Cooking the five kinds of ingredients needed for the monks in the cold pool does not need to be processed, which is relatively labor-saving. As for the cooking method, it is not complicated. Stir-fry together. When the frying reaches a certain heat, add water to stew. When the stew reaches a certain level, add the inner alchemy. While stirring constantly, use the fire control formula and water control formula to process.

The cooking has already started, and because two of the five ingredients are high-grade ingredients, the aroma spreads quickly.

In the view of the father and son of the cold pool monks, there should be no more monsters to make trouble this time, and after this period of time, all the monsters that can come have already come.

However, things are often unexpected. This time, before the cooking aroma of Danyuan Shixiu has spread completely, a monster came.

Since the cooking was carried out in the forest, the father and son of the monks in the cold pool had not seen what the monster looked like, but they had already sensed from the vibrations of the ground that the reminder of the monster coming over should be very large.

"Let me go!"

Seeing his son standing up all of a sudden, with the posture of strangling the monster he had never met in the bud, Brother Hantan spoke.

"Father, let me go!"

Brother Hantan naturally understood what he meant when his son persisted. The unknown monster caused too much noise and might be stronger. The son was afraid that he would not be able to deal with it.

"Let me go! You stay here to protect the master. What the master is doing cannot be disturbed. If the father can't deal with it in the past, it will not be too late for me to call my son."

Hearing what his father said, Brother Hantan's son agreed.

Brother Hantan lifted off and flew towards the direction where the movement came from. He had already seen the unknown monster. It was a tree man. It reminded him that it was very huge and taller than the trees in the forest. It was just that it was in a clearing before. That's why the father and son didn't see what this guy looked like.

The treant had also seen the flying monk Hantan, its eyes widened instantly, as if it lived in the forest, and had never seen such a marine monster as the monk Hantan! After all, monk Hantan looks like half a man, half a fish, with a dragon tail growing behind him.

Brother Hantan also widened his eyes. He found that there was enough spiritual light in the tree man's eyes, which meant that this guy had enough wisdom! Moreover, searching for souls is not only something that only Gu Zheng can do, but also monks in the cold pool.

So, the monk Hantan, who licked his lips, had a bold idea. He felt that this huge treant might be difficult to deal with, but he wanted to take this treant down to search for his soul and see if he could get any useful information. Information, this bold idea made Brother Hantan very excited, this is an opportunity to make meritorious service in front of Gu Zheng, he must grasp it well!


Brother Hantan conveyed his intention to the tree man. Although his body does not have a strong spiritual sense, it is still possible to convey a simple intention with a weak spiritual sense.


The tree man did have enough spiritual wisdom, and it also conveyed its intentions to the cold pool monks, and also told the cold pool monks that through its slightly blunt tone, they also knew that its spiritual thoughts were not bad.

"Who gave you the guts to ask me why?"

Brother Hantan is not only a militant, but also a ruthless person. After he conveyed his intention to the tree man, he immediately launched an attack on the tree man. Cool! After all, his current cultivation base is already at the bottom of the small group, and it has been a long time since he has fought against a big monster with his own strength like now.

"court death!"

The tree man roared at the cold pool monk, and the attack launched by the cold pool monk made a light array appear above his head, one fishbone after another, like a sharp sword, soaring down into the sky, facing it was a sharp stab, And this light array can't hide, it will follow the tree man like a shadow, if the tree man doesn't think it is rough and thick, it will definitely be severely injured by these fishbone.

The tree man was not a good stubble either. It waved its arms again and again, and the big trees in the forest flew up one after another, shooting towards the monk in the cold pool like arrows.

For the big trees that flew towards him, Brother Hantan showed a disdainful attitude. He still manipulated the light array and continued to lower the fishbone with his fingers. When those big trees were about to fly to him, he Turning around abruptly, he lashed at the flying tree with the dragon tail behind him.

The explosion sounded in the air, and those big trees flying towards the cold pool monk were all smashed to pieces by the cold pool monk's dragon tail.

"That's it?" Feeling that the tree man's attack was nothing more than that, Brother Hantan was even more proud: "Don't think that my fishbone doesn't hurt you, it's just because I didn't use my full strength, after all, I still want to keep you I will search for your soul alive!"

"What? You still want to search my soul?"

The tree man's eyes widened. In his view, being searched for his soul was an intolerable shame, so he launched another attack on the monks in the cold pool. Instead of using the big tree in the forest, he let His hands turned into countless vines, flying towards the cold pool monk like thousands of spirit snakes.

"That's right, I want to search for your soul. I advise you to be more honest and tie yourself up with vines. In this way, I will be gentler when I search for your soul. I will save your life after the soul search!"

Brother Hantan's expression is sincere, but his words are extremely arrogant. This is his true face as a militant. Although he knows that his persuasion trees will never agree, but saying this makes him feel very enjoyable.

"Bastard, I want to search for your soul too! No, not only do I want to search for your soul, I also want to kill you after the soul search, and then roast your body to eat!"

The tree man was very angry, it had never seen such an arrogant person in its life.

However, the cold pool cultivator is arrogant, at least he still has a bit of arrogance, just like the vine attack launched by the tree man, he really didn't pay attention to it.

