Because losing its tail would cause serious injuries, the flying tiger monster that was suffering from pain did not have such a strong sense of sensitivity at that moment.

The characteristics of the moving fortress of the Heart Demon Orb also produces spatial fluctuations, but this spatial fluctuation is smaller than that produced by Gu Zheng's instantaneous movement. He didn't realize it, which caused the monk Hantan's dragon tail to slam it heavily, and directly sent it flying.

Originally, I wanted to kill the entrant, but I didn't expect the entrant to be so powerful, and it suffered a big loss as soon as it got started. The flying tiger monster, who had no intention of fighting again, immediately launched teleportation to open the gap between the bird of the divine mind and the monk of the cold pool. The distance between them, and the next teleportation, it will be launched without any hesitation.

The speed of the flying tiger monster is already very fast, and the two teleportation activations have already left it behind the divine mind bird and the monk of the cold pool. Naturally, the monk of the cold pool will not be able to catch up with it, even if it is the ancient war. It is not an easy task to catch up to the bird of divine sense.

"Stop chasing."

Gu Zheng sent a voice transmission to Brother Hantan, the flying tiger monster was already injured, if he could catch up, Gu Zheng could use his divine sense, but if he couldn't catch up, it would be useless for Brother Hantan to follow behind.

From Gu Zheng's point of view, all it takes is a matter of time for his divine sense to catch up with the Feihu monster, and as a spiritual monster, Gu Zheng is willing to take some time to take it down!

As for whether Gu Zheng can take down the flying tiger monster, he is not worried about it. Although the flying tiger monster is in the early stage of the Golden Immortal, it has been injured, and it not only has the decomposition power of divine sense on its body , and there is still the ink color that is being rendered. Its current state is to distance itself from the bird of the divine mind. If he takes time to dissolve these two forces, then its speed will definitely drop because of this, and Gu Zheng's Divine Sense Asuka will be able to shorten the distance between him and it. If he does not allocate time to resolve these two forces, then The consequences will be severe.

The status quo of the flying tiger monster is indeed what Gu Zheng thought. It is impossible for it to let go of the power of divine sense decomposition remaining on it, and the power of black color rendering continues to cause trouble. After Nian Feiniao's distance, he immediately began to clear the two kinds of energy from his body, and Gu Zheng's Shen Nian Asuka also drew in the distance from it at this time.

Gu Zheng miscalculated, it didn't expect the flying tiger monster to be able to launch the third, fourth, fifth, and sixth times after launching the teleportation twice!

The six teleportation activations allowed the flying tiger monster to not only widen the distance from the bird of divine thought, but also let it clear away all the residual power of divine thought decomposition and black color rendering power on its body.

However, after clearing away the two energies that continued to haunt him, the flying tiger monster no longer had any will to fight. It just wanted to run for its life. It felt that the so-called intruder was too dangerous.

The situation that shocked Gu Zheng happened again. The Flying Tiger Monster started teleporting several times in succession after the distance between him and the flying bird of divine thought. generally.

Through several consecutive teleportations, the flying tiger monster completely disappeared from Gu Zheng's sight.

Gu Zheng didn't panic, he still thought it was only a matter of time to catch up with the flying tiger monster, and common sense was true, who let him grasp the opportunity of the flying tiger monster! As long as it has Qi machine in hand, it is not afraid that the flying tiger monster can escape completely.

However, Gu Zheng miscalculated again. This flying tiger monster is really extraordinary. Otherwise, with its strength in the early stage of Golden Immortal, after it offended a humanoid monster that was also intelligent and strong in the early stage of Golden Immortal, it would not be able to survive at all. Impossible to live till now! And the reason why he has been able to survive until now is naturally that he has some means of survival. Among these means of survival, one is to clear away the aura left by him.

