This is a strange space, the ancient struggle is suspended in mid-air.

The space has boundaries, and there are cloud walls in the directions of up and down, front and back, and left and right. It is precisely because of the existence of cloud walls that this space looks like a cage.

Gu Zheng didn't know who he was, and he didn't know what he was going to do here. He just felt that although it was strange that he existed here, it was natural.


Gu Zheng's reverie was interrupted by the sound in the space, the sound sounded like drumming.

He didn't know where the sound came from. Just as Gu Zheng was trying to find the source of the sound, he found that there was something extra in the space where he was the only one.

The extra thing fell from the cloud wall above. The thing was shaped like a coconut, and it looked like a black tadpole, with a tail that wasn't too long behind it.

When seeing the dark tadpole, Gu Zheng felt a sense of crisis in his heart. He felt that he could not be touched by the dark tadpole, otherwise it would be very troublesome.

Gu Zheng avoided the dark tadpole in the void, and the dark tadpole was chasing him.

The speed of the dark tadpoles is not as fast as that of Gu Zheng, but this space is limited, which has caused the dark tadpoles to be slightly slower than Gu Zheng. As long as they seize a chance for Gu Zheng to rest, they can quickly catch up. on it.

Gu Zheng was a little anxious. He didn't know how to defeat the dark tadpoles. He seemed to have a thousand ways to attack the dark tadpoles in his mind, but because his thinking was not clear enough, he couldn't use any of them. However, something that made Gu Zheng more anxious also appeared. With the sound of drums beating again in the void, another dark tadpole was born from another cloud wall!

When there was only one dark tadpole, Gu Zheng was already very anxious. Now the appearance of two dark tadpoles made Gu Zheng even more anxious, and also made him need to devote himself to avoiding the dark tadpoles. , There is no time for him to think about what is going on.

The two dark tadpoles were chasing Gu Zheng. Fortunately, they would not launch any attacks. Otherwise, in Gu Zheng's current state, there would be no time to escape.


The drums that had already made Gu Zheng a little scared sounded again, and this time something came out of the cloud wall, but what came out was no longer a dark tadpole, but a small snake that looked like green bamboo leaves.

The little snake is only as long as chopsticks, and its thickness is about the same as chopsticks, but it brings Gu Zheng a stronger sense of danger.

"Are you nervous?"

At this moment, in the cave of the Great Trench, the sea snake monster spoke to the son of the monk in the cold pool.

After Gu Zheng returned to the cave in the Great Trench this time, he had already released the monk's son and the Silver Light Mouse. After all, after accepting the opportunity given to him by the sea snake monster, he will complete the agreement with the puffer fish monster and kill the sea snake monster to avenge the puffer fish monster. It is also possible for his subordinates to release it earlier.

After Gu Zheng was sent into the mysterious realm by the cold pool monks, Gu Zheng's body disappeared in the cave. Instead, a light curtain appeared where Gu Zheng was standing. what is going on.

"Nervous? I don't know what nervousness is."

Facing the unfriendly voice of the sea snake monster, the son of the monk Hantan gave him an inexplicable look.

"Your master is about to be hit by those things in the mysterious realm. Once he is hit by those things, he will become even more unable to remember anything. As soon as the time for the mysterious realm ends, his rare The experience of the mysterious realm is coming to an end." The head of the male voice of the sea snake monster said with a smile.

"You're so funny, do you think I'll be nervous?"

Brother Hantan's son also laughed, very contemptuously.

"He is your master, if he can't understand something in the mysterious realm, don't you feel nervous at all?" the sea snake monster asked curiously.

"You also said that he is my master, so do you know my master?"

Brother Hantan's son looked at the sea snake monster with an idiot's eyes.

The sea snake monster didn't speak, it just looked at the monk's son in the cold pool, waiting for his next words.

"Generally speaking, it's quite normal to not be able to comprehend when encountering mysterious realms, but for my master, he has experienced countless mysterious realms in his life, but he has never failed to comprehend, so I think You are funny!" the son of the monk Hantan said seriously.

