There are quite a few skeleton monsters, about 50 or so, but their strength is almost all in the late stage of Void Return.

"Master, let me come!"

Brother Hantan spoke to Gu Zheng, and Gu Zheng nodded. He knew that Brother Hantan wanted to try the power of his illusion.

Facing the skeleton monsters rushing over, the cold pool cultivator's eyes became a little strange.

Just a change in the eyes, the illusion has been activated, and in the sight of the skeleton monsters, all the companions beside them have turned into the appearance of Gu Zheng and the cold pool monk.

A scuffle broke out, and the skeleton monsters frantically attacked their companions, and the passage became extremely chaotic for a while.

The scene of more than fifty skeleton monsters killing each other is very lively, and since these skeleton monsters are all undead, as long as their heads are not blown off, they can still attack even if they lose half of their body, the scene looks relatively Tragic.

Regarding the situation in the illusion, as a spellcaster, Brother Hantan can certainly see it. Although his illusion comprehension is related to the flower demons, his illusion is also different from the flower demons. Moreover, for the convenience of viewing, he also made the images seen by the skeleton monsters appear in the void for the convenience of Gu Zheng's viewing.

"let's start!"

After watching for a while, Gu Zheng spoke to the monk Hantan.


Brother Hantan certainly understands that Gu Zheng is telling him to start killing the skeleton monsters. After all, their time is very tight, and the method of letting the skeleton monsters kill each other through the illusion is relatively labor-saving, but it is really efficient in terms of efficiency. It's a little low.


The flicking dragon tail of the monk in the cold pool directly knocked away the skeleton monsters. These skeleton monsters were injured in the cannibalism with their companions, and now they were hit by the dragon tail of the monk in the cold pool. It fell apart and became bones! However, before falling apart and becoming bones, they have a temporary lucidity, that is because they were attacked and let them get rid of the illusion. This is also a law of illusion, but it is a pity that the moment when they regain their sobriety is also the moment when they die .

The cold pool monk hunted and killed the skeleton monsters very fast, no matter how his realm is there, he is the strength of the early stage of the Golden Immortal, but the strength of these skeleton monsters is only in the late stage of returning to the void, only the crushing of the realm, It was enough for him to easily settle these skeleton monsters.

Gu Zheng's speed of killing skeleton monsters is not slow. Although he is also strong in the late stage of returning to the void, he is basically invincible in the state of returning to the void in the late stage of returning to the void. He doesn't need to do it himself. Once the Dragon Art, Earth Dragon Art, and Golden Dragon Art are cast, these four dragons alone are enough to quickly reduce the number of skeleton monsters.

More than fifty skeleton monsters were quickly settled by Gu Zheng and Brother Hantan. After the two went on the road again, they did not encounter any more monsters.

However, it didn't take long for Gu Zheng and Brother Hantan to stop, and their brows were also frowning.

At the end of the passage is a huge space, and there is a huge stone gate in this space, and there is no other passage other than this. This is the situation that Gu Zheng had already discovered during his previous exploration of divine sense.

The reason why Gu Zheng and Brother Hantan frowned is that Gu Zheng had already discovered that there was a restriction on the stone gate when he used his divine sense to investigate before. This restriction is the kind that needs to be broken by brute force. It would be easy if you just use brute force to break it, but the key point is that the brute force required to break this stone gate is the mandatory Golden Immortal level, and at this level, the higher the level, the less effort it will take to break it, and the lower the level. Yes, it will be more laborious to break it!

That is to say, the realm of Gu Zheng is the late stage of returning to the void, even if his strength has exceeded this realm, his attack will have no effect on Shimen, because the restriction on Shimen is a compulsory realm rather than strength. Moreover, although Brother Hantan is in the realm of the Golden Immortal, his attack meets the needs of destroying the Shimen, but his realm is only in the early stage of the Golden Immortal, and breaking the Shimen will be slower due to the restrictions of the ban. According to Gu Zheng's estimation, It would take half an hour for monk Hantan to break through this stone gate alone.

Gu Zheng has been convinced that this so-called treasure is a tomb, and there must be many tomb passages in the tomb. Now the end of this tomb passage is such a strong stone gate. It is not ruled out that there will be such a stone gate at the end of the tomb passage in the future. Existence, if this is really the case, then just to break these stone gates, I don't know how much time Gu Zheng will waste.

Although I felt that Shimen was a bit weird, but I didn't find anything special about the ancient dispute, so the cold pool monks attacked Shimen.

Brother Hantan turned into Jackie Chan, and began to hit Shimen again and again, but facing the powerful impact of Brother Hantan, Shimen really remained motionless.

"Master, do you think it is possible to pass through this stone gate through escapism?"

After a while, Brother Hantan was also a little tired from the collision. After all, he is not the kind of person who relies on brute force to fight, not to mention the brute force attack on Shimen during this period. He is also very desperate, and it is also his The dragon's horns and head are relatively strong, otherwise, the dragon's horns have been broken, and the head has also been smashed.

"Keep hitting! If the stone gate can be passed through with escapism, how can I let you use brute force here?"

