After swallowing the bones of three skeletons, the catfish-like monster transformed. It actually grew three pairs of human arms, and these three pairs of human arms supported the ground like its legs. So much so that it looks like both a fish and a bug.

"There are all kinds of monsters!"

Gu Zheng sneered in his heart, and at the same time activated the ice dragon technique, summoning an equally huge ice dragon.

The ice dragon rushed towards the monster, and the monster jumped up from the bottom of the water like a grasshopper, and landed on the ice dragon accurately. The three pairs of arms hugged the ice dragon firmly, and opened its mouth to face the ice dragon The body gnaws.

The ice dragon's body is originally very hard, but under the monster's big mouth, it is as crisp as a carrot, and a big piece will fall off after being bitten by the monster. At this speed, it will be able to kill Gu Zheng in a short time. The ice dragon ends.

In this case, Gu Zheng didn't use the blue light blade to launch any attack on the monster. He knew that the monster basically controlled the ice dragon. If he attacked the monster, the attack would definitely fall on the ice dragon. So he took the risk to separate the divine sense.

After Gu Zheng's divine sense was separated, he turned into a bird and flew towards the monster.

The monster seemed to know the power of the divine sense, so it gave up the ice dragon it had bitten, and sprayed a large jet of ink-like stuff towards Gu Zheng, which blocked the sight.

Gu Zheng is really a headache, the divine sense attack is very powerful, but his current state has not cut off the tail between the body and the divine sense, so every time he uses the divine sense attack is an adventure! After all, if the monster attacked his body while he was using his divine sense attack, then he would really have no ability to resist.

Gu Zheng's divine sense quickly returned to his body, and with the help of the black mist that could block his sight, the monster was already very close to Gu Zheng, and the super long tongue shot from its mouth was already heading towards Gu Zheng.

If Gu Zheng's divine sense hadn't returned to his body, he wouldn't be able to resist the monster's tongue attack at all, but once his divine sense returned to his body, it would be courting death for him to attack him with his tongue.

Gu Zheng didn't use the blue light blade to cut off the monster's tongue, but let the real fire of life attach to the palm of his hand, and then he raised his hand to grab the tongue of the monster, and the real fire of life immediately spread along the monster's tongue.

The appearance of the monster is very strange, but no matter how weird it is, it is also a monster of water type. Since it is a monster of water type, the real fire of life will do great damage to it. It screams in pain, struggling to leave, But because the tongue was caught in Gu Zheng's hands, it could only be like a fish being caught, unable to break free at all.

However, no matter how stupid the monster is, it is smarter than the fish. Seeing that the struggle is useless, it rushed towards Gu Zheng fiercely, and waved several arms at the same time, and shot towards Gu Zheng with strength.

Gu Zheng is not afraid of the energy shot by the monster at all. He swung one hand in a circle and danced in the sea water, and a barrier suddenly formed in front of him to block the energy shot by the monster. At the same time, the hand that grabbed the monster's tongue was Added a little effort.

The hand that Gu Zheng grasped the monster's tongue was actually adding force all the time. This kind of force was to hold the monster's tongue firmly, and then play the monster like a meteor hammer, and the monster's tongue was always on Greasy wanted to break away from Gu Zheng's grasp, and Gu Zheng's Jiali was finally at this moment, which made him feel as if he was connected with his arm and the monster's tongue.

Gu Zheng roared, he grabbed the monster's tongue and swung it, and the monster's tongue was strong enough to support Gu Zheng's swing.

Like playing with a meteor hammer, Gu Zheng raised and dropped the monster's body again and again. Although the bottom of the river is soft and rotten mud, there are hard places after all, and the monster's body hit the hard place, It also smashed that place out of the deep pit time and time again.

The monster that was still struggling, after all, stopped moving under Gu Zheng's slamming again and again, until it exploded into pieces after a bang.

