Breaking the ban on the bronze door was not a difficult task for Gu Zheng, and in the process of breaking the ban, he also guessed what was the thing pressing under the ban, and that thing faintly gave him A bad feeling made him feel that it was a great hindrance.

With a crisp sound, the ban on the bronze door was broken by Gu Zheng, and a voice also came to Gu Zheng's ears. It sounded like a person slowly waking up from a deep sleep come over.

Gu Zheng had guessed what was pressing under the ban before, but no matter how many guesses he had in his mind, he never guessed it right, because what was pressing under the ban was only a bronze door, but this bronze door is not simple , it is a bronze door that has produced a spirit body, just like a fairy artifact that has produced a spirit.

"Hello, entrant!"

After being unblocked by Gu Zheng, five sense organs appeared on the rough bronze door, which transmitted sound to Gu Zheng, and the sound sounded humming.

"Unexpectedly, two entrants came at once, one was dealing with the sword slave, and the other came in front of me."

Before Gu Zheng could speak, Bronze Gate said the same thing again.

"How can you open the door for me?"

Gu Zheng was very upset at the moment, no matter how the cold pool cultivator was delaying the sword slave, what he encountered turned out to be a portal spirit protected by the power of law, which was obviously not an easy problem to solve. After all, for any such special monsters, if Gu Zheng wants to get anything from them, he needs to pay a certain price, or do something for them.

"I don't know how many years I have been sleeping. You can wake me up. This shows that there is a great fate between us. We already have such a great fate. Do you think I will not promise you for such a small thing as opening the door?" ?”

The voice of the spirit of the portal was full of complaints, so that Gu Zheng wondered if he had encountered an exception.

"Then can you open the door for me?"

I have never encountered such a special monster who is easy to talk to, and Gu Zheng's inquiry has become a little cautious.

"Are you sure you want me to open the door for you?"

The spirit of the portal transmitted sound to Gu Zheng. If it wasn't for its serious voice, just listening to the meaning in its words, Gu Zheng would definitely not be able to help but yell. When is this? This damn spirit of the portal actually Still making fun of him!

However, since the voice of the spirit of the door is very serious, Gu Zheng patiently asked again: "I'm not sure if you ask me. Could it be that there is something hidden in it?"

"That's right, you have two choices with me!" The portal spirit paused, and then continued: "You can choose to simply let me open the door for you, or you can choose to complete a task with me, I'll help you open the door again!"

Time was running out, but Gu Zheng had the urge to go crazy when he heard what the spirit of the door said. The spirit of the door was protected by the power of law and could not do anything to it. If he did not have the protection of the power of law, Gu Zheng would now It must have kicked the Hunyuan Wind Dragon Leg at it.

"Can you speak clearly and clearly if you have something to say?"

Gu Zheng tried his best to keep his voice calm, but his heart was actually very annoyed. Besides, monk Hantan was under constant attack from the sword slaves, but his side was not going well. To a special monster that has never been seen before.

"You want me to make it clear to you, don't you? Then I'll make it clear to you now!"

The voice of the portal spirit also sounded angry, and it really explained the matter when it spoke again.

"If you simply want me to open the door for you, then you will never be able to enter this place again, and naturally you will not be able to accept the mission I gave you, and if you can accept my mission, then the benefits you can get, It will definitely make you feel very worthwhile! As for what this task is, I will tell you if you agree to accept it."

"I accept!"

Whether or not to accept this matter, Guzheng already had a clear answer when the spirit of the portal began to talk about it. The reason why he still chose to accept an unknown task under such a tight schedule was because of the When Ling told the story, he had a corresponding special feeling, and this corresponding special feeling made him understand that if he did not accept this task of the spirit of the portal, it would be a great loss for him!

"Children can be taught!"

Listening to Gu Zheng's acceptance without hesitation, the original anger of the spirit of the door disappeared, replaced by a relieved tone.

"Please don't speak unnecessary words. My time is very precious. You have already seen that the person who came in with me is being attacked by the sword slave." Gu Zheng said.

"I don't have much to say anymore." The spirit of the portal gave Gu Zheng a dissatisfied look, and said again: "I can say that this is the first custom-made work of my master after he came into contact with the way of refining weapons, but It is a pity that because my master was not good at practicing Qi at that time, his failure in refining made me become like this, and the task I want to give you is, my master back then Master, what kind of weapon did you want to use me to refine? You have three chances to guess. If you guess right, I will give you a task reward. Picking up the task rewards is all, as for the time limit of the task, you have a stick of incense time."

When seeing the bronze door for the first time, Gu Zheng felt that the casting technology of the bronze door was just for fun. Now after hearing what the spirit of the door said, he realized that this product turned out to be a failure in refining and was made by someone else. A product of restoration.

