It does sound extravagant to use high-grade ingredients to make soup, but Gu Zheng is not frugal at all when it comes to ingredients. It's just a pity that the son of the monk Hantan is still sleeping. I'm afraid he won't be able to enjoy the delicacy this time.

High-grade ingredients are very easy to handle. After doing simple processing on the star eel, Gu Zheng heated up the oil in a pan. After the oil was hot, he first put the skin of the star eel that had been cut into shreds into the pan and stir-fried. .

The original shredded fanstar eel skin was quickly rolled up after being stir-fried by Gu Zheng. The color changed from the original azure color to golden yellow, and there was an elegant fragrance in the air. Because of the higher level, there is no fishy smell that is unique to fish at all.

After frying the skin of the star eel, Gu Zheng began to add water to the pot, and then used the fire control technique to stir up the fire. After the water boiled, he stewed the skin of the star eel for a while, so that the meat was more tender The star eel segments were put into the pot and stewed.

With the passage of time, the originally clear soup in the pot turned milky white, and the fragrance in the air was also very strong. A large amount of white gas had already condensed on the top of the pot, and the extremely fragrant shape would appear soon.

Because he didn't want to be disturbed by monsters, Gu Zheng cooked in the fairy array, so the fragrance didn't radiate out, but this didn't affect the monk in the cold pool to swallow his saliva, although he couldn't smell how fragrant the star eel stewed in the pot , but he could see the milky white soup of the Conger Eel, and he could imagine how delicious it was.

Nothing unexpected happened, the stewed star eel came out of the pot smoothly, and the white mist that originally condensed on the top of the pot entered the soup pot, turning into a smart star eel, dancing happily around the soup pot, and the fragrance was also here The moment reached its peak.

Gu Zheng called monk Hantan in and gave him half a bowl of stewed star eel. As for Gu Zheng, he served a bowl gracefully and took a deep sniff before tasting it. The refreshing meat The fragrance went straight into the nostrils, and even Gu Zheng was somewhat intoxicated. After experiencing repeated hardships and hardships, holding a bowl of fragrant stew at this time is no longer simply satisfying the appetite, but also comes from the comfort of the soul .

Gu Zheng moved his chopsticks. He first picked up a piece of Conger eel skin and put it in his mouth. The crisp and springy taste, with a unique fragrance, lingered between his lips and tongue. This is a kind of enjoyment, an absolute enjoyment.

Different from the crispy and springy fish skin, the originally very tender star eel meat has not loosened due to long-term stewing. On the contrary, it is more compact and delicate.

Compared with the fragrance of fish skin, Fanxing eel meat has a strong fragrance. This kind of strong fragrance is just right, which makes people not feel bored and greasy at all. They just want to send it to their mouths piece by piece.

The fish skin is elastic, the fish meat is firm and delicate, and the fish bones have the same taste! After all, the star eel has no hard bones at all, its fish bones are all cartilage, and the cartilage tastes extremely crisp.

The fish skin, fish meat and fish bones have been tasted. Next, Gu Zheng took a sip of fish soup. It has a thick and mellow taste, just like old wine. To get drunk.

"It's so fragrant!"

Maintaining the same progress as Gu Zheng, the Hantan cultivator who also drank a mouthful of fish soup couldn't help expressing a sigh of satisfaction.

"such a pity!"

Gu Zheng's sigh aroused the curiosity of monk Hantan, and he hurriedly asked, "Master, what a pity?"

"It's a pity that there is no such thing as food in these space worlds that we have entered! Every tooth-making festival is to eat meat, and it will be boring if things go on like this. If I can have a bowl of rice at this time, I can drink a sip of fish soup and go with it. Rice, that’s the ultimate taste!”

"Yes! Listening to what the master said, I also feel that it is really a fly in the ointment. If you can have a bowl of rice with such a beautiful stew, it will be an absolute enjoyment!"

Brother Hantan licked his lips to reflect, as if a grain of rice had been licked into his mouth.

"Master, don't worry, the desire to have rice to eat will be satisfied in a short time!"