After getting rid of the monster, Gu Zheng couldn't help heaving a sigh of relief. From seeing the first fairy formation to now, this experience of the fairy formation is undoubtedly the most tiring and difficult in his life! After all, this is a quadruple immortal formation, and he hasn't even finished the first difficulty formation yet. However, Gu Zheng knew that it was only a short journey until he left the first layer of trapped formation, and there would be no more troubles!

However, Gu Zheng had just thought in his heart that there would be no more troubles along the way, and a special feeling arose in his heart, and the special feeling that occurred this time clearly let Gu Zheng know that in the next level of formation , his life will be in danger! This is a very strange feeling. I didn't tell Gu Zheng clearly what caused the danger, but just let Gu Zheng understand that the degree of danger may be life-threatening.

However, even if it is life-threatening, Gu Zheng has no choice now. He can only enter the next level of formation as soon as possible. After all, this is a quadruple immortal formation. Let alone how life-threatening will appear. It takes a lot of time just to break out of the formation, and the time left for him in the agreement is not much.

Walking out of the long river, Gu Zheng finally came to the shore, here is the end of the trap, and there is a barrier in front of Gu Zheng.

The barrier needs to be broken with immortal power, which is not difficult for Gu Zheng, and after the barrier is broken under the action of his immortal power, the light in front of him suddenly brightens, and when his sight returns to normal, he has already appeared in the The second level of the quadruple immortal array, and here is a world of yellow sand.

Gu Zheng, who entered the world of yellow sand, did not move immediately. He used his divine sense to investigate the world, and soon he knew that this place was a trap, and he also knew how he should go next.

"It turned out to be another trap."

Gu Zheng frowned. It stands to reason that the sleepy formation is a relatively low-grade fairy formation, and in places like the quadruple fairy formation, since the first level is a sleepy formation, the second level should not be a sleepy formation.

Gu Zheng walked forward, the route he was traveling looked a little weird, but he walked in the right place, and only by walking like him can he avoid the danger as much as possible.

The world of yellow sand is very big, at least it can't be seen at a glance, and it is still in a forbidden state. Gu Zheng, who walked forward on the soft yellow sand, couldn't help but let out a sigh. He didn't know how long it would take him to get out of this trap.

After walking about two miles forward, Gu Zheng stopped, because there was an unavoidable danger here, but Gu Zheng didn't know what this danger was for the time being. He just thought of an illusion like a desert in his heart. The danger that cannot be seen on the surface is likely to appear from the ground, and among the dangers that appear underground, the first thing Gu Zheng thinks of is the sand scorpion. After all, sand scorpions are also common in deserts!

The quicksand in front of Gu Zheng turned into a vortex, and more than a dozen black lacquered things rushed out of the vortex quickly. They were nearly one meter long, with a pair of huge pliers, and a high-raised tail. What is this if it's not a sand scorpion!

Gu Zheng also saw that the strength of these sand scorpions is not strong, they only have the appearance of the early stage of returning to the void, and even if there are more than a dozen sand scorpions in the early stage of returning to the void, they can only be wiped out in front of Gu Zheng.

There is a smile on Gu Zheng's face, but this smile is not a smile that he can easily kill the sand scorpions, but that these sand scorpions are actually middle-level ingredients! Although the medium quality is not high, in the space world where ingredients are very scarce, the medium quality is not low, they are very useful for Gu Zheng.

The sand scorpions waved their pincers and launched their tails to attack Gu Zheng, but their attacks were not enough in Gu Zheng's eyes. This is not a place where they can't move, and Gu Zheng shuttled among more than a dozen of them by virtue of the misty illusion. Among the sand scorpions, they launched a relatively gentle attack on the sand scorpions. Who made these sand scorpions food-grade things, if they were not treated gently, their food grade would be destroyed.

"Unfortunately, neither magic crystals nor heart magic beads can be used here. Otherwise, it would be so troublesome to use them. It would be great to just put these sand scorpions into the heart magic beads!"

The sand scorpions have been settled by Gu Zheng, but it is a little headache for Gu Zheng to take away more than a dozen sand scorpions. Although he has a way to take the sand scorpions away, after all, there is no way to use magic crystals. As convenient as the Heart Magic Bead.

