Brother Hantan's son wanted to use the lion-headed dragon-body monster to vent his emotions, but the lion-headed dragon-body monster woke up from his sleep before he even entered the attack range.

Looking at the intruder who was flying towards him, the lion-headed dragon-body monster had a look of disdain like a king in its eyes.


The lion-headed dragon-body monster took the lead in attacking, and he roared at the son of the monk in the cold pool, but his roar was not a sonic attack, but spit out a large stream of things like dragon flames.

The intense high temperature wrinkled the air. Facing the dragon flames sprayed by the lion-headed dragon-body monster, the son of the monk in the cold pool sprayed out a dragon-shaped lightning bolt.

When the dragon-shaped lightning meets Long Yan, the two seem to pass by each other in an instant, but in fact, the dragon-shaped lightning is superior, because the destructive power of Long Yan has been absorbed by it at that moment, as long as It can get close to the lion-headed dragon body, then the son of the monk of the cold pool will make it explode.

The lion-headed dragon-body monster is not an ordinary monster. His strength is at the early stage of the Golden Immortal, and more importantly, it is a monster with enough wisdom. He can see at a glance that the dragon-shaped lightning of Brother Hantan's son is very Bufan, if you let him get close, it should be more troublesome.

Raising the dragon's claws, the lion-headed dragon-body monster swung two claws that tore through the air towards the flying dragon-shaped lightning.


The two claw winds are one in front and one behind. The first claw wind makes the dragon-shaped lightning absorb enough damage energy, and the second knife claw wind explodes the dragon-shaped lightning that has absorbed enough energy. Due to the distance from the lion-headed dragon body Because there is still a long way to go, the explosion of the dragon-shaped lightning did not cause any damage to the lion-headed dragon-body monster this time, but the strong wind generated by the explosion made the lion-headed dragon-body monster's mane flutter for a while. It set off his royal aura.

"court death!"

The destruction of the dragon-shaped lightning, coupled with the disdain in the eyes of the lion-headed dragon-body monster, made the son of the cold pool monk feel a strong provocation. He opened his mouth and roared, and spit out an unprecedented breath at the lion-headed dragon-body monster. Three dragon-shaped lightning!


The lion-headed dragon-body monster also roared, but his roar this time was no longer a dragon flame attack. His previous dragon flame attack was easily dodged by the monk's son in the cold pool. His son was useless, but what he launched this time was the sonic attack that the fox reminded Brother Hantan's son to pay attention to.

Since the last time he got a chance from a monster in a special space, the soul power of Brother Hantan's son has improved a lot, and while the soul power has improved, his resistance to spiritual attacks has also increased accordingly. Under normal circumstances, with the current state of soul power of Brother Hantan's son, there is no need to fear the spiritual attacks launched by monsters of the same level, so he didn't take the fox's reminder seriously before!

After all, a strange attack like a mental attack can be avoided or prevented if you don't want to hide or prevent it. It doesn't make sense to take the fox's reminder too seriously.

The sonic attack of the lion-headed dragon monster can't have any effect on him, so he doesn't need to take it seriously. If the sonic attack of the lion-headed dragon monster can really have an effect on it, even if he takes it seriously, he has nothing to deal with it Methods.

The lion-headed dragon-body monster is not an ordinary monster. His strength was already very strong in the early days of the Golden Immortal, so his sonic attack on the son of the monk in the cold pool still had some effect. Although the son of the monk in the cold pool was not affected by it No serious harm or injury, but my mind was also slightly chaotic, and I couldn't fight at all for a while.

However, although Brother Hantan's son was unable to fight for a while, the lion-headed dragon-body monster did not continue to attack him. The three dragon-shaped lightning spit out by Brother Hantan's son forced him to deal with it carefully.

The speed of the lion-headed dragon-body monster was very fast, and the destructive force of the claws it swung was enough. He quickly knocked out two of the three dragon-shaped lightning bolts, and the son of the monk in the cold pool also woke up at this time.

"Are you the only one who can swing your claws?"

