After staying in the cultivation world for a while, Gu Zheng found an inaccessible barren mountain, easily opened up a cave, arranged protection like a fairy array, entered it and sat cross-legged.

Taking out the fairy-level space artifact that looks like a sculpture of the Soaring Boat, Gu Zheng is about to enter the space world of the fairy-level space artifact.

Thinking of the last experience in the space world, Gu Zheng was quite speechless. He thought it was a space world with low difficulty. Who would have thought that after entering the space world, the difficulty would continue to increase. Although he finally passed the test successfully, it can be regarded as experiencing some twists and turns. .

When leaving the last space world, Gu Zheng had a feeling that he would meet that old man again, and he didn't know if this feeling would be fulfilled in the next space world he entered.

Gu Zheng's belief moved, and his divine sense entered the fairy-level space fairy artifact, and the scene in front of him was still a void full of stars.

Since he got the real Aotianzhou sculpture, Gu Zheng can choose the space world he wants to enter. Although he doesn't know how difficult the space world he chooses, it is a comforting thing to be able to choose by himself after all. things. Moreover, with the statue of Soaring Sky Boat in hand, the very difficult space world will be avoided.

Without experiencing a space world, Gu Zheng's control over the fairy-level space artifact will be improved to a certain extent. This improvement will make Gu Zheng have a special feeling for the space world, and the spirit of the fairy-level space fairy , and because of his increased control over the fairy-level space fairy weapon, he will lose part of his control over the fairy-level space fairy weapon, which can be regarded as a trade-off.

The difference from entering the fairy-level space fairy artifact last time is that this time Gu Zheng can clearly feel that some of the corresponding space worlds in the sky full of stars are extremely difficult! If Gu Zheng had nothing to do, then the adventurous he would choose to enter the difficult space world to experience it, but he is not idle, he will enter the space world of fairy-level space fairy, after all The reason is just to gain enough control and eventually control the entire fairy-level space fairy weapon.

Gu Zheng touched a star, and he didn't know whether the difficulty of the space world corresponding to this star was particularly low, he just knew that its difficulty was not very high.

Gu Zheng touched the stars, and a wonderful feeling was born. After the light and darkness of the vision in front of him changed, Gu Zheng appeared in the space world.

This is a strange space world. Gu Zheng is located on an island. The area of ​​the island is very small, only about the size of a room. There is nothing bare, except for the blue sea water. There are four other roads leading to nowhere.

As soon as he entered this space world, Gu Zheng had a feeling in his heart. This special feeling made him understand that this is a low-difficulty space world, and the difficulty is similar to the previous space world.

After entering this space world, the power of law also appeared on Gu Zheng's body, but this time Gu Zheng's body remained unchanged, and it was the first time that he appeared in the space world in the form of his body. However, although his appearance has not changed, Gu Zheng's strength has been suppressed. Now he only has the cultivation level of the early stage of Qi Transformation, that is to say, he is just a beginner cultivator.

"It seems that this space world still wants me to improve my strength through the method of fairy chef."

Gu Zheng sighed in his heart, at least he is a fairy chef, and he can quickly improve his strength. If he is an ordinary entrant, he does not have the ability to improve his strength as quickly as a fairy chef, and he does not have such treasures as magic crystals and heart magic beads. God knows when it will be time to complete the test in this space world.

In addition to Gu Zheng being restricted by the power of law, the father and son of the monk Hantan who stayed in the Heart Demon Orb were also restricted by the power of law.

In fact, during the period when Gu Zheng returned to the cultivation world, he had already found a new body for the monk Hantan and his son. Still like in the last space world, you need to have the body of this space world.

He already had all the senses he should have, so Gu Zheng stepped forward and wanted to step on a random road to have a look, but just as he took a step, a bright light appeared in front of his eyes, and when the light was over, Gu Zheng's eyes widened slightly Great, he saw the old man in the last space world.

"Enter, we are destined to meet again!"

The old man laughed, but Gu Zheng rolled his eyes at him. He didn't believe that he was destined to be with this old man. What the old man said when he left the last space world made him understand that their meeting was inevitable.

"Do you have anything to tell me?" Gu Zheng asked directly.

"Of course." The old man's voice paused, and then he said: "Since the entrant doesn't want to say anything, I'll just cut to the chase. You have seen the four passages in front of you. Those who want to successfully pass through this space world The test is actually not difficult, that is, at the end of each passage, there is a gazebo, and there is a relatively powerful existence in the gazebo, just wait until you defeat the four relatively powerful existences."

"Is it that simple?" Gu Zheng frowned.

"Yes, it's that simple, but the premise is that you don't trigger any special events. If any special events are triggered, the difficulty of the space world may increase, just like the last space world."

After the old man finished speaking, he disappeared without giving Gu Zheng a chance to roll his eyes and ask questions.


Gu Zheng sneered in his heart, the moment he saw the old man, he never thought that the difficulty of this space world would be easy.

