Facing Gu Zheng's gaudy attack, the blood-eyed unicorn with no attribute attack opened its mouth and roared, and a hurricane spewed out from its mouth.

The hurricane looks terrifying, but in fact it is not powerful enough. Not to mention that it has no effect on Gu Zheng's Divine Mind Flying Bird, even it does not cause much damage to Gu Zheng's Fire Dragon and Ice Dragon. This is an attack without attributes If the common sorcery attack of the blood-eyed unicorn is really powerful, then it will definitely use this ordinary sorcery attack to test the waters from Gu Zheng when it first faced Gu Zheng as a strong man.

However, although it is difficult for the hurricane to cause any damage to Gu Zheng's ice dragon and fire dragon, it is not easy for Gu Zheng's fire dragon and ice dragon to cause any damage compared to the blood-eyed unicorn.

First of all, although the strength of the blood-eyed unicorn has been reduced to the late stage of returning to the void in this special space, its defensive power of the metallic monster is still correspondingly reserved. This super strong defensive power makes it even occasionally It will not be affected if it is attacked by fire dragons and ice dragons.

Secondly, it is impossible for the blood-eyed unicorn to stand still and be continuously output by Gu Zheng's fire dragon and ice dragon, and its own destructive power is not too weak. It is not affected by attacks like its claws.

Although the fire dragon and the ice dragon can't cause any harm to the blood-eyed unicorn, Gu Zheng's bird of divine thought is a headache for the blood-eyed unicorn. A certain degree of decomposition. However, the blood-eyed unicorn also performed very well in terms of its resistance to the decomposition of divine thoughts. If Gu Zheng only attacked the blood-eyed unicorn with the bird of divine thoughts, it would take a minute to resolve the battle.

One minute sounds like a short time, but if it is during a battle, many things can happen in one minute.

Gu Zheng's body was not in a hurry to face the blood-eyed unicorn. Although the blood-eyed unicorn was in a state of being punished in this special space, since the owner of the original fairy-level space fairy gave the blood-eyed unicorn this last battlefield , the blood-eyed unicorn really has no chance of a comeback here? If it still has a little chance of turning over, then what is the possibility of its turning over? Anyway, judging from the current situation, if the blood-eyed unicorn doesn't have any magical powers such as hole cards, and the bird of divine sense alone is enough to kill it, then there is no need for Gu Zheng to act in a panic.

Gu Zheng didn't panic, but the blood-eyed unicorn had no choice but to panic. The bird of divine thought continued to attack it, and there was not much time left for it to turn around. It was approaching Gu Zheng.

Gu Zheng Huolong's fighting skills can be regarded as relatively clever. Knowing that it can't damage the blood-eyed unicorn with impact, it instead breathes fire at it from a distance.

Gu Zheng's ice dragon's fighting skills are lower than those of fire dragons, but ice dragons that can fight by themselves also have a little learning ability. When seeing fire dragons use long-range attacks instead of using brute force to deal with blood-eyed unicorns, it also imitates the example , launched an ice fog attack on the blood-eyed unicorn from another direction.

Facing the two tireless dragons and Gu Zheng's tireless divine mind bird, the blood-eyed unicorn finally showed something that could be counted as its trump card. It jumped three times in an instant.

The blood-eyed unicorn completed three jumps in an instant at an extremely fast speed. The first jump allowed it to escape the attack of the bird of divine thought, and it slapped a paw from the top of the fire dragon's head. On the head of the fire dragon, the Gu Zheng fire dragon was directly photographed as a rain of fire.

After destroying the fire dragon of Gu Zheng, the blood-eyed unicorn made a second jump in the air. This jump made it avoid the bird of divine thought flying towards it again, and let it come to the ice dragon of Gu Zheng Above its head, it slapped down with its claws again, and the ice dragon was also smashed into broken ice all over the ground by this paw.

The blood-eyed unicorn leaped for the third time, aiming at Gu Zheng's divine mind bird, it opened its mouth wide and bit at Gu Zheng's divine mind bird!

Gu Zheng's heart shuddered. Judging from this move of the blood-eyed unicorn, it seemed that it wanted to swallow Gu Zheng's bird of divine sense, but how dare it? If it has the ability to swallow the bird of divine thought without getting hurt, why didn't it come out in the morning, and wait until this time!

