After accepting the golden-armored giant, Gu Zheng hurried on his way again. This time, he encountered no obstacles, and he came to the big tree unimpeded all the way.

The big tree is huge, and it is just as Gu Zheng expected before, it is the eye of this fairy formation.

"It can still defend."

Gu Zheng sneered, through the detection of the opponent's eye with his divine sense, he has discovered that as long as he attacks the formation eye, the formation eye will also cause him a little trouble.

In view of the previous precedent that even the treasure cannot be used once the formation is changed, Gu Zheng took the Elven Blade out of the Inner Demon Orb first.

Swinging the blade of the elf, Gu Zheng chopped the big tree, and the complete destruction of the formation eye was just as simple as cutting the big tree.

However, after Gu Zheng slashed on the big tree with a knife, the sound was as if he was slashing on metal. It seems that the protective power of this big tree is extraordinary! Moreover, a canopy of mist exploded from the big tree that was hacked, and the mist was highly poisonous, and directly wrapped the big tree in it. As for Gu Zheng's poisonous celestial shield, it was Severe corrosion has occurred.

The big tree wrapped in mist turned into a huge treant. It slapped Gu Zheng, but Gu Zheng didn't confront him head-on. He escaped this attack by relying on his dexterity. Thought it was just a simple fairy formation, who would have thought that there would be so many obstacles inside.

However, for Gu Zheng, the huge treant is easier to deal with than the previous lizard monster and golden armored giant. This is not to say that the treant is not strong enough. Armored giant, the strength is the strongest among the monomers, it not only has huge brute force, its toxin is also very terrifying, but it is also because it is only a monomer, unlike lizard monsters and golden armored giants. Groups, so Gu Zheng can concentrate on dealing with it, and it will not appear so powerful.

Just like now, the huge tree man is launching various attacks on Gu Zheng, but no matter whether it is its brute force attack or its poisonous mist, none of them can fall on Gu Zheng. Its dexterous body skills are simply more dexterous than fish in the water, but looking back at Gu Zheng's sword qi, many of them can fall on it.

Although it is an obstruction, the obstruction is not strong, it is nothing more than delaying Gu Zheng for some time.

The battle was still going on, and the crazy sword dancing caused many of the green leaves that would appear as the elf blade danced to fall near the tree man, and now he was going to end the life of the tree man.

With a thought, the supernatural power of the Elven Blade was activated, and the green leaves that appeared near the treant due to the sword dance exploded collectively. After blowing it down, it was blown to pieces immediately. After all, the Elven Blade is also a high-level fairy weapon, and its supernatural power characteristics are no less than the explosion of a high-level fairy weapon.

The tree man representing the formation eye exploded completely, and after the tree man exploded, the space of the fairy formation disappeared because the formation eye was destroyed, and Gu Zheng finally returned to the cave.

Walking forward again, Gu Zheng did not encounter any obstacles, and came directly to the bottom of the cave.

"Enter, you are welcome."

At the bottom of the cave, another monster that looked like an otter narrowed its eyes and laughed when it saw Gu Zheng coming in.

"Then how do you welcome me?"

Gu Zheng smiled but didn't laugh. Anyway, these special monsters who were going to give him tasks didn't leave a good impression on him.

"I want to welcome you, so naturally I will give you a task." The otter monster smiled and said, "I have to say that you are really lucky!"

"How do you say that?"

Gu Zheng asked, he didn't think he was so lucky, at least in front of this otter monster.

"You didn't go to meet the gatekeeper monster in the current area, but came to see me first. This is your luck." Said the otter monster.

"Is there any difference between who you go to see first and who you go to see later?" Gu Zheng asked again.

"Of course there is a difference. You came to see me first, so I will give you a task. After you finish the task, I will give you a treasure that can help you defeat the gatekeeper monster. But if you met the gatekeeper first Monster, and then came to see me, then I will be the one who deals with you, or entraps you, instead of being as friendly as I am now."

Hearing what the otter monster said, Gu Zheng also felt that he was indeed very lucky, and the otter monster said again: "It is useless to talk more, I will give you the task now! In fact, the task I give you is very simple, that is, Just exchange, if you can come up with something that satisfies me, then I will give you a treasure that can deal with the guard monster."

"Something that satisfies you."

Hearing what the otter monster said, Gu Zheng smiled helplessly. Although it is not the first time he has done such a task, he really hates this kind of task, because doing this kind of task is completely a choice.

"Then see if there is anything you want here!"

Gu Zheng took out the Heart Demon Orb, and was about to take out some things stored in the Heart Demon Orb, but just as he took out the Heart Demon Orb, the eyes of the otter monster lit up.

"I want this, I want this!"

The otter monster pointed to the heart magic bead in Gu Zheng's hand, and yelled excitedly.

"You have a good idea. This thing does not belong to the category of exchange. If you insist on this thing, then I can only say that I will not make a deal with you."

Gu Zheng rejected the otter monster, it was impossible for him to make a deal with the otter monster with the heart magic bead.

