The joint attack of the shrimp soldiers was forced, and Gu Zheng immediately moved to the back wall of the side hall through teleportation.

He didn't intend to sneak attack the clam spirits, but he appeared at a distance between the clam spirits.

The clam spirit was taken aback, but still insisted: "Why, you dare not appear near me through teleportation, is it because you are afraid of being ambushed by me?"

"It's ridiculous. If I was afraid of your ambush, how could I have injured you through an ambush just now?"

There is a simple truth contained in the ancient sayings, and this truth is related to the way of space.

Between Gu Zheng and Clam Essence, it is natural that Gu Zheng has a better understanding and application of the way of space, and based on this premise, he can feel the fluctuations caused by the instant movement of Clam Essence, but the Clam Essence does not It is almost impossible to feel the fluctuations caused by his teleportation.

"You are really ridiculous, did your ambush just hurt me?"

When mentioning this matter, Clam Jing felt a little strange, he didn't understand that what Gu Zheng had done to him was an ambush, why he just hit him lightly without causing any harm to him at all! Moreover, Clam Essence has already completed a thorough inspection of his body, and he also did not discover that Gu Zheng's seemingly light-hearted tactic just now actually planted a hidden danger to his body.

However, now that the joint attack of the shrimp soldiers has been broken, he doesn't think he is the opponent of Gu Zheng, and he is ready to run away when he feels strange again.

"I won't tell you anymore, you'd better not let me see you again, if you let me see you again, then I will definitely kill you!"

Throwing this sentence viciously at Gu Zheng, the clam spirit who launched the teleportation again wanted to run away, but it is a pity that the situation he encountered in this teleportation was the same as that of the shrimp soldiers who teleported before Gu Zheng. As if blocked by their joint attack, the clam spirit who had hit a wall appeared from the state of teleportation, and his teleportation this time, the shuttle distance was only five meters.

"You, what did you plant in my body?"

The failure of teleportation made Clam Jing panic, and he stammered at Gu Zheng.

"Didn't you say that the flimsy tactic I hit you just now is not an ambush at all? Then let me tell you now, that flimsy tactic is indeed an ambush against you, and a guy like you, to deal with you All you need is that light and fluffy formula."

Gu Zheng is trying to anger the clam essence, the real situation is not so simple.

Immortal Extinguishing Jue is a general term for a series of Jue. Among these Jue, there is a type of Jue that is typed lightly, and this kind of Jue has a characteristic, that is, it is not easy to hit the enemy, but if hit If it hits the enemy, then it can play an extraordinary role in the caster's subsequent spell attacks.

Just like dealing with human-shaped monsters before, Gu Zheng used a seemingly flimsy Miexian Jue, and finally made the human-shaped monster explode. However, the ignorant clam spirit felt that Gu Zheng's slap in the face of him was of no use at all.

The fundamental reason why the Immortal Extinguishing Art can be called a fairy-level combat skill is that it is too powerful. For example, now, Gu Zheng can use the light Extinguishing Immortal Art on the Clam Essence to fight against the clam at critical moments. Essence produces the effect of space blockade, and Miexian Jue can produce such a strange effect, in fact, it has already been shown when Gu Zheng just got Miexian Jue, but in the later period, the enemies Gu Zheng encountered Either there is no way to hit this kind of light Miexian Jue on the body, or it can be solved without the market method of Miexian Jue. Jing's body can be regarded as another appearance.

Clam Jing was not convinced, he didn't believe that the shareholders could even use advanced space magic powers such as space blockade, so he launched teleportation again, but since he had already been imprinted by Gu Zheng, Gu Zheng just After hitting a magic spell, the imprint of Immortal Extermination Jue on his body took effect immediately, and the space blockade appeared again. This time, the clam essence only traveled a distance of three meters in the space.

"Go to hell with me!"

As the saying goes, a dog jumps over a wall in a hurry, and the clam spirit is a typical situation now. It is not an opponent of Gu Zheng to fight, and it cannot escape.

However, with the imprint of the Miexian Jue on her body, how can the clam spirit fight with Gu to the death!

