Tiexian heirs in the city

Chapter 299: The World of Immortal Cultivators

"This, how is this possible?"

In Luo Xiao's wide-eyed eyes, Gu Zheng was slapped heavily by the black bear spirit beast. Even a cultivator in the late stage of the fifth floor would have to lie down if he was not killed by such a slap, but Gu Zheng's body only shook slightly , and nothing else, it is simply incredible!

Gu Zheng was also depressed. He thought that even if he faced the black bear spirit beast and the blood skeleton, it should be after the fruits were collected, but he never thought that the current situation would appear in a short time.

Gu Zheng naturally noticed Luo Xiao's peeping, but he didn't make a sound.

"This stinking girl has actually appeared here. Since he has appeared, the people from Shushan should be coming soon. I'd better keep a little distance."

Not wanting to 'scare' the people in Shushan, Gu Zheng also gave up fighting the five-finger banana with the black bear spirit beast and the blood skeleton, and immediately ran towards the mist.

There are still a lot of five-finger bananas on the tree. Seeing that Gu Zheng had given up, the black bear spirit beast and the blood skeleton stopped chasing them, but seized the time to absorb five-finger bananas.

Although the Yunwu Valley has not been open for a long time, there are only so many fairy fruit trees in it, and Gu Zheng has seen half of them. However, there was a detail that made Gu Zheng's heart twitch tightly! From the beginning until now, he had seen a few five-finger banana trees, but he had only seen one fairy vine papaya tree, which was the one that encountered the blood skull.

It is self-evident how precious time is in the battle for spiritual fruits! At this time, I have only seen a fairy vine papaya tree, and it must be very difficult to harvest the fairy vine papaya tree.

Yunwu Valley is a long and narrow valley, and the areas that Gu Zheng has experienced so far can be regarded as the middle of the valley. In the middle, I met a fairy vine papaya, so the fairy vine papaya is either near the entrance of Yunwu Valley or deep in the valley.

The entrance of Yunwu Valley has Shushan forces, no matter whether there are immortal vines and papayas there, it is impossible for Gu Zheng to look there again. As for the depths of the valley, although Gu Zheng hasn't reached it yet, he also knows that there are far more spirit beasts and blood races from Youquan than in the valley! Because all kinds of calls from there can be heard from a long distance away.

"damn it!"

After peeling off another bunch of golden lychees, Gu Zheng couldn't help but raised his head and cursed.

One day, a number of 'colorful flying ants' descended from the sky, like locusts, they launched a more efficient looting of the fairy fruit.

Gu Zheng had seen several insects called 'Beautiful Flying Ants' in the orchards outside the Shu Ruins, but due to the small number, they were all wiped out by Gu Zheng. But now there are hundreds of 'Beautiful Flying Ants' appearing, and it's not like trying to eliminate them, but they can spare time to eliminate them.

The appearance of the 'Colorful Flying Ant' made Gu Zheng try his best to run deep into the valley. It's a pity that the fairy fruit tree is protected by the magic circle set up by the Shushan fairy clan. He can't use the tree control technique on the fairy fruit tree. Even the 'Colorful Flying Ant', which has an advantage in numbers, will not be more efficient than him.

On the way to the bottom of the valley, Gu Zheng encountered two papaya trees with fairy vines, but the papaya trees with fairy vines on them were gone.

Finally seeing the bottom of the valley, the scene that made Gu Zheng's eyes widen appeared. There are only eight fairy vine papaya trees in the valley. Gu Zheng met one in the middle, and saw two more before, and the remaining five are all scattered at the bottom of the valley!

The bottom of the valley is a real group of demons dancing wildly. The number of spirit beasts and Youquan blood clan here are so large that they can affect people's sight in a large area. But fortunately, this is already the bottom of the valley, and the competition between the spirit beasts and the Youquan blood clan has become more intense. There are still some fairy vine papaya trees on the five fairy vine papaya trees.

