The last time he entered the empty space to collect ingredients, Gu Zheng collected more than 40 pieces at a time. Later, he cooked food for himself and monk Hantan, and the reserve of ingredients was very little.

Now he has gone through untold hardships, and finally killed the Void Lord, and the Conch Banshee also followed the previous agreement. After he collected the ingredients this time, he will repair the current space world.

Gu Zheng put everyone into the heart magic bead, because he was going to move the walrus ivory road, because he had collected all the ingredients near this road last time, and if he wanted to get new harvests, he had to use his After the walrus ivory is collected, release its supernatural power again to generate a new walrus ivory road.

Where the new road should be born, it can only start from the location of the walrus ivory collection road, and a new road can be extended in any direction. Gu Zheng found a direction that seems to have more ingredients, and then decided With one thought, the walrus ivory road is closed, and with another thought, the walrus ivory road is released, and the new ivory return road will extend in the direction chosen by Gu Zheng.

The new route has already been established. Next, Gu Zheng released the father and son of the monk Hantan from the heart magic bead, and let them collect the ingredients. As for himself, he sat cross-legged and adjusted his breath. The Immortal Realm was destroyed in the battle, and he was still in the stage of being backlashed. He could also adjust his breath while the father and son of the monks in the cold pool were collecting ingredients.

There are a lot of ingredients near the new walrus ivory road, and the father and son of the monks in Hantan also started to collect them. They don't know the grade of ingredients, but Gu Zheng said that when they saw the ingredients that could be collected, they just collected them.

This time is destined to be a bumper harvest. Firstly, there are more food materials in the places selected by the ancients. Secondly, the son of the monk Hantan has long been able to lengthen the road to return ivory. In addition, he has devoured the original energy of the Void Demon Lord. After that, the impact of being in the void space weakened, and he was able to get a little farther away from the walrus ivory road, so he was able to harvest more ingredients.

However, since the agreement with the Conch Banshee has already been completed, the Conch Banshee will not have much time to wait, so the son of the cold pool monk will not leave the range of the Walrus Ivory Road to collect ingredients, he will just stand on the walrus ivory On the road, food materials that are a little farther away are collected through black magic, and there is also an advantage in doing so, that is, it has the invisibility effect of the walrus ivory road, and it is not easy for him to attract the attention of monsters. The cultivation base of the early stage of the Golden Immortal, but in a place like the void space in the early stage of the Golden Immortal, it is far from reaching the rank that can walk sideways.

During the process of collecting ingredients, no accidents happened. Brother Hantan and his son brought back more than 70 pieces of ingredients to Gu Zheng, including 52 pieces of medium quality, 18 pieces of good quality, and 18 pieces of high-level food. six pieces.

The food has been harvested in abundance, Gu Zheng and the others have to leave the void space, and during the period when monk Hantan and his son went to collect food, Gu Zheng has temporarily adjusted his breath, although his current state is not good enough to fight with others , but the ability to create a space channel to leave the void space is still available.

Stretching out his hands to fiddle with the space lines, Gu Zheng created a space passage in the void space, and left the void space with the treasure of walrus ivory, and the place where they appeared was still the broken road when they came in.

Returning to the broken road again, Gu Zheng felt infinitely emotional. This is the third time he has entered the void space, and this space that was originally not difficult is not only because of a series of broken variables, but also becomes more and more difficult. After going through so many hardships, he is now only in the second zone of the current stage.

The Conch Banshee started to restore the space world. She danced in the air, and a strange wave emanated from her body surface, and the originally broken space world began to repair.

"Congratulations to your entrant!"

At this time, the coquettish woman suddenly said something, which made Gu Zheng's eyes widen. Because of what the coquettish woman said, Gu Zheng's first reaction was, can he get any rewards? But in the previous agreement, the coquettish woman did not mention the reward.

Seemingly seeing what Gu Zheng was thinking, the coquettish woman smiled and said: "Yes, there is indeed a reward! However, because the plot about me was hidden before, after you touch this plot, the reward will also be rewarded." It is hidden, and the reward will be triggered only if you pass the final test in this plot, that is, defeating the Void Lord, and this reward will also be given to you after my sister restores the space world at the current stage."