Without stopping any longer, Gu Zheng had a thought and controlled the Heart Demon Orb to start flying. Since he can use the Heart Demon Orb and Magic Crystal, he will not go forward foolishly, although the difficulty of this space world is not high for the time being , but who told him that his own strength is too low, he can not take risks at the beginning, it is better not to take risks.

Controlling the Heart Demon Orb and flying to have a cup of tea, Gu Zheng couldn't sit still in the Heart Demon Orb, because he didn't meet a single monster at all, and there was only this unchanging road in front of him except for the vast ocean.

"Emotions are still different from the previous space world. In the last space world, as long as those monsters saw the heart magic orb and magic crystal, it was like seeing an enemy, but in this space world, I am afraid that these monsters It won't show up until you see the entrant."

With a sigh, Gu Zheng left the Heart Demon Orb and stood down-to-earth on the road in Wang Yangzhong.

Gu Zheng had just set his feet on the ground, and waves immediately appeared on the calm sea. Although the waves were not big, they were also abnormalities that had never appeared before. Gu Zheng knew that there was a monster about to appear.

The monsters that appeared were a group of fish monsters. These fish monsters had a human body and a fish head, and they didn't have any special attack methods.

In this space world, Gu Zheng's cultivation is only at the early stage of gas transformation, but the eyes of Tao are rare and preserved.

With a thought, Gu Zheng collected all these fish demons into the Heart Demon Orb.

There are more than 30 fish demons, and they have no food use for Gu Zheng.

First of all, the grade of their ingredients is unqualified. Secondly, for Gu Zheng, even if the meat of monsters can be used as ingredients, Gu Zheng also depends on whether they have been transformed. If they have been transformed, Gu Zheng will not use them. Their meat is used as ingredients, otherwise there will be a strange feeling. As for the fish demon, even though it only resembles a human body and is not a real incarnation, but because of its too much likeness, even if this kind of food is qualified, Gu Zheng will not want it.

For Gu Zheng, the only purpose of the low-level fish demon is to allow the father and son of the cold pool monks to have a body that can emerge from the heart magic orb.

Monsters like fish demons have very low spiritual intelligence. If it is normal, they cannot read memories through phantoms, but humanoid monsters are a special case. Through the ancient struggle of the heart demon beads, their memories can be understood.

After torturing the will of the fish demon with the Heart Demon Orb, Gu Zheng read their memories, and then threw them to the cold pool monk and his son.

After the monk Hantan and his son seized the fish demon, they also had the body of a fish demon.

"Master, do you have any plans?"

After having the body of the fish demon, monk Hantan asked Gu Zheng.

"This space world wants to improve its strength. The only way I can think of right now is through the fairy chef. I think we should go to the bottom of the sea to find something first."

In the memory of the fish demon, Gu Zheng has seen the seabed, where there are mountains and some ingredients.

Gu Zheng has nothing now, he wants to enter the seabed, get some ingredients to make kitchen utensils, and then see if he can collect some ingredients.

The father and son of the monks in the cold pool were not allowed to sink into the bottom of the sea with the Heart Demon Orb. The Heart Demon Orb was controlled by Gu Zheng to dive. Anyway, Gu Zheng is also in the memory of the fish demon. He has seen some huge monsters on the bottom of the sea. And the current strength of the father and son of the cold pool cultivators will definitely not be the opponents of those monsters.

Manipulating the Heart Demon Orb to sink into the sea, Gu Zheng didn't immediately find anything like fish and shrimp, and kept sinking very deep, only to have some unattractive-looking marine creatures appear.

Gu Zheng's cultivation base is still low now, and his requirements for ingredients are not too high. The fish in the sea can basically meet his requirements, so many fish, jellyfish, and seaweeds soon appeared in his Inner Demon Orb. kind of stuff.

Diving further, until the mountains appear, the sea becomes no longer calm, and there are many vortexes appearing very abruptly. These vortexes have strong suction. If these vortexes are sucked in, not to mention the Heart Demon Orb can be easily involved, even the immortal cultivators in the realm of transforming gods will be easily involved.

Gu Zheng doesn't know what will happen if he gets involved in the vortex. He just thinks it must represent danger, but for him now, he doesn't want to take risks. After all, just for now, this is still a space world with a relatively low level of difficulty. If other entrants come here, then they will only have the cultivation base of the early stage of gas transformation, and the cultivation base of the early stage of gas transformation is simply impossible. Being exposed to these vortexes, that is to say, these things are not the risks he should take at this stage. If he takes this risk, he may gain something, but the difficulty of the space world will most likely be due to his this time. Take risks and ascend, as in the last space world.

Apart from the vortex on the bottom of the sea, there is no monster that could threaten the father and son of the cold pool monk. Gu Zheng also found out the mountain range, released the father and son of the cold pool monk, and asked them to collect some rocks to make stone kitchen utensils.

After the father and son of the cold pool monks were released, they used their claws to cut rocks. Although their current physical strength is very low, monsters are monsters after all, and it is not a problem to cut rocks with sharp claws.