Gu Zheng didn't stop running, and rushed to the fairy vine papaya tree closest to him.

Compared with ordinary people, spirit beasts and Youquan blood clan have an advantage in the process of obtaining the fairy fruit! When they get the fairy fruit, they almost always stand under the tree and suck it. On average, it only takes three seconds to eat a fruit.

Ordinary people need to use internal strength to knock down the fruit, and then collect the fruit. And the time it takes for this process is longer than that of spirit beasts and Youquan vampires.

The time for spirit beasts and Youquan vampires to suck the fairy fruit is a whole time. When the time is up, the fairy power condensed in the fairy fruit will fly directly into their mouths. But if their actions are interrupted during the process of sucking the fairy fruit, then the fairy power in the fairy fruit will not decrease in the slightest, after all it has not been sucked out yet. It is also for this reason that at the bottom of the valley where the demons dance wildly, there are many fairy fruits that have not been eaten.


Gu Zheng put his internal strength outward, and a fairy vine papaya was shot down and entered his prehistoric space.

The fairy vine papaya was missing one, which made the three spirit beasts who were at loggerheads under the fairy vine papaya tree attack Gu Zheng at the same time.

The berserk attack caused sand and rocks to fly around. Gu Zheng has "rough skin and thick flesh", and relying on the Misty Illusion Technique, he forcibly survived the first attack of the three spirit beasts and snatched away a fairy vine papaya again!


A huge sound came from Gu Zheng. Under the siege of three high-level spirit beasts, he was finally knocked out by a spirit beast! And the force capable of knocking him into the air had already reached the effect of breaking the defense. He spit out a mouthful of blood, and rushed to the next fairy vine papaya tree without thinking.

The three spirit beasts that originally attacked Gu Zheng didn't chase Gu Zheng anymore, but started hurting each other like crazy. The reason was that when Gu Zheng was escaping, the colorful flying ants had already flown nearby, and they didn't keep any of the three immortal vine papayas left on the tree.

Although Gu Zheng was injured, that kind of injury was nothing. He threw a healing pill in his mouth and opened the 'Emei Mask'. The spirit beasts and Youquan blood clan encountered are bound to become stronger and stronger, and it is already difficult to cope with the increased resistance of the armored food cultivator alone.

Under the second fairy vine papaya tree targeted by Gu Zheng, there were only two Youquan blood clansmen, and on the ground near them, there were more than ten dead Youquan blood clans and high-level spirit beasts!

The two Youquan vampires are very special at first glance. One looks like a combination of a monkey and a lion. Although the other is also a blood skull, it holds a sharp sword with a cold light in its hand.


Gu Zheng put his internal strength outward, trying to knock down the fairy vine and papaya on the tree.

The Blood Skeleton, who was fighting with another Youquan blood clan, also slashed a sword into the air. The blood-red sword light seemed to be stronger than Gu Zheng's internal strength.


The sword light hit the inner strength, and there was a loud noise in the air. Gu Zheng's inner strength was destroyed, but the blood-red sword light remained undiminished, and it still flew for a long time.

In fact, seeing the appearance of the two Youquan blood clans, Gu Zheng knew that these two ideas were extremely difficult, but he had no choice. If he could not get the fairy fruit from this fairy vine papaya, then the other fairy vine papayas would not be used. After thinking about it, there is no time now, the colorful flying ants like a swarm of locusts can definitely make the fairy fruit disappear in a short time!

"The Youquan blood clan, which looks like a monkey and looks like a lion, has the blood of some prehistoric beast 'Zhu Yan', you have to be careful of its tail!"

Qi Ling's voice rang in Gu Zheng's mind.

Almost following Qi Ling's words, Zhu Yan's offspring's tail instantly lengthened, like a long whip with an electric glow, it lashed towards Gu Zheng.

With the reminder of Qi Ling, Gu Zheng managed to avoid the drawn long tail. And the long tail, which he dodged, also changed his move immediately, and went around him like a snake.

