead, and Gu Zheng and their starting point is in the middle of a three-way intersection.

"Although this is a trapped formation, there should be living creatures in the formation space, and the presence of living creatures means that there are variables. Therefore, if we want to break this formation, the three of us have to separate." Gu Talk while walking.

"Why do we have to separate?" Even though he knew that what Gu Zheng said was definitely true, when he knew that the three of them would still be separated, Brother Hantan couldn't help but feel a little scared: "Then what should we father and son do after we separate?"

"There is a formation eye in each direction leading to the three roads, and these three formation eyes must have living creatures standing in order to show the life gate that can leave the space of the fairy formation, so the three of us must be separated, even if There are living creatures in this formation space, but by controlling the living creatures to stand, after all, there is still no peace of mind to stand on your own, and what you two have to do is to stand well, and I didn't tell you When moving, even in the face of monster attacks, you have to find a way to stay still, otherwise it will trigger a killer move or change in the formation, and the situation will become very troublesome at that time." Gu Zheng's voice paused , and then said: "The trapped formation has been activated, we must leave through the life gate within a stick of incense, otherwise the original method of breaking the formation will be invalid."

Along the winding passage, the three of Gu Zheng, who had been walking among the flowers, finally saw a small pavilion in front of them.

Gu Zheng has a shadow on things like pavilions. If the white-bearded old man hadn't lied to him by turning into the space cornerstone of the pavilion, he wouldn't have stayed in the four-way space for so long.

"Damn pavilion!"

Brother Hantan and his son cursed almost in unison, and they also felt the shadow of the pavilion.

"You come with me."

Let monk Hantan's son stay outside the pavilion temporarily, and Gu Zheng waited for monk Hantan to enter the pavilion.

"Crack clap clap!"

Gu Zheng hit the pillars of the small pavilion with successive tricks, and the original round table in the courtyard gradually sank into the ground, and the dim surface of the round table began to emit a faint light.

"Your position is on this round table, remember that no matter what happens, you can't leave the round table, unless I give you an order through the voice of my mind, it's not a simple dilemma, you may face various All kinds of harassment."

After Gu Zheng explained this to Brother Hantan, he brought Brother Hantan's son back the way he came.

Seeing Brother Hantan's son following carefully behind him, looking like he was afraid of making a wrong step, Gu Zhengye said, "Because your father occupies a place on this road, there is no such thing as a wrong step anymore. , we can hurry up and save time!"

Although there is no longer the danger of being afraid of making a wrong step, it is common sense not to fly in a trapped formation, and Gu Zheng can only run with the son of the monk Hantan.

After returning to the original point, Gu Zheng took Brother Hantan's son to another path.

The previous path was full of flowers and plants, just like a garden, but now the path where Gu Zheng is located, as he went deeper with Brother Hantan and his son, the scene in front of him changed. Somewhat different, one can vaguely see an open space among the flowers, and there seems to be some kind of plant planted on it.

"Master, what's wrong with that open space?"

Brother Hantan's son is very curious. He is short on the way of formation, and he also wants to learn about it.

"Based on my understanding of the formation, the place of chance is also the place of right and wrong."

Hearing Gu Zheng mention the word chance, the son of the monk Hantan couldn't help but his eyes lit up.

"The so-called chance is not the big chance you imagined. There should be a medicine field. As for what kind of monsters will grow in the medicine field, I am not too clear. I want to know clearly what kind of things are planted in it. I need to wait for you to stand in the eye of the formation here before I can know." Gu Zheng said.

"Master, when you come back, will you go to that medicine field to hunt for treasure?" the son of the monk Hantan asked again.

"I don't know, it depends on the situation! I just said that there is a place of right and wrong, and going there may delay time, and this predicament does not leave much time for us to find the door to life."

While speaking, Gu Zheng had brought the son of the monk Hantan to the end of the path, where there was also a small pavilion.

Hitting the pillars in the small pavilion with different techniques, the round table in the pavilion soon sank into the ground, leaving only the slightly shining tabletop.

After explaining that Brother Hantan's son stood on the table, Gu Zheng also left.

As in the previous situation, once someone takes a position on the opponent's eye, there is no danger of making a wrong step on the way back, and Gu Zheng also speeds up and rushes forward.

The medicine field that was originally hidden among the flowers became very clear because of the position of Brother Hantan and his son. Not only that, there was also an entrance leading to the medicine field among the flowers.

