Generally, ingredients like octopus have no taste, but pink octopus is different. Its ingredients are not only high-grade, but also have a unique fragrance and slightly spicy. As for the grade of green bamboo shoots, it is also not low. It is Excellent level of ingredients.

Whether it is pink octopus or green bamboo shoots, they are relatively stew-resistant ingredients, so when Gu Zheng cooked them, he chose the cooking method of stewing. However, these two ingredients need to be stir-fried before being put into the pot for stewing.

The temperature of the oil in the pot was already right. Gu Zheng first put the cut red pink octopus into the pot, and the red pink octopus meat, which was fried by the hot oil, immediately curled up, and the aroma of high-end ingredients was already forced out at this time.

When the red pink octopus is fried to a certain extent, Gu Zheng puts the chopped green bamboo shoots into the pot, connects the red pink octopus for a second stir-fry, and finally adds water and simmers slowly.

The white aroma condenses above the pot. When it condenses to a certain extent, the aroma in the air is already very attractive. Gu Zheng puts this stewed green bamboo shoots with red powder out of the pot, which represents the white mist that is extremely fragrant. Then it entered into the cooked deliciousness, and a miniature octopus was transformed into a dish, constantly shrinking its tentacles around the dish.

Since Gu Zheng also took care of the steamed rice in the pot when cooking, so when the dish of stewed green bamboo shoots with red powder came out of the pot, the steamed rice was already ready to come out of the pot.

Although it is just a simple steamed rice, there is also a large amount of white mist condensed on the top of the pot. When Gu Zheng lifted the lid of the pot, the mist entered the steamed rice.

Normal rice steaming uses rice, so the rice that comes out is white, but this time, the seeds used for steaming rice, Gu Zheng does not know what it is, it looks white, but it gradually turns white during the steaming process. It turned purple, so that this pot of steamed rice looked like steamed purple rice, but it was more beautiful in color and grain than purple rice.

The simple steamed rice also has an extremely fragrant form. The white mist above the rice turns into a scene like a rice field, with mature plants swaying in the wind with heavy ears.

Next, Gu Zheng is going to make shrimp roe stir-fry white recipes, and at the same time, he will also stew the blanching. When the next dish, the fried shrimp and vegetable flowers, is ready, the blanching can also be served together. After all, in the hands of Xianchu, the soup does not get better the longer it is stewed, and every delicacy has its right time.

Stir-fried vegetables with shrimp meat, the shrimp meat used is the meat of red-striped lobster. This kind of red-striped lobster not only has red stripes on its back, but also has such red stripes on the white shrimp meat. Because the lobster is relatively large, One piece already weighed almost six catties, so the chopped shrimp segments were also very large, which would make the father and son of Hantan monks have the pleasure of eating meat.

The ingredients of the red-striped lobster are of good quality, but the vegetarian flowers fried with it are of high quality. This kind of flower looks like a mandala flower, but it is actually thicker than the petals of the mandala flower. How many times, so the meat is very rich.

The oil in the pot was already hot, so Gu Zheng first put the white plain flowers in the pot to stir-fry.

Although the petals of Suhua are very thick, there is actually not much water in them. The taste after frying is not crisp, but slightly chewy like cabbage leaves, but it feels better than eating fried cabbage. The leaves are much, much better.

When the vegetable flowers were fried to a certain extent, Gu Zheng put in the easily fried shrimp segments.

After all, Suhua is still a vegetable, although its water content is not too much, but there is still some after all, and Gu Zheng uses the water control formula to control the soup that comes out of the fried Suhua in the pot to give the shrimp a taste. Moreover, this kind of taste is relatively advanced. At that time, those parts with red stripes in the shrimp segment will retain the freshness and sweetness of the red-striped lobster itself. As for the part of the shrimp seasoned with vegetarian flower juice Meat has another kind of aroma.

As the stir-frying process continued, Brother Hantan couldn't help swallowing again. Every time Gu Zheng cooked food, he felt so uncomfortable. This fragrance fascinated him and made him feel tormented at the same time.

Stir-fried vegetable flowers with shrimp meat have been out of the pot, and after the white mist enters this delicious dish, it turns into smart red-striped lobsters jumping around.

The last dish that Gu Zheng is going to cook is fried white square with shrimp roe.