The monk's son in the cold pool was very angry. He began to swipe his claws at the lion-headed dragon-body monster repeatedly. His claw swipe was not a simple claw wind, he directly launched an air explosion.

It was the first time that the lion-headed dragon-body monster was shocked when he encountered the son of the monk in the cold pool. He and the son of the monk in the cold pool both had the body of a dragon, but there was such a big gap between the two. What he swung was The tangible claw wind, the son of the monk in the cold pool, can cause an explosion to be born directly near him, and the power of the explosion is not bad, it is as if it does not consume demon power when activated.

There is a dragon-shaped lightning that has not yet been resolved, and the lion-headed dragon-body monster that has been bombarded repeatedly by air blast reports. Launch a sonic attack on Friar's Son in Cold Pool.

The gap between the two was revealed again when the lion-headed dragon-body monster launched a sonic attack.

The sonic attack of the lion-headed dragon-body monster can be regarded as a very powerful attack method of his, but it takes time to launch this attack method.

The son of a monk in the cold pool can use air burst and dragon-shaped lightning. The destructive power of these two supernatural powers is stronger than the other, but their activation seems to be unlimited. Determined the final direction of a fight.

Even if the lion-headed dragon-body monster attacks, the son of the monk in the cold pool will still have a brief headache, but he still cannot seize this opportunity to attack the son of the monk in the cold pool, because even if the son of the monk in the cold pool does not attack The air burst will also keep the number of dragon-shaped lightning entangled around him at three.

Moreover, as the initiator of the sonic attack, the lion-headed dragon-body monster is actually very clear about how his sonic attack has caused the son of the monk in the cold pool, so he knows that the son of the monk in the cold pool, although in He did not attack him in a short period of time after being attacked by the sound wave. The actual situation is that he is not completely unable to attack, but if it is not worthwhile to attack him at that time, it will increase the damage caused by the sound wave attack and cause endless troubles .

The battle strategy of air burst and dragon-shaped lightning really annoys the lion-headed dragon-body monster. A lot of scales on his body have fallen off due to injuries, and there are even deep wounds in some places, and there are many places on his body. Blood flowed out, although these superficial things can only be regarded as minor injuries, it can make the lion-headed dragon very angry, when was he forced to be so embarrassed!

The lion-headed dragon monster decided to fight. He was going to take the risk of getting close to the son of the monk in the cold pool. Although it is an adventure to be close to the son of the monk in the cold pool, this matter should be rewarding! After all, after being attacked by a sound wave, the son of the cold pool monk did not want to attack. If his approach could force the son of the cold pool monk to attack, it would cause the son of the cold pool monk to suffer more damage from the sound wave attack, so he He felt that his focus should be on getting close to the son of the monk in the cold pool. As for whether he would attack the son of the monk in the cold pool at that time, he felt that it would be safer to put his own safety first.


After having an idea in his mind, the lion-headed dragon-body monster launched a third sonic attack on the cold pool monk's son. Under the sonic attack, the cold pool monk's son still inevitably entered a short period of headache, unable to Then launch an air explosion bombing on the lion-headed dragon-body monster.

However, although the son of the monk in the cold pool was unable to launch an air blast on the lion-headed dragon-body monster, there were still three dragon-shaped lightnings entangled beside the lion-headed dragon-body monster.

Facing the three dragon-shaped lightnings that entangled him, and the lion-headed dragon-body monster that was going to lure/lure the son of the monk in the cold pool to attack, he used a supernatural power that he had not used before, and his body suddenly disappeared in place. Teleport.

Possessing the supernatural power of teleportation, the lion-headed dragon-body monster has not used it against Brother Hantan's son until now. This does not mean that he is stupid. He did not use this powerful supernatural power earlier, but it shows that he is very shrewd! At this stage of the strength of Brother Hantan, his son and the lion-headed dragon-body monster, teleportation has basically become a standard configuration. When both parties can perform teleportation, it is basically a disadvantage to perform teleportation first. matter! After all, if they are all able to perform teleportation, they will be able to sense the fluctuations generated by teleportation in advance, and thus make targeted ambushes.

