After the Xianyuan plunder was over, Gu Zheng naturally told the cold pool monk about the scaled basilisk.

After listening to what Gu Zheng said, monk Hantan was both angry and afraid and blamed himself. What was angry was that the damn scale snake pipe almost killed his master, and what was afraid was that the situation of Gu Zheng was really serious at the most dangerous time. He is not optimistic, and he blames himself for not knowing anything about it!

Knowing that after telling these things to Brother Hantan, Brother Hantan would definitely blame himself, so Gu Zheng called him to continue on the road without waiting for him to say anything.

Having been by Gu Zheng's side for a long time, Brother Hantan also knew that Gu Zheng didn't want to hear his self-blaming words.

Although Brother Hantan did not say those words of self-blame, he did not say less in his heart. He asked himself over and over again why he was so careless. Gu Zheng fell into such a dangerous situation, and he had nothing You know, if he had paid more attention at that time and paid more attention to the movement of Gu Zheng's divine sense, then this kind of thing could have been completely avoided. After all, the scaled basilisks at that time were in a state of being unable to make any big moves, if they arrived when Gu Zheng was trapped, they could easily settle the Lin family's monsters.

"Master, let's go to the scaled basilisk!"

Following behind Gu Zheng, Brother Hantan still couldn't help but speak.

"Do you want to do something to the corpse of the scaled basilisk?" Gu Zheng laughed.

"Yes, even if it is already dead, it has no value for transformation, and I don't want to let go of its corpse. It almost killed my master. Even if it is dead, I will crush him to ashes!" Han Brother Tan said bitterly.

Amused by the appearance of the monk in the cold pool, Gu Zheng nodded without saying anything, and flew towards the corpse of the scaled basilisk with the monk in the cold pool.

In fact, Gu Zheng knew that when the monk in the cold pool heard about the scaled basilisk, he would definitely hold back a burst of anger in his heart. The corpse was brought back directly, but it was a pity that it was his divine sense that was there at that time, not his body, and bringing back the body of the scaled basilisk was not something that divine sense could do.

Arriving at the location where the Scaled Basilisk's corpse was, the cold pool cultivator immediately retaliated against the Scaled Basilisk's corpse. He turned the Scaled Basilisk's corpse into a coke-like thing with black-colored supernatural powers, and then sprayed out With a breath of the dragon, the body of the scaled basilisk turned into fly ash and disappeared between the sky and the earth.

After defeating the scaled basilisk, the pent-up anger in the monk's heart disappeared completely. He looked at Gu Zheng and said, "Master, do you want to find a place to absorb those earth attribute inner alchemy first?" gone?"

"No, let's go to the Ruoshui River to find the clam essence first, and see if it hides blue light pearls in its shell." Gu Zheng paused, and then said: "This one that absorbs the inner alchemy of the earth attribute This matter is not urgent, no matter how you want to upgrade the source of the true soil to the spirit of the true soil, it will take half a day to absorb the inner alchemy alone, and even if the source of the true soil is promoted to the spirit of the true soil Spirit and earth-type immortal arts may not be available in battle, not to mention time is pressing. It has been more than half a day since accepting the mission, and we have to return one of the five items required for the mission. I didn’t get any of them, if it’s not something particularly necessary, it’s better not to waste time.”

Hearing what Gu Zheng said, Brother Hantan nodded, and the two who continued on the road flew in the direction of the Ruoshui River.

Weak water is known as goose feathers but not floating, and it can be regarded as a very peculiar kind of water. Gu Zheng took the cold pool monks to fly for half an hour, and finally came to a place not far from the destination.

The water in the Ruoshui River is not stagnant water, it is like a big river as it rushes on and on. Standing by the Ruoshui River, Gu Zheng is waiting, he is waiting for a chance to find the clam spirit.

From the memory of the human-shaped monster, Gu Zheng learned that the clam spirit is also a monster with spiritual intelligence, and his strength is the early stage of Jinxian, and it lives in a city in the Ruoshui River.