Shrimp roe should be small particles, but the shrimp roe used in Gu Zheng’s dish is as big as a grape. This is not an ordinary shrimp roe, it is the roe of a red-striped lobster .

Although the red-striped lobster is a high-quality ingredient, its few shrimp roe is a high-level ingredient. As for the white square fried with shrimp roe, it is also an ingredient that Gu Zheng obtained in this space world , Its ingredients are of high grade.

A delicacy cooked with two high-level ingredients, this stir-fried white square with shrimp roe can be regarded as the highest-standard dish among the four dishes that Gu Zheng cooked this time.

When the shrimp roe was being processed, Gu Zheng washed it with water first, so that it would not break when it was fried.

Although Bai Fang had never seen this kind of ingredient before, he knew that it was a kind of Tai Sui, with a relatively delicate and firm taste.

The oil in the pot was already hot, Gu Zheng put the sliced ​​white cubes into the pot and stir-fried, and immediately a fragrance similar to a fungus wafted out.

After stir-frying for a while, Gu Zheng scooped up the stewed seafood soup from the pot next to him and put a small spoonful in the pot. The white square that was originally fried in the pot, when it encountered the soup from the seafood, immediately disappeared. As if absorbing water, it swelled at a speed visible to the naked eye. Gu Zheng also hurriedly put the roe of the red-striped lobster into the pot at this time.

The roe of the red-striped lobster looks like the size of a grape. Gu Zheng put it into the pot and stir-fried it. The roe that was just fried into the water was cooked quickly in the process.

Shrimp roe fried white square out of the pot, the white mist that originally condensed on the top of the pot enters the delicious food, and what emerges is not a red-striped lobster, but a grain of shrimp roe, as if floating in sea water.

Since two high-quality ingredients are used in this dish, the auspicious words are not only shrimp roe, but also white, and the white square phantom like Tai Sui exists above the delicious food, like Breathing generally shrinks and expands.

The four dishes have been prepared so far, and only the last soup is left, and Gu Zheng also stepped up his firepower to urge it.

The name of the soup is Shan Seafood. There are four kinds of ingredients used in this dish, one of which is the turtle meat of the high-grade ingredient Jade Eye Sea Turtle, and the other three are three kinds of ingredients harvested in this space world, two of which are One is the fungus, and the other is the stem of the plant, just like the core of a banana tree, which looks white and tender.

As Gu Zheng intensified the fire, the fragrance wafting from the soup pot became more and more intense. Finally, after Gu Zheng lifted the lid of the soup pot, the white gas on the pot entered the pot, transforming into the appearance of a sea turtle with jade eyes. The best is to volley on the food.

The four dishes and one soup have been prepared, and the son of the monk Hantan also left the Heart Demon Orb at this time. As he thought before, the original energy in the corpses of two thousand monsters has been completely absorbed by it during this period of time. His strength has also entered the mid-Gold Immortal stage, and at the same time, because of the improvement of his cultivation level, he has comprehended new supernatural powers and strengthened the original supernatural powers.

Not only are there rare delicacies, but also rare rice and immortal wine in the four-way space, and the cultivation level of the monk Hantan's son has also been promoted. This should be a very happy moment! However, when Gu Zheng and others were about to start enjoying the delicious food, several monsters in the air swooped towards Gu Zheng and the others. The fairy array specially arranged by Gu Zheng to cook delicious food can only isolate the smell, but cannot Cut off the sight of those monsters, so the monsters flying through the air are more likely to find their existence.


The Silver Light Mouse yelled at the monster rushing down from the air, it was very angry, even though it couldn't enjoy the delicious food and immortal wine, it still hated the monster that would come to make trouble at this time. Moreover, it uttered these two calls, and it was asking Gu Zheng to fight. It wanted Gu Zheng to remove the fairy formation, and it wanted to use sonic attacks to deal with these five hateful monsters.

"Master, let me come!"

Brother Hantan's son also challenged Gu Zheng, and his good mood was also destroyed.

"Okay, it's up to you!"

Gu Zheng stroked the head of Silver Light Mouse, and smiled at Brother Hantan's son. He also wanted to see what amazing supernatural powers the son of Brother Hantan showed after his cultivation level was promoted.

Gu Zheng played a few magic formulas to remove the effect of the fairy formation.

