Gu Zheng was a little out of his wits, but the methods of monkey monsters were still emerging endlessly. He wanted to kill Gu Zheng, and he displayed a magical power that he had never used against Gu Zheng before. The four little monkeys The phantom appeared beside him, and the phantoms of these four little monkeys could not only help him absorb the damage caused by Gu Zheng's attack, but also help him launch a demand to deal with Gu Zheng.

Seeing the phantoms of the four little monkeys, Gu Zheng's mind flashed, the window paper that had prevented him from seeing through the illusion was pierced, and he remembered what happened before. In the environment, Brother Hantan once fought to the death with the puppet soldier, the strongest subordinate of Chessman Doll, and the puppet soldier at that time also performed it, just like the avatar technique that the monkey monster is currently performing.

"Go to hell!"

Even though he knew that the monkey monster was just an illusion, after seeing through it, Gu Zheng still couldn't help being a little angry. He was almost cornered by this illusion.

With Gu Zheng's roar, everything around him stopped moving, including the damn monkey monster. A crack appeared on the monkey monster's body, and then spread to the entire space, finally making the whole space in front of Gu Zheng's eyes. Pieces shattered.

After seeing through the fourth wave of the phantom formation's attack, and the last attack, Gu Zheng will be able to pass through the phantom formation, and for the last attack, he will appear when he walks two miles forward.

Gu Zheng didn't move forward any further, he sat down cross-legged on the spot, not that he consumed too much in the previous illusion attacks, but that he waited for the father and son of the cold pool monk. After all, if he goes to see through the last wave of illusion attacks right now, then even if he breaks the second layer of immortal formation, then his power will appear, and he will be directly sent to the last layer of immortal formation .

The patient in the second stage is different from the first trapped formation. Gu Zheng did not destroy the formation eye here, so the formation space does not need to repair itself, so once the cold pool monk and his son get out of the first trapped formation, they will be safe. They will be sent to the second level of the illusion array. Based on their understanding of the formation method, they will definitely be played to death by the illusion here, so Gu Zheng must wait for them here.

Through the master-slave relationship, Gu Zheng knew that the father and son of the monk Hantan did not die. As for why they did not die, but did not appear in the double immortal formation, Gu Zheng had already thought about it during this period of time. He felt that It should be that the heart magic orb was swallowed by the killer monster. After all, monsters have the habit of swallowing things they hate, and only this situation can explain why the father and son didn't die, but neither did they die. Appeared in the double fairy array.

Gu Zheng is waiting for the father and son of the monk Hantan, but he won't wait too long, he will only wait for them for five minutes at most, if they don't appear in the second layer of immortal formation within five minutes, it means that they met The current situation has really become an endless loop, and it is almost impossible for them to rely on their own abilities to get out of trouble! Therefore, Gu Zheng must seize the time to go to the third layer of fairy formation, and after finding the slingshot, he will break the third layer of fairy formation, then re-enter the first layer of fairy formation, and bring their father and son out.

Thinking that he might really have to re-enter the first layer of immortal formation after going around for a while, Gu Zheng was somewhat overwhelmed, but he didn't complain about the ineffectiveness of Brother Hantan and his son because of this. The father and son really contributed a lot, without them holding back the monster with the ultimate move at that time, Gu Zheng would not have been able to reach the second level of the immortal formation smoothly.

Things were not as bad as Gu Zheng imagined. The monkey monster was crazily exported by the father and son of the cold pool monk without moving, so he died soon, and after his death, the heart magic bead rushed out of his body, His mummy-like body instantly turned into fly ash. As for the other half of his charcoal-like body, it collapsed like a sand sculpture under the impact of the flying out of the Heart Demon Orb, turning into black all over the ground. particles.


The next moment, Brother Hantan uttered a heart-wrenching cry.

Because there is still time, the power of exclusion in the formation is still there, as long as there are life forms that do not belong to the formation appear in the formation, they will be sent to the double immortal formation by the power of exclusion of the formation to go.