Knowing that Gu Zheng's Divine Mind Asuka wanted to use the opportunity it left behind to track it, that's why the Flying Tiger monster used teleportation a few more times, and when it disappeared from Gu Zheng's sight completely, it Immediately cleared its residual Qi machine.

Without the remaining aura as a guide, it is naturally impossible for Gu Zheng to catch up with the flying tiger monster again, and this kind of monster that can clean up its own aura is the first time Gu Zheng has encountered it in so many space worlds he has experienced. arrive.

Gu Zheng's spiritual sense returned in vain, and he could only return to the original body.

The appearance of the flying tiger monster is like a small episode that happened during the plundering of the ancient immortal yuan.

However, the episode of Gu Zheng during this plunder of Xianyuan is not the only one about Flying Tiger and Monster.

After the divine sense returned to the body, it didn't take long for Gu Zheng to find something was wrong. The immortal essence coming from the north became much thinner. This is an abnormal thing. Under normal circumstances, even if the immortal essence is thin, It must also be that the immortal essence coming from all directions to Liu is relatively thin, not like now, only the immortal essence coming from one direction becomes thinner. This is a very abnormal thing. It feels as if the immortal essence over there has been intercepted by something!

When this phenomenon of Xianyuan being intercepted, the first thing Gu Zheng thought of was whether there would be some monsters, taking advantage of the time when the Xianyuan was so strong, and then stealing the Xianyuan flowing to Gu Zheng, so his The divine sense immediately moved.

Gu Zheng's conjecture was correct, his immortal essence was indeed intercepted by a monster, and the monster that intercepted his immortal essence was a reptile-like limb, but its body was like a snake, covered in soil. A monster with yellow scales.

The scaled basilisk is very greedy for the devouring of the immortal essence, and it is also peculiar enough. It sucks the dense immortal essence in the air continuously, and it feels as if it has also taken food cultivation.

Under normal circumstances, no matter whether it is a human or a monster, it is impossible to absorb the immortal essence like the scaled basilisk, because once the absorption speed of the immortal essence is too fast, the immortal essence will explode the body! The fundamental reason why Gu Zheng was able to launch Xianyuan plunder was that he had taken food repair, and the special effects of food repair could prevent him from being exploded by Xianyuan.

Naturally, it is impossible for the scaled basilisk to also take food repair, but it can do this, which already shows that it is not afraid of the danger of the immortal body exploding, which can be regarded as very different.

Looking at the golden-armored basilisk that was plundering Xianyuan wantonly, Gu Zheng was very angry. Although the Xianyuan came from heaven and earth, it does not belong to any one person, but since Xianyuan was plundered by Gu Zheng With the current level of richness, then this immortal essence naturally belongs to Gu Zheng, at least in Gu Zheng's view! What's more, Gu Zheng didn't know very well in his heart, whether this time the holy fruit food cultivation could make him enter the peak of Jinxian, but now, the scaled basilisk actually initiated an interception of his immortal essence, isn't it? Did it make the ancient dispute that was already bottomless even more bottomless? How could Gu Zheng not hate it?

Gu Zheng's hatred for the scaled basilisk has far surpassed that of the flying tiger monster before. At least the flying tiger monster secretly wanted to attack Gu Zheng, but he did not have any real impact on Gu Zheng. But the scaled basilisk is different. It is fighting for the improvement of its cultivation in the dangerous ancient times, so it must die, even if it is in the early stage of the Golden Immortal!

With full hatred, Gu Zheng's divine sense turned into a bird, and ran towards the scaled basilisk.

The scaled basilisk is a ferocious beast. Although it has no intelligence, its senses are very keen. In fact, it has already discovered Gu Zheng's divine sense, but at that time, Gu Zheng's divine sense was only used for detection, without feeling If it is in any danger, it doesn't take Gu Zheng's divine sense to heart.

However, Gu Zheng's divine sense suddenly turned into a flying bird, and exuded a strong aura of danger. The scaled basilisk suddenly panicked. Standing up, it directly launched a forbidden technique towards Gu Zheng.

