The flame stick is in the hands of Gu Zheng, and it is a sharp weapon for harvesting monsters in this vicious battle.

I saw that Gu Zheng instantly entered the illusion crystal to avoid the attack of the fish monster all the time, and when he appeared from the illusion crystal again, he was already beside a shell monster, and the flame stick in his hand fell to the ground. On the body of the shellfish.

The shell monster has been hit by Gu Zheng three times in a row, and the power of law that originally protected it was also broken up by Gu Zheng's flame stick. With Gu Zheng's thought, even if its strength is equivalent to the initial stage of returning to the void, it can't be destroyed. It was still included in the Heart Demon Orb by Gu Zheng.

Without the sharp weapon of the flame stick, it would be very difficult to break up the protection of the power of law on the surface of the monster. Sometimes the monster was killed, but the power of law still did not disappear.

With the two treasures of the Heart Magic Orb and the Magic Crystal, the safety of the father and son of Gu Zheng and the monk Hantan is guaranteed. As the battle continues, the number of monsters is getting smaller and smaller, and the pressure the three of them are facing is also increasing. smaller. And in this fierce battle, the harvest is naturally inevitable. Among them, the son of the cold pool monk will be able to absorb the original energy of those monsters to improve his own strength. As for the surprise, it is The monsters in the trench are different from those outside. They are more like the monsters in the prehistoric world. They all have inner alchemy in their bodies, and some of their fleshy bodies are still good ingredients, and their grades have even reached medium.

Although there were many monsters, the battle didn't last too long from the beginning to the end, it was almost like a meal.

Calm was restored in the trench, and Gu Zheng took Brother Hantan and his son into the Heart Demon Orb to adjust their breath. In the battle just now, except for Gu Zheng who was not injured, Brother Hantan and his son both suffered to varying degrees. injury. However, the injuries of the two father and son are not serious, like the injury suffered by the cold pool monk, if he can rest for an hour, he will recover. Serious, but because of his different physique, he didn't need to rest and heal his injuries. He could recover from the injuries he suffered during the process of activating the supernatural powers to absorb the original energy of monsters.

Gu Zheng didn't let the monk's son in the cold pool touch the few monsters that could be used as ingredients, so they might be used in cooking. As for the other monsters, Gu Zheng asked the son of the monk in the cold pool not to touch their inner pills when absorbing the original energy of the monsters. If these inner pills are used in the cooking of beast spirit food, they can The effect will be greater.

Dozens of monsters are used for the son of the cold pool monk to absorb the original energy, even if the inner alchemy of these monsters must be preserved, Gu Zheng feels that the son of the cold pool monk will also improve his realm.

Sure enough, when the son of the monk in the cold pool absorbed the original energy of those dozens of monsters, his cultivation was promoted to the late stage of transformation.

"Did you realize some powerful supernatural powers?"

Knowing the son is like a father, Seeing his son's happy face, Brother Hantan hurriedly asked.

If it was before, Brother Hantan would be very excited at the moment. After all, his son is also his pride. It is of course a good thing that his son can comprehend powerful supernatural powers. However, the current Hantan cultivator no longer dares to think that way. His son's comprehension of supernatural powers will make him feel frightened, especially when he comprehends such a powerful supernatural power! If it wasn't for his son's comprehension of taking everything, how could they have been forced to where they are now in this not-so-difficult space world.

"It's a powerful supernatural power, but father, don't worry, the supernatural power I comprehended this time should not be targeted by the power of the law, because I feel that it is a supernatural power allowed by the power of the law!"

Brother Hantan's son was very excited. When he believed to explain to Gu Zheng and them what the supernatural power he had comprehended this time was useful, his father was proud of him, and even Gu Zheng couldn't help laughing.

For Gu Zheng, Brother Hantan's son's supernatural comprehension this time is simply a ray of light in a dark world. This supernatural power is really practical!

The fundamental reason why monsters are difficult to deal with is the protection of the power of law on the body surface. If there is no protection of the power of law, Gu Zhengdong Nian can collect them into the Heart Demon Orb. And the supernatural power that Brother Hantan's son has comprehended this time is the ability to shoot out the fishbone on his back. This kind of fishbone must break the protection of the power of law!

Now the son of monk Hantan has ten fishbone that can be shot out from his dorsal fin. After these ten fishbone are shot out, they can be retrieved and reused. The son can shoot ten fishbone at one time, and as long as the ten fishbone hit the target, the protection of the law force on the target's body surface will be broken, and it can be collected into such treasures as the heart magic bead and magic crystal! This is really a remarkable supernatural power, it can be said to be more practical than the flame stick, and since this supernatural power is aimed at the power of law, it will definitely not be restricted by the power of law, otherwise the power of law would not make Hantan The monk's son realized such a magical power against it.

The son of the monk Hantan had such powerful supernatural powers, and Gu Zheng immediately wanted to take him to test the waters, so Gu Zheng gave him the control of the Heart Demon Orb this time.

The son of the monk Hantan is very excited. It can be said that it is his dream to be able to control the Heart Demon Orb. Before his father was authorized by Gu Zheng to control the Heart Demon Orb, he was not to mention how envious he was.

