Feeling that it was hopeless to catch up with the cold pool monk, the soldier puppet finally used its trump card.

There are a total of three energy gems on the soldier puppet, two of which are used as its eyes, the biggest function is not to let it see things, but as its hole card, this hole card has been used by the soldier puppet, It used its eyes to transform into its missing arm, plus a black short gun.

The third energy gemstone on the soldier puppet is in its chest. This energy gemstone is the central gemstone, and its meaning of existence is no less than that of a human heart. Once the central gemstone is crushed, the soldier puppet will only have one The fate of death.

However, the cold pool monks who dare not attack the soldier puppet are naturally impossible to break its central gem, but this central gem is broken when the soldier puppet uses the last hole card, and it will infuse the energy in the central gem into the body Among them, in order to have a strong outbreak in a short period of time.

Of course, since the central gem is equivalent to the heart, the time that can be bought for the soldier puppet in this way is really short, it can be said that it only takes one blow!

The soldier puppet has long been defined as a prodigal son by the monks of the cold pool. It will use its fairy weapon in that way, and it will also use its central gemstone in this way. Who makes it a puppet instead of a real intelligent creature!

However, compared to the destruction of the two precious celestial artifacts before, the action of the soldier puppet to destroy the central gem is still a bit wise. The cold pool monk has been delaying time with it. If it is not so decisive, it will not only be unable to kill the cold pool monk , and will be killed by the monks of the cold pool, it has no choice but to do so.

Everything happened in an instant. The soldier puppet that used the central gem burst into a dazzling light. It was like a shooting star and hit the monk in the cold pool.

The soldier puppets flying over were not only very fast, but also had a very strong momentum. This momentum made the monks in the cold pool feel that it was wrong to hide.

For a moment, monk Hantan saw sweat on his forehead, knowing that he couldn't escape, he could only raise the flame stick and prepare to fight recklessly.

Using 120% of his strength, the cold pool monk's flaming stick slammed heavily on the soldier's puppet's upright short spear, and the huge sound of metal and iron clashing came to mind.

Thanks to Brother Hantan's hard work, he smashed down the stick and missed the puppet's short spear. Otherwise, Brother Hantan, who was stabbed in the vital part by the short spear, would not have to wait for the supernatural power of the short spear to have an effect on him , Immediately is a dead end.

What happened between the lightning and the flint was like a single-shot game. The cold pool cultivator activated the supernatural power of atomizing the dragon body, trying to avoid the damage caused by the strange short spear through atomization, but the strange short spear pointed directly at the source. , Immediately pierced his atomized dragon body to his body form, and then pierced the dragon scales on his body, hurting his thigh.

The injury to the thigh was originally a minor injury, and the soldier puppet’s hole card was only a one-hit attack. After that, it was completely unable to launch a second blow to the cold pool monk. It seemed to be attacked by it on the spot. Like the little soldier puppets who cleaned up the door, they disintegrated like sand sculptures and turned into black particles all over the place.

The difficult soldier puppet finally died, but the condition of the cold pool cultivator was also very bad. His leg stabbed by the short spear could no longer move in such a short period of time, and it was completely black, and the terrifying The blackness is spreading along his thighs to other parts of his body. In five seconds at most, the blackness will spread to every corner of his body. At that time, he will also disintegrate like a sand sculpture, turning into black all over the place. particles.

In this situation, the son of monk Hantan was in a hurry. He wanted to rush to his father, but was stopped by Gu Zheng.

Through the contract of acknowledging the master, the master has a special feeling for the servant, so Gu Zheng understands that the opportunity has come for the monk Hantan. Although his current situation seems a little worrying, he is actually in a special state.

Indeed, monk Hantan is in a special state.

Regarding the terrifying black spread, the cold pool monk felt it was very scary when he had no contact with it. He didn't know how to deal with it when he was really going to be stained by the black.

However, when he really came into contact with the blackness, the cold pool monk discovered that his soul power had a strong reaction, and launched a counterattack against the spreading blackness.

Soul power is the power of the soul, which is a magical power that is very similar to divine thoughts.

It's a pity that although the father and son of the Hantan cultivator and his son are special species, although they are born with soul power, the development of soul power is very low, and in the space world inside the fairy-level space fairy, the soul power is restricted by the power of law , which also made the soul power that their father and son could have had no effect at all in this special environment.

