It is not an easy task for a man in Chinese clothes to execute Gu Zheng Lingchi. Just when his hair was about to break the shield of immortal power on Gu Zheng's body, Gu Zheng finally completed it with the Immortal Extermination Art. Regarding the control of the dark cloud, he blocked the dark cloud that had shrunk to the size of a shield in front of him.

The hair that had been madly attacking the fairy shield on Gu Zheng's body seemed to be uncontrollably entwined around the shield-like dark cloud like iron meeting a magnet.

The man in the fancy dress was anxious, he wanted to pull back his hair, but the hair wrapped around the dark cloud shield was not moved at all, and the scene was like a tug of war for a moment.

The tug of the man in the Chinese suit was at most straightening Gu Zheng's arm holding the dark cloud shield, and once Gu Zheng's arm was retracted, the man in the Chinese suit would be pulled so that his scalp ached.

"Do you really want to take back your hair? Since you want to take back your hair so much, then I will let you take it back."

Seemingly it was a great ancient struggle, he suddenly exerted his strength in the dark cloud shield, and then he let go of the dark cloud shield.

The man in Chinese clothes who has been pulling the dark cloud shield is really like a tug-of-war at this moment. After encountering the opponent's let go, the rope is immediately affected by inertia and retracts quickly towards his hand, but this is not a tug-of-war , so what retracted would not be the real rope, except for his hair and the dark cloud shield that hit him like a meteor.

The dark cloud shield is formed by the dark cloud that covers half the size of the entire special space. Its weight is equivalent to five mountain peaks according to Gu Zheng's measurement. An object with such a weight hits the man in Chinese clothes like a shooting star. Isn't that true? A simple impact represents destruction!

Fear appeared in the eyes of the man in Chinese clothes. Normally, he could avoid the impact of the dark cloud shield, but in this situation, he had no way of avoiding it, because his hair was still entwined on the dark cloud shield.

The hair of a man in fine clothes is equivalent to an extension of his body parts, so he can use his hair to attack Gu Zheng. Because of this, at this critical moment of life and death, he cannot abandon his hair like ordinary people. Keep yourself safe.

The man's eyes shot out blood light again, but this time the blood light shot out from his eyes no longer generated a blood field, but raised a blood barrier in front of him.

There was a loud noise, not because the man in the Chinese suit was not strong enough with the blood barrier, but because the dark cloud shield that hit him was too powerful, the blood barrier shattered under the impact of the dark cloud shield, and hit the man in the Chinese suit with undiminished momentum .

The powerful impact did not send the man in the Chinese suit flying backwards, but directly exploded his body. This method of death, which turned into pieces of flesh, has nothing to do with the Ling Chi he wanted to bestow upon Gu Zheng. A ratio of.

As Qing Lianzi said before, the man in the Chinese suit was the last enemy of Gu Zheng in this test. After Gu Zheng killed the man in the Chinese suit, the special space was broken, and Gu Zheng reappeared in the dragon-shaped seabed. In the Longkou of the mountain range, Qinglianzi appeared in the Longkou along with Gu Zheng.

"Congratulations, entrant, you have completed the test!"

"Can you stop being so serious, is it really just a deal between us?"

Before Qing Lianzi finished speaking, Gu Zheng interrupted him. He didn't want to hear such meaningless scenes.


It seemed to be very embarrassing, Qing Lianzi relieved it with a big laugh, then looked at Gu Zheng and said meaningfully: "If we don't meet again by fate, then it's just a deal between us, if we are destined to meet again If we meet, then there is friendship between us."

Gu Zheng is well-informed, and he has already heard from Qing Lianzi's words that he and Qing Lianzi will meet again in all likelihood, but the relationship between them is just a deal now. As for who set this fact, of course it was the owner of the original fairy-level space artifact.

"Okay, since the experience between us is only part of the transaction, according to the agreement before the transaction, you will give me the reward for completing this test."

Gu Zheng first came to Longkou to look for the special monster that could give him the task of repairing the space world at the current stage. He never expected to meet Qinglianzi, and then accepted a very difficult test.