Gu Zheng stopped, not wanting to waste time, he decided to take a walk in this medicine field, he just scanned roughly, and found that most of the things planted in this medicine field were the same as high-grade ingredients Grade, there are more than 20 pieces in total.

If it's just ordinary high-end ingredients, Gu Zheng doesn't want to waste time at this time! After all, there are monsters in the medicine field, but among the twenty or so high-end ingredients, three ingredients are auxiliary ingredients that Gu Zheng can use to cook high-quality food in the future, and this kind of auxiliary ingredients are more precious to Gu Zheng , when you can get it, you can't let it go.

Gu Zheng wanted to rush to the medicine field, he wanted to quickly get rid of the monsters in the medicine field.

The monster in the medicine field is a little flying pig. It not only has a pair of bird wings, but also has a pair of human-like arms. At this moment, it is holding a hoe and earnestly loosening the soil for the medicinal materials in the medicine field.

Gu Zheng, who rushed into the medicine field without thinking about keeping his hand, was directly smashed by the skyscraper stick in Fat Pig's wide-eyed eyes.

Before attacking the fat pig monster, Gu Zheng already knew the strength of the little flying pig, it was just a little monster returning to the peak of the void.

However, here is the extremely difficult Quadruple Immortal Formation, how could a little demon returning to the peak of the Void stay in the medicine field that represented opportunities and dangers, so Gu Zheng directly served him with a skyscraper stick.

Gu Zheng's speed was so fast that Little Flying Pig was thrown flying by Gu Zheng's skyscraper before he had time to react.

Gu Zheng used the Skyscraper stick to hit the sky-shattering stick technique, and his strength was also promoted to the mid-Gold Immortal stage when he hit that stick. If that little flying pig is just an ordinary little demon, then with its realm, Gu Zheng This stick can definitely blow it to death, but the actual situation is not like this, Little Flying Pig was blown away by Gu Zheng's skyscraper stick, and he disappeared without a whimper!

Gu Zheng frowned. It can be said that he really didn't hold back. Except for the big moves like Shenlong Domain and Immortal Domain, he was not willing to use them directly. Before he rushed into the medicine field, he had already sealed it with the Immortal Extermination Art. The purpose is to prevent the little flying pig from escaping through teleportation.

Although the little flying pig felt unusual, it was somewhat beyond Gu Zheng's expectation that it was able to escape when Gu Zheng had made preparations in advance. However, Little Flying Pig did not escape through instant movement. After all, the space is in a state of being sealed off. The method it uses to escape is the technique of wood escape, and the environment here is a garden, and things like Cao Mu abound. , The activation of the wood escape technique is hard to guard against.

Now that Little Flying Pig had escaped, Gu Zheng had no intention of chasing him. Time was too precious for him, so he pulled out all the herbs in the medicine field with a wave of his hand.

Fortunately, the second level of the Immortal Formation is not like the first level, which completely restricts such treasures as the Heart Demon Orb, so Gu Zheng put all the extracted medicinal materials into his bag at the first thought.

Without daring to waste any time, he rushed out of the ancient contention to be filled and returned to the origin at the fastest speed, and then ran towards the last passage.

Since there is no need to worry that someone behind him will make a wrong step, Gu Zheng moves very fast in this last passage. What he wants to do now is to rush to the small pavilion at the end as fast as possible. In the middle, after forcing out the formation eye, stand on the formation eye, and tell the monk Hantan and his son to walk together through the voice of the mind, and then let the life gate appear, so that they can pass through the second fairy formation smoothly.

Running towards the end of the passage, Gu Zheng frowned again, and an open space appeared again among the flowers, but this time the open space was different from the previous medicine field, Gu Zheng could vaguely see that the only thing growing in that open space was The one above is a fruit tree as tall as a person, with red hangings on it, shaped like grapes, with bunches of fruit.


Gu Zheng was a little helpless. He felt that the fruit on that tree should be fairy fruit, and fairy fruit was a resource reserve that he was relatively short of now.

However, the formation eye at the end of the passage also needs a place. If it does not occupy a place, there will be no passage leading to the open space among the flowers, and the place must be a living thing.

After arriving in the pavilion, Gu Zheng quickly hit the pillars in the pavilion. After the eyes of the formation appeared, Gu Zheng released a half-dead space monster from the heart magic bead. In the eyes.