I saw that Gu Zheng blew a mouthful of fairy power on the sand scorpion on the ground, and the sand scorpion on the ground was immediately bound by the rope transformed into fairy power, and then floated in the air, and Gu Zheng continued this bondage with the fairy power, as if It's like carrying a balloon, and continuing on with the sand scorpion.

After walking another five miles forward, Gu Zheng stopped again, and his gaze was fixed on a sand dune in front of him, which was a danger he could not avoid.

As for the danger, Gu Zheng also had imaginations. He thought there might be monsters coming out of it. As for what kind of monsters, he thought it might be sharks that were a little more powerful than sand scorpions.

When Gu Zheng imagined that there would be some monsters appearing in the sand dunes, the sand dunes collapsed suddenly, and the monsters drilled out only showed a dorsal fin, and swam towards Gu Zheng quickly. They were not sharks, so they were nothing.

More than a dozen sharks were already very close to Gu Zheng. They leaped out of the sand sea and opened their mouths wide open towards Gu Zheng. But this time Gu Zheng didn't attack them. Instead, there was a sneer on the corner of his mouth and his eyes closed and opened. , the entire spatial world has become clean, so what kind of sharks are there with their bloody mouths wide open.

Illusion looks like the real thing. If you have seen through it in your heart, then as long as you open and close your eyes, the illusion will naturally disappear, and what Gu Zheng saw before is actually all illusion.

It has to be said that the magic formation that Gu Zheng experienced this time is very powerful. The moment he entered the double immortal formation, Gu Zheng was already confused. Array! As for Gu Zheng finally seeing through the phantom formation, this is because he himself is very good at seeing through the phantom formation, and he knows the truth that phantoms are born from the heart. When he first encountered danger, he thought of the sand scorpion, and the result was dangerous. It was really a sand scorpion. When he encountered danger for the second time, he thought it was a shark, but it turned out that the danger was really a shark. How can there be such a coincidence!

With reflection in mind, this is the first step to see through illusions, and Gu Zheng himself is very good at seeing through illusions. After reflection in mind, he immediately discovered some other doubtful things in the entire formation. Because of this, he dared not to resist when the shark jumped at him, because he knew that all this was false no matter how real it looked.

After seeing through the illusion, Gu Zheng did not pass the test of this layer of immortal formations. After all, each of the four layers of immortal formations is very huge.

The world in front of him has turned into a jungle after Gu Zheng realized that it was an illusion, but Gu Zheng knew that it was still an illusion, but now he knew that it was an illusion, and it was useless to break through the illusion. If you step into the jungle and still know that this is an illusion, you will be able to see through the illusion! However, this phantom formation is very powerful, Gu Zheng has no doubts, when he stepped into the phantom formation, that is, when he was lost, it would still take some time to see through the phantom formation.

After using his divine sense to investigate and found no tricks, Gu Zheng began to step into the phantom formation, and things were indeed as he thought. The moment he stepped into the phantom formation, he was lost. The powerful phantom formation made him feel lost. With new memories, he felt that he had just entered the second floor from the first floor of the fairy formation.

Still the same as before, it felt like an ancient struggle to enter the second-floor fairy formation. As usual, I used spiritual thoughts to investigate the fairy formation, and the result of the investigation was also a trapped formation here.

Gu Zheng walked forward, and it didn't take long before he arrived at the place where he was about to encounter danger. He stopped and looked at the big tree with many vines hanging down in front of him, thinking in his heart that from this big tree that represented danger, would he Will there be any snake-like monsters, or will this big tree turn into a treant.

However, this time the phantom array has changed. It did not let the danger appear in the way Gu Zheng imagined, but directly caused thousands of vines to attack Gu Zheng.

Facing the dense vines, Gu Zheng swung the blue light blade to chop them open, and the vines chopped off by the blue light blade kept falling like raindrops.