Gu Zheng had never seen a monster that would activate forbidden spells from the very beginning, let alone in these space worlds inside the fairy-level space fairy artifact, even in the real world, he had never encountered such a monster before. precedent.

After all, the forbidden technique is different from the big move. The big move is powerful, or the supernatural powers that can be called the bottom cards. When these supernatural powers are used, they will not have any impact on themselves, the only thing is that they will lose the bottom cards.

The power of the forbidden technique is often stronger than the ultimate move, but more importantly, the consequences of launching the technique are very serious, and you often have to suffer serious backlash afterwards, otherwise it would not be called It's banned.

The scaled basilisk didn't want to use the forbidden technique from the very beginning, but it had no other way. It urgently needed this kind of rich immortal energy to improve its own strength, and it was able to launch a crazy attack on the immortal energy like it is now. Absorbing, without worrying about being exploded by the immortal essence, is actually a technique, and in this state, it is in a state that is inconvenient to launch an attack, and the current state of madly absorbing the immortal essence cannot Being interrupted, once it is interrupted, it will suffer serious backlash on the spot.

It is not very convenient to launch an attack, and the current state is reluctant to be interrupted, and the scaled basilisk cannot be interrupted. Facing the spiritual bird that makes him feel more dangerous, he can only directly launch into the forbidden technique! Although activating the forbidden technique a second time will make it suffer more serious backlash afterwards, it is better for it than being interrupted in its current state, making it suffer backlash at that time.

The forbidden technique of the scaled basilisk is also very strange, a human face appeared on its belly when it stood upright, and that human face opened its bloody mouth towards Gu Zheng's divine mind bird.

The face on the abdomen of the scaled basilisk, with its mouth open like a black hole, Gu Zheng had a bad premonition in an instant, but it was too late, and a huge suction force was generated in the mouth , Gu Zheng's Divine Sense Asuka was directly absorbed into it.

After Gu Zheng's Divine Mind Bird was swallowed, the scaled basilisk didn't feel any discomfort, the face on his abdomen disappeared, and he was still plundering Gu Zheng's immortal essence.

The situation on Gu Zheng's side is also very strange. It seems that its divine sense was eaten by the scaled basilisk, but it did not die. It was sent to a wonderful space by the scaled basilisk using a forbidden technique. This is a desolate loess world.

Gu Zheng's main body seemed to be in a deep sleep, because the scaled basilisk sprayed not only his divine sense bird, the moment the scaled basilisk swallowed his divine sense bird, he absolutely Most of the spiritual thoughts have also been pulled in because of this, and the current state of Gu Zheng is equivalent to almost no spiritual thoughts.

To put it bluntly, the divine mind of an immortal cultivator is his spiritual power after sublimation. If a person loses his spiritual power, he is no different from a vegetable. What a little bit of spiritual power can do is just to maintain the current state instinctively and absorb the plundered immortal essence passively. Now he is like a running machine, and the body cannot do anything. Without any thought, he didn't even have the consciousness to tell Brother Hantan that his divine sense was in danger.

In the eyes of monk Hantan, everything is normal. Gu Zheng is plundering the immortal essence. As for his spiritual sense, monk Hantan doesn't pay attention to it. He doesn't need to pay attention to these things of his master.

In that strange world of yellow sand, Gu Zheng's divine sense still maintains the state of a flying bird. He knows what his body is like now, and he also knows how dangerous his situation is!

The little divine sense left in the main body can hardly do anything. Now it just maintains the instinct of the body and absorbs the plundered immortal essence passively. Once the plunder of immortal essence is over, it has no idea what to do next. No matter what to do, he will not have the consciousness of what to do next, because there is not much difference between his body and a vegetative state. To end this state, Gu Zheng must hurry up and let his mind leave this world.

However, since this world can be trapped by Gu Zheng's divine sense, how could it be an easy task for the divine mind to leave this world, but even if it is not easy, Gu Zheng must find a way quickly.