"Why don't you cherish the opportunity I gave you? It seems that I will die if I don't fight hard!"

Brother Hantan sounded regretful, but in fact he secretly rejoiced that he had pissed off the tree man.

Cultivator Hantan did not act harshly, if he did, the power of his fishbone would not be as simple as that, so the tactics in his hand changed.

With the change of the finger spells in the cold pool monk's hands, the pure white fishbone that fell from the sky was surrounded by golden light, and its power seemed to be much greater.

However, the tree man is not a vegetarian. Seeing the power of the fishbone dropped from the sky by the monks in the cold pool became stronger, a large flower immediately bloomed on the top of its head. Encased so that the power of the fishbone increased in such a situation, the damage caused to the tree man was not as good as before when the power was not increased. Moreover, the thousands of vines on the acquaintance's arms have also flown in front of the monk Hantan at this moment.

Brother Hantan is not afraid of the vines of the tree people. After all, he has used the body of the tree people in this space. He still knows the attack methods of the tree people very well. Knowing the vines wasn't enough to hurt him.

Facing the flying vines, Cultivator Hantan shook his body, and the scales all over his body fell off in an instant, some of them flew around his body, and the other part flew towards thousands of vines.

The scales of the monk in the cold pool are as sharp as a blade. All the vines that touch his scales are cut off, and he himself has not been harmed by the vines. .

"You are very similar to my son. My son has also been a tree man before, and flowers will bloom on the top of his head, which will also provide him with good defense. Therefore, we are also more destined! And in view of the fact that we are more destined, it is not as good as you Just be my godson?"

Regardless of the treant who was so angry that his eyes seemed to be on fire, Brother Hantan continued: "However, if you think that being my son is because I took advantage of you, then you can be my master's subordinate! You must know that my master is a strong man from ancient times to the present!"

"Noisy crow, shut up now!"

The unbearable tree man roared, and following its roar, the vines that had been chopped off by the cold pool monk's scales all shot towards the cold pool monk from the ground like arrows.

"Oh, you can still use waste, you are not bad!"

Brother Hantan originally wanted to continue to be poor, but the vines shooting from below had already made him feel a dangerous aura.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

The broken vines shot from below were indeed very dangerous. They exploded beside the monk in the cold pool. Although the fish scales of the monk in the cold pool could break the vines, they could not stop the explosion.


Cultivator Hantan was blown away and spat out a mouthful of blood. Standing still in the air, he wiped the blood from his mouth.

"Treat, very good, you have successfully grasped the anger!"

Brother Hantan not only had blood spilling out of his mouth, but also had a lot of scales blown away, and his body surface was still burnt, making him look very embarrassed.

Seeing the discomfited appearance of monk Hantan, the treant finally let out a breath of anger, bared his teeth and said, "So what can I do if I offend you? Let me tell you, it's still easy to offend you, and I'm going to kill you!"

With a wave of the tree man's arms, the arms that had turned into thousands of vines turned into two wooden knives again, and they rushed towards the cold pool monk, looking very sturdy.

"You really look like my son. In the past, my son's arms could turn into wooden knives! Come on, my son, let me show you how powerful Daddy is."

Cultivator Hantan made a unique move. He took out the flaming stick, which was a high-level fairy weapon that Gu Zheng gave him.

"My good son accepts!"

The cold pool cultivator swung the flaming stick at the rushing treant. This fairy weapon, which has been promoted from a low level to a high level, is very terrifying to use now. In the past, the magic power of the fairy tool was to release flames, but now even if it does not activate the magic power, Just the characteristics produced when swinging the stick will produce terrifying high-temperature flames, and the damage of the flames to wood attribute treants cannot be ignored.


The flaming stick dropped by the cold pool monk was blocked by a wooden knife of the tree man, and the wooden knife in the other hand of the tree man struck towards the head of the cold pool monk.

Due to its huge size, the tree man had an absolute advantage in strength. The monks in the cold pool did not dare to fight it head-on, so they could only fly back.

The first confrontation between the two sides with weapons seemed to end with the retreat of the cold pool cultivator, but in fact it was the tree man who suffered, because when the cold pool monk swung and rolled, a high-temperature flame was generated, and this flame broke through the tree man The protection provided by the flowers above its head directly acted on it, so the treant didn't immediately chase after the monk in the cold pool, but let the flowers release a mist of water to put out the fire.

"Come again!"

Brother Hantan rushed towards the tree man again, and swung the flame stick again.

However, this time the cold pool monk swung his stick differently than last time, he activated the supernatural power of the flame stick!

I saw that a bottle more than one foot long appeared in the air. Although the bottle was a phantom, it would follow the tree man like a shadow, and continuously spit higher-temperature flames towards the tree man! And the phantom of this bottle comes from the bottle that the flame stick used when it was upgraded from a low-level fairy weapon to a high-level fairy weapon.

The flames in the bottle were more damaging, and the tree man had no time to put out the fire. His eyes were red with anger, and the monk in the cold pool suddenly had a bad feeling.