The black particles that the monkey monster turns into after death are tonics for cultivators in the cold pool to improve their cultivation, so he wants to absorb the black particles after leaving the heart magic orb, even though the monks in the cold pool only need to absorb those black particles. One breath of time, but the force of exclusion didn't even give him a breath of time, and directly sent him into the double immortal formation.

For monk Hantan, failing to absorb the black particles was a tragic event, but even more tragic events were still waiting for him.

Since the illusion attack in the double immortal formation had been activated by Gu Zheng, the monk Hantan was immediately attacked by illusion as soon as he entered the double immortal formation. He saw those black particles that he had not absorbed fell from the sky, and During the descent, it transformed from the form of black particles into real flesh and blood, and re-formed into a monkey monster with a flesh and blood body!

The enemy was extremely jealous when they met, and the reborn monkey monster immediately farted at the cold pool monk. The frightened cold pool monk hurried into the heart magic orb to discuss countermeasures with his son, but he didn't know that everything he saw was an illusion. Including his worried son.

Compared with the cold pool monk who was trapped by the illusion, the cold pool monk's son scratched his head anxiously. She was hidden in the heart magic orb and was not affected by the illusion, so he could see that his father's expression was a little abnormal. Shang also experienced many fairy formations with Gu Zheng, so he guessed that his father must have been affected by illusion.

Deliberately wanted to break out of the heart magic bead to wake up his father, but the son of the cold pool monk was worried that after he broke out of the new magic bead, he would not have time to wake up his father, and he would also be affected by the illusion. function and thus lost oneself.

"do not care!"

The son of the cold pool monk gritted his teeth, he decided to rush out of the heart magic orb, he saw the expression on his father's face was very frightened, it seemed that he had been pushed to the edge of life and death by the illusion, and once the person caught in the illusion was in the illusion If he dies in reality, he will die in reality, so the son of the monk Hantan doesn't want to wait any longer.

"Father, wake up!"

At the same time as he rushed out of the Heart Magic Orb, the son of the cold pool cultivator had already let out a roar. He was worried that if he went outside the Heart Magic Orb and called his father, he would have been affected by the illusion at that time. His voice was heard by his father first, or the illusion worked first.

Since he had already roared when he left the Heart Demon Orb, the voice of Brother Cold Pool and his son was incomplete in Brother Cold Pool's No. It is also an antidote for people! After all, no matter what the reason is, as long as the person caught in the illusion can recover, the illusion will be seen through.

In the eyes of Brother Hantan's son, his roar successfully made his father tremble and he came back to his senses, while he himself felt drowsy. At the moment before he lost consciousness, He felt that it was his father who successfully saw through the illusion and brought him to the Heart Magic Orb.

The environment in front of him was the familiar Heart Demon Orb, and the son of the monk Hantan had also come to his senses. When the father and son looked at each other, they looked a little excited.

The current situation is that monk Hantan knows that the outside is an illusion, and the son of monk Hantan also knows that there is an illusion outside, so as long as the father and son keep thinking this way and leave the Heart Demon Orb at the same time, the illusion outside will be controlled by them. Broken, it won't work on any of them anymore.

The father and son thought this was an illusion, and then left the Heart Demon Orb at the same time. Sure enough, the illusion no longer had any effect on them. They saw the essence of the illusion array, which was a formation space surrounded by clouds and mist.

However, the essence of the illusion is actually nothing. The essence of the illusion that Gu Zheng saw is the real essence. The son of the monk Hantan thought that he had got rid of the influence of the illusion, but he did not know that he was still in the illusion. The moment he left the Heart Demon Orb, everything he saw was created by his heart, and his father, who was deeply in illusion, was not awakened by him, so the real situation now is that the father and son are each addicted to Unable to extricate themselves in their respective illusions.

At this moment, Gu Zheng was about to enter the scope of the fifth illusion attack, and the expression on his face was dumbfounding.

