More than a hundred birdmen were quickly sucked into more than a hundred skins by the blood-winged black mosquitoes, but because the birdmen's strength is relatively low, even if they were washed into skins by the blood-winged black mosquitoes, they still couldn't make them The strength of the blood-winged black mosquito has once again increased.

However, Gu Zheng didn't think there was anything wrong with it. Anyway, in the space world, all kinds of monsters may be the most indispensable thing. If there is no improvement this time, there will be a few more times! Just like now, when Gu Zheng saw that the blood-winged black mosquitoes had sucked the birdmen to death, he put all the blood-winged black mosquitoes in another space with a single thought, where there were dying lion monsters waiting for the blood-winged black mosquitoes Smoking too!

Although the lion monster is already at the peak of returning to the void, it is already dying, and it can't resist the blood-winged black mosquito at all. However, although the strength of the lion monster is relatively high, the overall strength of the blood-winged black mosquito is already in the early stage of returning to the void, and the blood-winged black mosquito king is in the middle stage of returning to the void. It won't be promoted yet, and it needs to suck two more monsters of this level.

After flying quietly for half an hour with the silver-scaled monkey and the magic crystal, the blood-winged black mosquito that had sucked the lion monster down to its skin had also completed the evolutionary ability to resist the lion monster's supernatural powers.

Another half an hour passed, and it was still a peaceful half hour, but a monk in the cold pool who was in the mysterious realm finally left the mysterious realm at this time.

Brother Hantan, who had escaped from the Mystic Realm, told Gu Zheng that he had experienced a protracted battle in the Mystic Realm. Although he failed to comprehend anything at the level of Taoism from that battle, the bottleneck he was stuck in , opened after experiencing the mysterious realm!

I failed to comprehend Taoism, but opened the original bottleneck, which is already a very good thing for Gu Zheng, and once the bottleneck is broken, the next step is to improve the cultivation base, so Gu Zheng can only be temporary Landing in the forest below, no matter how you say it, Magic Crystal is not a suitable place for cultivation and breakthrough.

After all, the space world is not the real world. Even though the power of law exists here, it is only a simulation of the real world, so some things are different from the real world.

In the real world, in order to enter the realm of the Golden Immortal, one needs to deal with the Tribulation of Three or Nine Heavens. After passing through the Tribulation of Three or Nine Heavens, one's cultivation level can be improved, and at the same time, blessings from heaven and earth will appear. And in this space world, crossing the calamity is not about crossing the thunder calamity in the sky, but to cross the demon calamity. After passing through, there will also be blessings from heaven and earth to help accumulate the immortal power needed to improve the next cultivation base .

Gu Zheng also did not experience transitional catastrophe in the space world. He still needs to be told by the monk in the cold pool who is in the world about the catastrophe. Awareness of this was born.

Brother Hantan told Gu Zheng that there will be three monsters appearing in the so-called demon robbery. These three monsters are relatively restrained against Brother Hantan, and there is only a 20% chance that Brother Hantan can win against them! However, this is not the Great Desolation, and the rules are different from the Great Desolation. When dealing with the three monsters, Brother Hantan can find a helper to help him. Scaled Monkey came to help.

After hearing what Brother Hantan said, Gu Zheng was silent for a while, and said, "If you want the blood-winged black mosquitoes to help, is it one or a group?"

Gu Zheng said this because, during his silence, he once again had a special feeling. This special feeling made him feel that there is a loophole in the so-called demon robbery that can be exploited! However, Gu Zheng is not clear about what the so-called loophole is. After thinking about everything on his side, Gu Zheng thinks that there is only one possibility, and that is that the blood itself is relatively abnormal, which has caused the power of the law to target it alone. black winged mosquito.