Gu Zheng's erratic figure finally escaped the entanglement of Zhu Yan's offspring's long tail after turning around and turning around, but in this short period of time, he was also hit twice by the blood skull, and the 'Emei mask' was broken. Once, there was also a fleshy opening on the chest.

The emergence of Gu Zheng broke the stalemate between the two Youquan blood clans. Zhu Yan's descendants took advantage of the time when Gu Zheng was attacked by blood skeletons, and with a flick of their tails, they wanted to sweep the fairy vine papaya from the tree.

Bloody Skull waved his sword to stop it, and the red sword light slashed heavily on the long tail. The painful descendants of Zhu Yan immediately ended up, and swept away a fairy vine papaya.

However, Zhu Yan's offspring swiped with their tails just now, but it was actually the idea of ​​hitting two fairy vines and papayas! The previous fairy vine papaya has been swept away by it, but it failed to get it due to the blocking of the blood skull. Ever since, he paid more attention to this ancient battle of falling fairy vine papaya and the blood skeleton shot at the same time.

The claw wind shot by the blood skull is as fast as Elder Wuyou's "Dragon Capture Hand", but no matter how fast it is, it can't be faster than the collection of the primordial space. Gu Zheng got a fairy vine papaya again!

So far, there is only one fairy vine papaya on the tree, and it is unknown whether it will be able to get it if it is kept. It is definitely necessary to attract hatred! In such a big environment, it is more important to waste less hatred than to get one more fairy vine papaya. So, without the slightest hesitation, Gu Zheng withdrew from the competition for the last fairy vine and papaya, and ran to the next fruit tree that still had fairy fruit hanging on it.

After harvesting a few bunches of golden longan, the fairy fruit trees near Guzheng no longer had any fairy fruits. At the bottom of the valley at this time, the chaos of the group of demons dancing has reached a new height.

The source of the confusion was a four-meter-tall Qinggang ape, which was being attacked under the fairy vine papaya tree.

Qinggang Ape has a pouch like a kangaroo pouch on its abdomen, and there are many fairy fruits in it. There are as many as twenty fairy vines and papayas alone. For all the spirit beasts and Youquan blood clan, this huge giant ape is undoubtedly a mobile treasure house.

The Qinggang Ape is the pinnacle of high-level spirit beasts, with a bluish-yellow aura of strong defense on its body! And the current Qinggang ape is one size bigger than the ordinary Qinggang ape, and its strength is shocking!

Everything has pros and cons, not to mention that the mighty Qinggang ape has very low spiritual intelligence, it has no way to suck fairy fruits directly like most spirit beasts and Youquan blood clan, so those fairy fruits are still in its pocket in.


Qinggang Ape roared, and under the siege of a group of spirit beasts and Youquan Blood Race, it kicked left and right with its huge feet and waved its arms left and right, causing screams. If it wasn't for the protection of the fairy fruit tree by the magic circle, there should be nothing standing where its fists and feet pass.

As if entering no one's land, under the attack of the spirit beasts and the Youquan blood clan, the greedy Qinggang ape not only does not want to escape, but is still looking for it, to see if there are any fairy fruits left on the fairy fruit tree to pick .

Ordinary spirit beasts and Youquan blood clan can't break through the qi on the surface of Qinggang Ape's body at all, but to break through this kind of qi, it is not the 'quantity' of the attack that can work, it has to be the 'quality' of the attack Only if it has enough destructive power. And once the stellar energy on the body surface of the Qinggang ape is broken, it will no longer be able to use the stellar energy to protect the body in a short period of time.

"At this time, it's time to retire. There are all the fairy fruits that should be there. Although they are not many, they are really quite a lot. If you stay, you may be involved in the melee, and you will inevitably have to fight with the Shushan forces. Let's meet! And the existence of Shushan forces is bound to be the starting point of the next chaos!"

