The words "time to turn" should be applied to monk Hantan, he is weak in illusion, and how powerful the illusion of the four flower demons is, this has been reflected in Gu Zheng, and now they are against monk Hantan again. Launched such an illusion.

It's just a less powerful illusion. Thinking it could have trapped the monks in the cold pool for two thousand years, now the illusion created by the four flower demons can't trap the monks in the cold pool to death?

However, the four flower demons are unlucky enough. Their illusions were invincible in the past. Anyway, illusions limited by realms are not too rare, and it is almost impossible for the Da Luo Jinxian realm to appear in this space world. , so those monsters who dared to challenge their authority were buried in Baitou Mountain without exception.

But there are exceptions to everything. The realm of Gu Zheng is not enough, but he has the abnormal resistance power subtly produced by long-term contact with the illusion crystal, so he can escape from the illusion of the flower demon.

As for Brother Hantan, he was quite a normal person before yesterday, but what happened in the mysterious realm yesterday planted a seed of illusion in his body, which is a very abnormal thing. When this abnormality collided with the phantom crystal cast by the flower demon, an extremely strange scene appeared.

"how so?"

"What's happening here?"

"Why did the illusion change?"

"Could it be, could it be that there are illusion seeds in his body?"

Launched an illusion attack on the cold pool monks, the four flower demons should have been happy, no matter how their crisis was temporarily relieved by the use of illusion, but the reality is that the four flower demons communicated with each other in their minds. screamed in horror!

Even though the illusion that the flower demon cast on them had no ability to interfere, they still knew what the illusion was like. The normal situation of their illusion should be that monk Hantan felt that he had rushed into the hall and faced him. The flower demons who have no ability to resist, he ravaged and destroyed them by various means, but the real situation is that when the flower demons used illusions on the monks in the cold pool, they completely lost what they should have for their illusions. That perception.

It would be fine if they just lost their perception of illusions, but what is even more frightening is that the flower demons can truly feel that a brand new environment is absorbing their demon power to maintain their own operations, and this kind of absorption is compulsory. There is nothing that can be done about it, and facing this powerless absorption, both humans and monsters will feel fear.

The situation of the monks in the cold pool is quite special. After all, such things as seeds rarely appear, and the illusions of the flower demons are also peculiar enough, so when the special collides with the strange, the current strange spark is produced.

Stimulated by the strange illusions of the flower demons, the seeds in the monk Hantan germinated.

The seed represents the Tao, and it has the supreme ability. It completely changed the illusion of the flower demon, and brought the cold pool monk back to the mysterious realm she experienced yesterday.

The foggy space was still in front of him. Even if he reappeared in this space, Brother Hantan still didn't know who he was, what kind of place it was, and why he appeared here.

Just when the monk in the cold pool was at a loss, there was a terrifying roar of beasts in the mist. This was yesterday's mysterious realm, which represented the first test of chance. At that time, the monk in the cold pool was occupied by fear. He dared to go to the direction where the roar of the beast came from to find out, so he missed the first opportunity.

By coincidence, Brother Hantan had a chance to start over again. This time, facing the terrifying beast roar, although he did not wake up because of it, his heart was no longer occupied by fear, and his heart was full of fear. Out of curiosity, he wanted to see what made the terrifying beast roar.

As Brother Hantan moved, the mist became thinner before his eyes. Brother Hantan found a figure as tall as a man. This figure looked like a combination of a man and a bird. He had no feathers on his body, and only A layer of short hair like a dog, his eyes are very sinister, he is looking at the cold pool monk with his head tilted.

In fact, monk Hantan is no stranger to this guy, and he even hates him to the bone. He is the short-haired birdman who plotted against Gu Zheng before, but after completing the test given by the short-haired birdman, he was rejected by Han Killed by monk Tan's ink-colored supernatural powers, it provided monk Hantan with part of the energy needed to improve his strength.

However, seeing such an enemy, Brother Hantan was not sober. His hatred for the short-haired bird man seemed to have dissipated with the fact that the short-haired bird man provided him with energy.

Last time in the Mysterious Realm, the first chance was the easiest to comprehend. As long as the cold pool cultivator was able to overcome the fear in his heart and come to the place where the terrifying sound came from, there was a 70% chance of it being able to comprehend.

The same is true for the mysterious realm this time, the first opportunity is the one that is the easiest to comprehend, for example, the short-haired birdman that the monks in the cold pool see now, the former monks in the cold pool hated him deeply, so we should not forget it The short-haired bird is right, if he has not forgotten the short-haired bird, then he will be sober at this moment, he will know who he is, and what he is here for, then he will be able to understand.

But it is a pity that Brother Hantan seems to be a little forgetful, and the short-haired bird man who represents the opportunity, tilted his head and looked at him for a while, then faded into mist and disappeared.

