Now that an agreement has been made with the four-eyed bear demon, Gu Zheng also gave him the fairy flower dew in his hand.

After receiving the fairy dew from Gu Zheng, the four-eyed bear demon took a sip, and then began to divination for Gu Zheng.

I saw that the four-eyed bear demon waved his hand, and a big abacus appeared in his hand. He began to fiddle with the abacus beads crazily, and the shape of a hanging stone gradually appeared on his abacus, but on the hanging stone Surrounding him, there was a thick fog.

The four-eyed bear demon fiddled with the abacus beads faster and faster. He seemed to want to clear the fog, but unfortunately, instead of clearing the fog, it formed a monster's head, blocking the hanging stone. The head of that monster turned out to be the appearance of the Void Demon Lord.

"Unfortunately, the divination is over, and you have seen it. I did calculate what you wanted to find, but someone interfered with it, and I can't see any more information."

The four-eyed bear demon did not lie, he had tried his best on this matter, but Gu Zheng didn't know it.

"What do you mean by that? Could it be that after getting the fairy flower dew, you counted the air for me?" Gu Zheng frowned.

"I have already said in the agreement that I will try my best to do the divination for you, but if I didn't say the divination, there must be a result, right?" said the four-eyed bear demon.

"Then you are playing word games with me?" Gu Zheng asked again.

"I have already said that I will do my best. As the saying goes, I will use people's money to eliminate disasters, but someone interferes with it with great magic power. This is something I can't help!"

Hearing the four-eyed bear demon say these words again and again, Gu Zheng had no choice but to say that there was an agreement between the two, so the four-eyed bear demon must have done his best on this matter.

"Damn Lord of Nothingness!"

He never cursed fiercely in his heart, this guy is really abominable, he was given such a difficult task, and now he still interferes with the four-eyed bear demon's divination of the hanging stone, it is really extremely abominable.

However, Gu Zheng also misunderstood the Void Demon Lord. The Void Demon Lord did not interfere when the four-eyed bear demon took over. There was also an agreement between him and the Void Demon Lord. In the process of completing the task test, he cannot be stumbling, and the reason why there is such a situation where he is not disturbed temporarily is that the task that Gu Zheng received was originally like this.

"Since the result of the divination on the hanging stone is like this, what I want to ask is, will it still be the same after your divination?" Gu Zheng asked again.

"Aren't the things you want to divination all the things that guy wants you to find?"

Gu Zheng understood that the guy in the mouth of the four-eyed bear demon was the Void Lord, so he nodded.

"If it's still what that guy wants you to find, then the result of the divination will most likely be the same!" The four-eyed bear demon paused, and then continued: "However, I also said that it is most likely, then That is to say, under such circumstances, the possibility of divination still accounts for 10-20%. If you are willing to bet 10-20%, then it is still the same as before. You need to give me something that satisfies me. "

Zhou Zheng had no choice now, he would also bet on a 10 to 20 percent chance, so he took out another thing from the Heart Demon Orb, which was also packed in a bottle.

The bottle cap was opened by Gu Zheng, and the curious four-eyed bear demon once again showed a greedy look, and he loosened his nose again: "What is this thing, it smells so good, you are going to use it to come with me Make a deal?"

"This thing is called Golden Peach Blossom Honey Dew. I really want to use it to make a deal for you. How do you feel?"

The Golden Peach Blossom Honey Dew is what Gu Zheng obtained from the Wanguo Garden of Clam Jing. It is the nectar of the Golden Peach Blossom, which is considered to be at the same level as the medium-quality fairy fruit.

After seeing the four-eyed bear demon, Gu Zheng has already used one eye to observe his body, so Gu Zheng knows that it is very weak against things like nectar, which is why he wants fairy flower dew Because of this, Gu Zheng felt that the Golden Peach Blossom Honey Dew could impress him.

"Of course no problem, you can use it to make a deal with me, so what is it that you want to divination?"