Ruoshui River is easy to find, but it is not easy to find the city hidden in Ruoshui River.

According to what Gu Zheng saw from the memory of the human-shaped monster, what he deduced is that the so-called city is actually in another space, but this space is derived from Ruoshuihe as the mother space. Subspace, so if you just enter the real weak water river, it is impossible to see the city.

How to enter the subspace of Ruoshuihe, Gu Zheng has seen the method from the memory of the humanoid monster.

That is to say, near the position where Gu Zheng is standing now, three huge eddies will appear on the surface of the Ruoshui River every hour. In the subspace of the river.

As for how to leave the subspace of Ruoshuihe, the method is very similar to entering the subspace of Ruoshuihe. In the center of the city in the subspace of Ruoshuihe, three vortices will appear every hour. As long as Gu Zheng passes through the vortex with the smallest rotation force, he can appear on the surface of Ruoshui River.

Speaking of the city in Ruoshuihezi space, I have to mention the situation in that city. There is not only one monster, the clam spirit, but hundreds of monsters living there, and the clam spirit is The king of these monsters.

Hundreds of monsters are lobster spirits. Although the strength of these lobster spirits is only in the Void Return realm, they can launch a combined attack, and their power is not even underestimated by the middle-term Jinxian.

As for those things in the Ruoshuihe subspace, Gu Zheng certainly learned about it through searching for the humanoid monster, and the reason why the humanoid monster knew it so clearly was that he followed a monster that was later killed by him to the In the subspace of Ruoshuihe, he made a deal with clam spirits.

In Gu Zheng's view, the memory of a humanoid monster is definitely a treasure, but it is a pity that the humanoid monster has the power to resist soul searching, so that when he suffered from Gu Zheng's soul harvesting, most of his memories were resisted The power to collect souls was destroyed, otherwise Gu Zheng felt that he would be able to understand a lot more about this space world just from his memory.

However, Gu Zheng has already decided that he will find compensation from the clam spirit for the regrets left to him by the humanoid monster. At that time, no matter whether there is a blue light pearl in the clam spirit, he will search for the soul of the clam spirit in order to be able to get rid of it. From there, he can gain more understanding of this space world.

Standing beside Gu Zheng and waiting for the vortex to appear, monk Hantan couldn't help feeling a little nervous.

If he wants to head-to-head with monsters, Brother Hantan will definitely not hesitate, but he really doesn't want to meet monsters that can cast illusions, because he is really weak in this respect, and monsters like clam spirits are usually the most powerful. What he is good at is illusion.

Illusion is the shortcoming of monk Hantan. In order to avoid unnecessary troubles, Gu Zheng has already included monk Hantan in the Heart Demon Orb. If there is a chance for him to play, Gu Zheng will release him at that time.

Half an hour passed quickly, and during this half hour, nothing happened.

Three vortices appeared on the Ruo Shui River, which was originally running endlessly. The process of these three eddies from small to large was very fast. Almost in the blink of an eye, they had already grown from their initial size to a diameter of two Ten feet of super large vortex.

The rotation strength of the three super vortexes looks the same, but they are actually slightly different. When he sees which vortex has the strongest rotation strength, Gu Zheng flies towards the vortex and casts the stealth technique.

Due to his experience in searching for souls from human-shaped monsters, Gu Zheng knew that after entering the vortex, the place where he would reappear would be outside the city wall of the Ruoshuihe subspace, and on the city wall of the Ruoshuihe subspace, There are some shrimp soldiers. If they cast the stealth technique before entering the subspace, it is very likely that he will be exposed as soon as he enters that space.

After plunged into the vortex, apart from feeling a strong suction force, Gu Zheng's vision also alternated light and dark.

Gu Zheng has entered the subspace in the Ruoshui River, and the place where he appeared is the same as what he saw in the memory of the humanoid monster. There is a city in front of it, and it is not far from the city gate.

Just like a human city, the city in front of Gu Zheng looks very magnificent, it is very tall made of bluestone, although the city gate is closed, there are still soldiers patrolling back and forth on the city wall.