Regarding the disappearance of the short-haired birdman, Brother Hantan didn't have any special feelings, and he continued to walk aimlessly in the mist as he was still so confused.

The fog in front of him gradually dissipated, and monk Hantan once again saw the big tree that he saw in the first mysterious realm.

Different from the first mysterious realm, in the first mysterious realm, monk Hantan saw his son who died tragically on the big tree, so he remembered who he was, but was also moved by his emotions because of this. Manipulation, so he missed that second opportunity to comprehend.

However, because he had already missed the first chance to comprehend, when Brother Hantan faced the second chance to comprehend, even if he was not controlled by grief and anger, the possibility of his comprehending the chance has dropped to 50%.

This time in the mysterious realm, the tree is no longer hung on the tree with the tragic death of the monk Hantan, but instead Gu Zheng is sitting under the tree with a smile on his face.

Gu Zheng is the master of the cold pool monks, his life and death affect everything about the cold pool monks, he is also the most important person of the cold pool monks.

The moment he saw Gu Zheng, Brother Hantan was already sober. He first knew who he was and who Gu Zheng was in front of him.

It's a pity that the real Gu Zheng couldn't see the mysterious realm in the mysterious realm at this moment. If he could see it, he would definitely give Brother Hantan a burst of hatred.

Brother Hantan is really disappointing, because the phantom of the ancient struggle, which represents the second chance, is sitting under a tree at the moment cooking delicious food. After seeing Brother Hantan coming, he smiled and said to Brother Hantan: " Why did you come here now, the barbecue is almost cold!"

Hearing Gu Zheng's words, Brother Hantan suddenly forgot to think, his attention was already attracted by the fragrant barbecue, he quickly sat beside Gu Zheng, picked up the barbecue and started to roll.

The roasted meat in his mouth didn’t have the scent he imagined, it was like chewing wax. Just as the monk Hantan was shocked by Gu Zheng’s roasted meat, why didn’t he have the taste in his memory, he found that Gu Zheng’s smiling figure at him began to fade away. And finally turned into a cloud of mist on his face.

Brother Hantan was lost again, he once again forgot who he was, don't forget that he just encountered Gu Zheng, he stood up and continued to walk aimlessly.

In fact, it's not the cold pool monk's fault, who made the delicacies cooked by Gu Zheng have a fatal temptation for him. When Gu Zheng cooked delicious food, the saliva he swallowed could gather into a pool.

If you miss the second chance comprehension, the third chance comprehension will be even more difficult, the possibility is already less than 30%!

Once the cold pool cultivator misses the three opportunities to comprehend, then the seed in his heart will die, and he will fall into the illusion arranged by the flower demon again.

Representing the emergence of the third chance, there are four voices in the mist coming from four different directions.

A sound like a dragon's roar came from the east.

It sounded like a cry for help from the south.

There was a sound like blacksmithing coming from the north.

It sounded like a woman's painful voice came from the west.

Without any hesitation at all, Brother Hantan still made the same choice he made in the mysterious realm last time. He walked towards the west, and he wanted to save the suffering woman.

The big pool is steaming, and the water is covered with petals. The scene is the same as in the previous Mystic Realm, but the characters are different from the last time. In the last Mysterious Realm, the person lying in the water is a very uncomfortable This time in the mysterious realm, there are four happy women playing in the water, and they look like four flower demons.

"Come on, be merry!"

"Come down!"

"Don't stand around stupidly, play with us!"

"Aren't you tired with a dusty look? How comfortable is it to take a hot bath!"

The four happy flower demons are much more beautiful than the uncomfortable woman last time, and they are also much more irritating.

However, facing the four flower demons scratching their heads and making poses, the originally obsessed eyes of monk Hantan gradually became colder!

"Still doing this with me!"

Brother Hantan was furious. He didn't remember who he was, but he just felt that if he believed the women in front of him, he would be fooled for the third time! Although he didn't understand why he was fooled for the third time, it didn't affect his anger at all!

Brother Hantan jumped into the pool, but he didn't want to play to his heart's content, he used to destroy flowers with his hands and kill them!

The four flower demons were beheaded mercilessly by the monks in the cold pool. Yin Hong's blood changed the color of the water in the pool, and the whole world was shattered in front of the monks in the cold pool.

However, after the Mystic Realm was shattered, Brother Hantan did not return to the real gate of the main hall, because this time he successfully comprehended it in the Mystic Realm. Although this comprehension was not based on his waking state, he actually smashed Overwhelmed by the temptation of illusion and met the conditions for obtaining a chance.

At this moment, the monks in the cold pool are actually staying in the illusion of the flower demons, but that illusion no longer has the ability to create illusions. It is a quiet space, a place that the monks in the cold pool can quietly comprehend. space for things to absorb.