Facing the blue light pearl of the mussel essence in Dazhou, Gu Zheng just went back to the heart demon pearl to hide for a while, and when he reappeared, he pushed the imprint of the immortal spell on the clam essence by means of magic spell.


The clam spirit is only the strength of the early stage of the Golden Immortal. There is a big gap in strength between him and the humanoid monsters in the early stage of the Golden Immortal. , so when he was attacked again, he was seriously injured as he vomited blood.

In the state of serious injury, the clam essence became a little difficult even to push the blue light pearl. As the situation ebbed and flowed, the ancient struggles to fight the celestial extermination formula became more frequent.

It was only an instant thing to play the five times of killing immortals, and the clam essence had already vomited blood and fell to the ground. Looking at Gu Zheng who was walking slowly, he even sacrificed the blue light pearl to fight back. When it's gone, I can only watch helplessly as the shareholder puts his hand on top of his head and starts searching for his soul.


At the end of the soul search for the clam essence, Gu Zheng couldn't help but say hello, and there are two reasons why he was better.

The first point: There are five quest items that Gu Zheng needs this time, one of which is called Qianqiu Flower Soul. As for this thing called Qianqiu Flower Soul, Gu Zheng doesn’t know where it is, but in Clam Essence’s In his memory, Gu Zheng got clues about Qianqiu Huahun.

The second point: Killing the clam spirit is equivalent to Gu Zheng getting the blue light pearl, one of the quest necessities, but this blue light pearl is not just as simple as the quest necessities, it is also a demon weapon, one that can activate inheritance magical powers The demon weapon.

In layman's terms, such things as demon weapons are the same as those of immortal cultivators, but the difference is that monster weapons can only be used by monsters, while the inheritance in the blue light pearl is an inheritance about illusion. , it can allow the inheritor to enter a mysterious realm. As for how many of the magic powers of the clam spirit's friends can be comprehended in that mysterious realm, it depends on the inheritor's own chance.

Gu Zheng saw that the benefits related to the blue light pearls were tailor-made for monks in the cold pool.

First of all, the body of the monk Hantan is a monster, and he can activate the monster energy of the blue light pearl.

Secondly, the illusion has always been a weakness of the cold pool cultivator. If he can use the benefit of the blue light pearl to realize the magic power of the clam spirit, then his original weakness may become his strength.

After finishing the soul search for the clam essence, Gu Zheng also took the quest necessities, the blue light pearl, from his body, and told the monk Hantan the information he obtained from his soul search.

After hearing what Gu Zheng said, monk Hantan was naturally very excited.

"Now go and deal with those shrimp soldiers first, and then accept the opportunity of the blue pearl in this palace!"

As long as all the shrimp soldiers outside are dealt with, the palace of the Clam Essence is considered a very safe place in the entire space world, allowing the cold pool monks to enter the mysterious realm here, and Gu Zheng is taking advantage of this time to absorb it The inner alchemy of the earth attribute can be regarded as killing two birds with one stone. Of course, time is the most important thing to do, and the ancient dispute will not waste too much time.

It wasn't too long since the shrimp soldiers and their joint attack formation exploded. When the cold pool monks came outside the side hall, the shrimp soldiers who were seriously injured by the explosion were still lying on the ground and did not get up.

To clean up these shrimp soldiers who only have the state of returning to the void, for the monks in the cold pool, mowing the grass is no different.

Although the strength of the shrimp soldiers is not high, there are hundreds of kidneys. If they are transformed into black particles through the magical power of black color rendering, they can provide some energy to improve the strength of the monks in the cold pool.

The monk Hantan began to transform the shrimp soldiers who had no resistance, while Gu Zheng stayed in the heart magic bead and began to absorb the inner alchemy of the earth attribute.

Because of the ability to absorb the earth attribute inner alchemy from the basilisk, Gu Zheng now obtains the energy of the earth attribute inner alchemy, which is a very simple matter.

The extremely hard inner alchemy was thrown into the mouth by Gu Zheng, it was like eating jelly beans, chewed and swallowed by Gu Zheng.