The four-eyed bear demon smiled like a businessman who came to do business.

"I want to divine the whereabouts of the Hanmang dagger."

After Gu Zheng finished speaking, he initiated the conclusion of the agreement to the four-eyed bear demon.

"Okay, since you're still willing to believe me, then I'll do my best for you! After all, I'm also nicknamed a fortune teller, and what happened just now can be regarded as a loss of face for me. If I give you this time During the divination, that nasty guy still came out to make trouble, I will definitely make him look good!"

As if desperately trying to do it, the four-eyed bear demon drank all the fairy flower dew that Gu Zheng gave him before, and the golden peach blossom honey dew that Gu Zheng gave him this time, like drinking wine. The claws were also placed on the big abacus again.


The four-eyed bear demon began to fiddle with the abacus beads.

As the four-eyed bear demon fiddled with the big abacus, the air above the abacus seemed to wrinkle, and a cold dagger appeared on it.

However, just as the appearance of the cold dagger appeared, mist appeared again in the void above the abacus, and these mist gathered together again, which looked like it was about to form the head of the Void Demon Lord.

"Hey! Don't be crazy!"

The four-eyed bear demon yelled, and pushed a burst of energy towards the mist above the big abacus.

The scene is very strange, the space above the big abacus is like another world, the strong wind from the four-eyed bear demon entered that space with a strong sense of piercing.

Swept by the wind of the four-eyed bear demon, not only did the fog not dissipate, but it condensed into the appearance of the Void Demon Lord at a faster speed.


The condensed head of the Void Demon Lord let out a beast-like roar, and the strong wind that chased the four-eyed bear demon spewed in began to bite.

The four-eyed bear demon was screaming, and strong winds spewed out from its mouth one by one, pouring into that space, and the head of the Void Demon Lord in that space was also screaming strangely, regardless of the incoming wind blown in by the four-eyed bear demon. How many, anyway, he just kept chasing and biting, and could always crush the strong wind from the four-eyed bear demon to death.


At the same time, the Void Lord in the Void Space sneered.

"Want to fight with me in the air? You're a little tender!"

The Void Lord's smile is very shameless. Originally, he could no longer interfere with what Gu Zheng did, but in what he has already done, the four-eyed bear demon actually wanted to compete with him. So in this matter He can still fight the four-eyed bear demon.


In the end, the four-eyed bear demon was not inferior to the Void Demon Lord, and all the strong wind it blew into that space was wiped out by the Void Demon Lord's head, and he also spit out a mouthful of blood. The cold dagger that was not completely blocked by the head of the Void Demon Lord was completely blocked by the head of the Void Demon Lord, and this time the divination was over.

"I'm so pissed off, I'm so pissed off, that guy is too hateful, really too hateful!"

The four-eyed bear demon was going crazy, he jumped up and down and rolled all over the ground when he was so angry.

Originally, the second divination ended with no results. Gu Zheng's mood was a bit gloomy, but seeing the four-eyed bear demon like this, he couldn't say anything about the situation of the second divination.

"Can you still do divination?" Gu Zheng asked.

"What do you mean?" The four-eyed bear demon was a little displeased.

"I think you seem to have been injured, but if you can still divination, I would like to ask you to divination the third thing for me." Gu Zheng said.

"You still have a third thing that needs divination? Is it still related to that nasty guy just now?"

The four-eyed bear demon became interested, and there was even a gleam of hatred in his eyes.

"That's right, it still has something to do with that guy,"


Before Gu Zheng finished speaking, he was interrupted by the applause of the four-eyed bear demon. He originally wanted to ask the four-eyed bear demon whether the price he had to pay for this divination could be brewed by him. Fairy wine.

"As long as it's a divination about that nasty guy!"

The four-eyed bear demon sneered, his words seemed to be for Gu Zheng, but also for himself.

The four-eyed bear demon is not bragging, he is really called a fortune teller!