However, the soul power of the father and son of the monks in the cold pool is not so weak. As long as they can get the chance to unlock it in the space world, they can unlock the supernatural power of the soul power. , There are also precedents for unlocking, and even because of chance, the soul power has produced magical powers that it did not have originally.

For example, monk Hantan, in the test of the space world, due to chance, the soul power awakened the supernatural powers that it did not possess, such as the control of monsters.

Another example is the son of the monk Hantan. Because of the chance, he awakened his soul power to have two kinds of supernatural powers that he didn't have. It is able to use the soul power to release the power of law protection on the space monster.

In any case, soul power is a very magical power with great potential.

For example, right now, the soul power is fighting against the spread of blackness, which does not need to be controlled by the cold pool monk. As for what the cold pool monk's mind is doing, his mind has already entered the mysterious state when the soul power is actively attacking. realm.

Not knowing who he is, not knowing where this place is, Brother Hantan just quietly looked at everything in front of him.

This is a very weird space, it looks like a cave, the surrounding is filled with bright red, and there are things like red spider silk everywhere.

The environment is very strange, but the monk Hantan is not afraid at all, on the contrary, he feels kind to these red things.

The cold pool monk moved. He touched the red cave wall with his hand. It didn't feel as hard as a rock. It felt soft and wet. He touched the red spider silk with his hand again, and it felt sticky. , Every time he pinches it hard, he will feel a numb and crisp feeling like an electric shock, which makes him unable to tell whether it is comfortable or uncomfortable.

The cold pool monk who was observing while walking was gradually attracted by the bright light in the depths of the cave, and he soon came to the bottom of the cave, where there was a ball-like object with a very rough surface and very strange lines , these lines are like ditches, intertwined and criss-crossed, and seem to imply some kind of mystery in chaos.

The ball is also blood red, and a part of it is connected to the cave wall, as if it grows on the cave wall. As for the spider threads in the cave, they are all born from it. When it's time, it will be beating gently under the hands of monk Hantan.


At the same time, the chess piece dolls outside made a curious sound.

The Chessman Doll did not expect that the cold pool monks could prevent the black from spreading to a great extent, and through the super sensing power, it has already felt that the seemingly motionless cold pool monks have actually entered the mysterious realm.

"Yes! Your subordinate has actually entered the mysterious realm."

Chess Doll gritted her teeth, it was good to Gu Zheng, but not only did it not have any friendship with Brother Hantan, but also had a deep hatred, not to mention those subordinates who were killed by Brother Hantan before, now Its most proud subordinate has died, but the cold pool cultivator has entered the mysterious realm because of this, how can it be balanced in its heart.

Regarding the unbalanced remarks in Qizi Doll's mind, Gu Zheng did not answer, but Qizi Doll spoke again: "Although your subordinate has entered the mysterious realm, he still needs to make comprehension in the mysterious realm. And this kind of comprehension must be related to getting rid of the deadlock, otherwise, when his mysterious realm ends, it will be his death!"

Gu Zheng still didn't answer, but he knew that what Chessman Doll said was right, if the cold pool cultivator could not find a way to break the deadlock in the mysterious realm, once his mind left that mysterious realm, he would face the invasion of blackness, And the reason why he exists in a state of being slowly invaded by black is just because the power of law has formed a kind of protection for him who has fallen into the mysterious realm. Once he leaves the mysterious realm, this protection will naturally It will also be over.

Brother Hantan still doesn't know who he is, but there is not much time left for him in the mysterious realm, and a sense of anxiety arises in his heart. This feeling is a reminder to him that the mysterious realm is coming to an end up.

Under normal circumstances, when a feeling of anxiety arises, even if a person who is deeply in the mysterious realm has not woken up before, there is a high possibility that he will wake up because of the feeling of anxiety at this time. However, Brother Hantan still couldn't wake up, instead, the anxiety in his heart became deeper. He circled the red sphere in a circle, like an ant on a hot pot.

However, not all the anxiety brought to Brother Hantan was negative. At least Brother Hantan now had a feeling that he had to do something to the red sphere. This red sphere seemed to have a lot to do with him. It's a big relationship, if he can't do something to this red sphere, then he will definitely regret it later.