Under the display of supernatural powers, Gu Zheng's body surface was surrounded by a layer of earthy yellow light, and the earth-attribute inner alchemy powder that entered his body was transformed into warm energy in an instant, and flowed to the world under his guidance. His dantian.

There are a total of five luminous bodies in Gu Zheng's dantian, which are spherical in shape and emit white light. The largest one is Gu Zheng's Xianli Ball.

It looks like a drop of metal solution, but the luminous body exuding a murderous aura is Gu Zheng's real gold spirit.

It looks like a cluster of eternal small flames, it is the spirit of Gu Zheng's natal real fire.

The energy body that radiates cold light and switches between water droplets and ice cubes from time to time is Gu Zheng's natal true water spirit.

As for the thing that exudes a yellowish light and looks like a small pile of dust spinning endlessly, it is the source of Gu Zheng's natal real soil, and Gu Zheng absorbed the inner alchemy of these earthy monsters this time, He just wanted to turn the source of his natal real soil into the spirit of his natal real soil.

After Gu Zheng absorbed the energy that an inner alchemy of earth attribute could transform, he immediately threw another inner alchemy of earth attribute into his mouth, rejecting it like eating jelly beans, and absorbing an inner alchemy The time it takes for an earth attribute inner alchemy is only about one minute.

Gu Zheng is absorbing the inner alchemy of the earth attribute, while the monks of Hantan have turned hundreds of shrimp soldiers into things like coke.

These guests, who were rendered dead by ink, maintained different postures, and looked like a group of sculptures left by a master of art.

Complacently appreciating his masterpiece, the cold pool monk spewed out a mouthful of dragon's breath, and the shrimp soldier sculptures were all like sand sculptures, turning into black particles scattered all over the ground in the dragon's breath.

The cold pool monk opened his mouth and inhaled, and all the black particles on the ground entered his body, turning into the energy he needed to improve his cultivation.

After stroking his belly in satisfaction, the cold pool monk with the Heart Demon Orb began to fly out of the city.

Previously, the reason why Gu Zheng was able to enter the city without breaking open the city to protect the fairy formation was because he took advantage of the opportunity when shrimp soldiers were heading to the gate outside the city.

At that time, Gu Zheng thought that the shrimp soldiers went out of the city to collect the dew they needed to improve their cultivation!

After all, Gu Zheng would have such a cognition, and it was also information obtained from the memory of the humanoid monster.

But in reality, the shrimp soldiers went out of the city not just to collect dew, they went out of the city to go to a place called the magic pool, and they practiced alternately in shifts.

The Magic Pool is actually the birthplace of the Clam Essence. The only purpose of the cold pool monks going there is to use up the benefits of the blue light pearls there, because in the memory of the Clam Essence, Gu Zheng has already learned that if it is used in the Magic Pool With the benefits of the blue light pearl, it will be easier for the inheritors to comprehend the magical powers of illusion in the mysterious realm.

However, before going to the magic pool, the cold pool monks had to go to an orchard next to the magic pool, where the shrimp soldiers collected dew.

The dew collected by the shrimp soldiers is the honeydew from the golden peach blossoms in the orchard every morning.

According to Gu Zheng's judgment, the honeydew of golden peach blossoms should be an extremely rare ingredient, and it is even possible that fairy fruits can be found in that orchard.

The flying speed of the cold pool cultivator was not slow, and it didn't take long for it to come outside the orchard with the heart magic orb.

It can be seen that the clam spirit is a very sentimental monster. The orchard has a magnificent gate. The plaque on the gate is engraved with the three characters of "Wan Guoyuan", and there are characters similar to couplets at the bottom, which are not recognized by the cold pool monks. something to write.

In addition to the magnificent gate of the orchard, there are two shrimp soldiers standing at the gate, and a monster lying on the ground, which looks like a Pippi shrimp.

Through the soul search of the clam essence, Gu Zheng had already told the monk Tuohantan that the gatekeeper monster, which looked like a Pippi shrimp, was also as powerful as the early stage of the Golden Immortal.