Hearing what the coquettish woman said, Gu Zheng laughed out loud. This kind of unexpected joy always makes people feel happy.

"Then what is the reward? Can you tell me in advance?" Gu Zheng asked.

"Yes, it's just a mysterious realm. As for what you can gain in it, it depends on yourself."

Hearing what the coquettish woman said, Gu Zheng immediately became happier. He likes the mysterious realm the most. Although it is not easy for ordinary people to comprehend it in the mysterious realm, in the mysterious realm that Gu Zheng has experienced, he has never experienced anything different. A precedent for comprehension.

With a rumbling shaking, the space world in the current stage has been repaired, the original broken road and the ocean have been connected together, and the space world in the first stage has been repaired so far. Space hazards disturb.

"Are you ready?"

After the restoration of the space world in the current stage, the coquettish woman rushed to the ancient world to open her mouth.

"There's nothing to prepare for either."

Gu Zheng shrugged and smiled. Anyway, after entering the mysterious realm, he must be temporarily unconscious, so there is nothing to prepare outside.

The coquettish woman didn't say anything else, she stretched out her hand and waved at Gu Zheng, Gu Zheng was a little confused for a while, when he opened his closed eyes again, he found that the space he was in was very empty.

Gu Zheng really had no memory, he didn't know what he was doing here, and there was nothing to observe around him. After standing there for a while, he raised his feet and walked in one direction.

As soon as Gu Zheng raised his foot, there was an immediate change in the space world, and something appeared in front of him, which looked like a translucent jade carving.

If Gu Zheng had memories, he would immediately discover that this mysterious realm was actually the airspace he had experienced not long ago, and that guy who looked like a jade carving was actually the Demon Lord of Nothingness.

Although I don't remember that this is the airspace, the Void Lord still gave Gu Zheng a very dangerous feeling, so that what Gu Zheng did subconsciously was to run away.

If Gu Zheng does not move, then the Void Demon Lord in the mysterious realm will not move either. He can observe the Void Demon Lord for a while, and maybe he will have some insights because of it, but Gu Zheng moved, and his move , The Void Demon Lord also moved, he raised his palm and slashed at Gu Zheng.

Gu Zheng doesn't even know who he is now, and he doesn't even know what immortal skills he has. How could he escape the palm of the Void Demon Lord!


The palm wind of the Void Demon Lord slashed on Gu Zheng's body firmly, and directly sent Gu Zheng flying.


As soon as Gu Zheng fell to the ground, he immediately opened his mouth to spurt blood, and the Void Demon Lord had already beaten him into a state of serious injury with just one palm! However, as he vomited blood this time, a celestial shield appeared on Gu Zheng's body surface. At the moment he was hit by the palm just now, the crisis of death reminded him of something, but these things did not let him know that he Whoever it was, it just gave him an instinctive feeling that he didn't need to be afraid of the Void Lord, he had a way to deal with him, so he wanted something that could resist the opponent's attack, and the fairy shield appeared.

With the shield of celestial power, Gu Zheng was also furious. He was not a good person himself, so how could he be willing to suffer such a loss? He also wanted to give the Void Demon King a knife.

Thinking of it, the elf blade appeared in Gu Zheng's hand immediately, and he raised his hand and slashed at the Void Demon Lord, the sharp knife aura hit the target.

After all, this is a mysterious realm, not a real airspace, and the Void Demon Lord is not the real Void Demon Lord, otherwise it would be impossible for Gu Zheng's ordinary knife to strike, nor would it be possible to slash the Void Demon Lord into the air.

Although the Void Demon Lord was chopped into the air, he flew back immediately, waved his hands and slashed at Gu Zheng one after another.

In the past, Gu Zheng could be slashed until he vomited blood with a gust of saber wind, but now the saber wind has become chaotic, and Gu Zheng was startled, and he could only quickly wave out a series of saber qi, trying to smash those knives from the Void Demon Monarch. Gas offset.