Under the influence of anxiety, Brother Hantan made a very strange decision. He thought that since he knew that the red sphere was useful to him but he didn't know how to deal with it, he should eat the red sphere directly. Perhaps it would be safer to keep it in the stomach.

If it was in a sober state, monks in the cold pool would never make such a choice, because the red sphere looks really disgusting. If you want to find something to describe it, then it may be a bit like the brain , eating it is undoubtedly like eating a brain raw.

The cold pool monk lying on the red sphere bit the red sphere in one bite, sucking the juice inside.

However, the red sphere only looks like a brain, it is not actually a brain. The juice sucked by the cold pool monk is as delicious as fruit juice, and during the process of sucking, waves of enlightenment are in his heart Born, Brother Hantan, he seized the opportunity, his soul power was about to awaken an unusual supernatural power, this supernatural power was related to his act of devouring the red sphere in the mysterious realm.

The face of the chess piece doll changed. It found that although the monk Hantan had not escaped from the mysterious realm, the black energy that was about to invade his body was rapidly fading away. The comprehension of qi invasion.


The chess piece doll quickly denied itself, because it found that the blackness on the body of the cold pool monk was not fading, it was actually fading, but the fading speed was very fast, and it seemed to be fading.

Fading and lightening are two completely different meanings. Fading is the cold pool monk forcing the black out of the body, and fading is actually the cold pool monk's absorption of black!

Brother Hantan has left the Mystical Realm, and the deadly black energy on his body has completely disappeared, and his face is filled with a joyful smile. This time, he has awakened a new supernatural power in the Mystical Realm that his soul power did not have before. , and this new supernatural power is very powerful, so powerful that it makes him proud, and he finally doesn't have to envy his son anymore.

The face of the chess piece doll is very ugly. It originally wanted to kill the monk Hantan, but it never thought that the monk Hantan would be blessed by misfortune and realize a powerful spiritual power.

However, the chess doll is also someone who can afford to lose. Since it has been said before that only one of the monks in the cold pool and his subordinates can leave the valley alive, then it will definitely keep its promise.

"Now you can do the last thing. As long as this last thing is done, I will drop everything and go with you."

No longer paying attention to monk Hantan, Chessman Doll rushed to Gu Zheng to open his mouth.

The last thing Qizi Doll wants Gu Zheng to do is to make it happy. Previously, Gu Zheng thought about continuing to focus on the way of eating, but now the blessing of monk Hantan makes Qizi Doll very unhappy, which also makes Gu Zheng feel , It seems impossible to use diet to make Chessman Doll happy.

"Do you still want to taste delicious food? I can cook something more delicious than what you have eaten before. I think you will definitely be happy after tasting that level of food."

Although it feels unlikely that the chess doll will agree, Gu Zheng still has to give it a try. Things that can be solved with food are naturally easier for him to accomplish.

"No, I've tasted the delicious food you made before, and I'm impressed by your ability to cook delicious food, but it's boring to eat delicious food all the time, and I'm sure I won't be happy. You should change the way!" Chessman Doll said .

"As the saying goes, a thousand worries can be relieved by being drunk. I think you like to drink too, but the quality of the wine is too poor, and the taste and medicinal properties are definitely not good. In view of this situation, I plan to use fairy wine to make you happy and make you happy. You only know what is the real nectar and jade dew."

Gu Zheng is unwilling to give up, if the delicious taste is not alluring, he can try fine wine again, maybe the chess doll will be very greedy for what is in the cup.

"No, I don't want you to eat and drink to complete this last thing, you should change another way!" Chessman Doll said lightly.

If you can't solve the last thing with diet, then it will definitely become more difficult to make the chess doll happy.

However, it is difficult to be difficult. It is not that Gu Zheng has not thought about how to do the last thing before.

The cause of the incident was that Brother Hantan killed the subordinates of the Chessman Doll, which shows that the Chessman Doll valued his subordinates very much, so Gu Zheng planned to start with the subordinates of the Chessman Doll.

"Do you feel that your subordinates are not refined enough?" Gu Zheng asked.

"Indeed, they are not fine enough, but they are my subordinates!" Chessman Doll said solemnly.

"Then do you want to make your subordinates more beautiful?" Gu Zheng asked again.

"I don't want to, what's the use of being beautiful, can it be eaten as food?"