The orchard is protected by a fairy array, and the fastest way to enter the orchard is through the main entrance, but there is a gatekeeper monster at the main entrance, and a battle with it is inevitable.

The cold pool monk with the heart magic orb descended from the sky, and the gatekeeper monster that was lying on the ground as if asleep immediately jumped up and took the initiative to attack the cold pool monk. Its waving forelimbs seemed to drag the cold pool monk out One after another, it can be seen from the fluctuations generated on the fist shadows that the fist shadows have good destructive power.

Brother Hantan didn't want to waste too much time with the gatekeeper monster. When the gatekeeper monster's fist shadow was about to hit him, he moved his mind into the heart magic orb, and then moved the fortress through the heart magic orb. characteristic, appeared beside the gatekeeper monster.

The huge dragon's tail flicked, and the cold pool cultivator's tail slammed on the gatekeeper's body fiercely. The gatekeeper's monster, which was originally small in size, was directly thrown out, making a sound similar to a dog barking.

The monsters I encountered before, because they were relatively powerful, the dragon tail attack of the monk in the cold pool was relatively ordinary, but the gatekeeper monster I encountered now, even though it also had the destructive power of the early stage of the Golden Immortal, it It can only be regarded as having just touched this threshold, so a dragon tail attack by the cold pool cultivator directly severely injured him, and the ink color implanted in its body with the dragon tail attack also rendered very fast.

The monster guarding the gate was shocked. The black color in its body gave it a very painful feeling, but it didn't give it a chance to continue barking. Through the characteristics of moving the fortress of the heart demon orb, the cold pool monk who appeared again was ruthless again. The dragon's tail lashed at its body, beating it until it vomited blood and died.

The gatekeeper monster was dead, and the black color rendered in its body had no power to resist, and it instantly turned its body into a sculpture as black as charcoal.

Brother Hantan blew a breath towards the sculpture of the gatekeeper monster, and the sculpture of the gatekeeper monster immediately turned into black particles all over the place. He opened his mouth to inhale the weight, which gave him the energy needed to improve his strength.

The two shrimp soldiers guarding the gate were already frightened. In their hearts, the guarding monster was a very powerful existence, but it was such a powerful existence that it was killed by the cold pool monk in an instant. Facing the cold pool monk This vicious guy, they have even forgotten to run away.

Brother Hantan did not feel sorry for the two shrimp soldiers guarding the gate. He patted the two shrimp soldiers into shrimp cakes with his dragon claws, and the ink color implanted in them was instantly rendered. The thirst for energy made him not let go of even two small shrimp soldiers.

There was no resistance at the door, and monk Hantan entered the Wanguo Garden swaggeringly.

Brother Hantan is not good at collecting ingredients, and it is often Gu Zheng who asks him to collect what.

Although absorbing the inner alchemy is crucial, it is not something that cannot be done. The ancient struggle for a fairy chef naturally maintains a long-lasting enthusiasm for collecting ingredients, especially in this ten thousand orchard It is very likely that there is a fairy fruit, and he naturally has to do it himself to pick it.

It has to be said that Clam Jing's Wanguoyuan really deserves the title of Wanguo. There are really 10,000 fruits of different colors and shapes here.

However, Gu Zheng discovered through the investigation of his spiritual thoughts that almost all the fruits here are fruits, and the quality of the cut ingredients is not high. There are only ten pieces that can meet the standard of his income from the Heart Demon Orb.

However, among the ten ingredients that could enter Gu Zheng's eyes, except for the medium-grade golden peach blossom honey dew, which can be regarded as a medium-grade fairy fruit, the remaining nine fruits have all reached the fairy fruit level! There are eight of them, and the grade of the fairy fruit is ordinary. As for the last one, the grade of the fairy fruit is excellent.

When cooking holy fruits and food repair, Guzheng used a total of seven fairy fruits including heaven, material and earth treasures. This is only a reserve that Gu Zheng has accumulated for a long time, and those fairy fruits are not all of high grade. The tall ones. Now during a trip to Wanguoyuan, Gu Zheng has harvested ten pieces of fairy fruits. Although most of them are only the lowest grade of fairy fruits, they can already be regarded as making a lot of money.

