All kinds of ingredients have been processed by Gu Zheng. Gu Zheng puts the fruit that needs to be boiled into a pot to cook. Since the cooking of jam requires the simultaneous action of the fire control formula and the water control formula, Gu Zheng will not be able to do so at this time. There is no way to spare time to do other things, so I can only devote all my energy to making jam.

As time goes by, the fruit in the original pot has been boiled into a paste, and the alluring fragrance in the air has risen again, but it is not so attractive, the paste in the pot, The color is not pure enough, and the degree of detail is not up to standard, but even so, I haven't really tasted the delicious squirrel monster, and the saliva has already dripped on the ground again.

After the jam was boiled, Gu Zheng first put it aside. After a while of natural cooling, its flavor will become better when it is used.

The next thing Gu Zheng has to do is to make cakes, and he also named the delicacy he made this time 'Fruity Cake', because although it is made like a cake, eggs are not used in it.

Put the reconciled dough into the steamer, and Gu Zheng arranged a small fairy array on the steamer, which has achieved the purpose of lifting, because the method he uses next for the dough is not steaming, but baking.

Under the action of Fire Control Art and Xianli, the steamer is in a special environment, and in this special environment, the dough with ghee expands rapidly and gradually evolves towards a golden color, while the dough alone Baking this dough into a fluffy pastry is enough to trigger a delicious transformation!

However, due to the existence of the fairy array on the steamer, the immortal essence from outside cannot resonate with the food in the steamer, and the white gas that can be extremely fragrant and transformed into form has not appeared, and even people outside can't smell it. arrive.

Although Gu Zheng still cooks in an environment where they can't see, after seeing the 'grape plum lotus root paste' cooked by Gu Zheng, no matter whether it is a squirrel monster or a chess doll, they will no longer feel like before. Gu Zheng may ruin a pot of delicious food, and now they quite agree with Gu Zheng's ability to cook delicious food.

Finally, Gu Zheng used the fire control formula to turn off the fire, and went to get the naturally cooled jam.

The chess piece dolls and squirrel monsters all stared wide-eyed, they knew that the exciting moment was coming soon.

Gu Zheng lifted the fairy formation on the steamer and lifted the lid of the steamer.

The moment Gu Zheng opened the lid, a miraculous scene happened. The cake body, which was not golden enough at first, came into contact with the immortal essence in the air. While its color was rapidly changing to golden yellow, a large amount of white mist also flowed from it. Come out.

With a wave of Gu Zheng's hand, the jam in his hand was evenly poured on the cake body, and with another wave of his hand, all the fruits that had been cut up fell on the jam, and a large amount of white mist was caused by the cake body, jam, and fruit. Combination, born in the form of gushing, condensed on the top of this plate of fruit cake, the fragrance in the air also reached its peak at this time, except for Gu Zheng, the father and son of Hantan monks, chess dolls and squirrel monsters all involuntarily He raised his nose.


"This taste is too sweet!"

"It's a wonderful feeling, it's so exciting!"

"I miss the deliciousness of the master's cooking so much, I can't help but drool."

The chess piece dolls and squirrel monsters, including the father and son of the monk Hantan, couldn't help but sigh with emotion, but this is not the ultimate fragrance of the fruity cake, anyway, the white gas condensed on the top of the fruity cake has not yet returned to the fruity cake Among them, the fruity cake has not yet produced an extremely fragrant shape.

It was too late, and then it was too late, the white mist that had condensed above the fruity cake instantly entered the fruity cake, and the extremely fragrant shape that people were looking forward to appeared.

Compared with the extremely fragrant form of the previous 'Grape Plum Lotus Root Powder Paste', the extremely fragrant form of the fruit-flavored cake is a bit simpler. It turns into a phantom of a butter fruit, but the phantom of the butter fruit is rapidly disappearing. After spinning, it turned into white mist again, and drenched on the fruity cake like jam. At this time, the sweetness of the fruity cake reached its peak, and the surroundings immediately heard the sound of swallowing saliva.

