Gu Zheng took out the ring he got from the treasure box, and put it into the groove on the teleportation array, and the originally dim teleportation array suddenly became radiant. On the teleportation array, the eyes of the two alternated between light and dark, and the place where they reappeared was still a cross-shaped space.

Since it was known before that the third floor of the tomb was composed of many cross-shaped spaces, Gu Zheng and Brother Hantan were not surprised after reappearing in this place.

As usual, Gu Zheng used his divine sense to investigate the current space, while the monk Hantan stayed by his side to be careful, and strange noises also came from the four tomb passages.

Accompanied by abnormal noises, a large number of monsters appeared in the eyes of Gu Zheng and Hantan monks.

This time, the monster has a lizard-like body and a dragon-like head, and it also looks like a skeleton. Its strength is higher than that of the dragon-headed crocodile that finally arrived in the upper space, reaching the stage of returning to the late stage.

After the dragon-headed lizards appeared, they also attacked Gu Zheng and Brother Hantan. Their skeletal bodies stood up, waving their claws at Gu Zheng and Brother Hantan, one after another yellow balls of light aimed at Gu Zheng and Brother Hantan. fly away.

Even if the number is more than a hundred, the strength is only the dragon-headed lizards in the late stage of returning to the void. The attacks launched have no effect on the cold pool monks. The cold pool monks who have turned into dragons spit dragon breath at them.

The attack method of dragon's breath is rarely used by cold pool cultivators. The reason is that the enemies they usually encounter are more powerful. The less outstanding attack method like dragon's breath is not very effective in hurting the enemy, but it is different now. Yes, due to the relatively low strength of dragon-headed lizards, the effect of dragon breath on them is still very good.

Under the attack of the cold pool monk's dragon breath, a large number of dragon-headed lizards disintegrated as if they were blown apart by a hurricane. Although this undead creature can still attack even if it disintegrates, compared to when the body is not good, The power of the attacks they can launch in the disintegrated state is naturally greatly reduced.

Brother Hantan was attacking the dragon-headed lizards, and Gu Zheng was not idle here either. He had already activated the Immortal Extermination Art and compressed the flying light balls, and instantly fixed hundreds of dragon-headed lizards after hitting them. Then another spell was cast, and all those dragon-headed lizards that were immobilized were blown to ashes.

Most of the dragon-headed lizards were settled by the ancient dispute, and no new dragon-headed lizards appeared in the four tomb passages. As for the remaining ones, they were naturally handed over to the cold pool monks to deal with.

After the monks in the cold pool dealt with the remaining dragon-headed lizards, Gu Zheng had also completed his exploration of the current space.

Through this investigation, Gu Zheng learned more about the third floor of the tomb. Now he already knows that the third floor of the tomb is composed of four cross-shaped spaces, and each cross-shaped space can lead to The teleportation array on the next level is the kind that requires a key to activate. As for where the so-called key is, this is a headache for Gu Zheng. He can be sure that the key is in the treasure chest , but I'm not sure the key must be in the treasure chest of Shengmen!

For example, in the current cross-shaped space, the passage in the west represents the gate of life, and the other three passages, two of which represent difficulties, and the other represents danger. Because of going deep into the passage, Gu Zheng didn't know whether there were treasure chests in the other three passages.

Gu Zheng didn't want to waste time, he could only choose to go to the gate of life first, if he was lucky enough, he would be able to directly enter the next cross-shaped space, if not, he would turn back and go to the other passages.

There was no danger in the passage representing the gate of life, and Gu Zheng soon reached the bottom of the passage, where there was still a treasure chest and a teleportation array.

From the grooves on the teleportation array, Gu Zheng can see that the key that can activate the teleportation array this time is a bracelet.

Gu Zheng got a lot of bracelets from the previous treasure chests, but only five of them fit the size of the groove. His brows were slightly frowned, he failed to activate the teleportation array.