Soon, the collected stones were collected by Gu Zheng into the Heart Demon Orb. However, a small episode also appeared at this time. Suddenly, a monster like a ray was drilled out of the mud on the bottom of the sea. Its strength is stronger than that of the cold pool monk and his son, and it wants to swallow the cold pool monk and his son as soon as it opens its mouth.

However, paying attention to the Gu Zheng in the surrounding environment, it is impossible to make the dream of the stingray monster come true. It failed to really suck the father and son of the cold pool monk into the stomach, but was taken in by Gu Zheng's heart demon orb.

Put the ray monster into the heart magic bead, read its memory through the phantom, but there is nothing usable in its memory, Gu Zheng did not kill it, keep it in case it is useful in the future, no matter what It is said that its strength is also higher than that of the father and son of the cold pool monks today.

The stone materials for making stone kitchen utensils were quickly finished, and Gu Zheng collected some shellfish ingredients on the mountains on the seabed. Just as Gu Zheng was about to control the heart magic beads to leave, the mountains on the seabed shook for a while, and a huge stone fell from the mountains. It rolled down from the top, and smashed towards the heart magic bead.

Gu Zheng didn't move at all, even if the boulder fell on the Heart Demon Orb, it wouldn't have any effect on the Heart Demon Orb, but after it hit the Heart Demon Orb, it turned into a stone man.

The stone man looks very rough, holding a stone shield in one hand, and a huge stone sword in the other. Although the shield and the giant sword are both rough, the power they can unleash is not small. A little ancient contention can be judged by the strength it chops on the heart magic bead. Moreover, although it is a stone man, its body doesn't seem to be heavy, it just floats in the sea water.

The strength of the stone man is currently the most powerful monster that Gu Zheng has seen in this space world, but it still belongs to the category that can absorb the heart magic orb, but it belongs to the type that cannot be searched for souls. Monsters like stones have no intelligence, and their memories are blurred.

Gu Zheng tortured the will of the stone man with fantasy. The phantom appeared as the thing that the stone man feared most. It was a very huge octopus monster with a pair of scarlet eyes. The stone man was only seen by those scarlet eyes. Immediately he could not move.

After grinding away the stone man's will, Gu Zheng let the cold pool monks seize the stone man's house, which can be regarded as giving him a stronger body.

Without staying longer in the sea, Gu Zheng controlled the Heart Demon Orb and returned to the shore.

Going back to the shore, Guzheng found that there were many big frogs on the road where there was nothing. Those big frogs were as big as bowls, and the grade of cutting ingredients was also ordinary.

The big frogs are just ordinary animals, they don't have the heart magic orb to attack Gu Zheng, but since they are ingredients, Gu Zheng can't let them go. It was collected by Gu Zheng into the Heart Demon Orb, and there are as many as fifteen of them.

Although the grade of the big frog's ingredients is only ordinary, it can be regarded as the highest grade among the ingredients that Gu Zheng has collected today. The ingredients collected in the sea before, although they are of ordinary grade, but there are only a few of them. As for the rest, the grade of ingredients is only inferior.

Gu Zheng is going to make stone kitchen utensils. With kitchen utensils, he can cook the ingredients he gets.

"Master, in the current situation, how should these ingredients be cooked?"

When Gu Zheng was making stone kitchen utensils, monk Hantan couldn't help but speak.

Gu Zheng understood what monk Hantan meant, and the current situation was indeed very bad on the surface.

If you want to cook food, the first thing you need is fire. The father and son of the cold pool monks do not have the ability to display flames. Although Gu Zheng can display flames, he does not even have the source of real fire in his body, and even if he displays flames, it will not last long. , and without the support of the fire control art, even if the flame is displayed, the temperature will not be controlled. If it is used to directly grill food, it will burn those ingredients into fly ash. The flame itself cannot be used to cook food, and there are no flammable plants as fuel here. The fire used to grill food is indeed a problem on the surface.

"Don't worry, I was in the sea before. Didn't I collect some sea fish with the Heart Demon Bead, which looks like a fat-headed fish? Although the grade of the ingredients of that fish is only low, the body is rich in fat, and the fat is in the sea. After it is lit, it will not emit a pungent smell, but will have a special fragrance, so just use it as fuel for cooking food."

Gu Zheng smiled slightly, and Brother Hantan immediately remembered that in the sea before, Gu Zheng really collected a lot of sea fish that looked like fat-headed fish.

A set of stone kitchen utensils was quickly made by Gu Zheng, and the next thing Gu Zheng had to do was to process the ingredients.

Although there is no fire control formula or water control formula, Gu Zheng still has the eyes of Tao. He can see that when these ingredients are put together, after cooking, they can be converted into immortal essence to the greatest extent.

Jellyfish, scallops and big frogs, this time Gu Zheng will use these three ingredients to cook delicious food.

Although the quality of the ingredients is not high, the processing this time is not complicated. After the three ingredients have been preliminarily processed, the next thing Gu Zheng has to do is to boil them.

In this space world right now, even fresh water is a scarce resource. Fortunately, Gu Zheng is still a beginner in this space world, and he still has the magic power to turn sea water into fresh water through immortal techniques.

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