Not wanting to be spoiled by impulsive pawn dolls or squirrel monsters, Gu Zheng condensed his immortal power into a knife, quickly cut the fruity cake, divided the fruity cake into five parts, and sent them to their hands.

Except for Gu Zheng, the other four guys are not polite at all. After getting their own share of fruity cakes, they immediately swallowed them up, but fortunately, Gu Zheng made more fruity cakes this time , even if they binge eat, it is enough to eat a few bites.

Taking a deep breath of the intoxicating sweetness of the fruit-flavored cake, Gu Zheng also began to taste the delicacy.

Gu Zheng was the first to eat the fruit inserted on the fruit cake. The fruit at this moment is not comparable to the fruit in the normal state. Whether it is their taste or their taste, after the treatment of Gu Zheng and the extremely fragrant After the effect of the gas of transformation, they have completed a gorgeous transformation, and it is not too much to say that their grade has been upgraded to the fairy fruit level.

After tasting the fruit, what Gu Zheng tasted next was jam. The sweet and sour aroma exploded in Gu Zheng's mouth immediately after the jam entered the mouth. As for its taste, it was also quite wonderful. The taste of sand, but after the sandy taste meets the saliva, it disappears at an extremely fast speed, and it turns into a delicate sweetness and stickiness. Between the teeth, there are nut particles that are crushed. The wonderful fragrance of oil burst out again brought by the nuts.

The next goal of Gu Zheng’s taste is the cake body, and the texture of the cake body is also very wonderful, because the jam has just been poured on it, it still retains a slightly burnt aroma on the skin, as for its inside, it is very soft and sweet , even if you don't refuse it, the soft cake will melt soon, and after it melts, a strange milky fragrance permeates Gu Zheng's mouth, giving people a great feeling.

Gu Zheng’s next step is to taste the cake and jam together. The delicate stickiness of the jam, paired with the soft and melt-in-the-mouth cake, two different flavors burst out completely in the mouth, and the feeling is really good.


"It's so delicious!"

"I can't stop thinking about it!"

"It's so sweet!"

Gu Zheng just briefly tasted the components of the fruity cake, and the monks in Hantan had already finished their portion of the fruity cake.

Brother Hantan and his son are fine. Although they are in a state of never getting tired of the delicious food cooked by Gu Zheng, but this time the fruit cake is very big, and they are already very satisfied.

The chess piece doll and the squirrel monster are different from the cold pool monks. They are not too big. A piece of fruit cake makes the chess piece doll's stomach bulge. The large serving of fruity cakes was overwhelmed, but even so, it didn't affect the two of them, who were hopeless, looking at the fruity cakes on Gu Zheng's plate that they hadn't eaten much.


After all, the chess piece doll is not an ordinary monster, it still contained its gaffe.

Focusing on the squirrel monster, the chess piece doll asked: "How, do you think it has passed?"

"Forget it, such a delicious delicacy, of course it counts!" The squirrel monster hurriedly said.

"You have also completed the second thing, and then you will do the third thing. If you are short on time, you can go to Houshan with me now." Qizi Doll said to Gu Zheng again.

"The third thing is to be done by my subordinates. Can I do the fourth thing directly?" Gu Zheng asked.

"No, I can only do one by one. This is something that has been agreed before! A battle won't waste much of your time. You'd better go to the back mountain with me. Even if you don't want to watch it, I will still watch it." I want to see if your subordinates are the best, or my subordinates are the best!"

The Qizi doll said so, Gu Zheng didn't say anything more, and followed behind it with the unfinished fruit cake.

The back mountain mentioned by the chess piece doll will soon arrive. There is a valley there. There is a colorless barrier outside the valley. Through the colorless barrier, you can see that the valley is very empty. There are no plants, only one with a special appearance puppet.

Looking at this puppet, Gu Zheng understood that the chess piece monster made this puppet based on the soldiers on the chessboard. It looked like a soldier in armor with a short gun in one hand and a shield in the other.

The reason why the soldier puppet is special is because it is more delicate, and it is the most delicate of these puppets made by the chess piece doll.

"There is no time limit, it's over when one party kills the other."