As for whether Qinglianzi is the special monster that can send Gu Zheng the task of repairing the current space world, Gu Zheng thinks that he is not. If he is that special monster, then he will directly explain the task reward at the beginning, and fix The space world at the current stage is regarded as the reward of the mission, not as he said at the beginning, only after Gu Zheng completes the test can he know what the reward for Gu Zheng is.

"This is your reward, let's meet again!"

Qing Lianzi threw something to Gu Zheng, and then disappeared, and the thing he threw to Gu Zheng looked very simple, like a puppet sewn by a child.

It looked like a puppet, but it was definitely not a real puppet. After all, this reward was obtained after Gu Zheng passed the very difficult test.

Gu Zheng took the puppet in his hand, and a sense of enlightenment also emerged in his heart. This enlightenment let him know what the purpose of the puppet is.

After knowing the purpose of the puppet, Gu Zheng was shocked. The puppet is a good thing. Although it is not the thing that Gu Zheng needs most at present, its significance is extraordinary. In the difficult test, he didn't comprehend the art of destroying immortals, just getting this puppet is enough.



Brother Hantan's son and Silver Mouse finally approached Gu Zheng at this time, and they all called out joyfully to Gu Zheng, but Brother Hantan's son was the Silver Mouse who couldn't speak directly, It was through the mind that he suddenly called out the ancient dispute.

After Gu Zheng broke the seal in the dragon's mouth before, he directly entered the special space where he was going to be tested. He didn't have time to say hello to monk Hantan, his son and others. During the time he was being tested, Han Brother Tan, his son and others were naturally very worried about his safety.

At that time, the anxious Hantan monk father and son had no choice but to wake up the sleeping Silver Light Mouse to see if he had any good countermeasures for this situation.

It is a pity that Silver Mouse has no good solution to the disappearance of Gu Zheng. He was originally in a deep sleep, but after being awakened by the father and son of Hantan monks, he has no intention of going into a deep sleep. He has been staying in Longkou with Brother Hantan and his son, studying how to see Gu Zheng again.

Just now, I finally saw Gu Zheng reappeared in Longkou, but there were Qinglianzi beside Guzheng, and when there were Qinglianzi, a colorless barrier prevented them from approaching at all, and now Qinglianzi The lotus seeds had disappeared, and so had the colorless barrier, and they were able to come to Gu Zheng's side.

Knowing that Brother Hantan, his son and others were very worried, Gu Zheng told Brother Hantan, his son and others what happened during the time when he disappeared without waiting for them to ask.

Hearing what Gu Zheng said, monk Aconite of Hantan was of course very sad, but anyway, after the sigh, the father and son of monk Hantan still sent congratulations to Gu Zheng, and Gu Zheng passed this difficult test, what he gained Something that is indeed worthy of congratulations.

Silver Light Mouse naturally also congratulated Gu Zheng, but this homework is still done through mind communication. Moreover, compared to the joy when he saw Gu Zheng just now, the Silver Mouse looked very tired. He was awakened by the father and son of the Hantan monk in his deep sleep, and this interrupted sleep actually had an impact on him. It's a bit big, but his deep sleep is different from ordinary deep sleep, it is to improve the realm of cultivation in deep sleep.

However, Yinguang Haozi told Gu Zheng not to worry about his being interrupted in his deep sleep, as long as he doesn't be interrupted again in his next deep sleep, and after his deep sleep is over, His strength will definitely improve, and he will have the ability to speak at that time, and he will no longer need to communicate through his mind like now.

Silver Light Mouse went to sleep, and Gu Zheng also closed his eyes. He used up all his hole cards in the previous test, and now he doesn't want to hurry, he wants to rest in the dragon's mouth for a night, and wait until tomorrow all the hole cards are recovered Then hit the road.

He seemed to be resting with his eyes closed, but Gu Zheng’s heart was not at peace. It was only an hour from when he was exposed to the test to when he completed it. During this hour, Brother Hantan’s son and Silver Guangmozi killed at least a hundred space monsters in the dragon's mouth, and encountered two naturally born space traps!

