Time passed, and under the influence of immortal power, a cyclone of natal true water appeared in Gu Zheng's dantian, and with Gu Zheng's efforts, the cyclone finally turned into the source of natal true water in the shape of water droplets.

With the source of natal true water, Gu Zheng was able to use his past experience to display some water-type fairy arts, which is a gratifying thing.

After resting for an hour, Gu Zheng began to manipulate the immortal power to act on his dantian again. Now he wants to continue what he did just now, but those things just now are for the true water of life, and what he is doing now is for the true fire of life.

After half a day, Gu Zheng finally had the source of natal true water and natal real fire. He had just rested for an hour, and the sky was already dark, and the night when the demons danced wildly came.

The eye jellyfish reappeared, it looked no different from yesterday, it was still too weak to be vulnerable.

"How will you help me deal with the flame tree?"

Gu Zheng hurriedly asked, but the eye jellyfish said: "I will provide you with blessings. With the blessings I provide you, you should be 60 to 70 percent sure of defeating the flame tree."

"Then what about the monsters outside?" Gu Zheng asked again.

"Don't worry, during the time I've been with you, those monsters generally won't do anything to you," said the eye jellyfish.

"Normal?" Gu Zheng's eyes widened.

Ignoring Gu Zheng's doubts, the jellyfish's body flashed, and an orange beam of light shot towards the flame tree.

The orange beam of light has no lethality. Its appearance just makes the road leading to the flame tree look like a transparent tunnel, and the monsters outside cannot enter the tunnel. Strive for a space to compete with the flame tree without being disturbed by the outside world.

After the transparent tunnel appeared, the flame tree immediately launched an attack. It shook its branches, and countless fireballs flew towards Guzheng through the tunnel. It was like a meteor shower, and because of the existence of the tunnel, Guzheng could not leave the tunnel. Then besides entering the Mind Demon Orb to hide, depending on the situation, there is no other way to escape. However, after the transparent tunnel appeared, the power of law acted on the Heart Demon Orb, so that it was impossible for Gu Zheng to return to the Heart Demon Orb.

However, he couldn't enter the Heart Demon Orb to hide, and Gu Zheng wasn't alarmed either. The eye jellyfish had said before that it would provide Gu Zheng with blessings and increase Gu Zheng's chances of defeating the Flaming Tree.

I saw that, facing the fireball flying like a meteor shower, the eye jellyfish cast a ray of light on Gu Zheng's body, and a protective light curtain appeared on Gu Zheng's body, just like the fairy power shield of a cultivator , Gu Zheng also immediately felt the protection provided by the light curtain.

Gu Zheng, who didn't stay any longer, rushed towards the flame tree, and those oncoming fireballs hit the light curtain protecting him, and immediately turned into scattered sparks.

Among the five elements, water can defeat fire, and with the strength of the ancients, he wants to defeat the flame tree. He plans to use the water magic, so when he rushes towards the flame tree, his water magic is also brewing in process.

The distance from the flame tree is already within a suitable range, and in the process of Gu Zheng rushing to this range, the fireballs cast by the flame tree are no longer dense, no matter how dense the fireball before it is cast, it is also a big hit. This kind of consumption, it is impossible for it not to simply continue that super consumption.

Gu Zheng waved towards the flame tree, and a water column shot towards the flame tree.

The water column is not thick, and it looks like the mouth of a bowl, but after all, it is transformed from Gu Zheng's natal true water, and has not evaporated in the high temperature emitted by the flame tree.

The water column looks ordinary, but it has the principle of "water dragon technique", so it is not an ordinary water-type fairy skill, it is a very flexible and powerful fairy skill controlled by Gu Zheng.

Under the control of Gu Zheng, the water column flew towards the flame tree, dancing around the flame tree like a spirit snake.

Gu Zheng had observed the flame tree before, so he knew that the weakness of the flame tree should be in a tree hole in the tree. As long as he can let the water column he cast enter the tree hole, then he will It can complete the leapfrog anti-kill against the big flame tree.

Facing the entanglement of the water column, the branches of the flame tree kept whipping, and at the same time there were also sorcerer attacks such as fireballs and fire seas, but the water dragon was controlled by Gu Zheng all the way, and its flexibility was so high that no matter it was the flame The whipping of the branches of the tree, or the sorcery such as fireball and sea of ​​fire, did not have much impact on the water column, but the water column that avoided these attacks could not penetrate into the tree hole on the flaming tree, and everything was in jeopardy. In stalemate.

With Gu Zheng's current cultivation base, it is definitely impossible to drill directly into the tree hole on the flame tree through the water column. Right now, he can only look for opportunities under the attack of the flame tree. He can't make mistakes , once this water column of his natal true water is broken up, he will not be able to display the same water column in a short period of time, and the situation will be defeated like a mountain! After all, in order to deal with his water column now, the flame tree cannot be distracted too much to deal with him. Once his water column is broken up by the flame tree, when the flame tree frees up its hands to deal with him, it is all thanks to the jellyfish in its eyes. With blessing, it is impossible to resist the stormy attack of the flame tree.