Not only did he use the blue light blade to attack the vines, Gu Zheng also launched a fire dragon to slam into the big tree.

Although the big tree had many vines, it was not the opponent of Gu Zheng, and soon collapsed under Gu Zheng's knives and fire dragon's fire.

After solving the big tree, Gu Zheng continued to move forward, but what he didn't know was that when he dealt with the big tree just now, his celestial power had been excessively consumed because he didn't see through the illusion. The next time he encounters danger, if he fails to see through the illusion that this is an illusion, then his immortal power will suddenly be in a deficit state, and the situation will be particularly dangerous at that time.

When the next danger appeared, Gu Zheng had already traveled through the jungle for a while, and this time the danger did not appear in the form that Gu Zheng imagined. The powerful characteristics of the phantom array prevented him from making the same mistake a second time.

The danger this time is a few squirrel-like monsters. These monsters are good at combined attacks. They stand on tall tree branches and keep throwing some explosive pine cones towards Gu Zheng.

The explosion of the pine cone was very powerful, but Gu Zheng didn't pay attention to it. This place was not in a state of forbidden air. He flew up and used his means to let the squirrels be slashed at one after another with saber energy.

However, the squirrel monsters are very powerful, and their flexible posture caused Gu Zheng's sword to repeatedly cut through the air. Although in the end Gu Zheng succeeded in beheading a squirrel monster, tearing a hole in the originally impenetrable joint attack technique, but he has already The consumption is very large, but Gu Zheng still hasn't noticed this consumption because of the illusion.

After solving the third wave of monsters, Gu Zheng was quite happy. He felt that after experiencing another wave of danger, he would be able to reach the end of this difficult formation, so his steps were extraordinarily brisk, but he didn't know that this briskness was also for him. The accelerated consumption of Xianli.

The third danger is ahead, and Gu Zheng saw something representing danger from a distance. It was also a plant, which looked like a banana tree, and it was covered with banana-like fruits.

Gu Zheng hoped that those fruits were high-quality ingredients, but when he got closer, he realized that those fruits were not only inedible, but also had a strong smell of danger!

Gu Zheng discovered that the fruit had a strong dangerous aura, which was not actually seen with the eyes, but his control over the fairy-level space fairy, which gave him guidance at this critical moment.

It is true that some of the tests set by the original fairy-level space fairy owner are very abnormal, but as long as you pass the test of a space world, you can gain a certain degree of control over the fairy-level space fairy, which is still a relatively affordable harvest! After all, the mastery of the fairy-level space fairy weapon is an important ability to pass through the space world. This ability is simply versatile. It may be effective at any time, but the timing is out of control.

The danger reminder given by the special feeling to Gu Zheng is very important. This danger reminder made Gu Zheng's heart shudder, reminding him that he had this special feeling when he was about to enter the second-level fairy formation in the last fairy formation space! Then he naturally recalled what happened when he entered the second-level fairy formation, but the powerful ability of the fairy formation still guided him at this time, giving him a feeling that after he entered the second-level fairy formation, the jungle was his The feeling of the first stop! However, once there is a little doubt about this kind of thing, it will continue to spread like a crack in a person's heart, let alone a capable person like Gu Zheng.

Some things are troublesome to say, but in fact, it was only for a moment. Gu Zheng remembered the experiences he had forgotten under the effect of the phantom array, and knew how terrifying it was to forget those experiences, so he hurriedly opened and closed his eyes. End the illusion.

However, if it is an ordinary phantom formation, Gu Zheng can indeed end the phantom formation by opening and closing his eyes, but this is a phantom formation of the quadruple immortal formation, and Gu Zheng failed to quickly see through the phantom formation, so he now Although he saw through the phantom formation, he also brought out the things in the phantom formation, that is, the fruit tree bearing bananas.

Seeing that the fruit tree was brought out of the illusion by him, Gu Zheng first widened his eyes in disbelief, and then frowned, because the special feeling reappeared at this time, and he clearly let him know that he would soon There will be danger to life!

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