Fortunately, the role of divine sense is very important, and Gu Zheng is well-informed. After entering this strange world, he has already taken action. He is exploring the spatial structure of this world.

The way of space is connected in some places. The normal world is a space, and the interior of the fairy-level space fairy is also a space. The space world created by using the fairy-level space fairy as the mother space is also space. Space, the current world is also space, as long as it is space, it must have a weak point, but whether this weak point is weak to the power that attacks it depends on the strength of the power that attacks it.

The current world is not big, with a radius of only a hundred miles. Gu Zheng's spiritual exploration is very fast, and he has quickly completed the exploration of this world, and he has already found out where the spatial weakness of this world is.

The so-called weak point is not in the void, it is in the underground of this loess world. Although it is hidden very deep, it has not escaped the detection of the ancient spirit.

Gu Zheng's bird of divine sense fell like a meteor towards the detected place.

The powerful decomposition ability of the divine mind is still effective in this magical world, but without the support of the main body, the divine mind is in a state of being unsupplied here, and every point consumed is one point less, and this consumption is like a machine. The wear and tear of the parts is the same, so the degree of wear and tear is not easy to see with the naked eye, but it really exists, and all this makes Gu Zheng clearly know that everything he is doing now is a race against time.

Gu Zheng understands very well that he has not yet touched the weak point of this world. Once he launches an attack on the weak point of this world, then the scaled basilisk will definitely not sit idly by! And the reason why he hasn't moved yet, Gu Zheng also knows that's because it can't have two purposes, and its focus is still on stealing his immortal essence.

Under the action of the powerful decomposing force of Guzheng God Nian Flying Bird, the loess melted as quickly as ice and snow encountering boiling water, and Guzheng soon approached the weak point hidden deep in the ground.

The strength of the weak point is not weak for Gu Zheng's bird of divine sense. According to Gu Zheng's speculation, if he wants to use the bird of divine sense to crash into the weak point of this world, the number of collisions should not be less than one hundred times .

A hundred times sounds like a lot, but with the speed of the Asuka, if the scaled basilisk doesn't stop it, within thirty seconds, he can smash the weak point of this world.

The weak point of Gu Zheng's loess world launched an impact, and the scaled basilisk immediately had a reaction. It trapped the loess world where Gu Zheng's divine thoughts and birds were trapped, which is equivalent to Gu Zheng's fairyland. It has such a serious impact that it cannot just sit back and do nothing.

However, it is not an easy task for the scaled basilisk in its current state to clean up the Divine Mind Asuka who wanted to fight the ancient dispute. It is not a good thing to put Guzheng's divine mind bird in its loess world, it just wants to use this method to trap Gu Zheng's divine mind bird for a period of time, after it finishes plundering the immortal essence, Let's deal with Gu Zheng's Divine Mind Bird again, but it didn't expect that Gu Zheng's Divine Mind Bird would find its weak point in the loess world so quickly.

If the scaled basilisk can curse people, it must be cursing at Gu Zheng now, because Gu Zheng not only forced him to activate a forbidden technique, but also forced its forbidden technique to cause more serious damage to it later. . After all, in the current state of not wanting to give up plundering immortal essence, its actions should be as little as possible, including the management of the loess world.

The loess world belongs to the forbidden technique of the scale snake monster. The management of the loess world is different from ordinary actions. It is based on technology, especially in the current special state of the scale monster. The management of the loess world , will cause him to suffer heavy losses due to the activation of the forbidden technique in the future.

The loess world cannot be broken, otherwise what the scaled basilisk needs to endure is not as simple as backlash, so even if it suffers heavy losses later, it must settle the immediate crisis first.

A miniature scale basilisk with an atomized body descended in the loess world. It spit out a yellow smoke towards the bird of divine sense that Gu Zheng was hitting its weak point in space.