The tree man raised his head to the sky and let out a roar. Its body, which was already ten feet high, grew three feet, and black mist radiated from its body, and the black mist emitted directly extinguished the flames on its body. , As for the flame sprayed out from the bottle again, it has been completely ignored by the changed it.

The cold pool cultivator was shocked. This transformation of the tree man seemed to be crazy. Its overall momentum was soared because of this transformation, so that the cold pool cultivator felt that it had been promoted from the late stage of returning to the void to the early stage of the golden fairy. !

He didn't dare to stop at all, and the cold pool cultivator quickly lifted off. If it was only the strength of the void return realm, even if it was the peak of the void return, the cold pool monk would not be so flustered, but the other party has been promoted to the early stage of the Golden Immortal, it is cold Cultivator Tan is in an invincible state, so it is better to run away as soon as possible.

Brother Hantan had lifted off into the sky, and above the clearing in the forest, Brother Hantan's son also stared wide-eyed.

The son of the monk Hantan was originally protecting Gu Zheng from cooking and food repair, but no monsters came to make trouble, and he was also worried about his father, so he wanted to take off to see the situation. Who would have thought of this He actually saw his father confronting a behemoth.

"Master, my father is confronting a tree man about eleven feet tall."

Brother Hantan's son hurriedly reported the situation to Gu Zheng, who was devoted to cooking and food repair.

There is no way for Gu Zheng to be too distracted at this time. A large amount of white gas has gathered on the top of the pot, and the Food Cultivation Tribulation is coming soon. Even if a little monster comes at this time, it may cause the Food Cultivator to fail in cooking . However, the importance of a pot of food cultivation must not be worth the safety of his subordinates, and the opponent's figure is so huge, Gu Zheng knew immediately that the monk Hantan was not the opponent of the tree man.

"You go! If it doesn't work, just delay the time, my side is almost ready!"

Gu Zheng said this to the son of the monk in the cold pool, and then quickly focused on the cooking of the food cultivator, while the son of the monk in the cold pool flew towards his father.

"It seems that you are really similar to my son! When my son was a tree man, he couldn't control the sky."

The tree man was suddenly promoted from the late stage of Void Return to the early stage of Golden Immortal. Cultivator Hantan was very nervous, so he quickly flew into the air. However, the monk Hantan who flew into the air found that no matter how high the tree man was, he was still the kind who couldn't control the sky, because he was just jumping around anxiously on the ground.

The cold pool monk not only found that the tree man could not control the sky, but also found that the tree man had lost much reason after he advanced to the golden fairy realm, like a wild beast that had been going crazy, so the cold pool monk was poor again When he got up, he wanted to see if the tree man really lost his mind. If it really lost its mind in this transformed state, then the cold pool monk wanted to take the risk to attack it! After all, it is not only strength that determines the final outcome of a battle, wisdom is also a key thing.

"I want you to die!"

The situation that monk Hantan didn't want to see happened, and the tree man still had spiritual wisdom, otherwise it would be impossible to say such a thing. Moreover, Brother Hantan still regretted it very much, because he felt that his poverty again seemed to have given the tree man a certain stimulus, so that the tree man became less frantic, because before it was just a tree that would jump around. People, now they no longer jump around, but use vines to attack him instead.

Regrets are regrettable, but the cold pool cultivator who continued to ascend into the sky still did not forget the poverty. Who told him to see his proud son rushing over!

"So what if you just use vines, anyway, I can keep going up into the sky, and I don't believe that your vines can keep growing like crazy! You said that you are very similar to my son, but you still think I am taking advantage of you to lie to you. Now my own son You’ve already come here, and you, a godson, should know how powerful you are!”

Cultivator Hantan was addicted to his mouth, never thought that he was hit hard on the head! After all, this is a space world rather than a real world. Although the sky is high, it still has a height. He has already touched the barrier of the sky.

His head slammed into the barrier of the sky, and the cold pool monk fainted and fell on the spot. The vines, which had already started to retreat, were unable to rise, and suddenly became energetic. They caught the falling cold pool monk and tied him up up.

However, just when the tree man was about to use vines to strangle the cold pool monk to death, there was a sudden explosion, and the thousands of vines that bound the cold pool monk were blown off by his son who rushed over. .

Brother Hantan's son had already arrived. He didn't attack the tree man immediately, but first tied up his father who was still in a coma with demon power, and threw him on the crown of a big tree. This time he looked back at the treant who was shooting at him again with vines.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

Explosions continued in the air, and the son of the cold pool cultivator waved his hands, attacking the vines from a distance, so that the explosion occurred right next to the flying vines, blowing those vines to pieces.

However, the broken vines would also explode under the control of the tree man, so those broken vines flew towards the cold pool monk's son.

"Send you a big gift!"

The son of the monk Hantan sneered, and he spit out three electric light bubbles in one breath, and these three electric light bubbles wrapped all the flying vines that would explode, and flew towards the tree man.

"Tell you, I'm an expert at playing explosion master!"

The son of the cold pool monk is very proud. The electric light bubble wrapped in the exploding vines is not far from the tree man at this moment. Those vines that can explode, and two kinds of magic that can explode at the same time, the destructive power is not as simple as one plus one equals two.

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