The space monster is a living creature, and it is impossible for it to cause any damage to Gu Zheng when Gu Zheng has banned it, but the only shortcoming is that if there is someone What kind of monster came to make trouble, the space monster standing in the eye of the formation, but it would not help him at all.

Time is running out, Gu Zheng rushes back quickly.

At the same time, the monk Hantan and his son were all attacked by monsters.

The one who attacked the cold pool monk was a deer monster. This guy was very wretched. Knowing that the cold pool monk didn't dare to move it, he stood in the distance and dragged the cold pool monk to launch an attack! Moreover, its strength is not too weak, it has already reached the early stage of Golden Immortal.

Although Brother Hantan can't move, it's not that he has no means to deal with this deer demon. It's just that he doesn't want to have the same knowledge as this deer demon. Anyway, he has the defensive state of atomized dragon body, and the deer demon can't do anything to him for a while. .

"You just have to piss off, after my master opens the door of life, I will definitely tear you apart!" Brother Hantan swore secretly in his heart.

Another time, the monster that attacked Brother Hantan's son was the little flying pig in the medicine field before.

When Little Flying Pig launched an attack, its true strength was also exposed, and it was also the cultivation base of the Golden Immortal in its early stages.

However, Little Flying Pig is really unlucky. He was beaten by Gu Zheng before, and he came here to vent his anger on Brother Hantan and his son. He never thought that Brother Hantan's son was also a stubborn person. He couldn't move his eyes, but this didn't affect him in the slightest to launch a powerful attack.

Three dragon-shaped lightning bolts have been sprayed out by Brother Hantan's son, and they started chasing the little flying pig. In addition to attacking the little flying pig with dragon-shaped lightning, Brother Hantan's son kept waving his dragon claws, exploding From time to time, it rang beside Little Flying Pig.

Faced with such a fierce attack, Little Flying Pig spent most of its time dodging. Fortunately, it can perform the wood escape technique, and it can also deal with the cold pool monk and his son for a while, otherwise it would have been killed by the cold pool monk. The son to solve it.

Finally caught an opportunity, the little flying pig who appeared near the cold pool monk's son through the wood escape technique sprayed a huge net woven by the sun towards the cold pool monk's son.

"Your strength is still much lower than that of entrusting people with me."

Brother Hantan's son sneered in his heart. He opened his mouth and sprayed towards the little flying pig. He had already prepared super electric bubbles.

Aware of the terrifying power emanating from the super electric glow bubbles, the little flying pig screamed, and opened the distance between the cold pool monk and his son through teleportation.

At the same time, Gu Zheng had already rushed towards the open space among the flowers.

In addition to the fruit tree in the open space, there is also a golden raccoon watering the fruit tree. Before rushing over, Gu Zheng had already been banned by the Miexianjue space, and his method was still the same as before. He picked up the skyscraper and threw it at the golden raccoon.


Gu Zheng hit the target with one blow, and the gold-haired raccoon was sent flying.

However, the golden raccoon, which was only strong at the early stage of Jinxian, was not crushed to death by Gu Zheng's stick. Its flying body fell to the ground instantly, and disappeared without a trace after sticking to the soil.

"come out!"

Gu Zheng let out a roar, and the spirit of the real earth in his body vibrated, and he activated the earth control technique, trying to force out the golden raccoon who wanted to escape through the earth escape technique.


There was a sound of breaking through the ground, and the gold-haired raccoon rushed out from the ground, opened its mouth and sprayed an earth dragon with its teeth and claws at Gu Zheng.

Gu Zheng just frowned, and under the effect of the soil control art, the earth dragon with its teeth and claws suddenly turned into dust particles scattered all over the ground.

Originally, Gu Zheng didn't want to kill the golden raccoon, so he ran away. Anyway, Gu Zheng's goal was the fruit on the fruit tree in the open space! But just when he hit the golden-haired raccoon with a skyscraper before, his special feeling was born again. This feeling made him understand that if he let the golden-haired raccoon go, things might become more troublesome. That's why he wanted to kill the golden raccoon.

However, an annoyance arose in Gu Zheng's heart, he was reluctant to use his hole card, and he regretted it at this time, because when he broke the golden raccoon Tulong, the golden raccoon actually used the same method as the little flying pig, He escaped through the technique of wood escape.