As the saying goes, the higher you stand, the harder you fall. The four-eyed bear demon was beaten in the face today, and his bear face was almost swollen. He tried to divination twice in a row but failed, and was even hindered by it The Lord of Nothingness was injured, which is a great shame to him! No, it should be said to be a lifelong shame!

The four-eyed bear demon wants to take revenge, but he has counted things related to the Void Demon Lord twice before, and the counted things cannot be repeated divination, so he thought that he would not be able to avenge this time, but Gu Zheng said He actually has one more thing, something related to the Void Demon Lord requires him to divination, how can the four-eyed bear demon not applaud, this is another chance for revenge, and he must firmly grasp this opportunity Catch it, he wants to slap the Void Demon Lord in the face, he must slap the Void Demon Lord's face swollen too.

"Now it's not your business alone, so your third divination, I don't want anything else from you, I need you to help me get another thing, only if I get that thing, I can temporarily relieve it." Open the seal in my body and use all my strength to divination for you, this time I will show you what's going on, I'll take care of that nasty guy!"

The four-eyed bear demon's voice was almost roaring, and the anger in his eyes was unmistakable, even igniting Gu Zheng, so that Gu Zheng almost shouted out a hello.

"You want me to help you get something?"

Gu Zheng was still cautious, he had to ask the four-eyed bear demon first, what exactly was that thing, and he wanted to see if he could get it for the four-eyed bear demon, anyway, his time was very tight.

"There was once a thief who stole the extremely precious elixir from me and drank that elixir. I want you to help me kill that thief and bring back its blood to me. , His blood contains the medicinal power of fairy dew, and that medicinal power can help temporarily release the seal in the body!"

When the little thief was mentioned, the four-eyed bear demon gritted his teeth.

Gu Zheng also hated the so-called little thieves, and there seemed to be a lot of little thieves in this space world. When he plundered the immortal energy, his immortal energy would be intercepted by the little thief, the scaled basilisk, and the hawthorn fairy fruit would be ripened. At that time, two of the hawthorn fairy fruits that had finally matured would be stolen by that little thief, the Three-Eyed Monkey Demon.

"Tell me about the little thief."

Gu Zheng spoke to the four-eyed bear demon, but the four-eyed bear demon blinked his eyes and directly transmitted a message to him, which contained the thief's appearance and where the thief was located.

"It turned out to be it!"

Seeing that Gu Zheng also gritted his teeth secretly, and Gu Zheng also gritted his teeth secretly, this is really a narrow road to the enemy, that damned little thief turned out to be the first little thing that happened when he was plundering the immortal essence after taking the holy fruit food repair episode.

When Gu Zheng was plundering the immortal fate before, there were two small episodes. The second small episode was that the scaled basilisk intercepted his immortal essence. The first small episode was that he came to Near him, there is a flying tiger monster that is sneaking up and trying to plot evil.

Since Gu Zheng was plundering the immortal essence at that time, the main body was not convenient to move, and the flying tiger monster could not only perform teleportation many times, but also move Qi, so it finally escaped from Gu Zheng's divine sense bird for a while. robbery.

Originally, the flying tiger monster fled away, but sometimes it was really a narrow road to the enemy. Now Gu Zheng actually got its information from the four-eyed bear demon, and it only takes Gu Zhengfei a meal from the abacus slope.

Gu Zheng set off, and he flew towards the direction where the flying tiger monster was.

The journey went smoothly, and Gu Zheng didn't even meet a single monster. After a meal, he saw a flying tiger monster lying lazily on the top of a mountain.

For the flying tiger monster, Gu Zheng already had a certain understanding, so when he got close to the flying tiger monster, he directly entered the invisible state.

Gu Zheng's stealth technique is better than that of the flying tiger monster. When he plunders the immortal essence, he can find the flying tiger monster in a stealth state, but he uses the stealth technique to approach the flying tiger monster. At that time, the flying tiger monster hadn't noticed the danger coming.