The Chessman Doll gave Gu Zheng a blank look, but Gu Zheng remained unmoved and continued to cut in from the subordinate part of the Chessman Doll.

"Pretty is of course useful. If there is a beautiful servant serving food and drink, and a beautiful servant singing and dancing, that is a very enjoyable thing."

When he first entered this fairy array space, Gu Zheng had already seen the corruption of the chess dolls. He felt that the beautiful opposite sex should be a point that could impress the chess dolls, but he just didn't know if the chess dolls would really appreciate this proposal. Interest, no matter how it is, it is now angry because of the fact that monk Hantan was a blessing in disguise.

"Beautiful servant?"

The chess piece doll's eyes lit up, and it showed great interest, as if it was attracted by Gu Zheng's words.

"Yes, I have a way to make your servants beautiful, don't you want them to be beautiful?" Gu Zheng tempted.

"What can you do?" The chess piece doll gave Gu Zheng a blank look, but suddenly said: "Yes, you are an entrant, you may really have the ability to make my servants beautiful, then tell me what you want How do you make them pretty? If you could make them pretty, I'd probably be happy about it."

"If you want to make your servants beautiful, the two of us need a communication. I just give you the method to make them beautiful. As for the subsequent use of spells to achieve this goal, you need to do it yourself."

Anyway, as I said before, the specific details can be negotiated. Gu Zheng is now negotiating with the chess doll. Since his own strength is too much sealed by the power of the law, he can't directly make the servant of the chess doll beautiful. It is possible to achieve this goal through cooperation.

"Yes, but how long do you want to communicate with me? This time must be limited!" Said the chess piece doll.

"It's good to limit the time. Anyway, I don't have much time. I will naturally try my best to teach you. Let's take half an hour!" Gu Zheng thought for a while.

"Listen to you, are you going to preach to me? Can you really do such a profound thing?"

The chess piece doll looked at Gu Zheng up and down, and Gu Zheng really planned to preach to it.

Puppetry, some are pure puppets, while others are not, just like these servants of chess dolls, they cannot be regarded as pure puppets, they can only be regarded as the product of the way of life, belonging to another form of life.

Gu Zheng himself has mastered many kinds of Taoism, including the way of life. He has also done things like creating humans, but after entering the space world inside the fairy-level space fairy artifact, these original Taoisms are all lost by the space world. The power of the law in it was sealed.

However, although Taoism is sealed by the power of law, the cognition of Tao and the experience of creating human beings are still there. In addition, the chess doll itself has mastered some ways of life. , Its understanding of the way of life is likely to be improved to a higher level.

"Of course it's fine. After all, I created humans back then, and the humans I created were beautiful." Gu Zheng smiled.

"Hurry up, then preach to me quickly. As long as the Taoism you teach gives me some insight, even if I can't make my subordinates beautiful, I will count you as having completed the last thing I asked you to do."

In fact, the Qizi doll is already happy now, but Gu Zheng can't lie to it, and he still has to do what he promised.

Finding a quiet environment, Gu Zheng began to preach to the chess dolls. To put it bluntly, it was to exchange things related to the way of life.

The quiet environment is in that valley. Now that there are no soldier puppets in the valley, it can be said to be quite quiet.

Watching Gu Zheng preaching and discussing the Tao with the chess doll, the father and son of Hantan monks had time to communicate.

"Father, what exactly did you comprehend in the mysterious realm? Also, is that black substance really that terrifying?"

For the previous battle in the valley, the son of the cold pool monk was just watching the battle. He didn't feel the horror of the black matter, but he could get a glimpse of it from the situation at that time.

Facing his son's inquiry, Brother Hantan seemed very proud, and he said to his son: "That black substance is indeed terrifying, when you see me attacking the enemy with that black substance, you will know its specific power. How terrifying is it?"

"What? Can you attack an enemy with that black substance?"

Brother Hantan's son was shocked, that kind of black substance was not the supernatural power of a soldier puppet, how could his father be able to use it.

Brother Hantan recounted what happened in the mysterious realm, and then said again: "That is to say, the supernatural power I awakened from the mysterious realm this time can be regarded as a kind of soul power devouring ability, and this devouring ability After devouring the black substance, a mutation occurred, and I can use this black substance to attack the enemy in the future."

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