The four flower demons in the main hall vomited blood collectively. They had never felt so useless. It was obviously an illusion created by them together, but this illusion was changed. What is even more uncomfortable is that they still have nothing to do about it. The new illusion that can only be passive is regarded as a source of energy, and energy is drawn wantonly from them to maintain its own operation.

Brother Hantan had a realization, and the four flower demons who cast illusions on him were immediately punished. It felt as if the environment and benefits of their cast were all plundered, but when it was their turn to cast all the bad things, they were all thrown to him. they! The monks in the cold pool have realized in another environment, and they will be punished by backlash. After the monks in the cold pool really come out of the illusion, they will have to bear the backlash caused by their own broken illusion. What's even more annoying is, It's already so unlucky, they can't stop the continuous energy supply to the magic crystal, because the monks in the cold pool still need to stay in their illusion for a while, and they are forcibly providing the monks in the cold pool with a good The place of comprehension is really infuriating and infuriating.

At the same time, the situation on the side of the Snow Lion Demon is not optimistic. Although its strength has reached the late Golden Immortal stage, the wrong decision to push the Xia Xin Demon Orb before has already made him regret it.

The Shenlong Domain launched before Gu Zheng caused some damage to the Snow Lion Demon. After the Snow Lion Demon launched a strong acid attack and the pressure increased, Gu Zheng did indeed restrain himself for a while.

However, with the existence of the Heart Demon Orb, the strong acid attacks and increased pressure launched by the Snow Lion Demon could not cause him any harm at all, and these two attacks launched by the Snow Lion Demon were all unstoppable. Kind of, once it stops mobilizing, Gu Zheng will leave the Heart Demon Orb and attack it with Miexian Jue.

For the Snow Lion Demon, the Art of Destroying Immortals is actually more terrifying than the Divine Dragon Domain. Although the damage in the Divine Dragon Domain is sufficient, even though it can make it feel very painful, the damage in the Divine Dragon Domain cannot last for too long.

However, the Immortal Extinguishing Art is different. The Immortal Extinguishing Art was hit lightly by Gu Zheng on the stomach wall of the Snow Lion Demon. For the Snow Lion Demon, the Immortal Extermination Art, which was not very destructive, has undergone a qualitative change due to a quantitative change!

As long as the current Gu Zheng appears in the stomach of the Snow Lion Demon, the Immortal Extermination Art he has activated can cause a small-scale explosion in the stomach wall of the Snow Lion Demon, and this kind of explosion is about to destroy the stomach wall of the Snow Lion Demon. Blow through, which is already causing serious damage to it through involvement.

The Snow Lion Demon regretted it to death. If he hadn't swallowed the Heart Demon Orb into his stomach, then the current situation would definitely not have happened. If it had realized the horror of the Immortal Extermination Art earlier, it would have excreted the Heart Demon Orb from its body , there will be no such thing. However, its stomach pouch has been seriously injured now, and the Immortal Extinguishing Technique can seal off the space, even if he wants to expel the heart demon bead, he can't do it.

The Snow Lion Demon didn't expect to be forced to this point by a late-stage Void Return, and it was extremely angry and decided to burn everything.

The snow lion demon activated his desperately acquired supernatural power, which would completely petrify his body. It was originally a supernatural power that would only be activated when he needed to retreat and practice, but now it is used to deal with the ancient dispute. .

The advantage of the whole body petrification is that the Snow Lion Demon's body will become extremely hard, even if Gu Zheng uses the Immortal Extinguishing Art to bomb his body, it may not be able to explode its body.

The disadvantage is that the petrified snow lion demon is like sleeping to death. No matter what Gu Zheng does, it will not wake up, even if it is killed! Moreover, once Gu Zheng could break through his body and escape, he would be broken into pieces like a stone.

Of course, Gu Zheng soon discovered that the snow lion demon's whole body had turned into petrification.

Although the damage caused by the explosion of the Immortal Extinguishing Art was negligible, the ancient struggle continued unabated, attacking the stubborn stone cage formed by the stomach pouch of the snow lion demon.

At the same time, in the hall on the top of the mountain.


The four flower demons vomited blood again, and the illusion they jointly created was finally shattered. In their lifetime, they had never felt so relieved that the illusion was broken!

Indeed, for the four flower demons, it is indeed a relief that their proud illusion has been shattered at this time! After all, the existence of the illusion no longer has the meaning of trapping enemies. Its only meaning is to allow the four flower demons to continue to provide energy. It feels like a tumor growing on the four flower demons.

The illusion was broken, naturally because monk Hantan had already completed comprehension. This comprehension is of great significance to monk Hantan. Originally, he was weak in illusion, but he has already mastered part of the way of illusion. It is no longer so easy to trap him. Moreover, not only will he not be easily trapped by illusions, but he can also launch illusion attacks on the enemy. This is the opportunity he has gained this time.

