"This is the way of eating! Although you have eaten crystal shrimp before, you have never eaten crystal shrimp with the way of eating."

Gu Zheng handed the grilled crystal shrimp to King Ray.

With the long-coveted delicacy in his hand, the ray king didn't care about the way of eating. He seemed to have twisted the head of the shrimp and was about to throw it away, but Gu Zheng stopped him.

"It tastes better when dipped in shrimp meat."

Hearing what Gu Zheng said, Emperor Ray put the shrimp head aside first, then he grabbed the shrimp body and pulled it, and the white and tender shrimp meat was pulled out from the shrimp shell.

It seems that he is a person who has been evil for a long time, and he doesn't care about the delicate way of eating. The king ray fish directly took a bite of shrimp meat in his mouth.

The mouth is springy, but it has a juicy sweetness, which makes King Ray feel that he has never eaten such a delicious crystal shrimp.

After taking another mouthful of shrimp meat, King Ray let out a satisfied nasal sound. This second bite of shrimp meat gave him a different taste experience. This time it was still so chewy, but this part of the lobster meat It seems to eat a lot, and the juice is particularly rich when chewing, and the more you chew in your mouth, the more delicious it is.

"It's so fragrant!"

They were a bit reluctant to swallow the meat of the shrimp in their mouths, but after actually swallowing the meat of the crystal shrimp, King Ray couldn't help expressing emotion.

"I have never eaten such a delicious crystal shrimp in my life!"

It seems that a few words are disrespectful to the delicious food in front of him. The king ray opened his mouth and bit towards the white and tender body of the shrimp.

However, the body of the shrimp swallowed by the ray king is not only white, but there are grains of crystal clear shrimp seeds on the belly of the white and tender shrimp.

Shrimp meat combined with shrimp roe, once again burst out a wonderful taste experience, the firmness of the shrimp meat, coupled with the elastic teeth and bursting pulp of the shrimp roe, and finally mixed the juice of the two ingredients, when chewing in the mouth, That kind of experience is simply not too cool.

"It's really delicious!"

Unable to stop at all, King Ray only took three bites of the crystal shrimp that was originally about three feet long, and the last section of the white and tender shrimp body was only enough for him to dip in the sauce inside the shrimp head once.

With the last bit of white and tender shrimp body, dipped in the little sauce in the shrimp head, King Ray put the last delicious bite into his mouth, closed his eyes and savored it carefully.

Satisfied nasal sounds continue to come out, and the shrimp meat and shrimp yellow burst out in the mouth of the king ray fish, which is even more intoxicating. Too strong and too greasy, it is really a wonderful taste experience.

"Sweet, it's really delicious!"

"How can there be such delicious grilled crystal shrimp?"

"Is this the charm of diet?"

"I'm so scared, I'm afraid I won't be able to eat such delicious crystal shrimp in the future, what will I do?"

King Ray was about to cry, he looked at Gu Zheng pitifully.

Gu Zheng spread his hands and said: "There is no way, I am in a hurry this time, if I have time to come to this space world in the future, I will cook delicious food for you again!"

"It's a deal, it's what you said, and it's free cooking, you didn't say what you want before cooking for me!"

The reaction of the ray king was simply laughing out of tears.

"You can also seize the opportunity!"

Gu Zheng also laughed. If he had changed before, Gu Zheng would not have suffered such a loss, but today he is in a good mood, so he doesn’t care about letting King Ray a little bit: “If I make you happy, then give it to me quickly. The reward of the test, and at the same time, pray for my life! Only if I have my life, can I enter this space world again, and then you will be able to eat this peerless delicacy again."

"Satisfied, of course satisfied, you have to work hard, I am very optimistic about you!"

King Ray King did have a scale on his body, and it was the only one. This scale was hidden on his back. Gu Zheng had seen it when he observed his body in the cave.

There was a sound of gasping, and King Ray stretched out his hand behind his back as if plucking his hair, and took out the scale with a little blood on it.

"Go and complete your test! Kill that bitch and vent your anger!"

After Emperor Ray handed the scales to Gu Zheng, without waiting for Gu Zheng to say anything, a force of exclusion was born from the palace, and Gu Zheng was directly excluded.

After completing the test and getting the test reward, Gu Zheng's next step is to go to different places in this space world. There are things to heal the wounds of female ray monsters, but what is the healing thing? The ancient battle is still unclear.

To fly to the last different place, Gu Zheng needs more than an hour.

The flying process was unprecedentedly boring, and Gu Zheng didn't encounter any obstacles from any monster in this more than an hour.

The ancient dispute has stopped in front of a valley, and this valley is the last special feature.

Looking at the valley that was still closed by the barrier, Gu Zheng couldn't help feeling that good and bad depend on each other.

Before entering this space world, due to the counter-combat of Gu Zheng, those hole cards that have restrictions on their use have been used once for teleportation, fairyland, and crazy knife. These things are waiting to be used again in the process of using.