As a person who is going to cross the catastrophe, monk Hantan has a special feeling for the upcoming catastrophe. He didn't think about the blood-winged black mosquito before, because in his subconscious, the blood-winged black mosquito is useless alone , but since Gu Zheng has said so now, he also tried to list the blood-winged black mosquito as a partner for crossing the catastrophe, and communicated with the special feeling for crossing the catastrophe, and the result he got also surprised him a bit, that is If the blood-winged black mosquitoes commanded by the Blood-winged Black Mosquito King are used in crossing the catastrophe, they are considered as one treatment, not more than a hundred!

After listening to Brother Hantan explain the answer he got through the communication, Gu Zheng said again: "Let the blood-winged black mosquito absorb some of your energy."

Gu Zheng's words startled monk Hantan, how terrifying the blood-winged black mosquito is, Hantan monk has seen it before, and there are more than one hundred blood-winged black mosquitoes, even if they don't suck much, one blood-winged mosquito Even the cold pool cultivator couldn't take a bite of the black-winged mosquito.

Seeing that monk Hantan was taken aback by Gu Zheng, Gu Zheng said again: "It's just to let the blood-winged black mosquito king absorb a little of your energy, not to let all the blood-winged black mosquitoes suck you!"

Gu Zheng paused, and then told Brother Hantan the reason for doing so.

In the special feeling that Gu Zheng was silent for a while, if the blood-winged black mosquito can be counted as the help of the monks in the cold pool to cross the catastrophe, then the three monsters that the monks in the cold pool will cross the catastrophe this time are likely to be similar to A demon-like monster, this kind of monster is likely to be whatever supernatural powers the monks of the cold pool have, and they have whatever supernatural powers.

The special ability of the blood-winged black mosquito is that it can evolve resistance to the supernatural powers of which monster it absorbs. Gu Zheng let the blood-winged black mosquito king absorb a little bit of the flesh and blood of the monks in the cold pool, the purpose is to fight against Transcendence robbery at that time. The reason why the Blood-winged Black Mosquito King was sucked by himself was that apart from the unbearable feeling that monks in the cold pool were worried about, there was another reason that after letting the Blood-winged Black Mosquito King suck it all by himself, the Blood-winged Black Mosquito King could pass through Wang's supernatural power allows the rest of the blood-winged black mosquitoes to have this ability, but this ability is an ability that is produced under abnormal circumstances, so the duration will not be too long, maybe it can help the monks in the cold pool to survive the catastrophe. .

The Blood-Winged Black Mosquito King has sucked a bit of the flesh and blood of the monks in the cold pool, and now he is using the king's supernatural powers to allow his subjects to also gain this ability. The way of crossing the catastrophe, but there are still thick clouds of catastrophe in the sky, and there are thunders surging in it.


The cold pool cultivator's crossing tribulation began, but it was not lightning that made a loud noise and struck down, but a four-winged flying dragon that looked very similar to the cold pool monk. Gu Zheng's guess was correct, and it really happened If there is something like a cold pool monk, then the supernatural powers possessed by this kind of thing will be very similar to the cold pool monk, and the deployment made by the blood-winged black mosquito king before will also have a very good effect.

However, crossing the catastrophe came in a hurry, and the blood-winged black mosquito king was still using his supernatural powers, so the first monster that appeared due to the demon catastrophe needed to be dealt with by the cold pool monk himself.

The cold pool monk has already faced his demon robbery, two four-winged flying dragons fought in the air, the collision of ice and fire, accompanied by lightning and dragon roars sounded in the air from time to time.

The monster is not the opponent of the cold pool monk, no matter how it is, it is a counterfeit, and the number is only one. It has no way to hurt the cold pool monk, on the contrary, it was scratched by the cold pool monk a few times! However, after all, this is a monster that only appeared because the monks in the cold pool had crossed the catastrophe. It also knows a lot about the monks in the cold pool, so although it can't hurt the monks in the cold pool, if the monks in the cold pool want to seriously injure it, it is not a bad thing. It's an easy thing, not to mention that there is not one such monster, but two other ones.


Following the second flash of lightning in Jieyun, a second monster like a four-winged dragon appeared.