The task of the ancient struggle of the portal zero will be difficult for ordinary people. Although it gives a hint that it is a weapon, and there are still three chances to guess, there are too many weapons in the world. Weapon is just a general term for all weapons.

For Gu Zheng, this is not a difficult task, because he is a super master forging. For a super master who can forge even space and time fairy weapons, by observing the ratio of alloy , Judging what kind of fairy weapon it is more suitable for forging is a piece of cake.

Gu Zheng observed the bronze door with inverted words, and calculated the ratio of the various metals that make up the bronze door. Through this ratio, he could analyze what kind of fairy artifact it was originally made of.

"I really held back for too long, I want to talk to you."

The spirit of the portal didn't admit that it talked a lot of nonsense before, and after a few moments of silence, he couldn't help talking more.

"Don't think I talk too much, maybe my words can give you some ideas.

The spirit of the portal started talking on his own, most of which were related to his master.

The spirit of the portal said to itself that the Gu Zheng who had already obtained the metal ratio was simulating the process of refining the weapon in his mind. This was like doing a check, the purpose of course was to ensure that the final answer would not be wrong.

"I've said so much, why are you silent?"

The spirit of the portal said a lot, but in fact it didn't take long, only about a minute.

"What do you want me to say? Tell you my answer?"

Gu Zheng laughed, no matter whether the spirit of the portal wanted to interfere with him, or he really just wanted to talk to someone after holding back for too long, anyway, he now has the answer.

"Have you already got the answer? Then tell me quickly and let me hear it!"

The spirit of the portal seemed very curious, and Gu Zheng was also in a good mood.

Although the answer in his mind has not been verified, Gu Zheng is sure that his answer must be correct, because although the master of the portal spirit failed to refine the weapon he originally wanted to refine at that time, but for the refinement Some basic things of the way of tools, what he has learned will not go wrong! And Gu Zheng also learned the metal ratio, through the process of deduction and change, in the case of intentional failure, he did get a failed product like a bronze door.

Gu Zheng was in a good mood. Apart from confirming what kind of weapon the Bronze Gate was supposed to be refined into, he also saw that although Brother Hantan was avoiding the attacks of the sword slaves, he was not harmed. He could still cope with that situation for a while, so the impatience in his heart disappeared without a trace.

"You were meant to be forged into an axe."

Feeling no longer in a hurry, Gu Zheng also wanted to take revenge on the spirit of the door, who made this guy not only not in a hurry when he was in a hurry, but also chatting nonsense with him.


Hearing that Gu Zheng gave a wrong answer, the spirit of the portal immediately shouted happily.

Gu Zheng was also pretending, and after thinking for a while, he said again: "Then you were supposed to be forged into a sledgehammer!"

"You are about to be forged into a sledgehammer!" The spirit of the portal gave Gu Zheng a blank look, and said with a happy smile, "You still have one last chance now, let me see if you can guess right!"

"Since you are not going to be forged into an axe, nor are you going to be forged into a sledgehammer, then you must be forged into a sword!"

Hearing what Gu Zheng said, the eyes of the spirit of the door widened: "You, why do you guess like this? Shouldn't you guess heavy weapons? A guy like me should forge a big ax and a big hammer. Something like that?"

"As the saying goes, steel can be tempered a hundred times. There are too many impurities in your body. After many times of tempering, the volume of the essence you can leave will be very small. This has already determined that you are no longer suitable for being forged into a heavy weapon. As for those metals The proportion of your weapon has already been decided at this time, you are the most suitable to be forged into a sword among light weapons!" Gu Zheng talked eloquently.

"Okay, so you're just kidding me!"

The spirit of the portal looked at Gu Zheng with hatred, and said again: "Even if you are teasing me, as long as the result is correct, I will still give you what I promised."

The spirit of the portal opened his mouth, and a round thing spewed out from his mouth, flying towards Gu Zheng.

Gu Zheng took the round thing in his hand and took a look. It was a bronze head with exquisite workmanship. With Gu Zheng's knowledge, he could tell at a glance that it was the head of a puppet.

"Why is there only one head? Where is the rest of its body?"

Gu Zheng didn't expect that the reward he got was just a part of a puppet's body, so he hurriedly asked the spirit of the portal.

However, what the spirit of the door should do has already been done, and it evaporates like mist at this moment, and it can no longer say anything to Gu Zheng, which makes Gu Zheng feel that if he had said more to the spirit of the door Is it possible to get some information related to this puppet head?

Shaking his head, Gu Zheng didn't think too much anymore. Anyway, he has already got the reward. As for what is the use of this puppet's head and where are the rest of its body, maybe he will have a chance to know later. After the monks in the cold pool transform and absorb the bodies of the sixteen sword slaves, they will go to the second floor of the treasure.