"Master, could it be that there are treasure chests in the passages we missed before, and the so-called keys are in those treasure chests?" Brother Hantan couldn't help but ask.

"Don't worry, there are no treasure chests in the passages that I have not taken you before. This is a fact that I know after I have reached a certain level of understanding of the structure of space." Gu Zheng's voice paused, and then continued: "It is precisely because of my understanding of the structure of space that I not only know that there is a treasure chest in the cross-shaped space on this floor, but also that this treasure chest is in the east passage that represents danger."

For the understanding of space structure, Gu Zheng can be said to be deepening every moment, and because of this, before stepping into the passage that represents the gate of life, although Gu Zheng still does not know the treasure chest in the cross-shaped space on this floor Specific information, but after coming to the bottom of the passageway of Shengmen, his understanding of the space structure has made him very clear that there is another treasure chest in this cross-shaped space, and the existence of this treasure chest in Which channel is also known clearly.

Taking monk Hantan back, Gu Zheng and the others soon came to the passage to the east. The danger waiting for Gu Zheng and them in that passage was a monster.

The strength of the monster is as early as the Golden Immortal, and it looks like a super-sized dragon-headed lizard. Its attack methods are not as simple as those of the previous small dragon-headed lizards. As soon as they saw Gu Zheng, they used two kinds of attacks at the same time. witchcraft.

The first kind of sorcery, the dragon-headed lizard spews out a dark wind, which seems to contain thousands of ghosts.

The second kind of magic technique, the dragon-headed lizard's body shakes rapidly, and every time it shakes, a small dragon-headed lizard whose strength is in the late stage of returning to the void will be born in the passage.

The dragon-headed lizard's sorcery attack seemed powerful, but Gu Zheng and the cold pool cultivator didn't take these methods seriously.

The cold pool monk transformed into a dragon rushed towards the dragon-headed lizard, shaking his head and tail, he would encounter all obstacles along the way, and beat them all to pieces. Even if there were still fish that slipped through the net and could come to Gu Zheng's side, his power was already It has dropped greatly, so how can it cause any harm to Gu Zheng.

Gu Zheng was not idle either. Although he didn't go too deep into the passage, his bird of divine sense was already in the depths of the passage, assisting the monks in the cold pool to attack the dragon-headed lizard. Moreover, although the dragon-headed lizard is in the early stage of the Golden Immortal, it is still very much restrained by the bird of the divine sense, so that it failed not long after the confrontation. , and the ink color rendered by the cold pool monks.

Facing the dragon tail thrown by the cold pool monk again, the dragon-headed lizard had to use its bottom-pressing method. If it couldn't dodge the dragon tail attack this time, then it would carry the cold pool monk's dragon tail on the spot. Breaking up, although falling apart is not fatal to an undead monster like it, but once falling apart, its strength will be seriously affected, and Hantan monks and Gu Zheng will definitely not give it a chance to reorganize, so falling apart is a big deal. To him it meant death.

The dragon-headed lizard's means of suppressing the bottom of the box is teleportation. Originally, it could escape the dragon tail attack of the monks of the cold pool through teleportation, but it is a pity that because it wanted to win the ancient battle before, it had already used teleportation once. The hole card, the consequence is that not only was Gu Zheng not taken down, but its hole card was exposed, so Gu Zheng, who was on guard against it, had already used the Immortal Extermination Art to seal the space and was unable to teleport When it succeeded, it was naturally blown away by the dragon tail of the cold pool monk, and disintegrated on the way.

Without giving the dragon-headed lizard any more chances, the cold pool monk who flew over directly grabbed its skull with its dragon claws. Under the activation of the black-colored rendering supernatural power, the dragon-headed lizard's skull instantly turned into a charred thing.

The head is the key. The dragon-headed lizard's head was destroyed, and the bones of the rest of its body turned black in an instant even if the monks of the cold pool did not specially activate black color rendering on them.

The cold pool monk stretched out his hand, and all the bones of the keel lizard turned into black particles, which were inhaled by him and transformed into energy that could enhance his strength.