Seeing Gu Zheng's resolute attitude, the otter monster sighed: "Then take out your treasures and let me have a look!"

Gu Zheng took out the contents of the Heart Demon Orb, including the corpse of the monster, the crown whose purpose is unknown, and various ingredients.

Looking at the eyes of the otter monster sweeping back and forth on various collections, Gu Zheng hoped in his heart that it would choose the ingredients. They will agree without hesitation! After all, if the ingredients are gone, he can still make them again, and he really doesn't want to do this kind of task that needs to satisfy the other party's preferences.

"Unfortunately, there is nothing I want here."

The otter monster looked away from the ingredients.

"Have you ever eaten good food? In fact, as long as there is something you like in these things, then I can make it delicious that you have never eaten before!"

Gu Zheng used delicious food to lure the otter monster, but the otter monster's attitude was also very firm: "I am not interested in eating, so you don't have to waste your energy trying to use food to satisfy me. Let me tell you the truth! If you happen to It’s better to have something I like, if not, it’s not like you don’t have the chance to take on my task at all, you can also help me get something back, if you can help me get that thing back, then I can also use it I will give you the baby to deal with the guard monsters. You have no other way to do the task. In addition, I have to tell you one thing, that is, your thinking time is only a stick of incense. If you miss this time, you will no longer be able to receive the mission from me, and naturally you will not be able to get the treasure that can help you defeat the gatekeeper monster."

If it wasn't for the time when the otter monster said a stick of incense, then Gu Zheng really wanted not to do its task, and go to meet the gatekeeper monster for a while before talking about it. The idea of ​​arguing was strangled to death, because from here to the place where the guard monster was, the time for a stick of incense was not enough to make a round trip.

"Okay, let's talk about your mission!" Gu Zheng compromised.

"I will send you into a dangerous space, you go to that space and help me find a small colorful, the time is one day, I will give you a mark, when you find the small colorful, you can use the mark to leave that space ! If you complete the task, then I will give you a treasure that can deal with the guard monsters, if you fail to complete the task, then you will stay in that space world forever."

Hearing what the otter monster said, Gu Zheng's heart skipped a beat. When he was doing the task of the ocean giant arm before, he also helped the ocean giant arm find something, and was also sent to another space world. The time limit for the task was also one day, and that time The task is not difficult! As for the mission of the otter monster, there are as many similarities as the mission of the ocean giant arm last time, which made Gu Zheng feel that this mission must be very difficult! As for the little colorful fish that the otter monster said, it was a colorful fish that looked like a goldfish. The otter monster had already presented its appearance in front of Gu Zheng, and Gu Zheng also confirmed that before today, he Never seen this fish.

However, since he has decided to accept the task of the otter monster, Gu Zheng doesn't care so much. After he nodded and agreed to the otter monster, the other party's eyes lit up and left an otter mark on his arm, and then there was an otter in front of him. Something like a black hole appeared.

After the alternation of light and darkness in front of his eyes, Gu Zheng appeared in another space world. When he looked at the familiar environment around him, Gu Zheng's eyes widened. The same as during the mission, he once again entered the space world before the four-way space! However, the space world before the four-way space is divided into two parts, one part is the external world, and the other part is the enchantment world. The last time Gu Zheng entered the external world, he experienced jungles and deserts, but now he What I entered was that world of enchantment!

The difficulty of the enchanted world is higher than that of the external world. This is something Gu Zheng knew when he entered the last time. The last time he was in this enchanted world, he saw two invincible monsters. In the world of enchantment, he also fought against the three giants of enchantment at that time.

Originally, Gu Zheng was still a little confused about the little Qicai that the otter monster needed, not knowing where to find it, but now he has a direction, because there is an ocean in this enchantment, he thinks that the little Qicai should be in the ocean, Although it is difficult to find a fish in the ocean, Xiao Qicai is so special, and if he encounters a wise monster, Gu Zheng can search for its soul to know the whereabouts of Xiao Qicai, so it is somewhat rewarding in one direction.

However, everything has a good side and a bad side. The good side is that Gu Zheng has been to this enchanted world, so he knows where the ocean is. The bad thing is that when Gu Zheng was here before, it was not here. It belongs to the forbidden state, but now it is in the forbidden state!

This is not the first time that Guzheng has experienced the forbidden air state, but none of the air bans have caused as much trouble to Guzheng as this time, because it is too far away from the sea. It's not enough for Gu Zheng to reach the sea, not to mention looking for Xiao Qicai in the sea.


Gu Zheng's voice was squeezed out between his teeth, and there was still a bit of hatred on his face. He regretted accepting the task of the otter monster, and he felt that even if he didn't accept it, he might still defeat the guard monster, but now Fortunately, he was thrown in this wretched place, and the difficulty of the task was so high. Even if he fulfilled the agreement with the otter monster and found the little colorful color it needed, all he got was the one that could help him defeat the gatekeeper monster. It's just a treasure.