He had already escaped, and it was useless to be annoyed, so Gu Zheng seized the time to uproot the fruit tree, and put the fruit that was still growing on it into the heart magic bead.

Rushing out of the open space among the flowers, Gu Zheng rushed to the end of the passage.

Fortunately, in the small pavilion at the end, the space monster he used to stand on the eye of the formation was fine.

He replaced the position of the space monster by himself, and Gu Zheng hurriedly communicated with the father and son of the monk Hantan, and he told the father and son of the monk Hantan to go to the center of the formation together.


As the group of three walked down the formation, the space of the fairy formation roared, and a life gate appeared at the place where Gu Zheng and the others entered the space of the fairy formation.

Brother Hantan and his son let out a long sigh of relief. They finally completed the task assigned to them by Gu Zheng, and they still feel that the time is about to end.

However, what Brother Hantan and his son didn't know was that Gu Zheng didn't heave a sigh of relief like them, his brows were already wrinkled, because his special feeling appeared again.

The special feeling that appeared this time was interpreted by Gu Zheng. The information is that in this fairy array space, because he let go of the golden raccoon before, bad variables are happening, but what is this variable? Gu Zheng It's not clear now, he could only tell the Hantan monk and his son through the voice of his mind, and let them rush to the origin to gather.

Gu Zheng still doesn't know enough about the space of the fairy array in the past. There are three roads here, and each road has an open space hidden among the flowers. The open space among the flowers was not noticed.

However, this can't be blamed on Gu Zheng's lack of caution, but at that time they couldn't find it at all, because the first eye hadn't been positioned yet, and the open space hidden among the flowers was extremely difficult to be found at that time of.

At this moment, the cold pool monks who returned to the original point saw the open space they hadn't found before, and in that open space, there was a plant that exuded strange fluctuations and looked like bamboo.

"Treasures of heaven and earth!"

From the fragrance of the bamboo-like plant, monk Hantan judged that it was a natural treasure!

Knowing that the bamboo-like plant turned out to be a treasure of heaven and earth, monk Hantan was furious, because the deer demon who attacked him before, together with the little flying pig and golden silk he had seen for the first time The raccoon was frantically gnawing on the immature Tiancaidibao.

"Violence, you go to die!"

Brother Hantan launched an attack while roaring, and in the form of a dragon, he flew towards the deer monsters. He didn't paint these hateful monsters with ink, he felt that the old and new hatreds could not be eliminated.


What Brother Hantan didn't expect was that he couldn't rush to the side of those monsters at all. There was a colorless barrier at the entrance of that open space. This colorless barrier was very hard , He was a little dizzy when his head hit the barrier.

At the same time, Gu Zheng and the son of Brother Hantan also appeared in the passageway where Brother Hantan was. They saw that the crazy Brother Hantan was attacking the colorless barrier like a storm .

When Gu Zheng and the others came close, the three monsters in the open space had already devoured the not yet fully mature Tiantiandibao, and they had already gnawed on the Tiantiandibao. Exuding the golden light of promotion.

"You guys should die!"

Gu Zheng's teeth were about to be gritted, he hated this group of tyrannical monsters, he wanted them to die.

For Gu Zheng, it doesn't matter if it's time or not, the Shengmen have already appeared, and they can at least stay in the space of the fairy array for a meal. Moreover, due to the occurrence of bad variables, Gu Zheng also came to realize that if they could not kill these three monsters, they would not be able to pass through even if the Life Gate had appeared.


With a loud bang, the colorless barrier was shattered under the joint attack of Gu Zheng and his team of three, and the three monsters who had been prepared for a long time launched an attack on Gu Zheng and them first.

For these three monsters, Gu Zheng really hates them to the bone. As a fairy chef, he has always hated the existence of wasting natural materials and earthly treasures. At the same time, he also annoyed himself. At that time, he was not willing to use his hole cards. If he had used his hole cards to kill the golden raccoon, then with his carefulness, he would have been investigating the space of the fairy array before entering the gate of life. At that time, he would have found the intact Treasures of heaven and earth!

Although the genius and earth treasure is not yet fully mature, Gu Zheng who has mastered the soil control formula can give birth to it, and judging from the scent of the natural treasure that has not dissipated, Gu Zheng feels that he can use the soil control formula to kill it. It took ten minutes to fully ripen it, but now it's gone.

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