Suddenly, Brother Hantan's son's voice came out from the Heart Demon Orb. The voice was like raving. When Gu Zheng asked again, Brother Hantan's son had already stopped making a sound. Entering the interior of the Heart Demon Orb, the son of the monk Hantan was still sleeping, as if everything just now was just an illusion.

However, there was a smile on Gu Zheng's face. He knew that the rambling voice of Brother Hantan's son just now was not a hallucination, nor was it a dream of Brother Hantan's son. That's why he interrupted Brother Tan's conversation, and Gu Zheng knew very well that since Brother Hantan's son said so, there should be rice to eat soon.

Not only Gu Zheng believed in Brother Hantan's son, but as his father, Brother Hantan also believed in him very much, with a happy smile on his face.

"Yes, there will be rice to eat after a while. When that time comes, I must make a few dishes properly. It won't be just a dish to make ends meet like now. And by that time, Immortal Wine will definitely be gone. Brew well, then we can have a few drinks!"

"Immortal wine!"

Hearing what Gu Zheng said, Cultivator Hantan's eyes lit up immediately. For immortal cultivators, if they had to choose between delicacy and immortal wine, the latter must be more attractive.

After the Tooth Sacrifice, Gu Zheng was not in a hurry to get on the road. He had just fought against the guard monster not long ago. At least the Crazy Knife could not be used for a short time. He was going to take a rest and enter the next area during the day.

During the rest, Gu Zheng refined two more metallic inner alchemy, and he also hoped to be able to refine the true gold spirit of his life as soon as possible.

Early the next morning, Gu Zheng left the Immortal Array and went to the edge of the broken road. Although the space world in the current area has been repaired, there are only two areas, and the space world is still in the stage of collapse, so there is still such a landscape as the broken road. This is the third road of the four-way space, and it is also a law that each road will be divided into three regions after the space world collapses.

The road was cut off in front of Gu Zheng, and the next part was at a height of 100 feet from the top of Gu Zheng's head. It should have been the ocean beside the road, but it sank to a depth of 100 feet below the broken road. It makes the space reorganized after being broken have a different kind of meditation.

If you want to enter the next area, you can't say to fly up, or you can say to jump down, you can only enter by fiddle with the space lines at the end to create a space passage.

However, Gu Zheng does not intend to enter the next area now, he is going to fiddle with the lines of space first to create a passage leading to the void space.

Although Gu Zheng is not in urgent need of food reserves, he has not entered the void space for several days, and he has not used the walrus ivory that can be used in the void space for several days. A treasure that can be used once is a waste if it is not used, but there was no chance before, and Gu Zheng could only leave it idle. Now that he has this opportunity to use it, Gu Zheng will naturally not let it go.

Under Gu Zheng's gaze, the spatial structure is presented in the form of spatial lines in his eyes, and Gu Zheng is fiddled with the spatial lines with celestial power, thus creating a spatial passage.

I remembered that I entered the void space before and provoked the void demon king in order to collect ingredients. Although not much time has passed, because I have experienced too many things during this period, it feels like a long time has passed.

The space channel has been created, and Gu Zheng stepped into it.

The sight in front of him alternates between light and dark, and Gu Zheng appears in the void space, and the environment he is in is affected by his own cultivation, presenting an area as big as a bed that can move freely, and through the space he can move Looking around the area, there are many monsters and ingredients suspended in the void.

The ingredients are basically things like fish, shrimp and crabs. Due to their lack of cultivation, they are tightly imprisoned by the void space, suspended in the void in a motionless state. As for those monsters, because of their different strengths, the ranges they can move in are also different.

Of course, after reaching the realm of the Golden Immortal, the restrictions in the void space will also become smaller. Gu Zheng also saw some monsters with at least the strength of the Golden Immortal realm, free from the confinement and restrictions of the void space, and freely shuttle in those places. Among the ingredients.

It is not the first time to enter the Void Space Ancient War. When I entered before, I have seen those monsters who are not restricted by the void space, but the monsters I saw before will not do anything to the ingredients. Even if they want to eat, eat Also those monsters suspended in the air.