At a suitable distance, Gu Zheng directly used the characteristics of the Heart Demon Orb to move the fortress, and appeared next to the flying tiger monster, and hit it with a light and light extermination formula.

For the Feihu monster, everything happened too suddenly, it had no time to react, and it was hit by Gu Zheng's Immortal Extermination Art.

The non-painful attack made the flying tiger monster very angry. For it, such harassment behavior is undoubtedly like touching the tiger's buttocks. The person who hit it lightly turned out to be Gu Zheng, whom it had seen not long ago!

For Gu Zheng, the flying tiger monster is very jealous. His ass hurts when he sees Gu Zheng. After all, Gu Zheng almost chased him to the end of the road with only his spiritual thoughts. A piece of meat on his butt was broken down, and its tail happened to grow on that piece of meat, so now it is still without a tail, which makes him dare to be presumptuous in front of Gu Zheng.

Not daring to delay for a moment, the Feihu monster immediately used teleportation, temporarily opening the distance between Gu Zheng and Gu Zheng.

After finishing the first teleportation, the flying tiger monster looked back at Gu Zheng and saw that Gu Zheng was standing still. Although it couldn't figure out why, it didn't dare to die and immediately launched the second attack. The second teleportation, it just wants to stay far away from Gu Zheng, and it's best not to see Gu Zheng again in this life.

However, this time the teleportation, the flying tiger monster hit a wall, and it was forced to show up after only traveling a distance of two feet. This is of course because the Immortal Immortal Art imprint that Gu Zheng planted on him played a role , Gu Zheng temporarily blocked the space by using Miexian Jue.

The flying tiger monster was terrified and disbelieving. It activated its teleportation power again, but the result was worse than last time. It didn't travel into the space at all, and was knocked back by an invisible force.


Since it was useless to run away, the flying tiger monster jumped over the wall in a hurry, turned around and sprayed a beam of light at Gu Zheng.

Through the characteristics of the moving fortress of the heart magic orb, Gu Zheng, who escaped the light beam attack launched by the flying tiger monster, reappeared and played the magic of destroying immortals.

The Immortal Extermination Art this time is no longer a space blockade, it actually caused damage to the Feihu monster, and the Feihu monster only felt a pain in his chest, as if his chest had been hit hard by someone.

The flying tiger monster rushed towards Gu Zheng reluctantly, and a huge phantom of the white tiger rushed towards Gu Zheng with a terrifying momentum, but no matter whether it was the phantom of the white tiger or the ghost of the flying tiger that followed, All they know is the Heart Demon Orb.

The flying tiger demon is also short of breath, but it has not lost its mind like the snow lion demon, it has not yet swallowed the heart demon bead impulsively, it knows how much it weighs, and there is no food in its stomach. It is a space of its own, it doesn't dare to swallow a space fairy.

Through the characteristics of the moving fortress of the Heart Demon Orb, Gu Zheng, who reappeared, once again shot the Immortal Extermination Art to the flying tiger monster.

Being attacked by the Immortal Extermination Art twice in succession, the damage suffered by the flying tiger monster was not just as simple as hitting its chest with another hammer. Its chest exploded directly, even though the area of ​​the explosion was not counted. It was very large, and the depth did not hurt the heart, but it still made its chest bloody and bloody, making it in a state of serious injury.

It was not the opponent of Gu Zheng, and the flying tiger monster in the state of serious injury had no strength to fight against Gu Zheng, and was soon taken down by Gu Zheng.

Gu Zheng launched a soul-hunting campaign against the flying fox monster. After all, it is also a monster full of intelligence. Gu Zheng hopes to find information about the mission items in its memory.

But it is a pity that sometimes the greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment. Through the memory of the soul-searching flying tiger monster, he has a lot more understanding of this space world, but the information about the mission items, the memory of the flying tiger monster None at all.

Anyway, without wasting any time, Gu Zheng solved the flying tiger monster and obtained the blood needed by the four-eyed bear monster. Demon. (end of this chapter)

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