The special feeling allowed Gu Zheng to determine the location of the special monster, and at the same time made him feel that the special monster was in danger again. Although Gu Zheng didn't know what the danger was, what Gu Zheng knew was that he had to use the fastest Speed, just rush to the location where the special monster is.

"Go! Take a shortcut!"

Gu Zheng gave orders to Brother Hantan's son, and Brother Hantan's son immediately took a shortcut.

There are relatively many monsters in the Great Trench. If you have been traveling in the Great Trench, it will take more time, but now that you know that the cave where the monsters are located is at the end of the Great Trench, then there is no need to continue After rushing in the Great Trench, Gu Zheng and the others can enter the general sea area, and then rush to the end of the Great Trench, and then re-enter the Great Trench. This is the so-called shortcut.

As soon as Gu Zheng and the others left the Great Trench, the old man with the white beard suddenly appeared in the Great Trench. He gritted his teeth looking at the direction where Gu Zheng and the others disappeared.

"It's really disgusting, you want to take a shortcut! I won't let you get close to it so smoothly, even if you pay the price for it!"

Gritting his teeth, the white-bearded old man began to practice, and the result would be that when Gu Zheng reached the cave at the end of the Great Trench, he would find that there were many monsters gathered outside the cave!

What the white-bearded old man did was not a violation of the rules, but the scope allowed by the law, but he couldn't do similar things often, there was a limit! Moreover, if he did such a thing once, he himself would suffer quite a lot of damage. For example, now that the white-bearded old man has completed the technique, he is rolling painfully in the big ditch with his head in his arms, and his mouth is like killing a pig. cry.

In the process of rushing, Gu Zheng encountered monsters blocking him again, but there were fewer monsters in ordinary sea areas than those in the Great Trench, so it didn't take much time, but when Gu Zheng finally came to the end of the Great Trench, and once again When he entered the Great Trench, he was a little dumbfounded. The dense monsters blocked the end of the Great Trench. At the same time, he also had a special feeling in his heart. This special feeling made him understand that the monsters would be like this. The anomaly is entirely due to the obstruction of Qi Ling.

"It should be the weapon spirit!"

Gu Zheng cursed secretly in his heart, and immediately gave orders to the father and son of the cold pool monks. He asked the father and son of the cold pool monks to attract these monsters away. He wanted to enter the cave alone to find special monsters. He knew that this was something that could not be delayed.

After explaining to the father and son of the monk Hantan, Gu Zheng used the invisibility technique to leave the Heart Demon Orb, but his departure did not attract the attention of the monsters below.

Compared with Gu Zheng's invisibility, the Hantan monk and his son who are responsible for attracting the attention of the monsters are swaggering, and even created a lot of momentum, and what they did really caught the attention of the monsters below, and the group of monsters roared Chased towards their father and son.

Knowing that the monsters in the Great Trench will not leave the Great Trench, the father and son of the cold pool monks did not think about luring the group of monsters to the ordinary sea. They just flew forward desperately in the Great Trench!

Looking at the monsters in Wuyang Wuyang behind them, the father and son of the monks in the cold pool were very excited. Both of them are militants. A hundred monsters is indeed a challenge, but with the magic beads in their hands, they are confident that as long as they give them enough In just a few minutes, the two of them will be able to kill these hundred monsters! As for Gu Zheng, they were not worried. After all, Gu Zheng was their master. Gu Zheng's position in their hearts was equivalent to that of a saint, an invincible existence.

The father and son of the cold pool monk led the important ones away, but not all the monsters left. There were three particularly annoying guys, one used its huge body to completely block the entrance of the cave, and the other two were By his side, protecting it like a guard.

Among the three remaining monsters, the one blocking the cave looks like a whale. This kind of big guy is the strength of the late stage of returning to the void. They have killed three of them in the past. As for the two guards, they are also common monsters. They are also the strength of the late stage of returning to the void. They look like crabs, and each leg is a big pincer.

"You bloody bastards!"