After Gu Zheng completed the test of the spirit of the portal, the sixteen sword slaves who were still madly attacking the monk in the cold pool also stood still.

For the sixteen sword slaves, the cold pool monk was also suffocating. Knowing that they belonged to the real undead, the cold pool monk did not launch a single attack after encountering them, and just avoided them. He had never experienced a battle situation in his life. As a militant, in this battle that he could only avoid, the anger in his heart had already soared very high.

Brother Hantan originally thought that after Gu Zheng opened the bronze gate, these damned sword slaves would disappear without a trace, but they didn't expect that instead of disappearing, they turned into petrification. This also gave Brother Hantan a chance to take revenge.

If it wasn't for these sword slaves that made the cold pool monks too angry, then since they only have the strength of returning to the peak, the cold pool monks don't want to waste time rendering them black, but who makes them too hateful, he believes that even if it is Gu Zheng would also want to fulfill him.

Gu Zheng did help Brother Hantan. He stood there waiting for Brother Hantan to absorb the black particles transformed by the sword slaves. The monster who can launch the joint attack technique is too familiar, he even has the foresight than the cold pool monk.

Sure enough, after absorbing the black particles transformed by the sword slaves, the cold pool cultivator showed joy. The energy transformation brought to him by these sixteen sword slaves who are good at combined strikes is completely equivalent to the eight golden immortals at the early stage. monster.

Without saying anything, Gu Zheng led the cold pool monk into the black hole left after the bronze gate disappeared.

The vision in front of him alternated between light and dark, and the monk Gu Zheng dragged the cold pool into the second layer of the treasure.

The scene in front of me is very familiar, it looks like the cross-shaped space on the second floor of the tomb before, but since I have seen the same promenade as the first floor of the tomb before, I saw the cross-shaped space again. At that time, neither Gu Zheng nor Brother Hantan showed any surprised expressions.

Still the old rules, Gu Zheng didn't rush to move forward, he used his divine sense to explore the current space.

The cross-shaped space here is really similar to the cross-shaped space on the second floor of the tomb before. After investigating the ancient dispute, it was quickly confirmed that the four passages here are also the kind of one life gate, one dead end, and two dilemmas. model.

"We have to go through this cross-shaped space four times."

Gu Zheng rushed to the cold pool monk, and the cold pool monk said: "It is this kind of space that needs to be experienced many times."

There is a little helplessness in the cold pool monk's voice, so why is Gu Zheng like this, he wants to hurry up to get what he wants, and he doesn't want to go through this cumbersome fairy formation, but there is no way, this kind of thing is not He can save trouble if he wants to.

"Although it takes four times, compared with the cross-shaped space encountered in the tomb, the cross-shaped space here has an advantage that there is no danger of making a wrong step."

"That would be wonderful."

Hearing what Gu Zheng said, Brother Hantan suddenly laughed. He is a short version in terms of formation, and what he hates the most is entering places that require footwork. In fact, not only the monks in the cold pool hate it, but also the ancient battle. Staying in a place that requires footwork, it is natural to fight with hands and feet, and this kind of disadvantage is only for them, for monsters. If there is no such restriction, their situation will naturally be even more unfavorable under the situation of trade-offs.

"Let's go!"

Gu Zheng greeted Brother Hantan and led him to the south passage, where the gate of life was located.

However, Gu Zheng stopped when he was about to reach the entrance of the southern passage, and a special feeling appeared at this time.

Gu Zheng's interpretation of the special feeling is that he will go to the dead end to the west, and if he doesn't go, he will definitely regret it!

The special feeling can't go wrong, so Gu Zheng led the cold pool monk to turn to the passage to the west.

After entering the passage to the west, Gu Zheng and the others were immediately attacked, just like what they had encountered in the corridor before. Eighteen kinds of weapons flew towards him and the cold pool cultivator, but it was the same as what they encountered in the corridor before. There is a little difference in the arrival, that is, the weapon that flew over this time, the destructive power has reached the early stage of Golden Immortal!

"Protect me, I'll destroy the eyes here!"

The situation encountered is similar, and the method to solve this situation is also the same. I have used my spiritual sense to detect the ancient battle where the eye of the formation is located, and after arriving at a suitable place, I started to shoot one after another magic formula into the void.

When Gu Zheng played the Jue, he naturally had no way to target the weapons that flew over, and the monk Hantan took on the job of guarding at this time. It's all in a mess.

Although these weapons in the dead end cannot be destroyed, they can fly back quickly every time they are hit by the cold pool monk. What Gu Zheng needs is not that the cold pool monk can completely destroy these weapons, all he needs is a little It's just time.