Space traps appear frequently, which shows that the space world is becoming more and more unstable, and it is imminent to find the monster that can only help Gu Zheng complete the task of repairing the space world at the current stage.

Spatial traps appear frequently, and more and more space monsters escape from them. This is a vicious circle. If you want to solve this vicious circle, you still have to find that one, which can be sent to Gu Zheng to restore the current stage of the space world. Special monsters for missions.

What happened in Longkou was just a small episode, and then Gu Zheng had to follow the previous plan. Their next step was to go to the Great Trench, and first go to the caves of the Great Trench to see if there were any useful clues.

I didn't think about the troublesome things for the time being, anyway, it won't be resolved in a short while, Gu Zheng took out the metallic inner alchemy again, and he will enter the daily link of refining the metallic inner alchemy Yes, he wants to practice the real gold spirit of his life as soon as possible.

Previously, Gu Zheng felt that even if he had the spirit of real gold, in this space world dominated by sea areas, the metallic fairy art might not be of much use, but these few times have been experienced one after another. The incident of the power of the real gold, so in his opinion, it is better to refine the spirit of the real gold as soon as possible.

Time passed unknowingly, the night passed and the day came. This night, Gu Zheng was a rare peace. They hid in the Heart Demon Orb, and they were not harassed by any monsters or dangers, but whether it was Gu Zheng, or Even his subordinates know that once it is said to start going to the Great Trench, obstacles will definitely appear.

Things were indeed as expected. When Gu Zheng brought the Heart Demon Orb into the sea area, the danger immediately appeared. They were a group of monsters controlled by space monsters. There were seventy or eighty of them, and they looked like Like walruses, they launched all kinds of attacks towards Gu Zheng.

The strength of the walrus monsters is not bad, each one is almost at the peak of returning to the void, when seventy or eighty of them gather together, if it is the same as before, Gu Zheng must avoid it, no matter how he is, his strength is only In the middle stage of returning to the void, it would be unrealistic for him to deal with such a large group of monsters.

But it's different now, Gu Zheng has comprehended the Miexian Jue in the previous test, and he is fully capable of dealing with these walrus monsters on his own.

Although the Miexian Jue and the Crazy Demon Knife belong to super fairy skills, in fact, the Miexian Jue is more practical than the Mad Demon Knife, because the power of the Crazy Knife is relatively single, and it is only suitable for dealing with a single enemy. The tactic is a fairy skill that can be used in group battles. Moreover, it is also the collective name for a whole set of fairy skills including Fa Jue and Finger Jue, which is also not comparable to the crazy sword as a super fairy skill.

Facing the attack launched by the walrus monster, Gu Zheng waved his hands and shot a few magic formulas around his body, and around his body, in addition to the shield of immortal power on the body surface, a colorless barrier was born. The colorless barrier was cast using the Immortal Extinguishing Technique, and its defensive performance was stronger than Gu Zheng's own Immortal Power Shield.

A very wonderful scene was staged, the walrus monsters were constantly attacking the colorless barrier created by Miexian Jue, and Gu Zheng, who was hiding in the barrier very safely, continued to cast Miexian on the black barrier. tactic.

Due to Gu Zheng's continuous blessing of the colorless barrier with the Exterminating Immortal Art, not only will the colorless barrier not be broken by the attack of the walrus monster, it will also absorb and store all the attacks of the walrus monster.

With the attack of the walrus monster on the colorless barrier, more and more attack energy is absorbed and stored inside the colorless barrier, which also makes the colorless barrier no longer colorless, and its surface glows with white light. And this white light became more and more dazzling, and there was a violent aura surging in it.

It took the seal monster to attack the colorless barrier unscrupulously for three minutes, and the attack energy absorbed in the colorless barrier was about to reach its limit. Feeling that the timing was right, Gu Zheng once again used a spell to protect his colorless barrier. The color barrier is broken.

The colorless barrier shattered like a mirror, turned into seventy or eighty spots of light, and shot towards the walrus monsters.