Chessman Doll Chongguzheng said so, opening the colorless barrier to let the cold pool monks enter it, because the chess piece doll has said before that it is necessary to restrict the cold pool monks from using the treasure, this time the cold pool monks did not bring the heart magic orb into it .

The cold pool monk had just entered the valley. He was standing in the middle of the valley like a petrified soldier puppet. He immediately came to life. With a spear in one hand and a shield in the other, he approached the cold pool monk very carefully.

Brother Hantan was very unhappy. Not only did he not get any new instructions for beheading those hyena monsters before, but he offended the chess doll because of this, making the simple thing that Gu Zheng could accomplish now complicated. He blamed himself very much, so he planned to do his best to get rid of the soldier puppets as quickly as possible, which would also save Gu Zheng some time.

Brother Hantan summoned all four avatars, and his four avatars were all the same as his main body, holding a flame stick in one hand and a judge's pen in the other.

If he is dealing with a powerful opponent, the cold pool monk will usually keep his clone in a safe place, so that it is convenient for him to use the clone as a stand-in to suffer when he encounters danger. Who makes his clone's strength only in the early stage of returning to the void? , for a powerful opponent, if the avatar is allowed to rush up directly, it is no different from delivering food.

However, this time is different. Chessman Doll once said that the soldier puppet is also the strength of the late stage return to the void, so the four avatars in the late stage return to the void, plus his body in the late stage return to the void, can still fight head-on with the soldier puppet .

Brother Hantan first ordered his four clones to attack the soldier puppets. Although these four puppets held the same fairy artifacts as him, they were fake after all. The fairy artifacts they held had no magical powers. , and these four avatars will not be able to use the more powerful supernatural powers of the monks in the cold pool, they can only use the most basic magic arts, or fight with the enemy in close quarters.

Let the avatar take a step ahead, and the body of the monk in the cold pool stays in place. In an instant, a light array appeared above the soldier's puppet.

Facing the fishbone attack from the monk Hantan, the soldier puppet raised the shield in his hand above his head, perfectly blocking the attack of the fishbone.

Although the blade-like fishbone can't pierce the shield of the soldier puppet, they are bounced off after touching the shield, and they can't do any damage to the soldier puppet at all, but seeing the soldier puppet blocking the fishbone with the shield, Brother Hantan is quite happy , although it blocked the damage from the fishbone falling from the sky, its shield could not be used because of this, and its own protective power would definitely be reduced because the shield could not be used.

The first clone of the cold pool monk had already launched an attack on the soldier puppet, and he threw a string of fish scales like a hidden weapon at the soldier puppet.

As for the other three clones of Brother Hantan, since the splitting time is about the same, the time for them to attack the soldier puppets is basically the same.

Facing the attack launched by the four clones of the monk in the cold pool, the soldier puppet danced the short spear in his hand to form a light curtain. This light curtain can not only resist tangible attacks, but also resist invisible attacks. It is also a powerful method up.

However, the cold pool monk who seized the opportunity made a move. He activated the flame stick to the soldier puppet. He turned the soldier puppet's feet into a sea of ​​flames, and also made the bottle that would appear with the flame stick supernatural power empty. Shadow continued to breathe fire at the soldier puppets.

Suffering blows from multiple directions, the light curtain created by the short spear dancing in the soldier's hand was torn open, and an attack touched the soldier's puppet through that hole.

However, the attack that touched the soldier puppet through the defensive gap was not the attack of the cold pool monk's body. The soldier puppet stared at his body so hard that it was not easy for the crack in the light curtain to appear on his side. However, for the monk Hantan, as long as there is a gap, his body is not much different from the clone.

With a thought, Brother Hantan didn't wait for the soldiers and puppets to repair the light curtain, he switched the main body near the gap.

When Brother Hantan switched his avatars, the fairy weapon would also switch accordingly. He inserted the judge pen in his hand into the crack, and pointed at the soldier puppet.

Soldier puppets are not physical bodies, and Brother Hantan doesn't know whether the magic power of the judge pen can have an effect on this non-corporeal existence. Although he is the owner of the judge pen, he always feels that there are many things he doesn't know about the judge pen.