Gu Zheng gave Brother Hantan a white look, and the monk who dared not make a sound continued to hit the stone door.

There is no other way for the ancient struggle. There are various restrictions in the entire tomb passage. These restrictions have different functions and cannot be destroyed. It is impossible to pass here by tricks! For example, when I met those skeleton monsters before, if it wasn't for the restriction of escapism, then the earth dragon technique performed by Gu Zheng must have broken through the ground, or Gu Zheng directly used the ground trap technique plus ground burial The technique directly dealt with the more than fifty skeleton monsters.

But in fact, Gu Zheng didn't activate the burial technique and submersion technique at that time, and even the earth dragon technique he launched didn't have the effect of breaking through the ground, all because of the existence of the prohibition! The passage of the tomb cannot be destroyed, so the ancient battle cannot regulate the energy of the earth attribute. Even if the earth dragon technique is used, it can only consume one's own true earth spirit, and there will be no such scene as the earth dragon breaking out of the earth produce.

Brother Hantan continued to hit the stone gate, and under his tireless impact, the stone gate finally shook slightly. At this time, Gu Zheng raised his eyebrows suddenly, and he found a clue!

In the space at the end of this passage, there is a statue in a corner, and these four statues are all generals holding long swords and wearing armor. It's normal, not to mention that Gu Zheng had used his divine sense to investigate these four statues long ago, and found nothing unusual about them.

However, just when the monk in the cold pool knocked out a little movement from the stone gate, Gu Zheng discovered that there were also strange fluctuations on the four statues, but the fluctuations appeared suddenly and disappeared quickly. They just happened to be within the line of sight, so it was really hard to find the weird and weak fluctuations.

Gu Zheng already understood that the reason why the stone gate is so hard must be related to these four statues. If he knew the secret from the beginning, then destroying the statues and opening the stone gate must be much easier than smashing the dead gate now.

Gu Zheng sent a voice transmission to Brother Hantan and told him about it.

After hitting the stone gate for a long time, now that he knew the truth, the angry cold pool monk immediately ran towards a statue.


There was a loud noise, and the hardness of the statue was comparable to that of the stone gate, and compared to the hard stone gate, it also had a unique counterattack power. The head of the monk in the cold pool not only failed to smash it, but was crushed by it. Bounced back.

But it was precisely because of the impact of the cold pool monk that the four statues changed at the same time. They changed from the four statues to a silver-armored general in an instant.

The battle started in the space at the end of the tomb passage. Gu Zheng and Brother Hantan fought together with four silver-armored generals.

The four silver-armored generals are all at the early stage of Jinxian. Although they don't know much about magic, their own defense is strong enough, and their sword moves are relatively subtle, so they can hold on for a while.

For the time being, it can support it, but soon the four silver-armored generals can't support it anymore. After all, although they have the strength of the early stage of the Golden Immortal, the monks in the cold pool are not the ordinary early stage of the Golden Immortal, and the ancient battle is not the ordinary returning In the late stage of Xu, the black-colored supernatural powers of the monks in the cold pool can have a considerable impact on them, and the spiritual birds of Gu Zheng can also cause considerable damage to them.


With a soft sound, a silver-armored general who was taken care of most by the monks in the cold pool was completely turned into a black statue, and was accidentally touched by another silver-armored general, and scattered into black particles all over the ground.

The silver-armored general, who was mainly taken care of by the cold pool monks, has turned into black particles all over the place. As for the other three silver-armored generals, they have also appeared in different degrees of black color rendering. The resistance to the offensive has also become weaker and weaker.


There was another light sound, and the second silver-armored general scattered into black particles on the ground. The cold pool monk opened his mouth and inhaled, and the black particles entered his body, becoming the energy he needed to improve his cultivation, while the third one had been The ink color invaded the silver-armored general who had turned into a statue, and at this time also turned into scattered black particles under the touch of Gu Zheng.

The black particles turned into by the third silver-armored general had just been sucked into the belly of the cold pool monks, and the fourth silver-armored general collapsed like a sand sculpture, and with the death of the last silver-armored general, the originally closed stone gate It opened automatically, and the result made Gu Zheng and Brother Hantan dumbfounded. It turns out that the fastest way to open the stone gate is not to break it with force, but to directly destroy the statues of the four silver-armored generals!

After all, from attacking the statues of the four silver-armored generals to finishing them all, Gu Zheng and the others only took three minutes. , the time spent is close to a quarter of an hour.

It is said to be Shimen, but the feeling of passing through it seems to have passed through the teleportation array.

The vision in front of him alternated between light and dark, and Gu Zheng and Brother Hantan appeared in another space.

In front of him was a large square space, where Gu Zheng and Brother Hantan appeared in the center of this square space.

From east to west, north to south, on the four sides of the square space, there are a total of four passages, and in these four passages, all of them are lit with long lights.

Since the distance that the divine sense can explore here is very limited, Gu Zheng doesn't know what is going on at the bottom of these four passages.

"Master, is this a formation?" Brother Hantan asked.