Quests seem hopeless, but Gu Zheng has already done too many missions. Quests like this one that make people feel hopeless at the beginning usually still have vitality in them, but this vitality can only be possible if you carefully search for it. turn up. Moreover, since it has become a fact to take over this task, Gu Zheng doesn't want hatred to affect his mood. He needs to analyze the current situation seriously.

The place where Gu Zheng appears now is the same as the place where he entered this enchanted world last time. He is standing in the canyon with cliffs on both sides. After entering the canyon last time, in order to search for ingredients, Gu Zheng still saw There was an invincible monster that merged with the cliff.

There is no other road in front of him, only the canyon. After Gu Zheng entered the canyon, his speed was not particularly fast. Anyway, time is not enough if there is no money, so he doesn't need to be so anxious. It's just that traveling is only superficial, Gu Zheng uses his spiritual sense to explore ahead, and the speed of spiritual exploration is faster than the speed of flying.

There are still various grades of ingredients growing on the cliff, but the highest grade of these ingredients is only middle grade. Gu Zheng does not intend to spend time collecting them, and the last time I was here, the reason why I provoked the invincible Monsters are tragedies caused by collecting ingredients.

"Master, do you need me to do anything?"

Knowing what the current predicament is, the cold pool monk hidden in the heart magic orb spoke up.

"No, I'll tell you if there's anything I need you to do!"

Gu Zheng also understood Brother Hantan's worry, but this matter is not just worrying.

"Master, the time is so short, Xiao Qicai looks like a sea fish, but it may be a freshwater fish. I suggest the master go to a place with fresh water first."

Brother Hantan said cautiously, he was also worried that his proposal might not be very good, and what Gu Zheng said next dispelled his worries, because Gu Zheng really didn't think so.

At first, Gu Zheng felt that the little Qicai might be in the sea. It was just because Gu Zheng had defeated the big fish, one of the three giants, on the small island by the sea, so he felt this enchantment again. The world is here to do the mission, there may be such unusual things as small colorful colors in the sea, but since it is obvious that there is not enough time to go to the sea, Gu Zheng must first go to the nearest water source to have a look.

The long canyon is about to come to an end. This time the ancient battle was in the canyon, except for those warlike ants, no other monsters were seen, and the exploration of the divine sense has entered a far place, and there is still no sign of it. Found traces of monsters.

The whole body is dark, and the huge ants are indeed very aggressive. The last time Gu Zheng entered this space, he was attacked by them. They all deliberately avoid them, so as not to step on them, but they have a posture of not letting go of Gu Zheng, and a group of them has gathered behind to chase Gu Zheng.

Gu Zheng was rather annoyed, he hadn't been able to cut off the tail between the divine sense and the main body, when he released the divine sense to investigate or attack, he couldn't launch any fairy attack, so when faced with this situation, the last The best way is to release the cold pool monk.

As soon as Gu Zheng thought about it, Cultivator Hantan was released from the Heart Demon Orb by him, and Cultivator Hantan, who knew what to do, opened his mouth and spit out a thick cold mist at the group of big black ants following behind Gu Zheng .

The last time I came to this enchanted space, because Gu Zheng and their overall strength were very low, it was not particularly easy to deal with these ants. However, when he came to this enchanted space again, the cultivation base of the cold pool cultivator was already in the late stage of returning to the void, and the strength of these big black ants was not enough for him, and they were all frozen by a breath of cold mist.

However, the Cold Pool cultivator who froze a group of big black ants was not as relaxed as he should have been after completing the task assigned by Gu Zheng, because he knew the characteristics of these big black ants very well! The last time I entered this enchanted space, it was because I offended this kind of ordinary big black ants, and then some flying ants appeared, and after killing those flying ants, that invincible monster appeared again, Hantan The monk is well aware of the difficulty of this task, and he doesn't want to make trouble at this time.

However, things did not develop in the direction that the monks in the cold pool hoped. Even though the monks in the cold pool killed a group of big black ants without making any noise, it seems that there is something between these special ants. There is a strange connection, so not only the flying ants flew from the holes on the cliff, but also many big black ants crawled out from the cracks in the cliff.


Brother Hantan scolded, the air ban has no effect on monsters, so in this case, there is no other way but to fight, because escaping is impossible to escape the pursuit of flying ants.

"Kill, kill as many as there are!"

Gu Zheng was also a little annoyed, he issued a kill order to monk Hantan.

Hearing Gu Zheng's order, Brother Hantan was immediately relieved. He was a militant, and he couldn't bear this situation even more than Gu Zheng! However, because he was afraid of causing any trouble to Gu Zheng, he endured it even if he couldn't bear it. Now that he has Gu Zheng's order, no matter what the outcome is, he will have to kill him first.

The cold pool cultivator opened his mouth and roared, and the evil wind spewed out of his mouth like a wild dragon. When he was fighting those monsters in the ocean before, he could not use this move at all. It was because of the environmental problem. Now the environment has changed from the ocean Turning into land, the power of his Yaofeng attack will naturally become stronger. However, even if Yaofeng's attack power is still mediocre, his own strength is already high enough to deal with these monster ants more than enough.

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