However, Gu Zheng's saber qi did not touch the ones from the Void Demon Lord. When his saber aura was about to touch the Void Demon Lord's saber aura, the Void Demon Lord's aura disappeared out of thin air.

Gu Zheng was shocked, and an extremely bad feeling was born in his heart, but he didn't know why. In fact, this scene happened in the real airspace, because the Void Demon King's sword energy can move instantly. However, this is a mysterious realm, so Gu Zheng didn't know why. He didn't even know who he was, but he just felt a little dangerous and felt that all this seemed familiar.


The celestial power shield on Gu Zheng's body made a sound, and a knife wind appeared from behind him, slashing fiercely on his celestial power shield. Although the celestial power shield did not break because of this knife, but It has also reached the point of breaking.

Gu Zheng wanted to dodge, but he remembered the Piao Miao Illusion Technique, and he did avoid several sword attacks through this strange identity, but he had not recovered his understanding of the way of space after all, so he could not advance Knowing where those saber qi would appear from, it was very embarrassing to avoid, not only the celestial power shield was broken, but also a hole was cut on the body.

This mysterious realm is quite special, if Gu Zheng dies here, then the mysterious realm will also end, and his current physical condition is already seriously injured. In addition, this mysterious realm is different from the ones that Gu Zheng experienced before. Those are the real mysterious realms. The ones here can only be regarded as a different kind of test for him in the space world, so it is impossible for him to wake up here. It can be based on what you have seen and heard, and see if you can comprehend something.

Before entering the Mystic Realm, Gu Zheng was a little conceited. He has never had a record of not comprehending in the Mystic Realm, no matter if it is the real Mystic Realm or another kind of Mystic Realm.

Indeed, Gu Zheng has the capital to be conceited. No matter whether he is lucky or he has such a physique that is easy to comprehend the mysterious realm, anyway, take this moment as an example. But he went from being anxious to calm, and this calm point of attention was placed on the weird saber aura. He couldn't figure out how this weird saber aura could disappear out of thin air and appear in another direction again. If he If he can do this, will he be able to get rid of the fatal crisis in front of him?

If one wants to understand something in the mysterious realm, the most favorable condition is not sobriety, but curiosity! No matter you are curious about anything, as long as you have this kind of curiosity, as long as you can calmly pursue the reason of this curiosity, then you can basically comprehend it. Just like the current Gu Zheng, the speed of the knife energy was so fast that it was too fast for people to think about it, but after he became curious, the speed of the knife energy began to slow down. At some point, the speed of the saber qi slowed down a lot. When he wanted his movement to be as weird as the saber qi, and wanted to use this to get rid of the predicament, the speed of the saber qi slowed down to the extreme, and The spatial lines also appeared in Gu Zheng's eyes at this time.

With the space lines, Gu Zheng can clearly know how the saber energy disappears, how it shuttles through the space lines and changes direction, and how it suddenly appears behind him! When he saw all this, there was a bang in Gu Zheng's mind, he remembered who he was, and that bang was not a comprehension, but an unblocking!

The reason why Gu Zheng had such a high cultivation level in Honghuang, but in the space world of fairy-level space fairy artifacts, his cultivation base was pitifully low, was because he was suppressed by the power of the law of the space world, as he hoped. This strange identity is actually teleportation, which is a kind of magical power that he has already comprehended in the real world in the late stage of Void Return.

However, the mysterious realm needs comprehension, and Gu Zheng has indeed achieved comprehension, but this alternative mysterious realm does not mean that he can realize the Tao if he has comprehension, it is just to unlock the supernatural powers he already knew, so Gu Zheng was originally returning to the void. The supernatural powers that can only be teleported in the later stage, because this test of the mysterious realm, he was comprehended when his cultivation base was only in the early stage of returning to the void.

The comprehension made is considered to be a reward, so this alternative mysterious realm in front of him disappeared, and the time in front of Gu Zheng became that long road again.