Without the obstruction of the dragon-headed lizard, Gu Zheng successfully got the treasure box at the bottom of the passage, and found two bracelets that could be placed in the depression of the teleportation array.

Returning to the western channel again, Gu Zheng put the bracelet he just got into the depression of the teleportation array.

Putting the first bracelet in, there was no response to the teleportation array. Gu Zheng's reaction to this was very flat, while monk Hantan was somewhat nervous. If the last bracelet in Gu Zheng's hand could not activate the teleportation array , then this will be a very troublesome thing.

The bracelet looks like a string of golden beads. When Gu Zheng put the last bracelet into the depression of the teleportation array, the golden beads that make up the bracelet rolled up, and the originally bleak teleportation The fairy formation also became radiant.

Leading Brother Hantan to the teleportation array, Gu Zheng and his eyes alternated between light and dark, and they appeared in the cross-shaped space for the third time.

Just like the previous situation, Gu Zheng just showed up, and the monsters poured out from the four passages.

It's still the kind of monster that belongs to the skeleton class, but its body looks like a centipede, and its head looks like a dragon's head.

As soon as the dragon-headed centipede appeared, it immediately attacked Brother Hantan and Gu Zheng, and billowing black mist spewed out from their mouths. This black mist was not only highly poisonous, but also had an icy-cold attribute.

There are still more than one hundred dragon-headed centipedes, and their strength is equivalent to the peak of returning to the void. This makes Gu Zheng wonder whether the strength of the monsters they will encounter when entering the cross-shaped space for the last time has reached the golden level. In the early days of immortality, if this is really the case, then the situation will be very bad! After all, if there are only a few monsters in the early stage of Golden Immortal, they can still deal with them even if they spend a little bit of time, but if there are too many monsters in this realm, even if it is the fairyland that Gu Zheng uses, it is impossible to solve them all .

Although there was some worry in his heart, Gu Zheng and Brother Hantan's attacks on the dragon-headed centipedes did not stop for a moment.

Due to the current situation where he was still unable to move casually, Facing the poisonous mist attack launched by the dragon-headed centipede, the cold pool cultivator could only use the dragon's breath to blow away the poisonous mist.

Using dragon's breath to disperse the poison is only a way to treat the symptoms but not the root cause, but the mission of the monks in the cold pool is only to do this step. As for the elimination of the dragon-headed centipede, it is up to Gu Zheng to do it.

Gu Zheng had already activated the Immortal Extermination Art, and the poisonous mist sprayed out by the dragon-headed centipede had been compressed into a mist ball in the space between his palms.

Gu Zheng separated his palms, and the compressed fog ball flew out and exploded in the air, turning into streaks of mist and shooting at the dragon-headed centipedes.

Gu Zheng's Immortal Extinguishing Technique was tried and tested to deal with these little monsters. In the face of the mist flying towards them, the dragon-headed centipede simply did not dodge or avoid it. status.

Hundreds of dragon-headed centipedes were immobilized at the same time. They already had many pairs of legs, but after being immobilized, each of them became savage and distorted. The scene looked weird and spectacular.

Not in the mood to appreciate the masterpiece he had created, he performed another magic formula, causing hundreds of dragon-headed centipedes to explode at the same time. Moreover, this time the ancient battle fixed all the leading centipedes, so after the explosion, the cross-shaped space was completely quiet, and there was no need for the cold pool monks to do any aftermath work.

When dealing with the dragon-headed centipede, Gu Zheng had already completed the investigation of the current space with his divine sense, so he knew that there were two treasure chests in this space, one was at the gate of life, and the other was at the dead end.

Although it was a dead end, considering the current strength of monsters, Gu Zheng didn't think that a dead end could really put them to death, so he didn't want to miss the treasure chest over there. Moreover, in the upper space, there is a key to leave the current space in the treasure chest at the end of the dead end. Gu Zheng thinks that the space on this level should be like this.