After observing the situation, Gu Zheng decided to leave. And this departure did not mean leaving Yunwu Valley directly, but retreating out of the scope of the flames of war. He also wanted to see how the situation in the valley would change and whether there were any loopholes he could pick up.

Gu Zheng retreated, and the Shushan forces also cleaned up the fairy fruits in the first half of the valley, and a group of people came to the depths of the valley.

"Sure enough, there are no more fairy fruits here."

"It's a fierce melee, let's fight, the more you kill, the better!"

It was the first time for everyone to come to Yunwu Valley, and the scene of the demons dancing wildly made them quite shocked.

"Don't talk nonsense, what should you be busy with, and each should perform his duties!"

Yang Lanbo's eyes were solemn, and following his voice, everyone immediately became busy. Some formation stones carved with mysterious runes were placed regularly by them, and finally formed a circle, enclosing everyone in the circle. in it.

When setting up the formation, there were no spirit beasts and Youquan blood clan to make trouble, which relieved Yang Lanbo's dignified gaze a little. Now that the formation is fully formed, there is hardly anything that can hurt the formation except for existences like Qinggang Ape. in them.

"Deacon Yang, this time when the Cloud and Mist Valley is opened, a giant beast like Qinggang Ape appears again. What should we do?" Han Yi asked with a frown.

"If it doesn't come over, let them kill each other first. If it comes over, I can deal with it. Just rest assured!" Yang Lanbo said confidently.

"Deacon Yang, tell us what means you have! Did the Supreme Elders give you some treasures? We will be more confident when you tell us! After all, the formation we are setting up now is not sustainable. From the devastation of Qing Gang Ape."

Facing Zhu Ming's flattering inquiry, Yang Lanbo gave him a hard look: "Just do what you should do, why ask so many questions?"

After finishing off Zhu Ming, Yang Lanbo's eyes fell on a fairy vine papaya, where there was a special Youquan blood clan.

The Youquan blood clan on the fairy vine papaya tree is very special because it was originally a colorful feathered sparrow.

The whole body is blood red, and on the five tail feathers that hang down long, there is blood energy swaying like a burning flame. As if he hadn't seen the fight on the ground, the Blood Feather Sparrow was pecking at a fairy vine papaya. Blood crows or colorful flying ants would pass by from time to time, but none of them dared to fight for it.

At this time, the Qinggang ape on the ground wandered half of the valley like a "dragging the family and leading the mouth". It seemed that it knew that it could no longer find the fairy fruit. It began to approach the direction of the cliff, and it seemed that it was going to leave the Yunwu Valley.

"call out!"

The blood-feathered sparrow on the fairy vine papaya tree uttered a cry, and spread its wings like arrows and flew towards the Qinggang ape.


Qinggang Ape roared, and slapped the blood-feathered sparrow in the air with a huge slap.

The dexterous blood-feathered sparrow dodged and landed on the top of Qinggang Ape's head, like a phoenix spreading its wings, its whole body was filled with terrifying blood.


The Qinggang ape screamed continuously, and it jumped on the ground in pain, causing huge shocks in the valley. It wanted to crush the Blood Feather Sparrow above its head to death, but its palm couldn't touch the Blood Feather Sparrow's body at all! This is not because the blood feather sparrow dodged, but the blood feather sparrow's body became transparent, and Qinggang ape's palm passed across its body, as smoothly as passing through the air.

The abnormality of the Qinggang ape naturally shocked the spirit beasts and Youquan blood race around it to avoid, but the abnormal process was very short, less than a minute before and after, the quiet Qinggang ape had changed, its His eyes turned blood red, and the bulging muscles on his body were raised by at least three inches!


The blood-feathered sparrow above Qinggang Ape's head actually let out a human-like laugh. After Qinggang Ape smiled, he put his hand into the pouch where the fairy fruit was stored, grabbed the fairy fruit inside and threw it into the air.