If it wasn't for the female ray monster's making things difficult, then it would be easier to pass her test. Gu Zheng only needs to return to the Heart Magic Orb and cook a similar pot of ointment. The whole process doesn't even take half an hour. . If this is the case, then Gu Zheng should not have any time to rest, and he will go directly to the depths of the cave. If he encounters a powerful monster at that time, when he needs those cards of Gu Zheng to win, those cards of Gu Zheng It is still in the stage of being unusable, so it has to be said to be a disaster.

But now, due to the stingray monster making things difficult, Gu Zheng entered this space world to complete the test. More than four hours have passed, and within these four hours, all of Gu Zheng's cards have been recovered. In the next valley, if you don’t need to use these hole cards to complete the test, then Gu Zheng will go back to the business in its heyday. Even if there are powerful monsters in the depths of the cave, at least Gu Zheng’s status will be fine. of.

Gu Zheng, who was feeling emotional, frowned slightly. He likes to think more about things in many cases, and it is often not harmful to think more. Things are thought through more thoroughly, and it may even give rise to special feelings.

Just like now, thinking about the problems in the future, Gu Zheng really has a special feeling. This special feeling is a guide for Gu Zheng in the future. He let Gu Zheng preserve his strength!

The special feeling clearly allowed Gu Zheng to preserve his strength. Gu Zheng just frowned and put his hand on the colorless barrier. He was going to break through the barrier first, and breaking the barrier is not a waste of strength for him .

Xianli spread along the lines on the barrier, and soon after a crisp sound, the barrier blocking the valley shattered.

The previous experience of breaking the barrier of the valley, this time Gu Zheng directly entered the heart magic bead at the moment the barrier was broken. Anyway, this barrier also has the function of covering up. The real situation in the valley is not separated by the colorless The way the barrier sees it.

Sure enough, as soon as Gu Zheng entered the Heart Demon Orb, a large group of ghosts rushed out of the valley. Gu Zheng didn't know how many of them were there, and Gu Zheng didn't see clearly their strength, because they were too fast. Moreover, all the flowers, plants and trees that passed by were absorbed by the original energy and turned into a decayed appearance.

"At least there is an early stage of Void Return!"

Gu Zheng estimated the strength of the ghosts in his heart, and without staying outside the valley, he stepped into the valley.

It is also a valley, but compared to the vitality of the last valley, this valley is simply dilapidated.

There are no flowers and trees here at all, which is completely different from the green world that Gu Zheng saw through the barrier before.

However, there is one thing that the two valleys are the same, that is, there are buildings in the valley.

The building in the first valley is a thatched cottage, and the building here is a white stone house, which seems to have a cavelike interior.

Gu Zheng's divine sense opened the way ahead, and soon he had a clearer understanding of the environment here. There used to be a large number of buildings here, but these buildings have collapsed and buried in the soil, and there are many skeletons underground. , and those skeletons have become evil, if he doesn't slow down and go in, these underground skeletons will crawl out.

Gu Zheng will not slow down to go in, anyway, there is no air restriction in this valley, after he understands all this with his divine sense, he flies directly to the white building in the valley.

The white building has no door, but there is still a barrier at the door frame that can hide the internal scene, but this kind of barrier is not the same as the barrier outside the valley. The barrier outside the valley is very strong. It belongs to the ancient struggle and must be as slow as Xianli The kind that breaks slowly, and the barrier here is the kind that is relatively weak. Gu Zheng can smash it just by raising his hand.

Gu Zheng raised his hand, and instead of smashing the barrier, he used Xianli to gently disintegrate the barrier.

The reason why he wanted to turn the simple task of breaking the barrier into a slightly troublesome thing was because Gu Zheng suddenly felt that there might be a test hidden here.

In Gu Zheng's view, there are only two possibilities for the valley barrier and the gate barrier to be regarded as normal. One is that the strength of the valley barrier and the gate barrier are the same, and the other is that the valley barrier is slightly weaker than the gate barrier! In reality, there are many examples like this. The defense on the outside is relatively loose, and the closer to the inside, the tighter the defense. Of course, there is also another example in reality, that is, the defense of the mountain gate is often the strongest, while the defense inside the sect is relatively weak.

Although the shadows of both situations can be found in the real world, Gu Zheng still feels that it is unreasonable for a place like this to have weak internal defenses. This may be a natural reaction born of more experience in the test!

The barrier was quickly broken, and Gu Zheng was still the first to enter the Heart Demon Orb, but this time there were no large numbers of monsters rushing out.

Through the Heart Demon Orb, Gu Zheng was also able to observe the outside world. He found that inside the building outside, there was an old man in black.

When Gu Zheng was sizing up the old man, the old man suddenly turned his head to look at Xin Mozhu and said, "Since they are already here, why don't you show up?"

Gu Zheng still didn't make a sound, and he was already frowning in the Heart Demon Orb, because when the old man turned his head to talk to him, he found that half of the old man's face had no skin, and the red and festered skin was exposed , one eye socket is also a black hole, and there are even disgusting maggots crawling in and out.