However, now Gu Zheng saw a green-haired sea monster wandering around devouring those ingredients, and what Gu Zheng saw with his own eyes was that a star eel was swallowed by it, and the star eel was a high-level The ingredients are very valuable, and Gu Zheng only ate them yesterday.

Gu Zheng entered the void space this time because he didn't want to fight monsters. Anyway, he doesn't have much demand for monsters now, because he didn't let these monsters go before. It was because the son of the monk Hantan improved his cultivation It needs a lot of original energy from monsters. Now the strength of the son of the cold pool cultivator is at the early stage of Golden Immortal. Simply relying on the original energy of devouring monsters, the amount needed is so huge that Gu Zheng and the others don’t want to collect it anymore. It is the corpses of monsters currently stored in the Heart Demon Bead, which has reached more than 2,000, so Gu Zheng really doesn't want to waste time with monsters when it is not necessary.

However, the current situation is unbearable for Gu Zheng. It should be that the green-haired sea monster is devouring the ingredients. In the eyes of Gu Zheng, the ingredients belong to his private property. How can he tolerate them being taken over by a sea monster? .

With a thought, Gu Zheng sacrificed the walrus ivory.

The white ivory return road is paved in the empty space, and it is paved towards the green hairy sea monster. Although the green hairy sea monster was eating, it could not see the walrus ivory road, but it could feel the walrus ivory. Waves created when the road is paved.

The frightened green-haired sea monster hid aside. It carefully observed the direction of the wave. However, due to the invisibility of the walrus ivory road, the green-haired sea monster was watching carefully, but there was still nothing. Discover.

As if ashamed of his fuss, the green-haired sea monster turned into a rage, moving towards the place where the strange fluctuations came from, people came to launch various attacks like crazy, and the explosions also rang out on the walrus ivory road.

Also, the road of ivory is transformed from a special fairy artifact, walrus ivory. It not only has the characteristics of invisibility, but also has very good resistance to damage. However, the green-haired sea monster is a monster in the early stage of the Golden Immortal, even if not all of its attacks fall on the Walrus Ivory Road, it is not something that the Ivory Road can bear. If it is allowed to go crazy like this In a short while, Gu Zheng's walrus ivory road will be "dead".

Of course, Gu Zheng couldn't watch his walrus ivory road be destroyed. He started on the road before the ivory restoration road was completed, and now he has come to a place not far from the green-haired sea monster.

He didn't want to waste too much time, so Gu Zheng released Brother Hantan. He wanted to get rid of the green-haired sea monster in the shortest time. Kill it, but beheading a monster of this level alone will inevitably delay some time.

Since it was on the walrus ivory road, Gu Zheng, who was also in an invisible state, was not discovered by the green-haired sea monster, so when his knife wind slashed out, looking at the sudden appearance of the knife wind, the green-haired sea monster was also frightened. It jumped, and before it had time to react, it was slashed firmly by the wind of the knife.

Although Gu Zheng's sword slashed on the green-haired sea monster firmly, but because the green-haired sea monster itself is already in the realm of the Golden Immortal, Gu Zheng's blow did not cause any harm to it .


The angry green-haired sea monster roared, just about to launch an attack on the place where the knife wind came from, but at this time a light array appeared above its head, and the fishbone falling from it, one after another toward it.

Brother Hantan is already at the late stage of returning to the void, and the fishbone he launched is continuous, so the damage he inflicts on the green-haired sea monster is more than that of Gu Zheng.

The angry green-haired sea monster still launched an attack towards the place where the knife wind came out before. The strange airflow from its mouth has a strong confinement and freezing effect, but it is impossible for Gu Zheng to stand there and let it As for the attack, Gu Zheng had already changed his position after he slashed at it, and the airflow it ejected could only hit nothing.

Of course, it is impossible for Gu Zheng not to launch a counterattack. The real fire spirit in his body vibrated one after another, and two fire dragons appeared in a row. With his strength, no matter whether he casts fire dragons or ice dragons, there are at most two at the same time, but for this A green-haired monster with an ice attribute, or two fire dragons at the same time would be better.

