The second wave of attacks in the blood domain was the blood-colored crows with a number of over a hundred. When seeing these blood-colored crows, Gu Zheng couldn't help being a little startled. The individual strength of these blood-colored crows has the late stage of Void Return, and there are more than a hundred of them at the same time. If an attack falls on him, it will cause people to be injured.

As soon as hundreds of blood-colored crows appeared, they immediately attacked the enemy. One after another blood-red rays shot out from their mouths, and their targets were very clear, all aimed at Gu Zheng.

Hundreds of blood-colored crows aimed at Gu Zheng at the same time, but none of the blood-red rays they shot could fall on Gu Zheng. Although Gu Zheng was still investigating the blood area without moving, he understood that since Qinglianzi Said to ensure that his life is safe for five minutes, so he doesn't need to be distracted from the attacks he will face next. It's better for him to explore the blood zone as soon as possible.

Qing Lianzi also stood still, but the palms of his hands faced each other to form a space, his hair fluttered without wind, and the blood-red rays of light that shot towards Gu Zheng all changed direction halfway and flew into his palms In the space between them, a blood-red ball of light was condensed.


There was a loud noise, Qing Lianzi closed his palms together, and the blood-red light ball that was originally brewing in the space of his palms sputtered like a squeezed liquid, and the blood-red light spots that flew out were extremely intense. With a fast speed, it shot at those bloody crows.

The bloody crows that were still screaming and screaming were all fixed in the air after being shot by the light spot, as if they had encountered a hold spell.

Gu Zheng's eyes widened suddenly, and he felt that Qing Lianzi's hand holding the Scarlet Crow was unusual, and there seemed to be something in it that could inspire him.

However, everything ended too quickly. The Scarlet Crows were only immobilized for a second before they all exploded, and calm was restored in the blood domain.

Gu Zheng was a little excited. Although the Scarlet Crow died a little fast, he had already grasped what he thought was a more critical point. He felt that Qinglianzi's method of killing the Scarlet Crow was similar to how he controlled the monster's original energy to make the monster produce The method of explosion is very similar. If you can learn this method, it should be very effective when dealing with men in Chinese clothes later.

"Give me the means you use to deal with Scarlet Crow!"

Gu Zheng spoke to Qing Lianzi, but upon hearing Gu Zheng's request, Qing Lianzi showed a dazed expression.

"I forgot how I used the method just now, it feels like it's done at my fingertips!"

Qing Lianzi scratched her head, looking very embarrassed.

Gu Zheng can understand the feeling of Qinglianzi. He has also experienced this kind of situation. It seems that sometimes in the fairyland, he can use some methods easily, but if he is asked to use these methods It was very systematic, but he didn't know how to start it.

"It's okay!" Gu Zheng smiled slightly, and then said: "If you use this method again, I hope you can let the things you control explode later!"

"Okay!" Qing Lianzi nodded and said, "I can do this!"

That is, when Qing Lianzi's voice fell to the ground, the third attack belonging to the blood domain arrived.

The third type of attack is a kind of pressure, very similar to the coercion of the immortal power of the cultivator. As soon as it appears, Gu Zheng feels breathless. Gu Zheng knows very well that if Qinglianzi does not help him resolve this crisis , then it doesn't take much time at all, he will definitely be crushed to death within five seconds!

Qing Lianzi wanted to ensure Gu Zheng's safety, so he naturally couldn't let Gu Zheng make a move. His two fingers joined together to form a sword formula, pointing towards a direction in the blood field, and the long sword he carried behind his back was thrown out of its sheath all the time. , with a terrifying cold light splitting into the seemingly empty space.

Qing Lianzi's cultivation is advanced. Before Gu Zheng found out what was going on, he had already discovered that the so-called coercion was not issued by the blood domain itself, but by a monster hidden in the blood and space. And this coercive attack was only aimed at Gu Zheng alone.

Qing Lianzi's sword not only split the monster hidden in the space, but also split the monster in half, exposing it to the blood field.

The monster originally lurking in the space was cut in half by Qing Lianzi, and the coercion that originally acted on Gu Zheng disappeared, and Gu Zheng was able to see the appearance of the monster.