Gu Zheng was really speechless. If it was just two crab monsters, he would not have to waste much time for it. The key is the whale monster blocking the entrance. It is too rough and thick. Although Gu Zheng has the strength to kill it alone, But it is bound to waste a lot of time when solving it.

Gu Zheng approached the whale monster relying on invisibility, and stabbed at the back of the whale monster with the blue light blade in his hand.

The blue light blade was very sharp, and it directly pierced the back of the whale monster, and when Gu Zheng pulled it down vigorously, it made a huge bloody gash in the back of the whale monster.

However, the huge blood cut is only compared to Gu Zheng's body size. For a big man like a whale monster, this kind of injury is like a person's finger cut by a knife, but it will hurt suddenly.

What Gu Zheng wants is a sudden pain. If the whale monster twists its body to expose the entrance of the cave under the sudden pain, Gu Zheng will hurry up and enter the cave. After all, the cave is a special place, and these monsters are not allowed to enter. As long as he enters, there will be no exception for the monsters that blocked the door. Get rid of the monster blocking the door, and he will also chop up these supposed bastards.

It's a pity that the imagination is beautiful, but the reality is cruel. The whale monster did hurt a bit, but it was like a lazy pig, its body didn't move at all, only the injured part twitched slightly, and continued to sleep like at every turn.

Gu Zheng's attack on the whale monster did not produce the desired effect, but his invisibility ended because of the attack, and the two crab monsters immediately attacked him.

Although Gu Zheng was furious, he refrained from venting his anger with the two crab monsters, he wanted to use the two crab monsters to take advantage of his strength!

The crab monsters attacked Gu Zheng, waving their big pincers wildly, and slashed towards Gu Zheng one after another with a strong force, and behind Gu Zheng was the whale monster blocking the door.

Gu Zheng relied on his flexible body to dodge back and forth, but as for the vigor to attack it, it all fell on the whale monster.

It is also the strength of the late stage of returning to the void. The attack of the two crab monsters made the whale monster suffer. It seemed to be sleeping, but it immediately let out an angry roar, as if telling the crab monsters that they were accidentally injuring their allies. It's like warning the crab monster not to seek death.

However, no intelligence means no intelligence, and the two crab monsters don't care about the reaction of the whale monster. For them, they just want to kill Gu Zheng, a little thing that jumps around like a flea, so they launch Jin Qi still greeted the whale monster unscrupulously.

The whale monster couldn't bear it anymore, it opened its mouth wide and swallowed, which is its big move.

Gu Zheng and the others had hunted the whale monster before, so they were very clear about the whale monster's big move. When he saw the whale monster's gills beating, he already knew what it was going to do, so he immediately flew to a safe place.

Gu Zheng flew away, but it was very difficult for the two slow-moving crab monsters to avoid the big move of the whale swallow. They both entered the belly of the fish under the strong suction force launched by the whale monster, and they were really ruined. Kind of not worth it.

After the end of the whale swallow, the sneering Gu Zheng came back again. Now without the protection of the crab monster, and under the instruction of the spirit of the weapon, the whale monster is in a state of desperately trying to protect the entrance of the cave, so no matter how big it is, What is the difference between that and the meat on the chopping board!

Although holding a small blue light blade, if Gu Zheng wants to cut the huge body of the whale monster, it will take a lot of time, but don't forget that the blue light blade is a fairy weapon, its characteristic is toxin, and its supernatural powers rot poison , Gu Zheng has never used it before, and now he happens to use this guy for surgery.

Gu Zheng pierced the body of the whale monster with a knife, and at the same time activated the magical power of the blue light blade, and saw that the blue light blade was shining brightly, as if a blue energy was injected into the body of the whale monster.

Gu Zheng hadn't used the magic power of the blue light blade before. Firstly, it was because it was unnecessary. Anyway, using poison to hunt monsters was not a direct enough way after all. Second, because poison would change the original energy of monsters, making the monks in the cold pool The son couldn't absorb it, so he didn't know what effect the blue light blade's supernatural power would have on the monster.