"It seems that I can only find a helper!"

Originally, Gu Zheng didn't intend to let the monk Hantan and his son show up, because the difference in cultivation level is relatively large, and the two of them showing up are equivalent to death, but it is not an option to continue the stalemate right now.

"Which of you two has the means to cause damage to the flame tree?"

Gu Zheng let his voice enter the Heart Demon Orb, and the father and son of the cold pool monks who had been watching the battle immediately responded, but this response surprised Gu Zheng. The father and son gave a positive answer almost without thinking. Big trees do damage.

Gu Zheng was really surprised. He thought that the father and son of monk Hantan, especially the son of monk Hantan, would probably die if they appeared in this environment, but he didn't expect him to be so sure.

However, since Brother Hantan and his son are very sure, Gu Zheng will not think that they are impulsive, but this is a matter of life and death after all, Gu Zheng still needs to ask clearly.

"Are you two really sure? Once I release you, you will be subject to the same restrictions as me, and you will not be able to go back to the Heart Demon Orb. How terrifying will the attack of the flame tree be? I think you have seen it too." Gu Zheng reminded.

"Master, don't worry, I will launch an attack to help you as soon as I go out. My attack will definitely distract the flame tree, so that your water column can enter the tree hole."

Brother Hantan said the same thing to his son. They were really confident, and they had already seen it clearly when they watched the battle before. Gu Zheng wanted to let the water column enter the tree hole of the flame tree.

Now that Brother Hantan and his son have said so, Gu Zheng let them out on a whim.

The father and son of the monks in the cold pool are both fish monsters, but they are two different forms of fish monsters. The monk in the cold pool is more like a fish, and the son of the monk in the cold pool is more like a human. The father and son appear in two Immediately afterwards, different attacks were launched against the flame tree.

I saw that the monk in the cold pool sprayed out a green mist. The green mist was composed of countless tiny water droplets. The fundamental reason why the water droplets appeared green was because they were poisonous.

It was quite unexpected for Gu Zheng that monk Hantan was able to spray poison. After all, when he helped monk Hantan get this body before, he didn't realize that the fish demon was still a poisonous monster. However, compared to the cold pool monk who can breathe out, what surprised Gu Zheng even more is that the cold pool monk's green mist can also be continuously manipulated, and the effect it produces is as if he is manipulating the water column! This is an incredible thing. The information contained in it shocked Gu Zheng, but he just wanted to talk about this before.

The green mist is controlled by the monks of the cold pool, and it looks like it is going to drill into the tree hole of the flame tree. Its appearance naturally attracted the attention of the flame tree, and the flame tree immediately blocked it. The principle of separation and separation also emerged, and the pressure on Gu Zheng's side suddenly eased.

The performance of Brother Hantan's son also surprised Gu Zheng. The last time the jellyfish's wrapping of the Heart Demon Orb was broken, it was thanks to the fishbone in the fin on the back of Brother Hantan's son. But after the shark fin was shot, Hantan The fishbone on the monk's son's back hadn't grown yet, but this time when he was dealing with the big flame tree, the monk's son in the cold pool opened his mouth and let out a roar. A fishbone glistening with gold shot out from his mouth and shot at the big flame tree. past.

What surprised Gu Zheng was that the method displayed by Brother Hantan's son was also somewhat unusual, and it was also an attack method that his body did not possess.

However, not to mention that Gu Zheng was surprised, even the eye jellyfish made an incredible sound when they saw the behavior of Brother Hantan and his son.

It was too late to say it, but the flame tree also seemed to attach equal importance to the fishbone sprayed by the monk's son in the cold pool, and quickly branched out to stop it.

It has to be said that the appearance of the father and son of the monks in the cold pool did give Gu Zheng a chance. The Flaming Tree came up with a means to deal with the attack of their father and son. There was also a flaw in his airtight defense. Seizing the opportunity, he manipulated the water column to break through the blockade of the flame tree, and successfully entered the tree hole.

There is a sea of ​​fire in the tree hole, but this sea of ​​fire is much weaker to intruders. To put it bluntly, it is the original energy of the flame tree, although it is released to the outside world when the flame tree is in use. However, when it was in the flame tree, it was not the opponent of Gu Zheng's water column at all. The water column had just entered, and under the control of Gu Zheng, it released an icy breath, and that breath would instantly make the flame grow stronger. The original energy of the tree is reduced in brightness, and it also shows a tendency to be extinguished.

The original energy of the flame tree was invaded by Gu Zheng, and the outer branches that were originally full of vitality immediately withered, and the original attacks completely disappeared. It wanted to concentrate on resisting Gu Zheng's invasion of his original energy. .

"Do not impulse!"

Although Gu Zheng said that he manipulated the water column to destroy the original energy of the flame tree, he was still quite clear about the surrounding situation, so he hurriedly spoke to stop the father and son of the cold pool monks who wanted to take the opportunity to attack the flame tree.

"Master, why?"