Gu Zheng nodded, although the distance that the divine sense can detect is very limited, Gu Zheng can still detect whether this is a formation or not.

However, it is also due to the limited detection distance of the divine sense. Although he knows that this is a formation, as far as he is concerned, Gu Zheng only knows that this is a trapping and killing formation, but how to pass this formation is still a question for him. It needs to be gradually known with the exploration of the formation.

"Let's go!"

For the time being, the information that can be obtained through the investigation let Gu Zheng understand that Dongfang is the birthplace of this formation. As for whether there are any changes in the future, it can only be obtained after entering the passage of Dongfang and the expansion of the detection range of the divine sense. more information.

"Master, do I need to enter the Inner Magic Orb?"

Cultivator Hantan was weak in formations, and he was worried that he might make a wrong step, so he asked Gu Zheng just that.

"not needed for now."

It is precisely because this is the formation of trapping and killing, and the ultimate move will be triggered naturally, so there is no need for the monks of the cold pool to enter the heart magic orb.

Just like the passage they passed through when they first entered the treasure, after Gu Zheng and the others entered the Eastern passage, not long after, they encountered more than fifty skeleton monsters.

Looking at the appearance of those skeleton monsters rushing over with swords, guns, swords and halberds, if it weren't for Gu Zheng's firm will, they would definitely think that they had returned to the passage they had experienced before.

Since even the strength was the same as those skeleton monsters in the previous passage, it didn't take Gu Zheng and them too much time to deal with these fifty skeleton monsters.

After dealing with more than fifty skeleton monsters, Gu Zheng and Brother Hantan came to the end of the passage, where there is a teleportation array.

Standing on the teleportation array with monk Hantan, the teleportation array was activated immediately. Gu Zheng and his eyes alternated between light and dark, and they appeared in that square space again.


Brother Hantan rubbed his eyes, thinking that all this was just an illusion.

"This is not the formation space before."

Gu Zheng, who is good at the way of formation, understands that this space looks exactly the same as the previous space, but it is not the same.

Moreover, through investigation, Gu Zheng already knew that the previous space belonged to the trapping formation, and there was no danger of making a wrong step. The killing move would be automatically triggered when they passed by, and this place belonged to the real trapping formation. Shengmen is still in the east passage, but because of the trapped formation here, there is a danger of going the wrong way here. If someone who does not understand the formation method goes to the passage in the three directions of south, west, north and south, then all The result of the trigger is either a killer move, or being transported to the space that he experienced before.

Because of the trapped formation, as long as you go the right way, there is no such thing as a triggering of the ultimate move, unless it is the kind of ultimate move that cannot be avoided.

There is no ultimate move in this passage to the east, so Gu Zheng and Brother Hantan didn't see those skeleton monsters again. They just saw the teleportation fairy formation at the end of the passage, and a treasure chest beside the fairy formation.

The treasure chest was opened by Gu Zheng, and there were funerary objects such as gold, silver and jewelry in it. Although these mortal gold and silver treasures were useless to Gu Zheng, Gu Zheng still collected them into the Heart Demon Orb. After all, the special monsters in the space world sometimes ask Gu Zheng for some rare and weird items. Although these gold and silver treasures are of no use to Gu Zheng, they may be used by the special monsters.

Leading Brother Hantan up to the teleportation array, Gu Zheng and his eyes suddenly alternated between light and dark, and the two appeared in that square space again.

With the exploration of formations, Gu Zheng's understanding of formations has become more and more, so when he appeared in this square space for the third time, he was not surprised because he knew before that this square space , they had to enter as many as five times in total, and now it is only the third time they have entered.

Coming to this square space again, Gu Zheng frowned slightly. This was the third time he had entered this square space, and the door of life he got after exploring was still in the east.

As if the previous scene was repeated, Gu Zheng entered the east passage and walked all the way to the end without even meeting a single monster, and at the passage, there was still a treasure chest and a teleportation array.

Gu Zheng opened the treasure chest, and the gold, silver and jewels of the mortal world were still inside.

Although he knew it was impossible, Gu Zheng looked carefully at the gold and silver jewels, for fear of missing the blood-gold pendant, which was a must for the mission, but it turned out that it was impossible to find it in these ordinary treasure chests.

After opening the treasure chest, Gu Zheng led the monk Hantan to board the teleportation array again.

The vision in front of the eyes alternated between light and dark, Gu Zheng and monk Hantan reappeared in the square space, and there were still four passages on the east, west, north, south, and north sides.

Before entering the square space, Gu Zheng would not know which passage he was going to take next, but after entering the square space, he would soon understand where the Shengmen was.

Even though he knew it was possible, when he found out through investigation that the gate of life was still in the east, Gu Zheng still couldn't help but frown a little, feeling in his heart how much the person who arranged the array liked the east!

"Let's go!"

Gu Zheng led Brother Hantan to the Eastern Passage, but he stopped after a few steps, and a special feeling arose in his heart at this moment.

The special feeling pointed out the western passage to Gu Zheng, and Gu Zheng felt that it was that passage. If he didn't go there, he should regret it! (end of this chapter)

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