The ax of the golden-armored crocodile smashed on the colorless barrier, and the fire dragon and ice dragon, which saw that magical attacks were useless to it, slammed into it from both sides.

For the two flying fire dragons and ice dragons, the golden armored crocodile still ignored it, as if it had only one meaning of existence, and that was to stop the entrants who rescued the sea anemone witch, as for the others, they could be discarded.

The second ax of the golden-armored crocodile also struck the colorless barrier. The colorless barrier, which was already trembling, fought even harder this time.

However, with a loud noise, the golden-armored crocodile was knocked into the air. It was hit by the fire dragon and the ice dragon respectively on the upper body and lower body, so that the flying body was spinning like a spinning top.

Although the golden-armored crocodile was knocked into the air, before its bravery did not diminish at all, it took advantage of this spinning posture to strike the colorless barrier below, striking one after another ax shadows.

The fire dragon and the ice dragon originally existed to protect Gu Zheng, and their actions at this moment were exactly the same, they used their bodies to block the frantic ax shadow.

The ax shadow struck the fire dragon and the ice dragon one after another, and the flames and broken ice also continued to fall into the sea below.

After all, the ice dragon and fire dragon couldn't resist the frenzied attack of the golden-armored crocodile. Before the golden-armored crocodile fell, they both fell, and they also fell into the sea below. However, the ancient battle at this moment has also rescued the sister of the sea anemone banshee from the cracks in the space lines, and he is currently adjusting the space lines to create a passage to leave this small space fairy.

Without the resistance of the fire dragon and the ice dragon, the ax shadow landed on the colorless barrier smoothly. The colorless barrier that was already trembling had a crack in less than two breaths, and then the crack appeared under the attack of the golden-armored crocodile. Down, spreading at a terrifying speed.


With a loud noise, the colorless barrier full of cracks was completely shattered, and the fairy formation protecting Gu Zheng was broken by the golden-armored crocodile.

The golden-armored crocodile is also racing against time. The one that broke the fairy formation is still some way away from Gu Zheng, but it has no time to fly to Gu Zheng, so it directly throws the ax in its hand at Gu Zheng, and it is very likely to kill Gu Zheng. The posture of chopping down.

Gu Zheng felt the danger, but he didn't dare to be distracted, because his space channel had already been created, and when the ax was about to hit his neck, he left the small space with the sister of the sea anemone banshee Immortal artifact, leaving only the golden armored crocodile roaring on the empty sea.

Leaving the small space fairy, Gu Zheng naturally appeared in the cave in the big trench, surrounded by surprise sounds.

Two surprise sounds were made by the Anemone Banshee and the father and son of the Hantan monk. The Anemone Banshee was pleasantly surprised that her sister was finally rescued by Gu Zheng. As for the surprise of the Hantan monk and his son, Gu Zheng finally returned safely. , the ax-throwing attack of the golden-armored crocodile just now really made the father and son of the monks in the cold pool sweat! After all, they who are in the cave can also see what happened in the small space fairy.

The sea anemone banshee is calling her sister, and her sister is also faintly awakened by her calling. Since she is part of the setting, there is no need for her sister to explain. The sea anemone banshee's Elder sister already knew that she was rescued by the entrant.

The sea anemone banshee sister looked at Gu Zheng, and she didn't speak immediately, which gave Gu Zheng a feeling of being secretly seen.

"Enter, we all have our own needs, so I won't thank you."

The elder sister of the sea anemone banshee spoke in a rather peculiar way, unlike those monsters who were freed with the help of Gu Zheng before, and would thank Gu Zheng.

However, Gu Zheng didn't care about it, and he didn't care about the so-called thank you. He just nodded at the sister of the sea anemone banshee. He felt that the sister of the sea anemone banshee seemed to have something to say, and he was waiting to hear it. What else did she have to say.

"If you can rescue me, there is a fixed reward I want to give you."

Finally, the so-called reward was mentioned, and Gu Zheng was quite happy, while the sister of the sea anemone banshee threw a black handkerchief to him.

After getting the black veil, Gu Zheng frowned, but he wasn't very happy about it. Even though the black veil was a mid-level fairy artifact, it was the same as the jug of unknown purpose that he had obtained before. , they all belong to the kind of fairy artifact that can only be used once, and this kind of fairy artifact can usually only be used in key places! But when is the key? This is the unknown like a mystery.

"You can only use this fairy artifact once. It is very helpful to you if you use it in a key place. If you use it in the wrong place, you will lose it. As for the consequences, it can be big or small."

Sure enough, what her sister of the Sea Anemone Banshee said again confirmed what Gu Zheng thought was right or wrong.

However, compared to the wine pot fairy artifact obtained in this space world last time, this black handkerchief caused Gu Zheng even more headaches! After all, after getting the hippopotamus, Gu Zheng at least knows its purpose, that is, it can produce a fairy wine once, and holding the black handkerchief in his hand, Gu Zheng can neither recognize the owner nor know its purpose What it is, just know how to use it when you need to use it.