The so-called train of thought showed its power after Gu Zheng and monk Hantan entered it. There are no monsters here, and some are just an illusion.

Gu Zheng is an expert in the way of illusion, and Brother Hantan is now a master of illusion, so this so-called dead end did not have much impact on them. After seeing through the illusion, they quickly got the treasure box at the bottom of the dead end.

In the box are still mortal gold and silver treasures, and one of the gold ingots is the key to officially open the teleportation array in this layer of space.

When Gu Zheng put the gold ingot in the depression on the teleportation array at the bottom of the Shengmen, the originally dim teleportation array became radiant, and Gu Zheng dragged the cold pool monks' eyes alternately, and they finally came to ten The last layer of the zigzag space, as long as they pass through this layer smoothly, they will be able to reach the bottom of the tomb. At that time, as long as they defeat the gatekeeper monster at the bottom of the tomb, they will be able to rescue the dignified woman and get blood from her. gold pendant.

Entering the last floor of the cross-shaped space, there are still many monsters pouring out of the passage.

In the first three floors of the cross-shaped space, all the monsters that Gu Zheng and the others encountered were dragon-headed skeleton monsters. This time, the monsters they encountered not only had dragon-head skeletons on their heads, but their torsos were also dragons! Moreover, the strength has indeed reached the stage of the early stage of Jinxian as imagined by Gu Zheng before.

Although the strength has reached the early stage of the Golden Immortal, the number of dragon bones and skeletons is not as large as the number of monsters in the previous three floors. The reason is that there are no dragon bones and skeletons gushing out of the eastern passage.

Why there are no keel skeletons coming out of the passage in the east is not a question that Gu Zheng should consider now, because those keel skeletons have already launched an attack on them.

Seventy or eighty keel skeletons attacked at the same time, and the dark cross-shaped space was completely illuminated by the light produced by the sorcery.

Although Gu Zheng's Extinguishing Immortal Art is powerful, there are too many keel bones and skeletons, and their simultaneous attacks cannot withstand even Gu Zheng's Exterminating Immortal Art. Faced with this situation, he can only use the Immortal Domain. Moreover, the number of keel skeletons that can be ingested in the fairyland is also limited. After all, the strength of these keel skeletons is already in the early stage of golden immortality. Thanks to the fact that what he ingested were only monsters with no spiritual intelligence, if he was a cultivator of the same level, he could only ingest more than twenty at a time.

Fifty keel skeletons were taken into the Immortal Domain by Gu Zheng at the same time. Since they are only in the early stage of today, Gu Zheng does not need to bless the energy of the Immortal Domain to the monk Hantan to destroy them. He can do it by his own means. .

It is precisely because Gu Zheng only needs one person to eliminate the keel bones and skeletons in the fairyland, so he did not include the cold pool monks in the fairyland, and the cold pool monks who are staying outside the fairyland at this moment, He has also started fighting with those keel skeletons.

There are only 20 or 30 keel skeletons left outside the fairyland. With the ability of the cold pool monk, Gu Zheng believes that he can last for a long time, so there is no need to worry about him.

There is no need to worry about the future, directly dispatching the ancient battle of the energy of the fairyland, oppressing the keel skeletons in the fairyland, the keel skeletons that were still attacking with teeth and claws, after being oppressed by the energy of the fairyland, lying on the ground can hardly move.

The roar of dragons kept ringing in the Immortal Realm, and one ice dragon after another kept colliding from the ground into the ground. Every time they rushed out of the ground, they could smash a keel skeleton, and when they went into the ground, they could crush another keel skeleton. The skeletons were crushed, and under the pressure of the energy of the ancient immortal domain, facing the impact of the ice dragon, those keel skeletons had no power to fight back at all, so they also have the realm of the early stage of the Golden Immortal, which can be compared with the real early stage of the Golden Immortal. For immortal cultivators, there is still a big gap between them as monsters. (end of this chapter)

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