The son of the monk Hantan didn't want to wait for the monsters in the air to rush over, so he flew up to meet them.

There are five monsters, each one looks like a lion and tiger, with a pair of wings on its body, it looks very fierce, and its strength is all at the peak of returning to the void.

Even if there are five monsters, even if each of them has the strength of returning to the peak, but for the son of the cold pool monk at this stage, their strength is not enough to look at at all, no matter what he has now The strength of Jinxian mid-term.

The five monsters took the lead in attacking the cold pool monk's son, and glaring beams of light shot out from their mouths.

Facing the attacks launched by the monsters, the son of the cold pool cultivator did not dodge at all. He originally had a shield of demon power on his body, and after his strength reached the middle stage of the Golden Immortal, the strength of the shield of demon power became even higher , like the beams of light launched by those monsters on the opposite side, he can completely ignore them. Who made them only five in number. Brother Hantan's son really didn't pay attention to them.

"Bang bang bang bang bang!"

The beam of light hit the demon power shield of Brother Hantan's son. Although the demon power shield made a loud noise, it did not crack, let alone shatter.

The son of the cold pool monk had already approached the five monsters at a suitable distance. He lowered his head when he launched a counterattack, and five light-striped tentacles shot out from his back, directly hitting the five monsters, and began to devour their original energy .


Brother Hantan watched his son's actions from below, and couldn't help applauding.

Although Gu Zheng didn't say anything, there was a look of relief in his eyes. No matter how the strength of his subordinates increased, it also improved the overall strength of the entire team.

Previously, the son of the monk Hantan could split up to three light-banded tentacles, but after his cultivation base had been promoted to the mid-Golden Immortal stage, his light-banded tentacles could split out five. Moreover, the son of the monk in the cold pool used to separate out the tentacles of light, which could only be used to deal with monsters with little fighting power, but this is no longer the case. His tentacles of light can already be used as a powerful supernatural power. As long as the monsters on the Void Peak are at a suitable distance, few can escape the attack of his light-belt tentacles, and once they are hit by his light-belt tentacles, they will immediately lose their resistance, and they can only absorb the original energy. up.

As for the monsters in the Golden Immortal Realm, let’s not talk about the early-stage Golden Immortals, but the mid-Golden Immortals. If it is in a one-on-one situation, once they are hit by the five light-banded tentacles of the monk Hantan’s son, As long as there is no special means of escape, it is basically a dead end! After all, the five light-belt tentacles are terrible at absorbing the original energy, and with the passage of the original energy, the strength will also be reduced. It is really too difficult to resist the son of the cold pool monk at this time.

Absorbing the original energy of two thousand monster corpses, the son of the monk in the cold pool only used the time of Gu Zheng to cook a meal, but now the son of the monk in the cold pool is only the original energy of five monsters , This absorbing process was completed in an instant. As for the five monsters that he absorbed the original energy, they completely lost their life essence and turned into dust and disappeared between heaven and earth.

"Son, good job!"

Looking at his son who flew back, Brother Hantan was so excited that he almost didn't go up to greet him.

"Haha, it's nothing." Brother Hantan's son laughed triumphantly: "I wanted to enjoy the feast cooked by the master, but the appearance of these five blind-eyed guys was just to let me have a little pre-dinner dessert first." .”

Now that the sons of the monk Hantan have all returned, Gu Zheng started to eat in a hurry.

Each person had a bowl of fragrant rice. After picking up his own bowl, Gu Zheng picked up some with chopsticks and tasted it in his mouth.

Gu Zheng didn't say anything about eating, and the Hantan monk and his son could only look at him eagerly, watching him savor with his eyes closed, and couldn't help swallowing again.

"Master, how do you feel?"

Seeing that Gu Zheng swallowed a mouthful of rice, Brother Hantan's son hurriedly asked, although he planted the rice, he didn't know how it tasted after steaming. What's more, this rice is not steamed in general. He is a fairy chef like Gu Zheng. Through the fire control formula and water control formula, the delicious food cooked by making the heat and water reach the best level, I am looking forward to it. unavoidable thing.

"Although this is not real rice, it tastes better than the same quality of rice. It has a rice-like fragrance, and it is thicker than real rice! Every grain absorbs just the right amount of water. The taste of the grains is great, I think this is the best bowl of rice I have ever eaten."