"Can you tell me, what is the supernatural power of this black veil?" Gu Zheng asked.


The elder sister of the sea anemone banshee shook her head, which is also the result of Gu Zheng's thinking. After all, if this belongs to the category that can be informed, the elder sister of the sea anemone banshee should have said it from the beginning.

"Enter, there is a mission on you, but you appear here now, which means that you have missed a key mission, this mission is to restore the space world, and the existence that originally gave you this mission , in the first piece of sea area in the current area!"

The sister of the sea anemone banshee spoke again, and Gu Zheng was shocked by her words.

The first area has been repaired, so Gu Zheng also knows that in the second area, there should be a monster who wants to give him a repair task, but he has never encountered this monster, but at this moment, the sister of the sea anemone witch told him, The monster that would give him a repair task was actually in the first sea area of ​​the second area!

"Can't I go back and look for it?"

Gu Zheng asked subconsciously, and at the same time recalled what happened in the first sea area of ​​the second area. At that time, in that sea area, due to the appearance of seabed tentacles, all monsters died, and Gu Zheng was indeed Without carefully searching the sea area, I rushed to the edge of the sea area to observe the space structure.

"If you can still find it later, then I don't need to say it so solemnly." The sister of the sea anemone banshee laughed.

"So what if you miss it? What are the disadvantages?" Gu Zheng asked again.

"The disadvantage of missing is that even if you pass the second area, but the second area has not been repaired, the final gatekeeper exists, and the strength will be doubled. I don't think that is the situation you want to see. "The sister of the sea anemone banshee laughed.

"That is indeed not the situation I want to see, but since you have said this matter solemnly, it seems that there is a remedy?"

Gu Zheng asked again, and what he asked was also a matter of common sense.

"Yes, how about we make a deal?"

The elder sister of the sea anemone banshee, the expression at this moment makes people doubt her intentions. It feels like she is being tricked step by step, like a trick is about to succeed.

"What kind of deal?" Gu Zheng asked slowly.

"This is the area represented by the second road after you enter this space world. After you pass the test of this road, there are still areas represented by the third road and the fourth road to pass. If you can or Enter the area represented by the third road, and we will meet again at that time! I can give you a mark now. With this mark, you can return to the first sea area in the second area, and you will be able to hide everything that was originally hidden. The mission monsters are brought out, and the condition in exchange is that in the area represented by the third road, you have to accept a mission I gave you unconditionally, and you don't ask what the mission is. There are only two paths in front of you, either agree or not!"

When the elder sister of the sea anemone banshee spoke, Gu Zheng immediately felt the request to conclude the contract, and he agreed without thinking too much. After all, the sea anemone banshee's elder sister looked like she was succeeding in her scheme, but Gu Zheng didn't feel bad about it, so he understood that this was still a test of gambling, so he chose to gamble.

"Then we will meet again."

The contract has been concluded, and the sister of the sea anemone banshee smiled slightly.

However, at this moment when it seemed that they were going to part ways, the anemone sister, who was originally irrelevant, suddenly laughed at Gu Zheng.

"Congratulations to the entrant, you made the right choice before, you helped me rescue my sister, so I have a reward for you here!"

Tests are really everywhere. The sister of the sea anemone banshee made it clear before that there would be no rewards for helping her, but at this time she mentioned the matter of rewards, which really made people feel emotional.

Gu Zheng just had a smile on his face, but the father and son of the cold pool monks looked excited. Gu Zheng knew what they were excited about. From their point of view, since the sister of the sea anemone banshee mentioned a reward that she didn't have before, it might be that A small space fairy, but Gu Zheng knew that this was absolutely impossible, because everything about the small space fairy was not over yet! So, it can't be a reward.

Sure enough, the reward was not a small space fairy. The sister of the sea anemone banshee put her hand on her forehead, picked off the golden bone, and threw it to Gu Zheng.

"This is the reward, which is the Xuanying Gold required for the mission."

Hearing what the sister of the sea anemone banshee said, Gu Zheng was really speechless, but the son of the monk Hantan said directly: "Is it still possible to do this? I remember you said before that it is not metal, but The bone is not Xuanyingjin, but your golden king bone!"

"Yes, I said that before, but I didn't lie!" The sister of the sea anemone banshee smiled: "When it grew on my forehead, it was indeed bone instead of metal, and it was indeed golden. King bone, but if it is not on the forehead of our family, then it will change from bone to metal, and it will have another name called Xuanyingjin!"

"Okay, let's meet again!"

The sea anemone banshee sister said this to Gu Zheng, and then pulled her sister's body to shake, and the two sisters disappeared into the sea water.

"I feel like she's a liar! However, true and false, false and true, this kind of test is really hard to do. I think only a genius like the master will not make mistakes in this kind of test. It's me, I must have made more than a few wrong choices! Perhaps, just making one mistake is enough to make me die without a place to bury myself."