When Gu Zheng was collecting fairy fruits, monk Hantan ate and drank wildly in the Wanguo Garden. Although the things he ate were only ordinary fruits, fruits are really very rare in the four-way space. It's rare, if you don't eat it now, God knows when the next time you have such a chance.

After collecting the fairy fruits, Gu Zheng returned to the Heart Demon Orb to absorb the inner alchemy of the earth attribute, in order to turn the source of his natal real soil into the spirit of his natal real soil, while the monk Hantan wore his heart The magic bead flew towards the direction of the magic pool.

The magic pool is not far from Wanguoyuan. In less than a minute, the monk of the cold pool has already descended from the sky towards the magic pool.

The magic pool is a small pool, the area is about the size of a room, and the depth is only just over three feet. It exudes dense water mist, and the water quality is weak water that does not float.

The magic pool was originally a treasure pool for the shrimp soldiers to use in turn, so when the monk Hantan came over, there were four shrimp soldiers taking a bath in the magic pool.

The cold pool cultivator who descended from the sky pressed down his huge dragon claws, and performed a palm technique that descended from the sky, directly turning the four shrimp soldiers who were bathing below into shrimp soldiers.

After absorbing the four pieces of shrimp cakes that had been colored with ink, the cold pool monk sitting in the magic pool took out the blue light pearl.

With a thought, Brother Hantan used up the benefits of the blue light pearl, and he immediately fell into the mysterious realm.

In fact, before, Brother Hantan worriedly asked Gu Zheng whether he would be made things difficult by the Void Demon Lord when Gu Zheng submitted the task after using up the benefits of the blue light pearl.

Gu Zheng told Brother Hantan to rest assured that there was an agreement between it and the Void Lord, and he was very clear in his heart whether the benefits in the blue light pearl could be used.

In the misty and mysterious realm, monk Hantan had already forgotten who he was, and he didn't know what he was going to do in this place. He just walked through the mist cautiously.


The roar of the beast from the mist startled the cautious monk in the cold pool, and the frightened monk in the cold pool ran away.

Brother Hantan made a wrong choice. The benefits of blue light pearls can actually make people understand the illusion that clam spirits are good at, but monks in Hantan really have a shortcoming in illusion, and this shortcoming is similar to that of ancient times. If Zheng is good at making comparisons, it is that in this mysterious realm of illusion, even if Gu Zheng is afraid, he will choose to see what the roaring thing is, and the practice of the cold pool monk is He just wanted to escape, which made him miss the opportunity to comprehend illusion for the first time in this mysterious realm.

There are a total of three chances in this mysterious realm created by the buoyancy of the blue light pearl. No matter which chance is grasped, the monk in the cold pool can comprehend the illusion. Now he has missed one chance, and the next two chances will not I don't know if he can handle it.

Away from the direction where the roar of the beast came from, the fog in front of Brother Hantan became thicker and denser. Through the fog, he seemed to see a big tree in front of him, but because the fog was too thick, he couldn't see it vaguely.

This time, Brother Hantan did not escape, he walked towards the big tree, and as the distance continued to approach, he found that there seemed to be something hanging from the big tree.

There was indeed something hanging on the big tree, it was a chubby doll wearing a red bellyband, but the doll was already dead, and it looked very miserable with bleeding from its seven orifices.


After seeing the baby's appearance clearly, there was a bang in the head of the cold pool monk, and then he let out a heart-piercing roar.

The doll hanging on the tree is not someone else, he is the son of monk Hantan, who is like a crazy monk, after his son's body, he already knows who he is, but at this moment he has been completely controlled by grief and anger He didn't think about anything, he just wanted to put his son's body down.

With a wave of his hand, he cut off the rope that would not drag Brother Hantan's son's body. The grief-stricken Brother Hantan stretched out his hands to catch his son's body. (end of this chapter)

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