It was a blood-red humanoid monster. It looked like a swollen carrion. Although Qing Lianzi split it in half with a sword, not only was it not alive, but it was still alive. Crazy growth occurred, and in just a split second, its broken upper body grew a lower body, and its broken lower body also grew an upper body, and it was split in two by Qing Lianzi's sword.


"call out!"

Two bloody carrion corpses launched an attack on Gu Zheng at the same time, one of them kept roaring, a large stream of blood sprayed towards Gu Zheng, and the other one let out a long howl, it was a sonic attack!

Whether it's blood or sonic attacks, they are not supernatural powers that Gu Zheng can withstand, because the two rotting corpses are both in the early stage of Golden Immortal!

However, there are green lotus seeds protecting Gu Zheng. Neither blood nor sonic attacks can cause any harm to Gu Zheng. A colorless barrier has already protected Gu Zheng, and sonic attacks cannot penetrate the barrier. The bloody water didn't even touch the barrier, and Qing Lianzi pointed at it with a sword, leading it to fly elsewhere.

The two blood-colored carrion corpses have no wisdom. Seeing that their attack was broken by the green lotus seeds, they immediately pointed their spearheads at the green lotus seeds. One flew towards the green lotus seeds, while the other's body was like a toad's belly It generally swelled up, and extremely violent energy was brewing in it.

"act recklessly!"

He didn't even look at the bloody carrion that was preparing to attack. The bloody carrion that Qing Lianzi rushed towards was a sword.

The bloody carrion is very powerful. Facing Qing Lianzi's sword, its body disappeared out of thin air, and it appeared behind Qing Lianzi through teleportation, trying to attack Qing Lianzi's back.

However, although the bloody carrion's supernatural powers are powerful, Qing Lianzi's reaction is even better. He didn't stop at all. After seeing the bloody carrion disappear, he immediately turned the sword he slashed into Xiang Xiang. After slashing, the bloody carrion that appeared behind him seemed to be sent to the door automatically.

The bloody carrion was hit by Qing Lianzi's sword, but it was not cut in half by Qing Lianzi, because it reacted extremely quickly, and once again launched teleportation, dodging Qing Lianzi's sword to cut it in half! Moreover, even if it doesn't have much intelligence, the bloody carrion still has fighting talent. It already knows that it is not Qing Lianzi's opponent. the distance between.

Qing Lianzi's reaction has always been very fast. The moment he saw the bloody carrion disappear, he had already raised his sword and stabbed in another direction.

The bloody carrion can move instantly, but it can't do it one after another in such a short period of time. This time, Qing Lianzi's sword directly pierced the bloody carrion's head.

The bloody carrion that had been pierced through its head shattered like a bubble of pig urine filled with liquid, and the blood flowed all over the ground. At this time, another bloody carrion finally completed its ultimate move. A growl.

With the roar of the bloody carrion, a large stream of blood spurted out from its mouth, and the blood spurted out by it transformed into various weird monsters in the air, some were like dogs, some were like cats , and some are like flying birds, these things have the appearance of liquid bodies, and they fly towards Qinglianzi.

Gu Zheng, who was protected at the side, could see clearly that the bloody rotting corpse's ultimate move had actually reached the point where it could seriously injure Jinxian's late stage, which can be regarded as very terrifying.

Facing the big move of the bloody carrion, Qing Lianzi was not only surrounded by blue light on his body, but even the long sword in his hand was covered with blue light. Just like he had dealt with the bloody carrion before, he raised his sword towards Follow those demons and goblins to fly over.

There is no unnecessary movement, Qing Lianzi is simply a sword that breaks all spells. All the monsters and ghosts flying towards him were stabbed by his long sword, and after being stabbed by his long sword, they all looked like the bloody one before. Like a rotting corpse, it turned into blood and fell to the ground.

The bloody carrion was still roaring, and there were still ghosts and ghosts spewing out of its mouth, but the speed at which the ghosts and ghosts spewed out of his mouth obviously couldn't withstand the speed of Qinglianzi's beheading, and Qinglianzi was getting closer and closer to it.