With a thought, Gu Zheng appeared outside the Heart Demon Orb, and he stepped into the stone room where the old man was.

"Welcome your arrival and entrants. The tests here are divided into two types, one is a difficult test, and the other is a simple test. As for what kind of test I will give you, it is completely up to me. !Since you did not use brute force to break the barrier when you came in, this makes me feel more comfortable, and I am going to give you a simple test!"

Hearing what the old man in black said, Gu Zheng was quite happy in his heart. It seemed that he made the right choice again and did not directly use brute force to break the barrier.

"After passing your simple test, what is my reward?"

He was happy in his heart, but Gu Zheng didn't show it. He still asked about the things he cared more about.

"Aren't you coming to me to take the medicine and go back to complete the test? The reward is naturally the medicine that will allow you to complete the test." The old man in black said.

"So, what is that simple test?" Gu Zheng asked again.

"What is the simple test, I can't tell you now, I will only say it after you accept the task."

What the old man in black said sounds fine. Many monsters will also give Gu Zheng a similar test, that is, let’s not talk about the content of the test, but let Gu Zheng sign a contract with them first. This is not unusual at all. Gu Zheng also intends to conclude a contract with the old man in black.

However, just when Gu Zheng wanted to conclude a contract with the old man in black, a special feeling appeared again, and its appearance made Gu Zheng hesitate.

"What's wrong? Why didn't you conclude a contract?"

The voice of the old man in black was puzzled. It had already sent a request for a conclusion, but Gu Zheng did not respond.

Gu Zheng was immersed in trying to figure out the special feeling, because this time the special feeling was very vague, it just let Gu Zheng understand that there would be something wrong with the conclusion of the contract, but it didn't let Gu Zheng understand what would be wrong.

"Before I was outside the valley, a special feeling allowed me to maintain my strength, but I was not allowed to sign a contract here. What does this mean?" Gu Zheng murmured in his heart.

"Do you still want to conclude a contract? Do you know that it is very rude of you to do this. If you don't conclude a contract, then I will regard you as giving up the conclusion of the contract. Even if you want to conclude a contract, you will have no chance!"

The voice of the old man in black seemed very angry, but in fact he wanted Gu Zheng to sign a contract with him. Without the binding force of the contract, he couldn't ask Gu Zheng to do something for him.

"Then you will be considered as giving up!"

Gu Zheng is also a little upset, he doesn't like to be urged, since he is being urged now, and he has a special feeling that reminds him that the conclusion of the contract is inappropriate, then he should not conclude this contract at all, anyway, he has a special feeling about himself , he has always been more trustworthy.

"Are you really going to give up on signing the contract?" the old man said with a serious expression.

Looking at the old man's serious expression, Gu Zheng felt more and more that it was right not to conclude the contract. Anyway, he didn't know what test the old man was going to give him, so he concluded the contract rashly. In case the simple test the old man said was actually a What about difficult tests? Anyway, the time limit for the task is only more than one hour. If the old man messes up a little bit, it may make everything he has done before come to naught!

"I'll ask you again, do you really not want to conclude the contract?"

Facing Gu Zheng's silence, the old man's seriousness has turned into anger, and with his emotional anger, the maggots in his eye sockets come in and out more frequently, and it looks more disgusting.

"That's right, I just want to give up on signing the contract, I don't want to accept any mission test from you!"

He didn't look like a good person at first, and his temper was so big, and Gu Zheng had a special feeling to guide him, so even if Gu Zheng couldn't figure it out, he didn't want to think about it anymore, so he immediately explained to the old man, He didn't want to sign any contract with the old man, nor did he want to accept the old man's so-called test.

After completely rejecting the old man, Gu Zheng had a flash of inspiration. He felt that he really didn't need to take on the old man's task, because he already had the ability to heal the wounds of the female ray monster. To make things difficult, I had no choice but to enter this space world.

Now, Gu Zheng is already in this space world, and he is already in that special place where antidote can be produced. Facing this old man in black who may be plotting evil, he can indeed refuse! He can completely refine the ointment for the female ray monster here to treat the sores. Anyway, he already felt that when he got the ointment, he would automatically leave this place! As for the female ray monster, she should only know that the antidote is in the space world represented by the map on her back, and she doesn't know what the antidote is!

After thinking about this point, Gu Zheng really wanted to slap himself in the face. After entering this space world, he could solve the problem, but he traveled all the way to this place and wasted so much time. However, after thinking about it, Gu Zheng was relieved. Although it took a little time, it can also be said that during this time, he recovered his own strength! Moreover, during the visit, he also learned more about this space world. The most important thing is that during the visit, he met the King Ray and got the useful fish scale from him.

Gu Zheng, who rejected the old man in black, was secretly happy. After thinking about all this, he was going to leave this valley, find a place to boil a pot of ointment and go back to work.

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