Shrimp soldiers are only a little higher than the beast's spiritual intelligence, and their patrolling is only the task assigned to them by the clam spirit. However, from the memory of humanoid monsters, these shrimp soldiers have very keen senses, otherwise the clam spirit would not have arranged such a job for them.

Since Gu Zheng entered the subspace by using his stealth technique, he didn't disturb the shrimp soldiers on the city wall.

Gu Zheng in the invisible state used his spiritual thoughts to investigate the city. He didn't get any memory from the humanoid monster. After all, the humanoid monster was the guest of the clam spirit, and the clam spirit naturally gave it an attitude of letting go. Even if there were any arrangements, they were not shown at that time, but Gu Zheng's identity was different. He was an intruder, and the city was still in an unopened state. There must be arrangements here.

Through the investigation of divine sense, Gu Zheng soon discovered that there is indeed a guardian fairy formation in this city, and the strength of this guardian fairy formation is not low, and it is not something that can be done in a short while to break it.

Now there is a choice in front of Gu Zheng, that is, there are two ways to enter the city, one is to head-on and break the defensive fairy array to enter the city, and the other is to wait.

Given the choice between the two, Gu Zheng chose the latter because the former was a bit unwise.

After all, the fairy formation protecting the city cannot be destroyed in a short while, and as long as he attacks the fairy formation protecting the city, he must be exposed. The clam spirits and those shrimp soldiers in the city will definitely do something about it Then things will get complicated.

The reason why he chooses to wait is because, in the memory of the humanoid monster, Gu Zheng knows that these shrimp soldiers have to go to a place outside the city every day to collect some of the dew they need for daily practice. Gu Zheng can take advantage of the time when they go out to collect dew Mixed into the city.

Xia Bing goes outside the city to collect dew. This time is fixed every day, and Gu Zheng won't wait for a long time. He only needs to wait patiently for half an hour.

Half an hour passed quickly, and nothing special happened during this period. The originally closed city gate was slowly opened, and some shrimp soldiers were going out of the city to collect the dew they needed for their cultivation.

Gu Zheng took advantage of the opening of the city gate and slipped into the city.

Gu Zheng, who slipped into the city, walked directly towards the palace in the city. Through the memory of the human form, he knew that the clam essence was in the palace in the city.

I met some patrolling shrimp soldiers along the way, but none of them found Gu Zheng, and Gu Zheng went into the palace smoothly.

It seems that a banquet or other activities are being held in the palace, and the defense is not very strict. Gu Zheng was easily in a side hall, and saw the clam spirit enjoying singing and dancing.

The clam spirit is a humanoid monster, he looks like a man with a face like a jade crown, the only difference is that his original two clam shells have shrunk behind him, turning into one The object is something like half a wing.

It is said that it is enjoying singing and dancing, but the clam spirit on the couch is in a state of taking a nap with its eyes closed.

Gu Zheng was already very close to the clam essence, but the clam essence still didn't notice it, and Gu Zheng who suddenly appeared at the clam essence slashed the immortal tactic.

Feeling lightly on the body of the clam essence, the clam essence awakened from the state of a nap, but it was too late for Gu Zheng, as long as he won Gu Zheng's extermination formula, as long as his strength did not reach In the later stage of Jinxian, he will definitely be taken down by Gu Zheng, and it won't take long.

There was also chaos in the partial electricity, the clam spirit was fighting with Gu Zheng, as for the female monsters who were singing and dancing, they had already escaped from the partial hall while they were fighting.

It's chaotic outside, there are already shrimp soldiers coming here, knowing that these shrimp soldiers are good at the powerful combined attack technique, Gu Zheng has already released the cold pool monk from the heart magic orb, he just needs the cold pool monk to buy him some time , able to take down the stubbornly resisting clam essence.