It was precisely because he was worried that the son of the monk in the cold pool would also be able to use teleportation that the lion-headed dragon monster did not dare to use the teleportation. This time it's an adventure.

Moreover, the lion-headed dragon-body monster launched teleportation to the son of the monk in the cold pool at this time, and there is this detail in it, that is, through the confrontation during this period of time, he has already seen that the dragon-shaped lightning of the monk in the cold pool's son Although powerful, but only three can be maintained at the same time!

That is to say, when the three dragon-shaped lightnings are all outside, the son of the cold pool monk will not be able to release new dragon-shaped lightnings, nor can he take back the existing dragon-shaped lightnings, so he dragged the cold pool monk this time. Even if the son launched an attack, even in the worst case, the son of the monk in the cold pool would not be able to send out dragon-shaped lightning to him, which made him afraid. , the lion-headed dragon-body monster can still afford it.

Although the son of the monk in the cold pool had a headache, his soul power was not affected in any way. He could detect the strange fluctuations produced by the lion-headed dragon-body monster before it launched teleportation, so he also knew that the lion-headed dragon monster Where will it show up.

"court death!"

For a moment, the son of the monk Hantan sneered in his heart.

The son of the cold pool monk felt that the lion-headed dragon looked down on him too much. He was indeed made unable to attack easily by the sonic attack of the lion-headed dragon, but this one could not easily attack, and there was no lion-headed dragon. Think so seriously.

If the son of the cold pool monk wants to attack, he only needs to temporarily use his soul power to seal the damage caused by the sonic attack, but this kind of temporary sealing is a temporary solution, not the root cause, so he has never done this.

Another reason is that the son of the monk in the cold pool did not do this to lure the enemy. He was waiting for the lion-headed dragon monster to approach. It is good to say.

There is nothing wrong with the consideration of the details of the lion-headed dragon-body monster. The son of the monk in the cold pool is indeed unable to emit dragon-shaped lightning under the current situation, but he has seen air bursts and dragon-shaped lightning before, and it is not all the supernatural powers of the son of the monk in the cold pool. , The cold pool monk's son's electric glow bubbles have never seen a lion-headed dragon-body monster, and the power of the electric glow bubbles is stronger than the air burst.

Everything just happened in an instant. The lion-headed dragon-body monster approached the son of the cold pool monk through teleportation, knowing where the lion-headed dragon-body monster would appear, the monk's son of the cold pool launched an ambush against him, and he used The means is Super Electric Mans Bubbles!

Brother Hantan's son's ambush succeeded, and the lion-headed dragon-body monster who had teleported and dedicated himself directly collided with the electric glow bubble.

Due to the relatively high realm of the lion-headed dragon-body monster, even the super electric glow bubble can't directly wrap him in it, and can only cause damage to him through explosion.

Loud noises were generated in the void, and the super electric glow bubbles produced a powerful explosion. The lion-headed dragon-body monster screamed, and he was blown out, producing a rain-like effect. His flesh and blood blasted by the super electric glow bubbles And the scales, falling downward like raindrops.

Taking advantage of his illness to kill him has always been the most important principle that Brother Hantan's son has always believed in. Of course he will not let go of this rare opportunity, so he did not hesitate to use teleportation to catch up to the lion-headed dragon body that was blown away Strange, he knew that if he attacked the lion-headed dragon-body monster at this time, the lion-headed dragon-body monster would definitely not be able to fight back! As for whether it would be a waste to use teleportation at this time, Brother Hantan's son thinks it's worth it. Who asked him to plot something other than killing the lion-headed dragon-body monster? The body monster is searching for the soul!

It had just been seriously injured by the explosion, and the lion-headed dragon-body monster really couldn't do anything to drag the son of the monk in the cold pool at this time. As a result, he was slapped on the head again by the son of the monk in the cold pool.