Originally, Gu Zheng was still worried about the safety of Brother Hantan and his son. He thought about waiting five minutes for Brother Hantan and his son in the Second Immortal Town. If Brother Hantan did not show up after five minutes, he would To break the formation.

Due to the master-slave relationship, Gu Zheng has a special ability to sense the Hantan monk and his son, so he knew it the moment the Hantan monk and his son entered the double fairy formation, and he was glad that the Hantan monk and his son commented on their abilities After entering the second-level fairy formation, he also felt unfortunate for the father and son of the monks in the cold pool. The hard-fated father and son had been trapped in the first-level fairy formation for a while. Within the scope of the attack, this is an unfortunate thing, he must hurry to rescue the father and son, otherwise, with the father and son's ability to understand illusions, they will definitely suffer or even die under the attack of illusions possible.

Since the fifth illusion attack had not yet been broken, Gu Zheng, who had not entered the range of the attack, could not let his voice be heard by the cold pool monk and his son in the formation. Therefore, it is simply impossible to wake up the cold pool monk and his son in the illusion before entering.

Gu Zheng stepped forward. The fifth illusion attack had an effect on it. The scene was still what Gu Zheng had experienced. This time he was confronting the Monkey King. The Monkey King insisted that he did not know the whereabouts of the slingshot. It was Brother Hantan who said that the reason why he said that the monkey king knew the whereabouts of the slingshot was guided by the judge's pen, but the monkey king also denied it.

"You guys are really deceiving people too much. I've already said it. I don't even know the whereabouts of the so-called slingshot. Why are you still pestering me?"

The ape king let out a sky-shattering roar, as if he was about to be driven mad by the cold pool monk's question.

At this time, the problem was also placed in front of Gu Zheng. Brother Hantan insisted that the guidance given to him by the judge's pen was not an illusion, and the king of monkeys insisted that he did not know the whereabouts of the slingshot. Gu Zheng must be willing to believe in his own attributes. Next, so when faced with this situation, his only choice is to make the ape king honest, and the only way to make the ape king honest now seems to be to beat him to be honest later.


Gu Zheng, who hadn't found anything different, took several of his subordinates and started flying towards the place where the ape king was.

The king of apes also made a counterattack against Gu Zheng's decision. Although he made atonement in the fairy formation in the clouds, he could still give orders and order his subordinates, so many ape monsters flew towards Gu Zheng and them, There are several thousand in number, and the mighty ones are like a large white cloud moving in the sky.

For these ape monsters, Gu Zheng has only one order, and that is to kill, kill all these little ones, and then go to the ape king for trouble.

The original intention of the phantom array is to let Gu Zheng sink by killing, but even if it has some understanding of Gu Zheng, it can make illusions come from the heart, but it can't always make countermeasures to Gu Zheng's mood changes.

For example, now, Gu Zheng, who is very angry, does not want to kill at all, and what Gu Zheng really wants is to meditate. Of course, what he meditates this time is not something that is doubtful, but to find a way out of the predicament. Method.

"Master, how will we deal with that ape king later?"

While fighting, the son of the monk Hantan sent a voice transmission to Gu Zheng.

"This ape king is not easy to deal with!"

Gu Zheng was really troubled, no matter how difficult it was, there were difficulties. He had experienced this in the real world, and he also had such troubles, but fortunately, the King of Apes wanted to get the judge's pen at that time, and everything was in jeopardy. It becomes easy to handle, if not that, the difficulties he is going through now, he will have to go through at that time.

"Master, please explain clearly, what kind of difficult to deal with is that?"

The son of the monk Hantan asked again, this is actually a means of the illusion to delay the time, so as to achieve the sinking of Gu Zheng.

Illusion wanted to make Gu Zheng sink, but Gu Zheng felt that the son of the monk Hantan was talking too much at the moment, and he was still fighting, but after thinking about it, Gu Zheng felt nothing, anyway, the strength of those ape monsters Not much, even if the son of the cold pool monk is distracted, those apes and monsters can't do anything to him. Moreover, he thought hard all by himself to no avail, and he also wanted to find someone to talk to, to see if he could get any inspiration in the process of talking to others.