Seeing Gu Zheng wake up, the monk Hantan and his son immediately spoke up. They were standing beside Gu Zheng just now, and they really wanted to know if Gu Zheng had comprehended in the mysterious realm.

"With comprehension, unlock teleportation."

Gu Zheng knew what Brother Hantan and his son wanted to ask, so he said it directly without waiting for them to open their mouths. Hearing his answer, Brother Hantan and his son cheered. No matter what, this unlocked a powerful supernatural power.

After chatting with the father and son of Hantan monks for a while, Gu Zheng felt that the cooking was delicious for the Teeth Ceremony. Although not much time had passed since the last delicious food, who made so many things happen during this period that people There is an illusion, as if it has not been eaten for a long time.

Gu Zheng currently has more than 80 ingredients in reserve, and this time he plans to take out three high-level ingredients to cook and have a good meal.

More than 80 ingredients don't sound like much at all, cooking with high-level ingredients is even more extravagant. After all, among these ingredients, there are only ten high-level ingredients. However, the more than 80 ingredients that don’t sound like a lot are actually enough for the current stage of the ancient struggle. It is more than enough to cook these ingredients for three food repairs, but the key is that you can’t cook food even if you have the ingredients. Xiu, because the time required for taking food repair is still there, so there is no need to store the ingredients all the time, and it is good to eat a little when it is time to eat.

The ingredients that Gu Zheng will cook this time are green bamboo shrimps. This high-quality ingredient is a kind of prawns with green skin like bamboo. Its body size is like an adult's arm. Basically, it only needs to be cleaned, and no other treatment is required.

The fire had already started, and the emerald green bamboo shrimps had been cleaned. Gu Zheng used three monster bones to skewer them, and then put them on the fire to roast them.

The fire control technique controls the size of the fire, and the water control technique regulates the moisture in the green bamboo shrimp, so as to ensure that the roasted shrimp meat will have a very tender and smooth taste. As for the excess water, Gu Zheng uses water control Tricks manipulate them to spill out of the gaps between the shrimp's shells.

Although it is just a simple grilled shrimp, the quality of the ingredients itself is relatively high, and Gu Zheng is very sophisticated in controlling the heat, so the fresh and fragrant taste is better than some dishes with more complicated cooking methods. more charming.

The father and son of the monks in the cold pool have begun to swallow their saliva, and as the cooking process continues, a small number of monsters in the sea area are also attracted by the fragrance, but the strength of these monsters is not strong, or the current strength of the monks in the cold pool. , It was enough to deal with this kind of scene, so he couldn't get close to Gu Zheng, and was solved by the cold pool monk and his son.

The fragrance became more and more intense, and a large amount of white gas gathered above the grilled green bamboo shrimp. Even if it is a single ingredient, as long as the ingredient is of high quality, it can be transformed into an extremely fragrant food in the hands of Gu Zheng.

"It's done."

Gu Zheng evacuated the grilled emerald green bamboo shrimp from the flames, and the father and son of the Hantan monks who had long been eager to see through swallowed their saliva again.

I gave one green bamboo prawn to the father and son of Hantan monks, and the extremely fragrant shape also appeared on the grilled prawn in their hands, a large amount of white mist turned into a small green bamboo prawn, jumping happily on top of the grilled green bamboo prawn bounce.

The father and son of the monks in Hantan have already turned red-eyed. They are not in the mood to appreciate the jumping of the green bamboo shrimp. They have already started to deal with the green bamboo shrimp.

Bamboo prawns have shells. The original shell color is like bamboo, but after grilling, the original bamboo shell has become crystal clear like emerald, and the milky white shrimp meat inside can be seen.

"This shrimp should be eaten in this way. Take a bite after twisting off the shrimp head. The soup inside is a good thing. In addition, the shrimp head contains shrimp yellow, which is also rare and delicious."

In fact, even if Gu Zheng didn't mention it, the father and son of Hantan monks were not willing to throw away the shrimp head. They had already seen that there was a lot of soup in the shrimp body, and the soup was exuding an incomparably attractive fragrance.

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