With the supernatural ability to restrain the power of the law, and the authorization to control the Heart Demon Orb, the son of the monk in the cold pool did not control the Heart Demon Orb to fly. The speed flew towards the direction of the dragon monster.

Gu Zheng didn't say much about Brother Hantan's son, since he had given the Inner Demon Orb to him to control, he believed that Brother Hantan's son would not be so reckless. However, as the father, Brother Hantan couldn't help reminding his son not to be too crazy. After all, in this dark trench, who knows where there is a monster that can eat some of the heart magic beads in one bite.

Regarding his father's advice, Brother Hantan's son didn't take it too seriously. In the situation that Brother Hantan said, he has double insurance.

The first layer of insurance, due to the improvement of strength, the son of the cold pool monk has become very poisonous eyes now. The monsters that were hidden in the dark before they could not be discovered in advance can be found by the son of the cold pool monk now, but Wanting to surprise Gu Zheng and the others, Brother Hantan's son didn't say anything.

The second insurance is that after Gu Zheng handed over the control of the Heart Demon Orb to the son of the cold pool monk, he entered the magic crystal, and now the magic crystal is carrying the cold pool monk's son, which is also Let the son of monk Hantan feel that if he encounters any danger, even if he can't react, there is Gu Zheng who can help! After all, although Gu Zheng couldn't directly absorb danger into the magic crystal, he could include him.

Soon the monk's son in the cold pool met a monster, it was a fish monster, it had a pair of lantern-like eyes, and it shot two light beams towards the monk's son in the cold pool from a long distance away.

This kind of fish monster that can shoot the speed of light from its eyes was killed by the son of the cold pool monk in the previous battle, and it also swallowed its original energy in the Heart Demon Orb before. He can be said to be very familiar with this fish monster .

He opened his mouth and spit out a bubble, the son of the monk in the cold pool covered the light from the fish monster with a bubble, and then he flew towards the fish monster, bent down and shot a fish bone, and the fish monster was hit by the fish bone After that, he was immediately protected by the power of law that broke the body surface, and the son of the monk Hantan thought again, and easily received it into the heart magic bead.

There are many monsters in the Great Trench, and the fish monster is just a vanguard. During the moment when the son of the monk in the cold pool killed the fish monster, there were already eight monsters flying towards this side in the distance.

The son of the cold pool monk launched an attack. Instead of attacking the eight monsters that were coming, he shot a fishbone at the darkness beside him.

Just when Brother Hantan didn't understand why his son was attacking the darkness, the attack launched by his son had already worked. A jellyfish hidden in the darkness was hit by his son's fishbone, and its body surface was directly torn off. Protected by the power of the law, he was later taken into the Inner Demon Orb by his son.

Brother Hantan has seen the jellyfish monster that was collected by his son in the Heart Demon Orb before. This kind of jellyfish monster can not only hide, but also force them all out of the Heart Demon Orb. Now, his son quietly took over the hidden jellyfish monster, which made him laugh heartily, even praising his son for his good job.

"Where is this?"

Facing his father's praise, Brother Hantan's son was also very proud.

Indeed, for the son of the monk Hantan, this is nowhere to be seen. It is just seeing through a hidden jellyfish monster. What is there to be proud of? Next, he will kill eight monsters in a row!

The eight monsters were getting closer and closer. Although the son of the monk in the cold pool didn't pay attention to them, he still had to protect himself well. He opened his mouth and let out a bubble.

Different from the bubbles spit out before, the bubbles spit out by Brother Hantan's son at this time are to wrap his body, and its function is the same as the fairy power shield on Gu Zheng's body.

It was too late to say it, but the son of the monk in the cold pool had just protected his body when the eight monsters flew to a certain distance and attacked him first.

The body surface is protected by air bubbles, and in the process of avoiding those attacks, even if there is a monster's sorcery that can act on him, it will not cause much harm to his body. Compared with those monsters in the trench, it is already considered a very powerful state.

Although Brother Hantan's son was avoiding the monster's attack, he also bent down frequently while avoiding the monster's attack, and counterattacked by firing the fishbone on the dorsal fin. Exceptionally, they were protected by the power of law that broke the body surface, and once they lost the protection of the power of law, the son of the monk in the cold pool only needed a thought to collect them into the heart magic bead.

The menacing eight monsters were quickly dealt with by the son of the monk in the cold pool, and the son of the monk in the cold pool did not suffer any harm.

Along the way, the son of the monk Hantan controlled the Heart Demon Orb, and he had a posture of blocking people from killing Buddhas. He collected all the monsters that he didn't know to escape when he saw him in the Heart Demon Orb.

Seeing that the cave where the dragon monster is located is not far away, the number of monsters that have been included in the Heart Demon Orb by the monk Hantan's son has already reached 88! This is a shocking number. It must be known that it wasn't the son of the monk Hantan who had comprehended this powerful supernatural power. Gu Zheng and the others wanted to reach this place. They might not be able to avoid even one of these eighty-eight monsters. If you want to deal with these eighty-eight monsters, not to mention whether there is any danger in the process, at least a lot of time will be wasted, and it will not be as easy as it is now.