"Bragging! I don't believe it!"

The sea serpent's mouth was stiff, but the contempt in its eyes had disappeared.

The head of the sea snake monster that could make a female voice did not argue with the monk's son in the cold pool, it had been watching the ancient dispute in the light curtain.

"Do you want to take a gamble?"

The female voice head of the sea snake monster communicates with the male voice head at every turn, and this kind of communication cannot be heard by the son of the monk in the cold pool.

"Gamble?" The male voice of the sea snake monster was a little puzzled, but then exclaimed: "You mean targeting him once?"

These special monsters in the inner space world of the fairy-level space fairy can be regarded as chess pieces arranged by the original fairy-level space fairy master, and when the original fairy-level space fairy master arranged these chess pieces, he gave these chess pieces more or less There are few missions, some of these missions must be completed by special monsters, such as those that must be tested by Gu Zheng, and some of them are for special monsters to do according to their own preferences, or otherwise. For example, sea snake monsters, in addition to the test that must be given to Gu Zheng, they also have the power to make Gu Zheng a stumbling block. When the border.

Of course, everything has advantages and disadvantages, just like sea snake monsters, they can enter the land of freedom after Gu Zheng has experienced the mysterious realm, but if they want to give Gu Zheng a stumbling block, and the success of using the stumbling block, they will enter the land of freedom. After the Land of Freedom, you can get better caves and resources, but if the trippers are not used successfully, their strength will drop a lot after entering the Land of Freedom! Moreover, the Land of Freedom is not a real land of freedom. If it is a land of real freedom, then those resources will not be of much use. Descending, getting in there is not a very good thing after all.

"Yes, just once for him!" The female sea snake monster said so, and then said: "I see the current situation, if we don't trip him, he will definitely be able to comprehend! After all, the current mysterious realm In addition to the two dark tadpoles, there are also two small emerald snakes, but he seems to be on the verge of comprehension, not only the speed is much faster, but also the weird evasion technique , if we don't trip him up, I feel that the last two monsters can't do anything to him, and at that time, even if we want to trip him up, we have no chance."

The female sea snake monster said that Gu Zheng had comprehended something in the mysterious realm, but in fact Gu Zheng didn't comprehend anything. He was just in a panic when he faced the attack of the dark tadpole and the emerald snake, and he didn't think of anything to solve it. The supernatural powers of these things just reminded him of the life-saving supernatural power, the Misty Illusion Technique, so his speed became a little faster, and it was relatively easier to avoid flanking attacks.

Gu Zheng has always been a person with very strong luck. If he hadn't had such a strong luck, he wouldn't be alive now! And the strength of his luck is also presented in this mysterious realm, just like he comprehended the evasive power of Misty Illusion. Just a kind of fairy skill, he can kill the dark tadpole and the emerald snake, and at that time, the mysterious realm ended because there was no such existence in the space to deal with the entrants, and the judgment of the ancient dispute is No comprehension.

Comprehending the Piao Miao Illusory Body Art, which is an evasive magical power, is different. This kind of magical power is only for life-saving, and has no lethality at all. With this kind of magical power, Gu Zheng also has the capital to last longer! As for the benefit of persisting for a longer period of time, it is obvious that the sea snake monster is anxious and decides to trip him up. If he can successfully deal with it, then he will definitely gain something. As for the benefit that is not obvious, it is being able to persist longer A long time also means a longer time, and because Gu Zheng has already awakened the Piao Miao Illusion Technique, because of the extension of time, it will be easier for him to comprehend it again.

The two heads of the sea serpent monster have reached an agreement, they have made a stumbling block to Gu Zheng, and the stumbling block they used is to make the faster dark flying bird that will appear later become not only fast, but also A lightning dragon that can also launch an attack.