Brother Hantan rushed towards the main hall. Having experienced the illusion, he already fully understood that the four flower demons were seriously injured at this moment, and he had to hurry up and deal with them. very worried.

The four flower demons were indeed seriously injured. At this time, the cold pool cultivator was already a formidable enemy for them. Faced with this situation, they could only activate the joint magical power of the four of them.

The four flower demons turned into four balls of light of different colors, and then collided together.

A new flower demon appeared, this flower demon was dressed in black, and her strength was the early stage of the Golden Immortal.

There is no way, the four flower demons are too seriously injured. In this case, it is not easy to create a body with the initial strength of Jinxian through fusion. If it is not the case, they don't have to I feel that Brother Hantan is a strong enemy.

Brother Hantan took the lead in attacking the flower demon. He made the fishbone that fell from the sky appear above the flower demon's head and followed her like a shadow.

Facing the general fishbone of the monk in the cold pool, the black-clothed flower demon waved his sleeves, and the resplendent and resplendent hall suddenly changed its appearance. The ground was covered with grass in an instant, and the walls of the palace were also covered with flower vines in an instant. The flowers were huge and magnificent. The flowers bloom wantonly on the flower vines.

The grass on the ground provides protection for the flower demon, and the flowers on the wall form a mental disturbance to the monks in the cold pool.

If it were the cold pool monk who was weak in illusion before, it would be difficult to resist mental interference, but now, the cold pool monk can be regarded as a master of illusion, and the impact of mental interference on him is not great .

The flower demon has already launched an attack on the cold pool monk. Although she has only one body, when she actually launched the attack, she has eight arms. Among her eight arms, each hand holds a Different weapons, they are either flowers, flower buds, flower leaves, flower stems, or flower seeds, anyway, they are all things related to flowers.

Don't look at the inconspicuous things the flower demon is holding, but each one has a different purpose.

The flowers and leaves were sacrificed by the flower demon, cutting around the cold pool monk like a sharp blade.

The flower seeds were sacrificed by the flower demon, and each of the small flower seeds became as huge as a ten-thousand-jin boulder, and they smashed towards the monk in the cold pool.

The flower stalk was waved by the flower demon, blowing the wind like a stick.

The flower bud was sacrificed by the flower demon, and it opened suddenly, as if it wanted to wrap the cold pool monk in it.

The flowers provide protection for the flower demon. When the attack of the cold pool monk falls on the flower demon, the flower will help the flower demon share the damage by withering its petals.

Generally speaking, the flower demon's attack method is gaudy, but its power is not small. If it wasn't for the cold pool cultivator's ability to avoid a lot of damage due to his atomized dragon body, he might not be the opponent of the flower demon. After all, the magic power of ink rendering that he is proud of is not very good for the damage that the flower demon can do. The toilet water that the flower demon can throw out in one hand has a good restraint ability against ink rendering.

The cold pool monk fought against the flower demon in the palace, and in the stomach of the snow lion demon, the ancient struggle who was exhausted from playing the immortal formula, finally returned to the heart magic bead.

The purpose of Gu Zheng coming to Mount Baitou was to get the Qianqiu flower soul, not to fight the snow lion demon to the end. The reason why he is not in a hurry to get angry now is because through the connection of the master-slave contract, he can sense Brother Hantan is very good, if the reaction that Brother Hantan gave him is not optimistic, then he must be very anxious.

"Even if Brother Hantan has nothing to do now, he probably doesn't have a few flower demons to settle things down. God knows what changes will happen if the time drags on!"

It is not unreasonable for Gu Zheng to conjecture like this. Although he is in the body of the Snow Lion Demon, since the stomach of the Snow Lion Demon does not have a space of its own, Gu Zheng still has some sensitivity to the outside world. If Brother Hantan has already dealt with it, so he will definitely come to attack the Snow Lion Demon, but the actual situation is that he has not, which only means that his troubles have not been resolved yet.

"What is a critical moment? It should be counted now! I have been trapped in this ghost place for so long, if I don't go out, the cold pool monks may really be in trouble!"

Gu Zheng was rubbing the jade pendant given to him by the old man in his hands. He didn't know whether it was really the so-called critical moment now, but he didn't want to wait any longer, he wanted to give it a try, and he was afraid of further delay There will be bad variables.

With a thought, Gu Zheng left the Heart Demon Orb and came to the stomach of the Snow Lion Demon. This place is no longer in a state of blood and flesh, it is like a cage of stubborn stones.

Gu Zheng crushed the jade pendant with his hands, which is the way to use the jade pendant's supernatural powers.

The crushed jade pendant turned into white mist, and changed into that old man's appearance in a very short time.

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