Gu Zheng instantly understood that the blood-eyed unicorn gave him a choice! After all, if the blood-eyed unicorn can really swallow his bird of divine sense and kill it, then he will be the unlucky one, and he will be in a short state of absent-mindedness because of the loss of the bird of divine sense. And for a battle, a brief absence may cost one's life.

But, does the blood-eyed unicorn really have the ability to devour the bird of divine thought? Although it has never used such supernatural powers before, it is very likely to scare people, but even so, Gu Zheng is not willing to gamble. If he loses the bet, he will suffer too much. If he does not gamble, he will win. The eye-eyed unicorn was already injured, so even if he didn't use the Asuka divine mind, he could still destroy the blood-eyed unicorn with his own strength.

With a flash of thought in his mind, Gu Zheng's bird of divine thought quickly returned to its body. The blood-eyed unicorn failed to bite the bird of divine thought, and closed its mouth in disappointment.

The blood-eyed unicorn does have the ability to devour divine thoughts, but once it swallows Gu Zheng's spiritual thoughts, it will suffer great damage, so it has not been activated for a long time. It is also to paralyze Gu Zheng and create a chance for himself to come back, because once it devours the bird of divine sense, it can activate its other magical powers during the short period of time when Gu Zheng is absent-minded, thus severely damaging Gu Zheng. If the battle is heavy, then the direction of the battle will definitely change.

However, speaking of regrets, there are many things that make the blood-eyed unicorn regret it. If it was not so underestimating the enemy when it was in the outer space, or if it was more cautious, it would not let Gu Zheng cause it that kind of harm. Injury, thus triggering a chain effect, or in the outer space, Gu Zheng attacked it with the bird of divine sense at the beginning, if it was desperate enough, it would pay a great price for damage, and after devouring the bird of divine sense of Gu Zheng , Taking advantage of the short time when Gu Zheng was absent-minded, he won Gu Zheng in one fell swoop, then there will be no such things behind.

However, no one will take things so long-term. No one will choose to suffer serious damage to himself when he clearly has the advantage, in exchange for directly taking down the weak enemy. Whoever does this is a fool ! This can only be said to be a trick of good fortune. The luck of the blood-eyed unicorn is not as strong as that of Gu Zheng. When making some choices, it went in the wrong direction. sentence.

Some things are cumbersome to tell, but in fact they only happened in an instant. The blood-eyed unicorn that failed to swallow the ancient spirit of the battle can only use its last hole card. When Gu Zheng was injured, it was used to inflict heavy damage on Gu Zheng.

The blood-eyed unicorn flew towards Gu Zheng, and a huge phantom of the blood-eyed unicorn appeared behind it, but the phantom was different from it in that it had a pair of wings, which obviously belonged to an existence more powerful than it .

As soon as Gu Zheng saw the posture of the blood-eyed unicorn, he knew that the blood-eyed unicorn had stimulated its potential. In fact, the phantom behind it was the state of its own real strength. Unfortunately, in the space fairy, its strength It was sealed, so it was what Gu Zheng saw now.

Gu Zheng understands that the price for the blood-eyed unicorn to use this kind of supernatural power is very high, blood is spurting from its mouth, and because its cultivation level has been lowered in this special space, even if it pays a huge price to make it Part of the originally sealed power returned, that was only to temporarily increase its strength to that of the early stage of Golden Immortal, but for Gu Zheng, the strength of the early stage of Golden Immortal was already terrifying, and blood with this strength Eye-eyed unicorn, the waving claws already brought out an extremely powerful momentum, this momentum made Gu Zheng feel that no matter how he hides, it is wrong.

In the special space, Gu Zheng possesses supernatural powers corresponding to the outside world, and at the same time, the restrictions imposed by those supernatural powers also exist here, so there is only one teleportation that Gu Zheng can use, and in this case, it is also It can only be avoided by teleportation!

The blood-eyed unicorn missed Gu Zheng's claw, and Gu Zheng escaped its blow through teleportation, and it was very anxious because of this, because its state of borrowing power is expendable. The swinging claws that inflicted heavy damage on Gu Zheng can only be launched three times in total, and it hopes that these three attacks can make it come back smoothly.

Gu Zheng disappeared, and the blood-eyed unicorn moved along with it. Being able to sense teleportation, it launched an ambush against Gu Zheng again.

When the raised claws of the blood-eyed unicorn fell, Gu Zheng just appeared in the void, and the claws slapped his body surface, making a loud noise.

Gu Zheng didn't suffer any injuries due to the blood-eyed unicorn's claw, because he had the characteristic of the golden scale armor again.