The judge pen touched the soldier puppet, and it made a sound like hitting metal. The cold pool monk was upset. The magic power of the judge pen was useless to the soldier puppet. Once its magic power was useless, its damage would be equal to zero. What's more, what made Brother Hantan even more upset was that the soldier puppet instantly killed one of his clones!

Because the cold pool cultivator wanted to find an opportunity to attack the soldier puppets before, his body was relatively close to the soldier puppets. When he switched the avatar to the main body, the original body naturally became the avatar that was closer to the soldier puppets. When he attacked the soldier puppet with the judge pen, the soldier puppet also attacked his avatar with a short spear. Since the avatar did not have the strength of the main body, he was relatively close to the soldier puppet, and was directly pierced by the short spear of the soldier puppet. , Disappeared in a puff of smoke.

Some things are troublesome to tell, but in fact they only happened in an instant. Since all the clones have died, the cold pool monk who is still standing in the breach of the soldier's puppet defense naturally cannot suffer this loss. He raised the flame stick and pointed at the soldier. The puppet fights away.

The soldier puppet already knew that it was the cold pool cultivator's body that was hitting it with the stick, so it pointed the short spear in its hand at the cold pool cultivator's flame stick.

"not good!"

Brother Hantan thought to himself, the shot fired by the soldier puppet was very unusual.

Brother Hantan didn't feel the special fluctuations belonging to the fairy weapon on the short spear of the soldier puppet before, so he thought that the short spear of the soldier puppet was not a fairy weapon, but who would have thought that the short spear of the soldier puppet turned out to be a rare hidden weapon? Immortal artifacts, that is, those that don't look like immortal artifacts, but are actually immortal artifacts. Judging from the fluctuations it produces when it stabs at the flame stick at this moment, it is the magical power of launching a short spear.

Even knowing that the soldier puppet had activated its short spear magic power, the cold pool cultivator could not dodge the stick he swung.


The flame stick collided with the short spear, and at the same time as there was a loud noise, a huge force was emitted from the short spear, directly impacting the body of the monk in the cold pool, causing his body to fly out like a kite with a broken string.


Cultivator Hantan vomits blood. I have to say that the supernatural powers of the soldier puppet short spear are very powerful. It is just the power transmission during a collision of immortal weapons, and it has already caused him to be seriously injured and vomit blood. On his body, isn't it directly going to kill him in seconds?

The soldier puppet's short spear magic power is powerful, but the cold pool cultivator already understands that its short spear magic power should only be activated once in a short period of time. Being able to have such a powerful explosive power is already very impressive. If it can still activate such supernatural powers one after another, then its immortal artifact must have reached an advanced level.

Although this confrontation ended with Brother Hantan being seriously injured, the one who suffered this time was actually the soldier puppet, because it used its supernatural powers of short spears. As for Brother Hantan, although he was seriously injured, he had a clone to use. And as long as he switches his main body to a clone, his serious injuries will be gone. This is also the power of the cold pool monk's clone technique, which can automatically complete the switch in an instant when he dies. is a cinch.

However, for the cold pool cultivator who changed his avatar, the avatar he switched to became seriously injured. He could only let that avatar stop attacking the soldier puppet, and save himself from being killed by the soldier puppet. His seriously injured avatar is not dead, so when it is so dangerous, he can still use the seriously injured avatar to block the knife.

The cold pool cultivator, who had regrouped, was ready to launch a new wave of attacks on the soldier puppet, and the soldier puppet also took advantage of the opportunity he had switched clones just now to escape from the sea of ​​flames set up by his flame stick.

Although it escaped from the sea of ​​fire, the soldier puppet was also injured by the sea of ​​fire before, and the place where its body was burned by the sea of ​​fire has collapsed to a certain extent. Moreover, the flame bottle is still following it like a shadow, so it can't ignore that kind of damage, but its shield is used to resist the fishbone from the sky that also follows it, so it can't be used to resist the burning of the flame bottle. Right now, it can only be hard Carrying this kind of damage can be regarded as relatively passive.

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