Gu Zheng's bird of divine sense is very powerful, and the yellow smoke didn't even fall on it. He already knew that the yellow smoke would not affect him very much, so his bird of divine sense resisted the attack of the yellow smoke. , ran towards the monster of the Lin family, he knew that this atomized scale basilisk was somewhat similar to the scaled basilisk's mind body, if it caused damage to this guy, it would have a direct impact on the scale basilisk Influence.

The scaled basilisk was about to pee in fright. It didn't expect Gu Zheng's bird of divine sense to be so tough. It also knew that in this state, it couldn't withstand the impact of Gu Zheng's bird of divine sense several times, but Fortunately, here is its loess world, and it can't afford to hide from the gods of the ancient disputes.

Seeing that the bird of Gu Zheng Shennian was about to hit the scaled basilisk, the scaled basilisk disappeared in the atomized state.

Just like Gu Zheng is in his own fairyland, he can easily travel through space to avoid attacks, but in the loess world of the Scaled Basilisk, its disappearance is also very random.

Of course, Gu Zheng knew that in the loess world of the Scaled Basilisk, it was not easy for his Divine Mind Bird to hit the Scaled Basilisk, so he did not hesitate at all. After the Scaled Basilisk disappeared , he let the bird of divine thought hit the weak point of the loess world again.

The scaled basilisk was shocked, and it quickly appeared, and once again spewed yellow smoke at Gu Zheng's Divine Mind Asuka.

The previous thing happened again. Gu Zheng's divine sense flying bird slammed into the yellow smoke from the scaled basilisk against the yellow smoke from the scaled basilisk. The frightened collared basilisk disappeared instantly, while Gu Zheng's divine sense The flying bird didn't stop for a moment, and once again bumped into its weak point in space.

The scaled basilisk was completely angry. It felt that with the current method, there was no way to have too much influence on Gu Zheng's divine sense bird, and the yellow smoke it emitted could indeed affect Gu Zheng's divine mind. Asuka caused damage, but Gu Zheng's divine sense Asuka could bear this kind of harm. If things continue like this, the result will be that it has not yet completed the plunder of Xianyuan, but Gu Zheng's scarred god Nian Feiniao has already broken into its loess world! At that time, because of the destruction of the loess world, coupled with the backlash caused by the previous forbidden technique, it would be so seriously injured that it could not move in an instant, and the result would naturally be a mermaid.

The scaled basilisk fought hard, this time it spewed out a yellow glow towards Gu Zheng, and because of this yellow glow, some blood overflowed from the scales on its body. In his current state, the yellow light emitted by the backlash is equivalent to casting a forbidden spell.

The yellow glow was so powerful that Gu Zheng's bird of divine sense couldn't dodge it at all, and entered a state of chaos in an instant.

He can't feel his body, he can't feel everything in the original loess space. In Gu Zheng's feeling, he stays in a misty world, and everything he can see is yellow smoke. The effect is to make him feel like he wants to sleep.

"If you can't sleep, it's over."

Gu Zheng concentrated his energy to fight against that drowsiness. His current situation is very bad, because his divine sense seems to have been beaten back to its original shape, becoming the mental power of ordinary people, losing the ability to detect things, and at the same time losing The powerful decomposition force.

The situation of Gu Zheng is not good, and the situation of the Scaled Basilisk is also not good. Because of the Xiaguang attack, its miniature atomized body has completely dissipated, which also means that in the next period of time, It completely lost its ability to manage the loess world. Moreover, its body is still suffering, and due to the backlash caused by the yellow glow, blood continues to seep from under its scales.

At this moment, Gu Zheng's body looks normal, he is still absorbing the plundered immortal essence, and his expression doesn't show any abnormality, the monk Hantan is still on guard, but he doesn't know that he The current situation of the master is extremely critical, and they don't know that in the north of them, there is a scaled basilisk covered in blood that is plundering his master's immortal essence.

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