Although he was not injured, Gu Zheng couldn't help being shocked. He didn't expect the blood-eyed unicorn to be able to shoot such powerful two claws in this state of being backlashed by the eyes.

However, the blood-eyed unicorn has more than two claws, it also has a third claw, and this third claw also slapped towards Gu Zheng.

Gu Zheng didn't choose to dodge. When the blood-eyed unicorn swung its third claw, he had already activated the Immortal Extermination Art, and he created a second shield on his body surface.

When he was protected by the golden scale armor before, Gu Zheng did not raise a shield on his body, but now without the protection of the golden scale armor, he must use the previous means to arm himself.

Gu Zheng's first layer of shield is a colorless shield of immortal power, and his second layer of cyan shield is produced through Miexian Jue.

"Bang bang bang!"

When the blood-eyed unicorn clawed down, three similar sounds sounded instantly. These three sounds sound alike. The easiest way to distinguish them is their loudness. The first sound is loud, and the second sound is very loud. , the third sound was only muffled.

Gu Zheng's celestial power shield was the first to shatter under the claws of the blood-eyed unicorn, and the blood-eyed unicorn broke his celestial power shield, only consuming 30% of the power of that claw, but the shield produced by the immortal tactic The defensive performance of the cover is very strong. It has withstood 50% of the blood-eyed unicorn's claw power for Gu Zheng. In the end, the remaining 20% ​​of the blood-eyed unicorn's claw power made a muffled sound when it fell on Gu Zheng. ring.

Even though the blood-eyed unicorn had only 20% of its claw power left, it still knocked Gu Zheng into the air and vomited blood.

However, this is the end of the matter. The blood-eyed unicorn can only use its three claws to activate its three claws. If it can use these three claws to severely damage Gu Zheng, then it can turn the tables. It just caused Gu Zheng to be slightly injured, but the current situation is that Gu Zheng can still launch an attack, but its state has dropped to the early stage of returning to the void, and it is still in a state of being unable to move for a short time.

Although Gu Zheng had lingering fears, he could feel the change in the blood-eyed unicorn's aura immediately. Knowing that the blood-eyed unicorn's cultivation level had dropped, he certainly would not miss this opportunity to destroy the blood-eyed unicorn. He shot towards the blood-eyed unicorn. He has learned one after another formula, which is exactly his formula for destroying immortals.

The blood-eyed unicorn was powerless to resist the attack of the Immortal Extermination Art. It could only feel the power of the Art of Extermination acting on its body, and with the continuous changes of the Art of Destruction, it felt the breath of death.

Gu Zheng, who was playing the magic formula, paused for a moment, and panting heavily, he glanced at the blood-eyed unicorn that had been completely fixed by the magic spell.

"it's over."

Gu Zheng said inwardly, and once again struck out a spell in his hand, the blood-eyed unicorn's body that had been immobilized exploded, causing his body to be smashed to pieces.

The blood-eyed unicorn finally died, and the special space was shattered in front of Gu Zheng's eyes, including the space outside.


Seeing Gu Zheng reappear in the cave, the Hantan cultivator and his son cheered at the same time, but seeing Gu Zheng's expression was not very good, they hurriedly asked Gu Zheng what happened during the time when he disappeared matter.

Gu Zheng brought Brother Hantan and his son into the Heart Demon Orb. While adjusting his breath, he told Brother Hantan about the blood-eyed unicorn while not being seriously injured.

After hearing what Gu Zheng said, the father and son of the cold pool monks are also very sad. They can't remember how long Gu Zheng hasn't been injured while doing tasks. At the same time, they also feel that the blood-eyed unicorn is really a strong opponent. It's not that the ancient luck is strong enough, there is no possibility of winning with it.

"Have you two noticed that the tests we have encountered recently have become more and more difficult?"

Facing Gu Zheng's question, Brother Hantan and his son nodded together.

"I feel that this has something to do with the delay in finding that special monster that can send me the task of repairing the current space world."

Gu Zheng said this because, in the special space where he fought the blood-eyed unicorn just now, he suddenly had such a clear understanding in his heart.

Hearing that Gu Zheng felt that way, monk Hantan and his son had worries in their eyes. They thought it would be too late to restore the space world at the current stage. The crisis they need to face is that there are more and more space traps, and space monsters Both the quantity and quality of the training have improved, and I never thought it would affect the test that Gu Zheng received.