The spirit beasts and Youquan blood clan scattered around screamed strangely, but the unexpected fairy fruit from heaven made them go crazy.

Gu Zheng in the distance gritted his teeth, wishing he could appear nearby and use the prehistoric space to accept all the fairy fruit rain.

"Damn it, what is it doing?"

Han Yi grabbed his beard and almost broke it. No one would feel sorry for such a large piece of fairy fruit being enjoyed by spirit beasts and Youquan blood clan.

"It doesn't want to leave the fairy fruit to us!"

Yang Lanbo gritted his teeth, his clenched left hand seemed to hold something.

"Cluck cluck cluck!"

As if hearing Yang Lanbo's words, the blood-feathered sparrow's 'Laughing' voice was extremely cold, it flew away from Qinggang Ape's head, and Qinggang Ape rushed towards Yang Lanbo and the others.

"What should I do, Deacon Yang? The magic circle can't stop this mutated Qinggang ape at all!"

Zhu Ming panicked first, and beads of sweat rolled down his forehead instantly.

"Shut up!"

Yang Lanbo roared, he also knew that the magic circle couldn't stop Qinggang Ape, but he had other ways to deal with it. As Zhu Ming guessed before, the elder of Shushan did give Yang Lanbo some treasures.

"Ground mound!"

Yang Lanbo roared, and when Qinggang Ape approached, he sacrificed the fairy weapon held in his left hand.

A black thing the size of a weight flew out of Yang Lanbo's hand, and with a shocking momentum, it directly hit Qinggang Ape's head.


Like a smashed watermelon, Qinggang Ape's head exploded, and its huge body hit the ground heavily.


The mighty Qinggang Ape was instantly killed with one blow. This ending almost made the corners of many people's eyes pop open!

"Qi Ling, do you know what grade of fairy weapon that was just now? Why is it so powerful?"

Gu Zheng was also shocked, and hurriedly asked about Qi Ling.

"It's just a middle-grade fairy weapon, it's not that powerful."

Qi Ling said lightly, there are indeed very few things that she can see.

"I'm so envious!" Gu Zheng murmured.

"Don't be envious, you already have the Chaos Tower and Tang Mo. After these two immortal artifacts have been repaired, either one can beat the middle-grade immortal artifact by a few blocks! Besides, when you reach the realm in the future, you will have new tasks to take on. It’s not that there are no fairy artifacts in the rewards!”

As soon as Qi Ling's voice fell to the ground, the Blood Feather Sparrow, which was flying in the sky, laughed again.

"Shu Mountain!"

After laughing, the Blood Feather Sparrow actually spoke two words.

"What the hell is this?"

The Youquan blood clan spoke, which was beyond Zhu Ming's imagination, and he couldn't help but exclaimed. Indeed, in the eyes of ordinary people, the Blood Clan of Youquan is just something mutated by the influence of blood acupoints. Even if they have some intelligence, they can't reach the point where they can speak out.

Still no one paid attention to Zhu Ming, almost everyone's eyes fell on Yang Lanbo, and Yang Lanbo squinted his eyes and said to Xue Yuque: "Let the horse come here!"

"I think so too!"

The blood-feathered sparrow spread its wings, and the blood energy in the sky swept towards Yang Lanbo and others like a wave. And where the blood energy passed, some spirit beasts and Youquan blood clan that couldn't dodge, all turned into a puddle of blood.


With a wave of Yang Lanbo's hand, another middle-grade fairy artifact was sacrificed.

On the small middle-grade fairy artifact, a dazzling white light flashed, and a huge phantom appeared above the people in Shushan. This huge phantom is nine feet high, and it looks exactly like the gate archway of Shushan Mountain!

A wave of blood was constantly sweeping across the tall archway. At first the archway was unmoved, but as the waves continued to invade, it began to shake slowly.


Yang Lanbo bit the tip of his tongue, and sprayed a mouthful of blood on the archway, making it more stable.