Gu Zheng expressed some of the thoughts in his heart, and in the process of telling, the son of the monk Hantan put forward some of his opinions and suggestions, and time was indeed dragged under this situation.

However, the current phantom array is still a bit low-grade in general. He has experienced many more powerful phantom formations and ancient battles. It is precisely because of these experiences that he has a strong resistance to illusions. This resistance The most real manifestation is rebellion, that is, when illusion tries to lead Gu Zheng by the nose, Gu Zheng will have a lot of questions and thoughts.

For example, now, Gu Zheng feels that Brother Hantan's son is unprecedentedly ignorant, and he should have shut up a long time ago, but he is still very caring, and these things are what he should worry about as a servant of it? Gu Zheng thinks not!

Having doubts about the son of monk Hantan in his heart, Gu Zheng began to think about it. This thought made him feel the feeling of being separated by a layer of window paper again. He felt that similar things seemed to happen. But I can't remember exactly when it happened.

That is to say, Gu Zheng's ability to recognize illusions is relatively high. If it is an ordinary person, it is impossible to question the son of the monk Hantan after being dragged by the son of the cold pool monk for so long, because as early as he and the monk Hantan When his son talked so much, he had already sunk in the illusion, and he would never come out of the team again. Hantan monks, his son's doubts, this is the behavior that normal people should have, how could it be like Gu Zheng? The monk's son was a little weird, but he would still answer his questions, and it wouldn't increase the possibility of being addicted to illusions too much.

Finally, when the ape monster army, the father and son of the monk Bahantan, were all wiped out, and the group wanted to find trouble with the ape king according to the original plan, the window paper in Gu Zheng's heart was broken, and a very strong sense of trouble made him He felt that he didn't need to be so troublesome to do this, and he had already done it!

After having this kind of absolute realization in his heart, Gu Zheng suddenly opened up, and the complete return of his original memory made him understand that everything in front of him was just the effect of illusion.

"Master, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing Gu Zheng staring at him blankly, Brother Hantan's son was a little at a loss.

"It's nothing, it's just that you should shut up!"

Gu Zheng closed and opened his eyes, and the world in front of him was finally quiet. He saw the father and son of the monk Hantan, but this time what he saw was not an illusion, but a real person who was being tortured by the illusion.

Although Gu Zheng saw through the illusion, the illusion array did not disappear, but the illusion here no longer worked on him, and it still had an effect on the father and son of the monk Hantan. Moreover, since Gu Zheng is not the only person trapped in the current phantom formation, after he breaks away from the phantom, the force that can push him to the third level of the fairy formation does not didn't show up.

However, it is very easy for Gu Zheng to let the power of exclusion appear, and that is to help the father and son of the monk Hantan escape from the illusion. However, this kind of escape cannot be done by conventional means. If it is done by conventional means, such as waking up the father and son of the monks in the cold pool, this will only make them temporarily escape the attack of illusion, but they are still in the illusion. So their sobriety can only last for that moment, and then they will be trapped in the state of illusion again.

Holding the treasure, it is much easier for Gu Zheng to break out of this predicament. The father and son of the monk Hantan are not protected by the power of law. Gu Zheng just took them into the magic crystal with a single thought .

According to the judgment of the power of law, only Gu Zheng, who has passed all the tests of illusion, is left in the current illusion formation, so that kind of self-dispelling power also appears.

The powerful self-dispelling power acted on Gu Zheng's body, and Gu Zheng's vision also alternated with light and dark, and he finally reached the third level of the triple immortal formation.

Since he has already experienced the first two levels of immortal formations, Gu Zheng's understanding of this triple formation has reached a certain level, so he knows that this is a killing formation, and the power of the killing move cannot be underestimated.

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