For a while, there was some silence in the Heart Demon Orb. Faced with such a situation, the father and son of the monk Hantan didn't know what to say.

"Take a break! Wait until the next day before continuing on your journey."

Gu Zheng is also helpless, if possible, he really wants not to delay at all, but now he is not only in a state of minor injuries, but basically used up all his cards, and there is at least the one at the bottom of the hole on the road ahead Special monsters will test him, and he has to stop and repair so that those hole cards can be recovered.

Gu Zheng and the others stayed in the cave for a day, and the special monster staying at the bottom of the cave was also anxious for a day. It clearly felt that Gu Zheng was approaching, but Gu Zheng didn't come over for a long time.

The special monster staying at the bottom of the cave is the short-haired birdman who has targeted Gu Zheng before and has a follow-up with Gu Zheng.

The short-haired birdman didn't know before that it would stay at the bottom of the cave, and it didn't even know what the test it would bring to Gu Zheng.

However, after becoming the special monster staying at the bottom of the cave, the short-haired birdman also knew what test he was going to give the entrant.

There are three kinds of tests that the short-haired birdman has to give Gu Zheng, but for these three tests, the power to decide to give Gu Zheng is not in its hands, but depends on how Gu Zheng chooses.

Among the three tests, there are two short-haired birdmen who don't want Gu Zheng to take it, because it feels that the difficulty of those two tests is relatively low, and Gu Zheng can definitely complete them, and even if they fail, they will not suffer any serious injuries As for the other test, the short-haired bird man very much hoped that Gu Zheng would take it, because once Gu Zheng passed that test, his life might be saved.

A day later, Gu Zheng took Brother Hantan's son deep into the cave again, but he stopped suddenly after not walking far, and his brows frowned slightly.

"What's the matter, master? Did the divine sense detect the existence of monsters ahead?"

Brother Hantan's son hurriedly asked, but at this moment, Gu Zheng's expression suddenly became weird, and it seemed like a smile was not a smile.

Brother Hantan's son's eyes lit up, and he asked again: "Master, did you find the short-haired bird man?"

"That's right." Gu Zheng nodded: "It's at the bottom of the cave!"

"Very good!"

The son of the monk Hantan cheered, he will not forget that the short-haired birdman once targeted them, let alone the short-haired birdman brought together the killer monsters in the second area and the third area, thus forcing Gu Zheng to use the fairy If it wasn't for Gu Zheng's Xianyu trump card to be used ahead of time, he wouldn't have been injured yesterday when he faced the blood-eyed unicorn. The son of the monk Hantan had already put the blame on it.

In addition, as early as in the quadruple fairy formation, Gu Zheng already knew that once the follow-up with the short-haired birdman was completed, the protection of the power of law on the short-haired birdman would disappear, and at that time it was a It was an ordinary monster that could only be killed, and the son of the cold pool monk felt that he had waited too long for that time, and he desperately wanted the beast to crush the short-haired birdman to death.

"Enter, we meet again, I miss you very much!"

At the bottom of the cave, the short-haired birdman looked at Gu Zheng with a smile on his face. Seeing that Gu Zheng just tilted his head and sneered at it, it didn't dare to meet Gu Zheng's eyes, and then turned its flattering eyes on Brother Hantan. son's body.

"I also miss my lord very much. The heroic figure of your lord in the triple fairy formation before has always lingered in my mind!"

In order to survive, the short-haired bird man made goosebumps all over his body, and facing its flattery, the son of the cold pool monk smiled coldly: "How did you become so polite? This is still the one who wants to The short-haired birdman who wants to put us to death? Where is the short-haired birdman who is not afraid of anything?"

Hearing the ridicule from Brother Hantan's son, the short-haired birdman's face turned blue and red, and he said shyly, "My lord, the previous things are over, just treat me as ignorant at the time, and wait until later." The master of the adult is in charge of the fairy-level space artifact, so I still have to beg for food under the hand of the adult! Don't worry, the adult will definitely follow the example of the adult when the time comes."

The short-haired birdman's posture is very low, the father and son of the monk Hantan are Gu Zheng's servants, and the meaning of the short-haired birdman's words can't be more obvious now, that is, as long as Gu Zheng and they don't hold grudges, they will wait for Gu Zheng in the future. After obtaining the fairy-level space artifact, he is willing to be the servant of his son of the monk Hantan, and he is willing to be the master of the master.

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