Hearing what Gu Zheng said, the son of the monk Hantan was so happy that he would die. It is really a great honor for him to be given such a high evaluation by the master for the rice he planted!

Gu Zheng’s evaluation of rice is indeed very high, but he did not lie, because even in the prehistoric world, the highest level of Xianmi is excellent, and it is the kind of ingredients that cannot be improved, so the bowl of rice now , It is really the best rice that Gu Zheng has ever eaten.

"Let's eat!"

Gu Zheng smiled slightly at the father and son of the monk Hantan, and then extended his chopsticks to the crystal crispy fish he cooked for the first time.

Hearing that Gu Zheng said that they could eat, the Hantan monk father and son, who had long been hungry and thirsty, hurriedly picked up their rice bowls, and pulled the rice into their mouths a few times. Now they dare not move their chopsticks to pick up vegetables. This is a rule and a courtesy , even if Gu Zheng said that they had eaten, but when Gu Zheng hadn't tasted a dish, they would definitely not be the first to serve a dish!

However, for the father and son of the Hantan monks, it is already a very good thing to be able to pick up two chopsticks of rice as the bottom. Zheng tasted each dish briefly, and they would soon be able to start with the dish that Gu Zheng is currently serving with chopsticks.

Crispy Crystal Fish is a dish made from high-quality seaweed fish and medium-quality crystal fruit.

Gu Zheng first picked up a piece of fish. Because it was crispy fish, the fish skin was like tiger skin. Under the skin was white and tender fish that looked like garlic cloves. Gu Zheng put this piece of crispy fish into his mouth.

The entrance is a deep-fried burnt aroma, and the fish skin is slightly sticky, but chewing with the smooth and tender fish meat complements each other so well.

When I tasted the seaweed fish for the first time, it was just fragrant, but after chewing a few times, a sour and appetizing taste experience appeared, which was because the fish absorbed the crystal juice.

Gu Zheng took a good bite of the fish, and Gu Zheng heaved a sigh of satisfaction, while the monk Hantan and his son gulped a few times.

Gu Zheng moved his chopsticks for the second time, and the place where he stretched out was the belly of the fish.

Seagrass fish is a high-quality ingredient. In addition to the delicious fish meat, there are two other places that are also very delicious, one of which is fish intestines, and the other is fish bones.

The fish intestines were used to seal the belly of the fish. As for the fish bones, because Gu Zheng used the cooking method of crispy fish, and the sour taste of the crystal fruit itself has the effect of softening the fish bones, so the fish bones at this time It doesn't prick your mouth at all, but it has a different taste and aroma when you eat it.

Gu Zheng stretched out the chopsticks towards the belly of the fish, and what he picked up was a piece of fish intestines and a piece of fish meat. The fish intestines were slightly springy, with a burnt aroma, and the fish skin was slightly crushed, plus the tender fish meat. Different mouths changed with Gu Zheng's chewing, and burst out wonderful fragrances, so that when Gu Zheng was chewing, the father and son of the Hantan monk breathed hard, greedily sniffing the flavor that overflowed from his mouth. kind of fragrance.

When Gu Zheng moved his chopsticks to the crystal crispy fish next, it was naturally the crystal fruit in the crispy fish's stomach.

The crystal fruit, which was originally crystal clear, has turned milky white after being cooked by Gu Zheng, but its shape has not changed, and there is no sign that it has grown bigger after being stewed, but in fact it has Very tasty.

Picking up a piece of crystal fruit and putting it in his mouth, what Gu Zheng tasted was a crisp taste similar to pickled radish. When he had just eaten seaweed and fish meat, his mouth was still full of the strong fragrance of fish meat, and he took a mouthful of crisp and slightly sour crystal fruit , that kind of taste experience is simply not too comfortable.

However, how can the crystal fruit that has inhaled the essence of fish meat be so monotonous that it only has its own taste! Following Gu Zheng's refusal, a sour aroma exploded in Gu Zheng's mouth. Even a fairy chef like Gu Zheng, who has tasted all kinds of food, couldn't help but taste this sour aroma. Secreted a lot of saliva, and Gu Zheng was like this, and the Hantan monk father and son who had already smelled the sour smell, let alone how they reacted, their saliva almost didn't flow down the corners of their mouths!

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