"It's still burning to support it, I don't know how high the sky is!"

The Blood Feather Sparrow screamed, flapping its wings and approaching the archway.

As the Blood Feather Sparrow approached, the wave-like blood energy became more powerful and swept across the archway even more violently.


Without holding on for a few seconds, Yang Lanbo vomited blood and fell to the ground.


It's just that the phantom archway made a sound like shattering ice, and cracks like spider webs appeared quickly on it. It seems that it was only destroyed in a very short period of time.

The situation is extremely critical. If the archway is destroyed, Yang Lanbo and others will undoubtedly die. With their strength, they cannot survive the bloody wave at all.

The Blood Feather Sparrow sneered, its body was still approaching, and the archway shattered in the blink of an eye.


An old and deep voice suddenly sounded, the disciple with the lowest cultivation level in the Shushan forces, his body floated up at a critical moment, a phantom with white hair and beard jumped out from above his head, and slammed his palm at the blood-feathered bird in the air .

The air seemed to become viscous at this moment, and the speed of the Blood Feather Sparrow's escape slowed down, and it was slammed on the body by Xu Ying's palm.


The blood-feathered sparrow exploded and turned into bloody water, and a red light flew into the distance.

"Disciple of Shu Mountain, we must destroy the fleeing 'Blood Soul'!"

The phantom of the old man with white hair and beard, with a trace of regret in his eyes, is gradually fading and disappearing.

"Follow the orders of the Supreme Elder!"

Everyone saluted the disappearing phantom, and there was cold sweat from the rest of their lives on their faces.

"It's so shocking! That magic weapon, the strength of the Youquan Blood Clan... No wonder Shushan brought in a person with such a low level of cultivation this time. It turns out that he can play such a role!"

Witnessing all the ancient disputes, he couldn't help murmuring.

"This is what the world of immortal cultivators looks like." Qi Ling said.

"The world of immortal cultivators!"

Gu Zheng murmured, a light flickered in his eyes.

What happened in the valley didn't just shock the human side. Some Youquan blood clan and spirit beasts with high spiritual intelligence have left, and when they left, they deliberately moved away from the Shushan forces, which is enough to show that they The fear and fear in my heart.

"Ready to fight!"

Seeing that the powerful spirit beasts and Youquan blood clan had already partly left, Yang Lanbo, who was still very weak, gave an order immediately.


Hong Xin, deputy team leader of Shushan, took the order and put his hand on the largest formation stone. Silently, a huge circular light array emerged on the ground. The light array consists of two parts, the inner part is a circle, and mysterious characters are flashing in it. The outer part is twelve discs the size of a round table.

Among the Shushan disciples, the injured Yang Lanbo was unable to fight, and the disciple who was borrowed by the Supreme Elder of the Returning Void Realm was unconscious. Except for the two of them, the remaining thirteen people began to stand in line, as if they were in the light formation , forming a new formation.

As for the five members of Spirit Sword Sect and the three members of Ziyun Palace, they came to the periphery of the light array and stood on discs the size of a round table.

Seeing that everything was ready, Yang Lanbo nodded to Luo Xiao who was in the formation. Luo Xiao immediately opened a bag with a mysterious rune drawn on it, and the strong fragrance of fairy fruit wafted out of it.

There are no fairy fruits in the valley now. The scent of fairy fruits suddenly wafted from Shushan Mountain, which made all the spirit beasts and Youquan blood clan still in the valley twitch their noses.

It is self-evident what kind of temptation the fairy fruit has for the spirit beasts and the Blood Clan of Youquan!



Almost all the spirit beasts and Youquan blood clan roared and rushed towards the Shushan forces. This is the starting point of a new round of chaos, a starting point deliberately created by Shushan forces.

"Shushan Sword Formation!"