The light spots are originally formed by the attack energy of the walrus monsters, and there is a certain degree of connection between them and the walrus monsters, so each spot of light is aimed at a walrus monster, no matter how they hide, they will be in a very short time pierced their bodies.

The walrus monsters pierced into their bodies by the light spots were immediately in a state of immobilization, their postures stayed at the moment before they were immobilized, and their expressions were either frightened or angry.

"Master is amazing!"

"The master is mighty!"

The Hantan monk father and son hiding in the Heart Demon Orb cheered at Gu Zheng at this moment. They had heard Gu Zheng talk about the power of the Immortal Extermination Art before, and this is the first time they have seen it with their own eyes, and some things are said to be a It's one thing, and seeing it with your own eyes is another thing. The shock of seeing it with your own eyes is not what you can feel when you hear it.

Gu Zheng himself is also very satisfied with the power of the Immortal Extermination Jue. Looking at the scene created by him, a smile appeared on Gu Zheng's face. When he faced a large number of monsters before, he could only look at the cold pool monk. The son used his magical powers to kill the Quartet, and now he himself can do one against a hundred, and he is still fighting by leapfrogging! After all, his strength is only in the middle stage of returning to the void, and the number of walrus monsters he has fixed in an instant is seventy or eighty, and the realm is equivalent to the peak of returning to the void.

Instead of admiring the walrus monsters in various postures, they once again played an ancient battle with a formula, causing the walrus monsters to explode.

Brother Hantan’s son has been released from the Heart Demon Orb by Gu Zheng. After the walrus monsters exploded, their original energy still hasn’t spread in the sea area. Brother Hantan’s son must seize the time to use his all-consuming supernatural power , Transform these original energies into their own energy, thereby improving their cultivation.

I saw five light-striped tentacles shooting out from the back of the monk's son in the cold pool. These light-striped tentacles that were constantly shaking in the sea seemed like tubes that could absorb water, but what they sucked was not sea water, but water. The original energy left by the walrus monsters in the sea water.

After the son of the monk in the cold pool absorbed the original energy left by the walrus monster in the sea, Gu Zheng and the others went on the road again, but Gu Zheng flew with the heart demon orb, while the father and son of the monk in the cold pool stayed in the heart demon orb.

Soon, Gu Zheng, who was walking forward, frowned and hurriedly flew in another direction, because he felt that a space vortex was about to be generated on the way ahead.

The space vortex appeared very quickly. Fortunately, Gu Zheng dodged in time and was not affected by the powerful pulling force in the vortex.

Looking at the black hole the size of a square in front of him, Gu Zheng felt emotional. This feeling is not because of how spectacular the black hole is, but because the number of space monsters emerging from the black hole is increasing. The space vortex released a total of one hundred space monsters. Gu Zheng couldn't imagine how many space monsters would appear when encountering space faults or space turbulence! After all, compared to space faults and space turbulence, space vortices are only the most elementary space traps.

"I leave it to you to solve it."

Leaving behind a sentence, Gu Zheng released Brother Hantan's son from the Heart Demon Orb. Although his Immortal Extermination Art is powerful, it has no effect on these space monsters, and Brother Hantan's son's soul power supernatural power , just to solve this kind of space monster that has not yet found a host to parasitize.

"Okay, master, you can rest assured!"

As a militant, Brother Hantan's son was very happy to have this opportunity to defeat a hundred with one.

The space monsters that haven't found a host to parasitize are relatively low in strength. Although they have attacked the son of the monk in the cold pool, it is difficult for their attacks to hurt the son of the monk in the cold pool! After all, their strength will basically not reach the Golden Immortal realm when they have not found a host to parasitize, and the realm of Brother Hantan's son is a real middle-stage Golden Immortal.

"Since your attacks don't work on me, then it's my turn to attack you!"

The son of the monk Hantan grinned. His soul power has been released, and he will soon be able to remove the protection of the power of law from these space monsters. These space monsters can be collected into the Heart Demon Orb. (end of this chapter)

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