Brother Hantan was puzzled. For him, since the big flame tree had no ability to attack externally, it was a good time to take advantage of its illness to kill it.

"I have a bad feeling, so please don't do anything, just protect me."

Gu Zheng had a special feeling just now, but this bad special feeling didn't clearly point out where the danger came from. However, now he is dealing with the original energy of the flame tree, this is not a process that can end soon, and in this process, he can no longer use other means of attack, his own defense is definitely insufficient , since there is a danger that is not yet clear, it is better to let Brother Hantan and his son protect him first.

As soon as Gu Zheng's voice fell to the ground, something bad happened. A sea monster that looked like a lizard seemed to break through the mask tunnel of the eye jellyfish and enter it.

In fact, outside the mask tunnel, there have always been sea monsters who wanted to enter, but those sea monsters couldn't break through the mask, but today's lizard monster is different, one of its claws has already stretched in, and it seems that the whole body Soon to be squeezed in.

"What's happening here?"

Brother Hantan's son hurriedly asked about the eye jellyfish.

"This is an unexpected situation. Although the mask tunnel can resist most monsters, if some monsters are special enough, they may enter it."

The eye jellyfish gave an explanation, and the father and son of the cold pool monk immediately launched an attack on the monster lizard. They couldn't wait for the monster lizard to fully enter it before doing anything to it. This guy is huge, and he doesn't look easy to deal with.

The lizard monster wants to squeeze into the mask tunnel, but when only part of its body enters the mask tunnel, it has no way to attack. In this situation, when facing the attack of the father and son of the cold pool monks, it can only be Passively beaten.

The lizard monster is indeed very powerful. Brother Hantan and his son used various means to injure it, but it was not a fatal injury. It finally squeezed into the mask while howling.

The lizard monster with a body length of five meters is undoubtedly a huge monster for the father and son of the monks in the cold pool. Before it could not attack, it could not hurt it, and it is even less likely to be its opponent.


The lizard monster roared, and with the strength from its mouth, it transformed into various sea monsters and flew towards the cold pool monk and his son.

Facing the attacking sea-monster phantom, the best way for the father and son of the cold pool monks is to dodge, but they can't dodge, behind them is Gu Zheng, if they dodge at this time, the sea-monster phantom will pounce on Gu Zheng body. However, if they don't dodge, they are bound to suffer heavy losses under the impact of the Siren Phantom!

The father and son of the monks in the cold pool tried to counteract the power of some phantoms of the sea monsters as much as possible, but good variables appeared from two places at the same time.

First of all, the flame tree suddenly shot at the lizard monster. The place where the lizard monster landed was not far from the flame tree, and the flame tree's sudden attack did not give it a chance to react. Bind it!

The flame tree was full of flames. After its branches bound the monster lizard, the monster lizard let out a scream. The pain it endured was the flames.

Secondly, Gu Zheng also made a move. He pushed forward with one palm, and a rotating water curtain appeared in front of the father and son of the cold pool monk, helping them to catch the phantom of the monster lizard monster.

The previous attack on the lizard monster by the father and son of the cold pool monks failed to cause serious damage to the lizard monster, but it was still a pain for the lizard monster, delaying the time for it to enter the mask tunnel, and Gu Zheng was during that time , finally got the flame tree.

Gu Zheng got the flame tree, but he didn't destroy it immediately, because Gu Zheng understood that once he destroyed the flame tree, the lizards and monsters would not be able to deal with them at all, so they manipulated the flame tree to deal with it first. The lizard monster launched an attack.

Now, the lizard monster is dying under the shackles of the branches of the big flame tree, and the phantom of the sea monster originally emitted by it has also disappeared under the prevention of Gu Zheng, and the danger that Gu Zheng faced in this link is over.

"how did you do it?"

The eye jellyfish was amazed, it could see that the flame tree was controlled by Gu Zheng, if not, it would be impossible for the flame tree to attack the lizard monster.

"I have tampered with its original energy, so I can control it."

Gu Zheng gave an explanation to the eye jellyfish, like using the original energy to launch various means against monsters. In the previous difficult space world, no matter whether it was against ice monsters or lava monsters, Gu Zheng could Having done similar things, it is precisely because of his experience in doing similar things with lava monsters that Gu Zheng was able to complete such a difficult operation on the flame tree that amazed the eye jellyfish.

"It seems that some of what I said is wrong. Common sense doesn't seem to work so well for you. Maybe you can really pass the test of this space world." The eye jellyfish said with emotion.

"Oh? You said something wrong before, what are you referring to?" Gu Zheng asked with a smile.

"I won't talk about some of your unusual ones. I'm referring to those about your subordinates." The eye jellyfish paused, and then said: "I thought before that these two subordinates of yours were very ordinary. It is a wrong choice to find the bodies for your two subordinates at the current stage! After all, their bodies belong to very weak monsters, but on this road, they only have one chance to seize them, and they cannot Changing to a new body will naturally not help you much in the future, but now it seems that these two subordinates of yours are not ordinary at all!"

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