Brother Hantan's son's dragon claws directly knocked out the lion-headed dragon-body monster, and the lion-headed dragon-body monster that fell into a coma naturally became a monster in front of the cold pool monk and his son. Fish on a chopping board.

The dragon claws waved again and again, and the son of the monk in the cold pool beat the lion-headed dragon-body monster into a near-death state first, so as to facilitate his next soul search.

After beating the lion-headed dragon-body monster to a near-death state, the son of the monk Hantan immediately launched a soul search for him.

Regarding the search for the soul of the lion-headed dragon-body monster, the son of the monk Hantan had hope, but did not dare to hope.

However, this time, the son of the cold pool monk was lucky. He got what he wanted from the memory of the lion-headed dragon-body monster.

In the memory of the lion-headed dragon-body monster, the son of the monk Hantan saw the cave and also saw the four-winged green phoenix monster.

He got the task item fangs from the lion-headed dragon-body monster, and knew where the four-winged green phoenix monster was. The son of the cold pool monk was in a good mood.

Without staying on the top of the mountain, the son of the monk Hantan flew towards the cave where the four-winged green phoenix monster was located, and the cave where the four-winged blue phoenix monster was located was actually not too far from the starting point of the monk's son. It took only half an hour to fly there.

Among the three monsters, the four-winged green phoenix monster is the most powerful. He is a monster equivalent to the late Jinxian period.

For the son of the monk Hantan, as long as he is not too powerful in the late stage of Jinxian, he can handle it, just be careful when the time comes.

Half an hour passed quickly, and nothing special happened during this time.

At this moment, the son of the cold pool monk had arrived outside the cave where the four-winged green phoenix monster was.

From the memory of the lion-headed dragon-body monster, the son of the monk in Hantan did not know much about the four-winged blue-phoenix monster, and the lion-headed dragon-body monster only saw the four-winged blue-phoenix monster once outside this cave. And because the lion-headed dragon-body monster could feel that the four-winged blue-phoenix monster was more powerful, he didn't dare to stay longer and chose to stay away.

Not in a hurry to enter the cave, the son of the cold pool cultivator used his soul power to go deep into the cave to investigate first. He planned to lure the four-winged green phoenix monster out of the cave if possible, and it would be better to fight outside than in the four-winged cave. In the cave where the Qingfeng monster is familiar with the environment.


Just now when he launched an investigation with soul power, the son of the monk Hantan suffered a loss. His head hurt like he had been hit by a hammer. He had already found the four-winged green phoenix monster in the cave, but the four-winged green phoenix The monster just opened his mouth and sucked it, and swallowed his soul power.

"call out!"

A loud cry came from the cave, and the four-winged green phoenix monster flew out of the cave without the need for the cold pool monk's son to lure him out. He wanted to see what the guy who dared to invade his cave looked like.

The monk's son had a headache after his soul power was swallowed, but the headache was over soon, so he immediately attacked the four-winged green phoenix monster that was about to fly out of the cave.

The son of the monk Hantan opened his mouth, and spit out three dragon-shaped lightning bolts at the four-winged green phoenix monster.

Knowing that the four-winged green phoenix monster is a monster of the late Jinxian period, the son of the monk in the cold pool has no reservations about him.

In the heart of Brother Hantan's son, three dragon-shaped lightnings are enough to make the four-winged green phoenix drink a pot, but he never imagined that its three dragon-shaped lightnings are not enough to look at in front of the four-winged blue phoenix !

Facing the three dragon-shaped lightning spewed out by the son of the monk in the cold pool, the four-winged blue phoenix stopped in the air and quickly flapped the two pairs of wings on his back. With the flapping of the two pairs of wings, the four colors Different whirlwinds are born out of thin air!

The whirlwinds of four colors, purple, white, gold, and blue, have four different functions. The purple whirlwind first swept over a dragon-shaped lightning, and wrapped the dragon-shaped lightning in it, preventing the dragon-shaped lightning from absorbing damage and causing an explosion. Dragon lightning cannot escape from it.