Some things are troublesome to say, but they are actually within an instant, just like the blood-colored carrion spraying out demons and ghosts to attack Qinglianzi, and the process of Qinglianzi flying towards it with a sword actually takes only one breath.

The ghosts spouting from the mouth of the bloody carrion couldn't stop Qing Lianzi. After breaking all spells with a single sword, Qing Lianzi also stabbed into the mouth of the bloody carrion, and this bloody carrion also followed a bloody carrion. Like a carrion corpse, like a pig urine bubble that was filled with water and punctured, it turned into a liquid all over the place.

However, this bloody carrion is different from the previous bloody carrion. The previous bloody carrion is really dead when it dies. The death of this bloody carrion as the mother is just the beginning of rebirth. There is still a strong breath of life in the pool of blood left behind.

In just the blink of an eye, the original bloody water turned into two bloody carrion corpses. Facing this situation, Qing Lianzi seemed a little annoyed. With his beard and beard fluttering freely, he began to swing the long sword in his hand, As for the men in fancy clothes outside the blood zone, they also began to play spells more quickly at this time.

This is a fight. With the men in Chinese costumes constantly playing tricks, the bloody carrion really seems to be endless. After two are killed by Qinglianzi, they become four, and four are killed by Qinglianzi. Then it becomes eight, eight becomes sixteen, sixteen becomes thirty-two!

No matter how fissile the bloody rotting corpse is controlled by the man in Chinese clothes, anyway, Qing Lianzi, who is holding a long sword, always kills the bloody rotting corpse quickly after it rushes up. There are as many as one hundred corpses!

The man outside the blood domain was panting a bit. Controlling the blood-colored carrion corpse without breaking and changing was also a kind of consumption for him, but now he found that this consumption was completely meaningless, because compared to his panting, Qing Lianzi's expression changed slightly, and his Those bloody carrion corpses can't do much harm to Qing Lianzi at all. When they were beheaded by Qing Lianzi, it's not that they didn't attack Qing Lianzi, but their attacks couldn't even break through the blue light shield on Qing Lianzi's body. .

From Gu Zheng's point of view, Qing Lianzi is really vigorous, but he can't help but secretly anxious. He wants to see Qing Lianzi use the previous method of destroying blood-colored crows, but Qing Lianzi did not fight against blood-colored carrion. It was used, but he also understood that it wasn't that Qing Lianzi was confused and forgot what he said, but that the bloody carrion was different from the bloody crow. The method he used to deal with the bloody crow was not good for dealing with the bloody carrion.

No matter what Gu Zheng thought in his mind, seeing that the man in the Chinese suit no longer used the blood-colored rotting corpse to make a fuss, Qing Lianzi aimed his long sword at the man in the Chinese suit across the blood field. Although he didn't speak, the meaning in his eyes was very obvious, that is Let the man in Chinese clothes do whatever he can.

Faced with Qing Lianzi's provocative behavior, the man in Chinese clothes seemed to be completely angry. With his roar, his neatly combed hair exploded, dancing in the air like tentacles.

In the blood domain, there was also a vision due to the rage of the man in fine clothes. Huge shots emerged from all directions in the blood domain, sweeping towards Gu Zheng and Qing Lianzi.

The blood-colored tentacles carried a terrifying aura. They were the means of attack launched by the man in the Chinese costume in a rage. They must be more powerful than the previous blood-colored rotting corpses. However, Qing Lianzi didn't panic in the slightest even in the face of the blood-colored tentacles whose number could not be estimated at all.

A little blue light appeared on Qing Lianzi's fingertips, and he flicked the blue light towards Gu Zheng before the bloody tentacles broke the blue shield protecting Gu Zheng. If they didn't reach his body, everything was blocked by the blue light on his body.

A little blue light from the green lotus seeds came over Gu Zheng's head and turned into a green lotus that was constantly spinning.

As the Qinglian continued to rotate, a real cyan light also fell from it, tightly protecting the ancient struggle below.

The bloody tentacles couldn't break through the real green light, and they didn't dare to attack the green lotus. The green lotus seemed to carry extremely holy energy. As long as they had the intention to attack the green lotus, they would be burned first.