There are six fog walls in the mysterious realm. Two dark tadpoles were born in the upper and lower fog walls, and emerald snakes were born in the left and right fog walls. The front and rear fog walls that were supposed to give birth to dark birds have already Because of the attack of the sea serpent monster, it turned into an electric flying dragon that spewed lightning.

However, although the dark bird is going to turn into an electric dragon, it won't appear immediately, it still needs to wait another ten seconds! After all, every time this kind of thing is born in the mysterious realm, there is a routine, that is, there will be a drum sound, and now there are still ten seconds before the next drum sound is born.

Ten seconds may be very short in normal times, but for Gu Zheng in the mysterious realm, he can think about a lot of things in ten seconds. After all, he has awakened the Misty Illusion Technique, and his thinking is also because of this. Once the awakening became more active.

"It's really annoying!"

Gu Zheng said in his heart, he was indeed a bit tired of dodging the attacks of two dark tadpoles and two small emerald snakes. Basically, he had such an exquisite movement technique as the Misty Illusion Body Technique, and he had to avoid danger several times. Over the shoulder, no matter how you say this space is not big.

Never before has Gu Zheng urgently needed a supernatural power that can deal with dark tadpoles and emerald snakes, and he still has some extravagant requirements for this kind of supernatural power, that is, when he uses this kind of attack, it is best The body can still move freely, otherwise he is afraid that when he attacks the dark tadpole or the emerald snake, he will also be attacked by them, and the reason why he has such expectations is naturally because the dark tadpole and the emerald snake give him The feeling is very dangerous, he really does not want to be touched by them.

It can be regarded as a blessing in disguise, Gu Zheng who fell into the mysterious realm is not sober, if he is a little more sober, he will know that no matter whether it is a dark tadpole or an emerald snake, it is very easy to deal with, and he does not need to have such specific expectations at all. Simply, as long as you know the fire magic, you can easily eliminate these dark tadpoles and emerald snakes with a sea of ​​fire. However, it was precisely because of this strong and clear obsession that there was a bang in his mind, and a method that met his requirements and belonged to his body was awakened. related.

The age of Guzheng's body was in the later stage of returning to the void, and the tail between the divine mind and the body was cut off, and he who was already relatively heaven-defying became even more heaven-defying because of this. Among the immortal cultivators of the same realm, he has never met Over the opponent.

Now, in this space world restricted by the power of law, Gu Zheng's cultivation is only at the early stage of returning to the void, but in this mysterious realm, because his own chance is strong enough, he awakened in advance the kind that he originally possessed. The supernatural power, and this supernatural power is also in line with his obsession.

Everything happened in an instant, when Gu Zheng awakened his original supernatural powers, he sneered and released the bird of divine thought.

Today's divine sense bird is different from the previous one. The previous divine mind bird, because he has not cut off the tail between him and the divine mind, so when he casts the divine mind bird, he is in a relatively weak defense. Weak state, but now the tail between the divine sense and the main body has been cut off, when he uses the divine sense to attack, it does not affect him in the slightest to do other things.

The bird of divine thought flew towards the dark tadpole closest to Gu Zheng. The dark tadpole wanted to dodge immediately when it saw the flying bird of divine thought that was shining brightly, but how could it be faster than the bird of divine thought? After Nian Feiniao hit it, it was immediately disintegrated.


Gu Zheng couldn't help but let out a yelp after he easily dealt with a dark tadpole that made him tireless, and his divine sense bird didn't stop for a moment after he got rid of a dark tadpole, and immediately turned towards a small emerald snake fly away. However, at this moment, another little emerald snake sneaked up on Gu Zheng from behind, its speed was like an arrow.

It's a pity that although Gu Zheng was chasing a small emerald snake with the flying bird of divine thought, nothing about him was affected, so when he felt something abnormal behind him, he immediately used the misty illusion to avoid it.

The speed of the bird of divine thought was very fast, and the little emerald snake could not escape its decomposition, and the original four guys who blocked Gu Zheng had changed to only two in this moment. Only ten seconds had passed.