Gu Zheng let the son of monk Hantan return to the Heart Demon Orb, and then he will enter the cave where the dragon monster is. According to the memory of the Yasha monster, there are no strange monsters in the cave of the dragon monster except the dragon monster, and the dragon monster In Gu Zheng's opinion, Gu Zheng might be a guy who can communicate, so it's better for him, the righteous master, to control the heart magic orb to go on the road.

The dragon monster's cave is very deep and very spacious, and the dragon monster in the memory of the Yasha demon stays at the bottom of the cave.

However, the real cave is different from the cave in the memory of the Yasha demon. The cave of the dragon monster in the memory of the Yasha demon is very dark, but the real cave of the dragon monster is not dark. It is like a cave with lava. There is a faint red light coming out. If there is that smell of grilled fish coming out of the hole again, Gu Zheng will wonder if he has returned. When he was tested by the eye jellyfish, the one he met did not dare Enter the cave again.

There is no special feeling to guide Gu Zheng, but the cave of the dragon monster is indeed special enough. Not long after entering the cave, Gu Zheng found that the entrance of the cave was sealed by the power of law, which is an absolute law. It's like if you don't go to the end of a road, you can't turn back at all.

What Gu Zheng didn't expect was that just after the entrance of the cave was sealed, a force of law acted on Gu Zheng's Heart Demon Orb. Brother Tan's sons were all forced to leave the Heart Demon Orb, and the power of law continued to act on the Heart Demon Orb, and it was impossible for them to return to the Heart Demon Orb. In addition, a sense of danger also arose in Gu Zheng's heart. Although it was not too strong, it was true.

He told the father and son of the monks in Hantan to be careful, the ancient dispute flying forward seemed to trigger some mechanism, and the whole cave began to tremble slightly! Immediately afterwards, an ice thorn suddenly appeared in the sea water and shot towards Gu Zheng. Gu Zheng avoided the ice pick on one side of his body, but the sea water seemed to have turned into a monster at this moment. There were many The icicles were born, and this time a large number of icicles were not only aimed at Gu Zheng, but also included the father and son of the cold pool monk.


Although he just avoided an ice thorn, Gu Zheng looked at the ice thorns that were born, and still had a feeling that if he didn't leave here quickly, the ice thorns would come out in an endless stream.

In fact, even if Gu Zheng didn't talk about it, the father and son of the monks in the cold pool wanted to leave here as soon as possible. After all, the ice thorns were not sprayed out by some monsters, they were born in the sea water, how should people deal with them.

The three of Gu Zheng flew towards the depths of the cave. As for the ice thorns behind them, they were blocked from casting spells during their flight.

The cave was still trembling slightly. Although Gu Zheng and the others no longer had ice thorns in their current position, a huge vortex appeared in front of them.

Gu Zheng hurriedly stretched out his hand to stop the cold pool monk and his son. The vortex that appeared in front of them was too weird. It didn't have any suction. It turned very slowly, and it looked like a barrier.

"Master, there is a fairy formation here!"

Brother Hantan suddenly said that their father and son did not belong to the prehistoric world, but belonged to the world outside the circle. He would speak at this time. The fairy formation he said in his mouth also referred to the fairy formation in the world outside the circle.

"Do you know this formation?"

The formations in the world outside the circle are things that Gu Zheng knows relatively little about. At this time, he can only listen to what the monk Hantan said.

"I don't have a high level of attainment in formations, but I happen to know this formation. The vortex in front of us is a barrier, and we can't pass through it for the time being! Based on the current situation and my understanding of this fairy formation, I think we can now The only thing we can do is, when there is any danger, just get rid of that danger, and then the vortex barrier in front of us will naturally end. If we don't do this, but approach the vortex barrier, once we get close enough We will be sucked into the vortex, and we will die! After all, the vortex seems to rotate very slowly, but the tearing force in it is very strong, even if it enters the golden fairy realm, it will be torn to pieces , let alone us."

Gu Zheng doesn't know much about the formations in the world outside the circle, but he understands the principle of the formations, so he believes what Brother Hantan said, and he also feels that for now, the huge vortex in front of him is playing a role The function of a barrier can also be said to be a temporary gate of death for the fairy formation. As long as you don't go to the gate of death and go deep into the gate of death, stay here and wait for the transformation of the fairy formation to appear. After the change is broken, the gate of death will naturally become the gate of life.

Gu Zheng and the others didn't have to wait long, the changes from the Immortal Formation soon appeared, one ice thorn after another appeared in the sea water, and shot at Gu Zheng and them.

The ice thorns looked the same as the ice thorns that Gu Zheng and the others encountered before, but they were definitely not the same thing. Not only Gu Zheng could feel this, but even the father and son of the monks in the cold pool could feel it. And the reason why the ice thorns this time are different from the previous ones is because the previous ice thorns were pure ice thorns, but this time the icicles have a breath of life. It can be said that they are an unknown life form.

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