The spirit beast and the Youquan blood race had reached a suitable distance, and Yang Lanbo roared.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

With the help of the blessing of the light array on the ground, the Shushan disciples possessed abilities that they didn't have before. With one finger of their sword formula, the sharp sword in the other hand immediately flew towards the spirit beast and the Youquan blood clan.

Amidst the screams, blood flew, and the weaker part of the spirit beasts and Youquan blood clan had already fallen under the attack of the sword formation.

The sharp swords that wounded the enemy once flew back to their masters' hands, and they were swung by their masters to absorb the power from the light array and prepare for the next wave of attacks.


The seven people on the periphery of the light formation yelled one after another, and they launched a powerful attack beyond their original strength at the spirit beasts and Youquan blood clan who came outside the formation. The magic circle gave them super destructive power and super resistance. At the same time, it also blocked the attacks of spirit beasts and Youquan blood clan.

The spirit beasts and Youquan blood clan fell on the periphery, and it was not easy for them to pass through the blockage of the periphery and enter the inner circle. It was not that simple to break the formation.

"Shushan Sword Formation!"

Under the command of Yang Lanbo, the Shushan disciples in the inner circle shot out their sharp swords again, and the spirit beasts and Youquan blood clan fell to the ground again.

In fact, every time the Yunwu Valley is opened, Shushan will use this magic circle to collect another wave of spirit beast resources.

After witnessing the rumored cooperation formation, Gu Zheng quietly left Yunwu Valley, and there was nothing worth watching here.

During this trip to the Yunwu Valley, Gu Zheng harvested a total of 40 jade longan, 60 golden lychees, 25 five-finger bananas, and six fairy vine papayas.

He took out a jade longan, peeled the skin and put it in his mouth.

Sweet and juicy, the taste of jade longan is many times better than the longan in the outside world, and it has a lot of pulp and a small core. The celestial power contained in it is even more comfortable for people to eat.

"Not bad, mouth full of fluid, very sweet!"

After eating a jade dragon eye, Gu Zheng took out another golden lychee, and was about to peel it and open it, when the voice of the spirit of the weapon suddenly sounded in his mind.

"Gu Zheng, I suggest you not eat these fairy fruits yet."

"Why?" Gu Zheng asked.

"It's a pity to eat fairy fruit like this! Let me give you an analogy, the fairy power contained in one fairy apricot fruit in the prehistoric space is equivalent to one fairy pill. But if you use fairy apricot fruit to refine fairy pill, Two fairy apricot fruits, together with some not-too-precious medicinal materials, can refine three immortal essence pills!" Qi Ling said.

"I understand what you're saying. Just like the exotic fruits harvested outside the Shu Ruins, eating it directly is a bit more wasteful than refining alchemy. But I don't know how to make alchemy, so I can only eat it directly." Gu Zheng said helplessly. .

"You don't have to make alchemy to make better use of fairy fruits. Don't forget that you are the descendant of Lord Tiexian. What is Master Tiexian best at? Cooking all kinds of delicacies! I can tell you something, when you When the Tie Xian Jue reaches the fourth level, the reward will be "Fairy Fruit Food Cultivator", and then you will be able to make better use of these fairy fruits."

Qi Ling can reveal the reward in advance, which makes Gu Zheng very happy. However, happy to be happy, Gu Zheng still let out a sigh.

"Each level of Tiexianjue is divided into ten percent, and every tenth of the increase requires a lot more immortal power than the previous one. Even though I have items such as Xianyuan Dan, Xianjiu, Xianmi, Xiancai, etc., I can use more or less Some people can improve the immortal power, but they either have a time limit, or they replenish too little power. Although my cultivation is much faster than the average person, watching the battle in the valley today made me very happy. Pressure, so I want to eat these fairy fruits, let's improve my strength first!"

If Gu Zheng got these fairy fruits today, if he took all of them, his cultivation could reach 50% of the third level of Tie Xian Jue, which is only one step away from the middle stage of the fifth level.

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