However, the supernatural power and poison of the blue light blade acted on the body of the whale monster, and the effect was very good, at least for the situation at this moment.

The originally motionless whale, after being attacked by the magical power of the blue light blade, was like an ordinary animal being scalded by boiling water, and its body immediately rolled over, and its roll caused the entrance of the cave that was originally blocked by it to roll over. , immediately appeared.

Gu Zheng made a decisive decision and rushed into the cave as fast as he could.

This is a dark cave, there is no light in the cave, but Gu Zheng's keen hearing made him hear painful groans coming from a distance.

The dark environment had little effect on Gu Zheng, who quickly flew towards the direction of the moaning in the cave.

The cave was very deep, and Gu Zheng, who was walking forward, felt that there was a monster dormant on the cave wall beside him, so he raised his hand and slashed out a beam of light with the blue light blade.

The knife light hit the target, but the target was not injured. This is not to say that the power of the knife light is not enough, but that the target is strange enough, it turned out to be shadows like leeches!

It is not uncommon for Gu Zheng to have seen shadow lifeforms before. It is a kind of spirit body. This special lifeform has the same weirdness as spirit bodies, that is, ordinary attacks are not effective against them. It works, and it is even weirder than ordinary spirit bodies, because it attacks the target without directly attacking the target body, it can cause damage to the target by attacking the target's shadow!

Gu Zheng's sword light was useless against the leech shadow, and the leech shadow shot towards Gu Zheng's shadow.

Although this is a dark cave, things like shadows still exist, but ordinary people can't see them at all.

Although the shadow monster is weird, it is not that Gu Zheng has no way to deal with it. The fairy power shield was cast by Gu Zheng, and even his shadow was protected in it. In the dark illusion, a person's shadow, in fact It has shrunk to a pitiful size.

The shadow monster collided with Gu Zheng's shield of immortal power, but failed to have any effect on Gu Zheng's shield of immortal power, so Gu Zheng judged that its attack power was not strong.

Dealing with shadow monsters requires some special means, but Gu Zheng doesn't want to waste this time. Anyway, for him, the most important thing right now is not to solve the shadow monsters that follow him like a shadow, but to find that special monster and see if it meets it. What a crisis.

On the way to the bottom of the cave, two more shadow monsters of the same type appeared. Together with the first one, they launched a crazy attack on Gu Zheng's fairy shield, but unfortunately, they could not Breaking Gu Zheng's shield of immortal power, thus launching an attack on Gu Zheng's shadow, but Gu Zheng ignored them.

Gu Zheng finally came to the bottom of the cave, and he also saw a sea monster with red eyes.

Although the sea monster is ugly, it has a special power of law, so Gu Zheng knew that it was the special monster he was looking for.

"Enter save me!"

Seeing Gu Zheng's appearance, the red-eyed sea monster hurriedly asked for help, and turned around after the voice fell to the ground. Only then did Gu Zheng see a shadow monster lying on its back. The body of the shadow monster was like a leech. But it has four heads, but the other three heads are very light in color, and the other head, which is sucking blood on the red-eyed sea monster, looks darker.

At the same time, the three shadow monsters that originally attacked the shield of ancient Zhengxian power gave up attacking the shield of ancient Zhengxian power. They flew to the back of the red-eyed sea monster and merged with the original shadow monsters. The three heads of the shadow monster, which were originally lighter in color, also increased in color at this time.

The four heads of the same color were all sucking blood at the red-eyed sea monster, and the red-eyed sea monster immediately let out the painful moan that Gu Zheng heard when he first entered the cave.

The best way to deal with spiritual monsters is to attack with spiritual thoughts.

Gu Zheng's divine sense is not strong, but he has also been in contact with shadow monsters before, so he feels that with his divine sense, although he cannot kill the shadow monster, it is still possible to drive the shadow monster away from the red-eyed sea monster. things that can be done.

Gu Zheng's divine sense turned into light spots, and touched the shadow monster on the back of the red-eyed sea monster.