Gu Zheng didn't expect the two fire dragons to kill the green-haired sea monster, he just wanted the two fire dragons to hold the green-haired sea monster so that he and the cold pool monk would be able to launch a good attack.

Since Gu Zheng and Brother Hantan on the Walrus Ivory Road could not be seen, the green-haired sea monster could only focus on the two fire dragons, which gave Gu Zheng and Brother Hantan a chance to attack it with confidence, so Almost all kinds of attacks greeted it.

Two fists are hard to beat with four hands, not to mention that besides dealing with two fire dragons, the green hairy sea monster is also distracted by invisible enemies. It didn't last long when it was attacked by the enemy, and it was cut off by Gu Zheng. life.

Anyway, it is also a monster of the Golden Immortal Realm. Although the green hairy sea monster is dead, its corpse has not been wasted since ancient times. He collected it into the Heart Magic Orb, and used it as the ration of the cold pool monk and his son's future supplements.

"Now there are more than 2,000 monster corpses stored in the Heart Demon Orb. After the son of the monk in the cold pool ends his deep sleep, let him devour 1,000 corpses, although that 1,000 corpses are not enough for him to advance to the next level. In the middle stage of Golden Immortal, it's not a problem to keep it forever." Gu Zheng said heartily.

In the past, the corpses of monsters would be stored in the ancient war just in case there were special monsters in the future who needed to use the corpses of monsters in the test, but now there are too many corpses of monsters stored in the Heart Demon Orb. It's okay for the son to consume a little.

Gu Zheng was annoyed by the absence of monsters that devoured ingredients, and then Gu Zheng and monk Hantan began to collect ingredients.

To say that this empty space is also a treasure land, although the monsters they encounter in Guzheng are getting more and more powerful, but the amount of ingredients in the empty space is also increasing, and the quality is basically high.

After a long time of incense, Gu Zheng and the others collected all the ingredients near the walrus ivory road. Although the middle-quality ingredients are still bulky, the high-quality ingredients are obviously better than before. There were a lot more in those few collections, and now Gu Zheng's overall food reserve has reached 145 pieces!

After collecting the ingredients, Gu Zheng, who turned around, was about to collect and return the ivory road to leave the void space, when he was startled by a pair of huge eyes.

Those huge eyes are really big, even to the point of frightening. They are located parallel to the Walrus Ivory Road. According to the proportion, if those big eyes were a person, Gu Zheng would seem to be standing An ant in front of the man's eyeball.

"Void Lord!"

Gu Zheng read the name of the owner of those huge eyes. Although he didn't see what kind of body these big eyes grew on, he believed that in a place like void space, there would be no one except the void demon king. What kind of monster has such big eyes, and such an invincible momentum.

"That's right, it's me!"

The Void Demon Lord laughed, and those eyes slowly receded until they became like the bright moon in the sky, and Gu Zheng finally saw its whole picture clearly, whether it was the Void Demon Lord and who it was.

The last time in the void space, Gu Zheng killed the Void Demon Lord through a duel with the Void Demon Lord in the airspace. At that time, Gu Zheng also felt that the Void Demon Lord was dead. However, in this magical space world, things that have died may also be resurrected, because they are just pawns used by the owner of the original fairy-level space artifact in the process of selecting a successor.

"Did you not expect me to come back from the dead, let alone see me so soon?"

The Void Demon Lord smiled at Gu Zheng, which made Gu Zheng a little confused. Besides, he killed the Void Demon Lord once in the airspace last time. The two of them should be enemies when they meet again! What's more, the Void Demon Lord is still frighteningly without the protection of the power of law, which shows that Gu Zheng can attack it. As for whether it will attack Gu Zheng, Gu Zheng thinks it can't! Such invincible existences may be constrained by the power of invisible laws, and they cannot attack the entrants casually, but facing such an enemy, they have no advantage at all. Fake, after all, the feeling that everything is out of control really makes people feel insecure.

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