The monks in the cold pool temporarily blocked the shrimp soldiers who came to the rescue. After experiencing a little bit of twists and turns, Gu Zheng finally took down the clam essence and broke the protection of the law on the surface of the clam essence. , and the cold pool monks were all brought into the Heart Demon Orb.

Going back to the Heart Demon Orb, Gu Zheng has nothing to worry about. No matter how powerful those shrimp soldiers' joint attacks are, they can't possibly cause any damage to the Heart Demon Orb. In the next time, Gu Zheng You can slowly search for the soul of the clam essence, and you can also carefully check whether there is a blue light pearl in his body that is necessary for the mission.

Just when Gu Zheng put his hand on the clam spirit's head, and was about to start to collect his soul, Gu Zheng's heart suddenly moved, and a question arose spontaneously, did all this go too smoothly?

When he had this kind of self-question in his heart, Gu Zheng woke up instantly. The clam spirit itself is a kind of monster who is good at illusion, but everything he has experienced now is not only too smooth, even when he took down the clam spirit just now, the clam spirit did not. Launched an illusion attack that he is very good at.

Cold sweat broke out in his heart, Gu Zheng was convinced that everything he saw before him was an illusion. As for when he fell into the illusion, he thought it should be when he entered the city!

Closing and opening his eyes, Gu Zheng saw through the illusion, and there was a look of shock in his eyes. The experience just now made him feel terrified! Because during the time when he fell into the magic crystal, his stealth technique had automatically ended, it was in an exposed state, and before entering the subspace, Gu Zheng had explained to the cold pool monk that if he saw If there was anything wrong with him, he asked Brother Hantan to wake him up quickly, but just now, he appeared from an invisible state in this dangerous city, and Brother Hantan didn't call him. A terrible thing! However, Gu Zheng believed that Hantan called him because of the method of clam essence, even if the monk Hantan called him at that time, he couldn't hear him at all!

"Master, master!"

Sure enough, Gu Zheng had just seen through the illusion, and the voice of the monk Hantan, who was so anxious that he was about to cry, came to his ears from the Heart Demon Orb.

Gu Zheng felt that it was a bit of a mistake. If he had delegated the power of the Heart Demon Orb to the cold pool cultivator before, maybe he would have spent less time falling into illusions, but he couldn't do that. His strength was insufficient, and the Heart Demon Orb was his reliance. If the Heart Demon Orb is delegated to the cold pool monks, although it can avoid the danger of falling into the illusion for a long time, if there are other dangers, the cold pool monks may not be able to respond immediately.

He was afraid of returning later, but what made Gu Zheng curious was that Peng Mingming had already launched an illusion attack on him, why didn't he call his subordinates and arrange a joint attack while he was in the illusion? Could it be that the reason is that he is too confident in his own abilities?

Gu Zheng's guess was not wrong, the clam spirit had indeed discovered him when she entered the city, so she cast an illusion on him.

For his illusion, Clam Jing is quite confident. He has learned a little more about Gu Zheng through illusion. He knows that all the methods used in Gu Zheng's illusion are the means that Gu Zheng itself possesses, and he also knows Liao Guzheng has such a treasure as the Heart Magic Bead on him, and he also has such a subordinate as the monk Hantan.

If Gu Zheng really searched for the clam spirits in the illusion, then the memories of the clam spirits he found were all fake, and in the process of his search for the souls of the clam spirits, the clam spirits were actually A process of anti-hunting, at that time he will have no secrets in front of the clam spirit.

But fortunately, due to experiencing too many illusions, Gu Zheng's instincts have already developed a good resistance to illusions. It is that kind of resistance that made him doubt at the critical moment, so he saw through the illusion of the clam essence , did not let the clam essence see too many of her hole cards, otherwise the clam essence would definitely run away.

It is precisely because the clam spirit is overconfident in his own illusions that when he trapped Gu Zheng with illusions, he did not notify his subordinates to deal with Gu Zheng. That kind of behavior seemed a bit disdainful to him, but it was also his This kind of disdain made him miss the opportunity to kill Gu Zheng!