The shape of the shadow monsters is like a leech, and their nature seems to be as greedy as a leech. Facing the flying light spots of spiritual thoughts, they still focus on sucking blood from the red-eyed sea monster.

The divine sense is indeed useful to the shadow monster, it makes the shadow monster's body writhe in pain, but Gu Zheng has to give up the plan to use the divine mind to continuously attack the shadow monster! Because, although its divine sense caused the shadow monster to suffer, the frequency of the shadow monster's blood sucking on the red-eyed sea monster also increased, which caused the red-eyed sea monster to scream.

Gu Zheng understands that the blood-sucking action of the shadow monster is not a fake action. This action is causing the original energy of the red-eyed sea monster to flow away, and he also knows from the attack of the divine mind just now that if he does not use the divine mind to attack the shadow monster, then The shadow monster will not be stimulated by this, thus speeding up the absorption of the original energy of the red-eyed sea monster.

"Do you think there's nothing I can do?"

Gu Zheng sneered, he bit his fingertips, and drew a fairy formation in his palm with real blood mixed with spiritual thoughts, and this kind of fairy formation had been drawn by Gu Zheng before, and that was when he was dealing with Caihe.

Gu Zheng needs a fairy array to deal with shadow monsters. Although this method is not as direct as the attack of divine sense, it will also make it take longer to kill shadow monsters. But Gu Zheng thinks this is the best method at the moment. With this method, he has Full grasp can prevent the shadow monster from being stimulated, thus speeding up the absorption of the original energy of the red-eyed sea monster.

Gu Zheng's idea was not wrong. When he pressed his palm on the shadow monster's body, the shadow monster's blood-sucking action stopped immediately. It wanted to resist the suppression of it by the immortal formation, but how could this be an easy thing? Not to mention that the power of the fairy formation itself is strong enough, Gu Zheng is also continuing to send spiritual thoughts to the fairy formation.

After about a minute, the shadow monster suppressed by the fairy array finally stopped struggling, and its body slowly faded away! At this point, Gu Zheng was relieved, he felt that he came here in time, and the red-eyed sea monster was not seriously injured.

"Thank you entrant for saving your life!"

The red-eyed sea monster looked ugly, but it looked very polite. It saluted Gu Zheng with its fists in the palm of its hand.

"Can you help me complete the task of repairing the space?"

The ancient dispute didn't come in vain, and asked straight to the point.

"It was indeed like this before, but because someone released the shadow leech when the law allowed, and 60% of my original energy has been absorbed by the shadow leech, I'm afraid I can't help the entrant complete the task." The red-eyed sea monster smiled wryly.

Gu Zheng frowned, cursing Qi Ling again in his heart, he already arrived in time, but never thought that even if he rushed over at the fastest speed, the original energy of the red-eyed sea monster would still be sucked away by the shadow leech Sixty percent.

"What do you mean by that?" Gu Zheng asked.

"What I'm afraid of is that if I'm in my prime and give you a monster to repair the space mission, even if you don't agree that the mission ends in my hands, I can use force to make it disappear, but I'm not strong enough now, and I don't have any Use strong capital on it! Unless..."

The red-eyed sea monster lengthened his voice, while Gu Zheng asked, "Unless what?"

"I don't know if the entrants got their bodies after the two monsters who gave the entrants the task of repairing the space died?" the red-eyed sea monster asked.

"Yes, what's the matter?"

The two monsters who sent Gu Zheng the task of repairing the space before, their bodies are a red octopus and a starfish the size of a washbasin. Although their bodies are not ingredients, they are not the kind of monsters that have been reassembled. Anyway, it gave Gu Zheng a special feeling, so Gu Zheng put away their corpses and put them in the heart magic bead.

"The corpses of this kind of monsters are good things, and the entrants may use them in the next road, but if the entrants want me to restore my full power, then give me their body to replenish them, and I can quickly restore my full power The state is over." The red-eyed sea monster said.

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