In less than a minute, Gu Zheng had played more than 50 magic formulas, and the formation holes here are more difficult to destroy than the formation holes in the long corridor before.

Accompanied by a strange crisp sound, when the number of spells played by Gu Zheng reached the 60th, the formation eye in the dead end was finally broken.

Without the control of the array eye, the flying weapons fell to the ground one after another, and disappeared without a trace in the form of smoke.

Gu Zheng took Brother Hantan to the end of the dead end, and saw a treasure chest on the ground.

The appearance of the box is the same as the ones seen in the tomb before, but the things contained in it are completely different from those in the treasure chest in the tomb. There is no gold, silver and jewels inside it, but only the torso of a puppet.

The puppet's torso is not big, and Gu Zheng put the puppet's head that he got before on the torso, which is so perfect that it fits perfectly.

In no hurry to get on the road, Gu Zheng stared blankly for a while holding the broken puppet in his hand.

When the spirit of the door gave Gu Zheng the head of the puppet before, he felt that the so-called puppet head was of average importance, but now he feels that any part of this puppet is very precious, and it may even be It is related to the success or failure of this mission! After all, Gu Zheng was guided by a special feeling when he got the puppet's torso.

The puppet is not in human form, it looks like a lion.

"Now there is only the puppet's head and torso, not its limbs and tail."

"This cross-shaped space needs to be experienced four times in total. I got the torso of the puppet during the first time. Is it possible that in the next three experiences, I will get the limbs and tail of the puppet respectively?" Woolen cloth?"

"What is the function of this puppet? It may be related to the success or failure of my mission, so what is its specific purpose?"

Taking monk Hantan to the Shengmen in the south, Gu Zheng was full of thoughts.

There is no obstacle in Shengmen, this is something Gu Zheng knew before, but there is one thing that surprised Gu Zheng.

Gu Zheng originally thought that besides the teleportation array leading to the next level, there should also be a treasure chest in the life gate channel of this cross-shaped space! After all, in the cross-shaped space of the previous tomb, there was also a treasure chest in every passageway of the life gate.

Without a treasure chest, the Immortal Teleportation Formation didn't need anything to activate it. When Gu Zheng stepped on it with Brother Hantan, the originally dim Immortal Teleportation Formation immediately became radiant.

The vision in front of them alternated between light and dark, and Gu Zheng and Brother Hantan appeared on the second floor of the cross-shaped space.

Compared with the first time, the second floor has lost the peace that Gu Zheng and the others had seen before, and a large number of sword slaves swarmed out from the four passages.

Looking at the sword slaves swarming out, Gu Zheng's heart suddenly tightened. The eighteen weapons he encountered before had already possessed the destructive power of the early Jinxian period. He was very worried that these sword slaves also had similar destructive power. If so If not, he and Brother Hantan would be in great danger.

However, things were not as bad as Gu Zheng imagined. He quickly saw that the strength of these sword slaves was only at the peak of returning to the void. Although the level above the peak of returning to the void is the early stage of the Golden Immortal, it is one level behind. That's the difference between chasm and chasm.

The sword slaves had already launched an attack on Gu Zheng and the others. They swung their sharp swords and slashed out one after another with sharp sword aura.

Gu Zheng launched the Exterminating Immortal Art, and his palms faced each other to form a space. All the sword qi that struck him were basically absorbed by the space in his palms. The monk blocked it, and some fell on the blue shield of the Immortal Extermination Art on his body.

The sword energy sucked into the palm space was first compressed into a ball by Gu Zheng, and then exploded after Gu Zheng hit it, turning into dazzling electric lights and flying towards the sword slaves.

The sword slaves were more or less intelligent, facing the flying lightning, most of them chose to dodge or fight back.

But it is a pity that the electric glow is a special kind of energy converted from the sword energy they activate through the Miexian Jue. This special energy is inextricably linked with themselves, no matter whether they are Whether it is dodging or counterattacking, these electric lights will be attracted by them like iron sand meeting a magnet.

Those sword slaves who encountered the electric light entering their bodies were instantly immobilized.

The Immortal Extermination Art was played again, and there was an explosion in the cross-shaped space.

The number of sword slaves is very large. This time, the ancient dispute of Miexian Jue is only half resolved, but since the number of sword slaves has been reduced by half, the pressure on Gu Zheng and the cold pool monks has also suddenly eased.

To deal with the remaining forty or so sword slaves, the old tricks of the ancient struggle were repeated and the Immortal Extermination Art was launched again, which quickly turned them into flying ashes.

After the sword slaves were dealt with, Gu Zheng and Brother Hantan had serious expressions on their faces. Although it seemed that it would be easy to deal with these sword slaves, the hidden crisis had actually been exposed. (end of this chapter)

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