The white whirlwind swept over the second dragon-shaped lightning that caught Brother Hantan's son. The characteristic of this whirlwind was that after wrapping the dragon-shaped lightning for a circle, it was thrown towards Brother Hantan's son. Rebounded the attack.

The characteristics of the golden whirlwind are relatively pure, its power is just tearing, but because the tearing power is too strong, the dragon-shaped lightning that instantly absorbs the damage energy explodes.

The explosion of the dragon-shaped lightning was so powerful that the cave of the four-winged blue phoenix monster was completely blown to pieces.

However, before it collapsed, the blue whirlwind cast by the four-winged blue phoenix monster rushed out of the cave and swept towards the son of the monk in the cold pool.

The cyan whirlwind has a very fast speed. Although it is the last whirlwind fanned out by the four-winged blue phoenix monster, it has a taste of being late and first. It is cheaper than the dragon lightning thrown back by the white whirlwind. Brother his son is closer!

The speed of the cyan whirlwind was really fast. In the blink of an eye, the distance between it and Brother Hantan and his son was less than ten feet. At this time, it showed its own characteristics.

The characteristic of the cyan whirlwind appeared, and this characteristic made the cold pool monk's son tremble in his heart. It turned out to be a space blockade! In other words, in front of the cyan whirlwind, the son of the cold pool monk will not be able to use the magical power of teleportation.

Unable to use teleportation, the son of the cold pool cultivator could only swing his dragon claws quickly while flying back.

The explosion sounded in the air. It was the air explosion launched by Brother Hantan's son, but fortunately, the air explosion could have an effect on the cyan whirlwind. After several air explosions, not only the white whirlwind was completely destroyed by the explosion power, but even the one that was destroyed by the explosion. The dragon-shaped lightning thrown out by the white whirlwind was also destroyed by the son of the cold pool monk with an air blast.


There was another explosion, and the broken rocks of the cave that had already collapsed flew randomly. Only then did the four-winged blue phoenix monster soar into the sky from the collapsed cave.

The reason why it soared up from the collapsed cave at this time is not that the collapsed cave had suppressed the four-winged blue phoenix monster before, but that the four-winged blue phoenix monster was unable to move at that moment just now. Swallowed the dragon-shaped lightning that was originally wrapped in the purple whirlwind!

The dragon-shaped lightning is powerful, but after it was wrapped in the purple whirlwind, it was quickly transformed into pure energy, and the four-winged green phoenix monster that swallowed it flew out of the collapsed cave, and immediately returned it to the cold pool The monk's son.

Looking at the dragon-shaped lightning ejected by the four-winged blue phoenix monster, the son of the monk Hantan widened his eyes. Is this still his dragon-shaped lightning? The size of this dragon-shaped lightning was twice as big as before, and the terrifying aura emanating from it made the cold pool monk's son have no doubt that if he was hit by such a dragon-shaped lightning, he would be killed on the spot!

But fortunately, after all, the dragon-shaped lightning is the specialty of Brother Hantan's son. Even though he was transformed by the four-winged green phoenix monster, in the eyes of Brother Hantan's son, it is still a change of soup. It must be much easier to deal with the dragon-shaped lightning than the four-winged blue phoenix monster to deal with the dragon-shaped lightning.

Brother Hantan's son's dragon claws swung twice in succession. This time the dragon claws swiped not to launch an air burst, but to control the dragon-shaped lightning.

The control of the dragon-shaped lightning was completed between the two swings of the cold pool monk's son.

After completing the control of the dragon-shaped lightning, the son of the monk Hantan directly controlled him and flew towards the four-winged blue phoenix monster.

"call out!"

Facing the 'rebellious' dragon-shaped lightning, while the four-winged blue phoenix screamed, a beam of lightning spewed out of its mouth flew towards the dragon-shaped lightning.

Brother Hantan's son's eyes widened again. Although he hadn't been injured by the four-winged blue phoenix monster's attack, he already had a feeling that it couldn't be the opponent of the four-winged blue phoenix monster, because this The operation of the four-winged green phoenix monster is too coquettish.

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