After all, before seeing through the illusion and being deeply involved in the ancient battle of illusion, it can be said that there is no resistance to the combined attack technique launched by the shrimp soldiers. Mid-Golden Immortal! At that time, the only monk in the cold pool who was able to wake him up from the illusion couldn't wake him up at all. Under the influence of the clam spirit's powerful illusion, Gu Zheng couldn't hear the sound of the monk in the cold pool.

The first confrontation between Gu Zheng and Clam Essence was invisible, but in this confrontation, the one who suffered on the surface was Gu Zheng, but the one who actually suffered was Clam Essence.

Gu Zheng didn't suffer any harm in the environment just now, and his only loss was just to let the clam spirit know some of his not-so-critical hole cards.

Compared with Gu Zheng, the loss of Clam Essence was a bit heavy, and he missed an opportunity to kill Gu Zheng! After all, although illusion is only one of the clam spirit's many supernatural powers, it is the only one that has the potential to kill Gu Zheng, and the magical power of illusion is basically only effective when it is used for the first time. But he, who was supposed to use this supernatural power to solve Gu Zheng, didn't seize this opportunity.

Gu Zheng is an expert in the way of illusion, if not for this, it is impossible for him to get out of the clam spirit's illusion in such a short time just now, it is precisely because he is an expert in the way of illusion, so he knows that even if No matter how powerful the illusion is, it is impossible to have any effect on a person who has just seen through the illusion in a short period of time, so he must seize this opportunity and quickly get rid of the clam essence.

Gu Zheng rushed towards the side hall where the clam essence was. The reason why he was sure that the clam essence was in that side hall was because he had obtained the energy mechanism of the clam essence as early as in the memory of the humanoid monster. He has already locked the energy mechanism of the clam essence.

It is precisely because he is an expert in illusion, Gu Zheng understands that with the help of the illusion he experienced just now, the clam spirit already has some understanding of him, so he does not understand that the clam spirit already knows that he has supernatural powers such as the magic trick to destroy immortals. , and there is such a treasure as the Heart Demon Orb, why are you still staying in the side hall at this moment! Isn't it the most appropriate reaction for him to either run away or come out to fight? And he didn't run away, and he didn't come out to fight head-on, so the feeling that this gave Gu Zheng was a kind of excessive calm, or there were other arrangements waiting for Gu Zheng.

With the previous experience of suffering, coupled with the current calmness of the clam essence, Gu Zheng gave the control of the Heart Demon Orb to Brother Hantan as soon as he thought about it. Well, if he can take the clam essence through the supernatural powers of the celestial domain, then it is useless for him to keep the control of the heart magic bead. Maybe it was a good move.

Clam Essence is indeed prepared, he is not stupid at all with spiritual wisdom, not to mention Gu Zheng's other supernatural powers, Gu Zheng's extermination of immortals shown in the illusion alone is enough to shock him! After all, he in the illusion was captured by Gu Zheng's Immortal Extermination Art. He also fully believed that Gu Zheng, a guy whose realm had not yet reached the golden thread level, could not use his realm to judge his true strength, let alone What's more, among the treasures, Gu Zheng still has a subordinate who is strong in the early stage of Jinxian, so if he doesn't use some powerful methods, he may really have no chance to kill Gu Zheng.

Gu Zheng was thinking of activating the supernatural powers of the celestial realm as soon as he saw the clam essence, but what he didn't expect was that before he activated the celestial realm, the celestial realm of the clam essence had already appeared one step ahead, and he only felt that his vision was bright and dark. Alternately, the illusion has changed from outside the gate of the side hall to a sea area of ​​thousands of miles of blue waves.

"I have to say that you are very strong, your realm does not represent your strength at all! But, no matter how strong you are, you will die here."

After taking Gu Zheng into the Immortal Realm, the Clam Essence will not panic anymore. After all, in his own Immortal Realm, he is also a ruler-like existence. Even if Gu Zheng releases the cold pool monks, he will not take it seriously. . (end of this chapter)

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