"This pair of sisters is really strange. I have never seen such a mission monster before following the master's side."

Brother Hantan, father and son, both expressed emotion, while Gu Zheng gestured at them, telling them to continue on their way.

For Gu Zheng, the result of the trip to the Great Trench was better than he imagined!

Previously, Gu Zheng felt that it would be a very good thing if he could harvest an item needed for a mission in the Great Trench, but he never thought that the Great Trench and his party not only allowed him to get the Symphony Pearl, but also let him get Leaving Xuan Yingjin gave him a chance to make up for what he missed. It was really a worthwhile trip! As for the agreement with the sister of the sea anemone banshee, although the unknown makes people feel a little uncomfortable, it is something in the area represented by the third road, and I have to wait until then to talk about the discomfort, and I can feel good now It's good to cool off first.

The cave was originally at the end of the Great Trench, and after exiting the cave, he reached the boundary of the current area. Gu Zheng will go to the third part of the current area as planned. He is going to take a look. On his body, does he have the fairy artifact of the sky mirror?

"Master, since the sister of the sea anemone banshee has already marked you with that mark, as long as we go back to the first sea area in the current area, we can find the monster who issued the task of repairing the space world. Shall we go first?" Did you do that task? After all, if you complete that task, the space world in the current area will be repaired, so you don’t need to do the task that the owner has to do now! After all, this task is just to prevent the space lines from being born That kind of annoying change." The son of the monk Hantan said.

"You think things are too simple! Even if you find the monster who issued the task of repairing the space world, can you be sure that the task will be completed soon? If it cannot be completed, and the time limit for the current task has expired, then Can we afford the consequences? Besides, how can you confirm that if the current task is not completed, the annoying fluctuations from the spatial lines will also be repaired during the restoration process of the spatial world?"

Even without Gu Zheng correcting Brother Hantan's son, Brother Hantan had already said these words, and although what he said was speculation, it was also in the right direction! After all, the reason why Gu Zheng still insists on completing the current task first under such circumstances is because he knows that even if the space world is repaired, the annoying fluctuations will still not be eliminated. What a disaster.

Seeing that Gu Zheng was already standing on the edge of the sea, Brother Hantan and his son knew that he was going to be busy with business, so they didn't say anything, but concentrated on protecting Gu Zheng.

Through focused observation, the lines that make up the space world quickly appeared in front of Gu Zheng, and Gu Zheng also quickly found a way to the next sea area, and he immediately used the power of Tao to create a space passage.

When the space channel was about to be completed, the special fluctuation that could change the sequence of space lines appeared again, which seemed to remind Gu Zheng that he still had a task to complete. However, although special fluctuations are annoying, at least for now, as long as Gu Zheng can create a space channel without wasting any time, it will not have any impact on Gu Zheng! However, if that task is not completed, it is very doubtful whether Gu Zheng can successfully create the space channel with the speed at which he is now creating the space channel.

Through the space channel, Gu Zheng brought the father and son of the monk Hantan into the third sea area of ​​the current area.

The sea area is still in the same environment, there are still monsters blocking the way, and for these monsters blocking the way, Gu Zheng abandoned the previous policy of taking them in if they can, and killing them if they can't. He has a mission and he doesn't want to hurry at all. Want to leave the sea immediately! After all, according to the experience of entering this space world last time, the guard monsters are all on land, not in the sea.

It is not impossible to leave the sea area without rushing, because the sea area itself is connected to the land, but after the space is broken, the sea area in the current area is in the sky, and the land is in the higher sky. To get on land, you also need to open up space passages.

It was not difficult for Gu Zheng to open up a space channel. Before the space lines also changed their sequence, he took the Heart Demon Orb through the opened channel and came to the land suspended in the sky.

From the dark sea area to the bright land, it is still daytime. At least from the time of accepting the mission to the present, the progress of the ancient dispute is quite fast, and there is still an hour before it gets dark.

On the land during the day, there are much fewer monsters blocking the road than in the sea, which is why Gu Zheng chose to land on land immediately. After all, the road is not short, and he doesn't want to waste a lot of time on the way.

The monsters he encountered could be killed or harvested. After spending half an hour, Gu Zheng finally came near the end of the road.

It seems that there is nothing here, but the special feeling has given the guidance of the ancient battle, and this guidance also made him understand that, just like the ones who entered this space world here, the guard monsters will only appear at night. And the place where it appears is the end of the road.

Since entering this space world, Gu Zheng and his party have basically been non-stop, and he really wanted to take a break, but the things he had to do made it difficult for him to take a good rest.

For example, now, although there is still half an hour before dark, Gu Zheng still dare not stop, after all, what he is going to face is the gate guard monster, and the gate guard monster must be stronger! As for the group of them, since they entered this space world, apart from the fact that Brother Hantan’s son has really improved his strength, he and Brother Hantan have not made any real improvement in strength. Monsters must be fully prepared, or they will die.

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