The bloody tentacles that were supposed to deal with Gu Zheng, but after Gu Zheng couldn't get any advantage, immediately turned their spearheads to Qing Lian Zi, and at this moment Qing Lian Zi finally made a big move.

A howling sound like a dragon's chant came from Qing Lianzi's mouth. Holding a long sword, he slashed out sword energy one after another, and he started to kill.

It was like chopping melons and vegetables, those tentacles with a very strong aura began to be continuously harvested under Qinglianzi's sword aura.

The blood-colored tentacles cut off by the sword energy will turn into blood-colored mist after falling on the ground. These blood-colored mist still contain a very strong vitality. Gu Zheng has no doubt that if Qing Lianzi does not further deal with these blood-colored mist, then After these bloody mist are truly integrated into the blood domain, they will turn into bloody tentacles again, in order to achieve the purpose of endless life.

It is impossible for Qing Lianzi not to deal with the bloody mist. Even though there are more bloody tentacles, he can't help him, but he still remembers what Gu Zheng said before. Gu Zheng wants to see how he kills the bloody crow.

Qing Lianzi slashed countless blood-colored tentacles with a sword in one hand, and began to play out strange formulas with the other hand. The scene to be seen will appear soon!"

If there is no need to pick up Qinglianzi, all Gu Zheng needs to do is to pay attention to what he has done.

I saw that when Qing Lianzi hit the eighteenth way of the spell in Qing Lianzi's hand, the bloody mist that turned from the blood-colored tentacles after death began to frantically gather towards Qing Lianzi's hands. What he was dealing with was the Scarlet Crow, this time he was dealing with the Scarlet Tentacle.

The blood mist gathered under Qing Lianzi's palm, and after Qing Lianzi performed another spell, the gathered blood mist turned into a huge blood ball, and then Qing Lianzi slapped a piece at the blood ball, and the blood ball burst into eight pieces. Floating in the air, Qing Lianzi once again cast a formula, and then stretched out her hand towards the eight directions of the blood domain space, and the eight huge blood cells immediately flew towards the eight directions of the blood domain space, and disappeared into the space middle.

When the eight blood cells hid in the eight directions of the blood domain space, the whole world became clean, and the countless blood-colored tentacles in the blood domain space maintained their previous postures as if they had been fixed. at every turn.

"When I can hold them for ten seconds, the blood space will be detonated after ten seconds, and in the next time, I will use thunder to beat that guy's strength to the peak of returning to the void, and the next thing It's up to you!" Qing Lianzi said.

Although the time of ten seconds is short, Gu Zheng also knows that this is the limit that Qing Lianzi can fight for. After all, after the blood domain space is broken, he still has to beat the realm of the man in the costume to the peak of returning to the void. It's also something that takes time.

Ten seconds passed in a flash, and Qing Lianzi played another spell, and the eight blood cells that were originally hidden in eight directions in the space exploded at this moment.

The explosion was very powerful, and after the sound of the explosion disappeared, the blood domain space shattered like a mirror in front of Gu Zheng's eyes.

At the moment when the blood space was shattered, Qing Lianzi, who had not had much time, shot out like a shooting star, and the long sword in his hand slashed at the man in Chinese clothes with a dazzling sword aura.

The man in the fancy dress didn't dare to push him too hard. Facing the menacing Qing Lianzi, the vertical eye between his brows that had never been opened opened.

The normal two eyes of the man in Chinese clothes have no pupils, like two blood-red luminous bodies, and his third eye also has no pupils, and there is no light in the eyes, but it is dark and deep like a black hole .

Strange power emanated from the third eye of the man in the Chinese suit, and all the dazzling sword energy from the green lotus seed was sucked into the third eye of the man in the Chinese suit.

However, as if ignoring that the sword qi he slashed was useless to the man in the Chinese suit, Qing Lianzi still slashed out the sword qi one by one, but unlike before, Qing Lianzi began to pinch the sword qi when he slashed out the sword qi. tactic.

Originally, Gu Zheng was still immersed in the memories of the scene where Qinglianzi broke the bloody space before, but now seeing Qinglianzi's art, his eyes suddenly lit up!

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