Following the sound of drums in the mysterious realm, two lightning flying dragons flew out of the two cloud walls before and after Gu Zheng.

Originally, in the last two walls, even if there were things flying out against the ancient dispute, they would appear separately, and the interval in between was ten seconds, but due to the obstruction of the sea snake monster, it is not seen now, so that the original dark bird became a monster. Lightning flying dragons, and two appeared at the same time!

For the Lightning Flying Dragon, the sea snake monsters had high hopes at first, otherwise they would not have used them as a stumbling block for Gu Zheng, but after seeing that Gu Zheng had awakened his supernatural powers, they had no hope .

However, what the sea snake monster never expected was that there were only two lightning dragons, and Gu Zheng was about to awaken again!

Gu Zheng in the Mysterious Realm, after seeing the two lightning flying dragons, he first tried his best to avoid the lightning released by the lightning flying dragons, and at the same time, he used the flying bird of divine sense to disintegrate the remaining dark tadpole and the little emerald snake. Then he turned to deal with the lightning dragon.

The attack method of the electric light flying dragon is to spew out lightning, and when looking at the lightning, Gu Zheng always felt that this kind of flying dragon had a feeling of deja vu, but the acquaintance was an acquaintance, and he looked down on this kind of flying dragon. Being able to cast something more powerful than this flying dragon!

To be able to gain something in the mysterious realm, obsession is undoubtedly a way to promote awakening. Usually, awakening once will make the mysterious realm disappear, but the awakening of the misty illusion before Gu Zheng did not end the mysterious realm. This also made it easier for him to decide! Later, when Gu Zheng was tirelessly teased by the dark tadpole and the emerald snake, he awakened his supernatural powers, and now when he was stumbled by the sea snake monster, he awakened the Hunyuan that he was able to display originally Wind dragon legs!


Gu Zheng, who had awakened the Hunyuan Wind Dragon Leg, laughed out loud. This feeling was very satisfying.

Gu Zheng raised his foot and kicked again and again, one wind dragon after another whizzed away. Although the two electric light flying dragons were also very flexible, they still failed to avoid the wind dragons a few times after all, and after being hit by the wind dragons, their bodies also Then disappeared into the air.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Brother Hantan's son laughed loudly in the cave, and the smile on his face at this moment was in stark contrast to the gloomy face of the sea snake monster.

"I've said it all, my master has never had a precedent of not comprehending it in the mysterious realm, do you believe it now? Have you seen that my master has not only comprehended the body in terms of spiritual thoughts, but also comprehended this kind of power? Powerful kicks!"

Brother Hantan's son admires Gu Zheng very much, and now he has an indescribably proud face.


The head of the sea snake monster that can make a female voice snorted coldly.

"What's so great about this, don't think that he is enlightened, he is not, he can only be regarded as awakening the supernatural powers he had before! And awakening the supernatural powers that he had before can not be regarded as a chance, It's just to unlock the supernatural power!"

The head of the sea snake monster that can make a male voice glared fiercely at Brother Hantan's son, and said again: "You will call awakening as comprehension, which means that you didn't know that your master has these two supernatural powers before. It also means that the relationship between you and your master is not very close! Does your master treat you like a dog's leg?"

"What did you say?"

The son of the monk Hantan was furious immediately when the sea snake monster separated the relationship between master and servant.

Seeing the anger of the monk's son in the cold pool, the sea snake monster wanted to appear and taunt a few more words, but its eyes suddenly widened, and the eyes were full of disbelief.

It stands to reason that after all the obstacles in the mysterious realm are killed by Gu Zheng, the mysterious realm should disappear, and Gu Zheng should also appear in the cave. Apart from awakening the supernatural powers and Hunyuanfenglong legs in advance, he has no What a bonus.

However, the mysterious realm has not disappeared now, and the sea snake monster and the others saw through the light curtain that there are miracles appearing in the mysterious realm.

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