When dealing with one monster, Brother Hantan can ensure that he will not be injured, but when dealing with two monsters at the same time, injury is unavoidable. There are bleeding wounds on his body, and there are drops of blood in his mouth. fall.


Crossing the robbery is a very fast thing, and everything happened in a very short time. With the third sound in the robbery cloud, the third Jieyao like a four-winged dragon also appeared.

Two robbery monsters can injure the cold pool monks. If three robbery monsters attack the cold pool monks together, the situation of the cold pool monks will definitely become very dangerous.

But, fortunately, the Blood-winged Black Mosquito King finally completed what it was going to do. It brought its people to join the battlefield before the third Jie Yao attacked the cold pool monk.

Under the order of the Blood-winged Black Mosquito King, the Blood-winged Black Mosquitoes did not concentrate their firepower on one Jieyao, because in the view of the Gold Wire Worm King, if more than a hundred Blood-winged Black Mosquitoes were to deal with one Jieyao at the same time, Monster, that is simply a waste, so it divided the blood-winged black mosquitoes into three batches, and started a war against the three Jieyao at the same time!

It has to be said that the deployment before the ancient battle has miraculous effects. The three Jieyao are all capable of returning to the peak of the void, and they are not only capable of fire attribute magic, ice attribute magic, electricity attribute magic and dark attribute magic. He can also attack the difficult soul power attack of the monks in the cold pool! However, since the ancient battle had already been deployed before, these supernatural powers of Jieyao did not have much effect on the blood-winged black mosquitoes, and once the blood-winged black mosquitoes landed on them, it would be their nightmare It is coming.

Jieyao is not a real monster, it is just a test created by the power of law based on the strength and supernatural power of the robber, using pure energy, and pure energy is the best absorption for blood-winged black mosquitoes Energy, when absorbing this kind of energy, their efficiency is faster than absorbing real monsters!

The blood-winged black mosquitoes had already begun to suck, and the three robbers rolled over in pain immediately, but they had no way to get rid of the blood-winged black mosquitoes, not to mention that there was a cold pool monk staring at them next to them, and the cold pool monks How could it be possible to make their ideas come true.

For monk Hantan's crossing the catastrophe, there is only a 20% chance of winning alone. If he chooses his son or the silver-scaled monkey as the helper to cross the catastrophe at the beginning, the chance of winning is only 50%. However, with the help of the prehistoric alien species like the blood-winged black mosquito, the cold pool monk finally wiped out all three difficult Jieyao at the cost of a little injury!

Without Jieyao, the dark clouds in the sky turned into auspicious clouds. The monk in the cold pool closed his eyes and began to absorb the baptism of the blessings of heaven and earth, and he entered the golden fairyland. As for the blood-winged black mosquitoes, they helped the monks in the cold pool to cross the catastrophe successfully, but they themselves could not gain anything. The three robbery monsters transformed from pure energy bodies were all absorbed by them, and after absorbing the three robbery monsters After the energy was purified, the blood-winged black mosquito king's strength had entered the stage of the late stage of returning to the void, and the remaining 107 blood-winged black mosquitoes had entered the stage of the middle stage of returning to the void.

After the cold pool cultivator passed the catastrophe, Gu Zheng's good mood continued. Whether it was the cold pool cultivator or the blood-winged black mosquito's strength, it was all in this space world where the difficulty had increased by 20% for him. Here, a very, very good news.

The cold pool monk and the blood-winged black mosquito were all put into the magic crystal by Gu Zheng to stabilize the realm, and the silver-scale monkey set off with the magic crystal again. In fact, when the monks in the cold pool crossed the catastrophe just now, the mountains were not peaceful, and some monsters with blind eyes took the opportunity to harass them, but they were all settled by the silver-scaled monkey and the son of the monks in the cold pool. Among these monsters with blind eyes, Although most of them are little monsters with little strength, there are also two guys with relatively strong strength. When these two powerful guys feel that they can't deal with the son of the cold pool monk and the silver-scaled monkey, they choose The method is also very extreme, they want to severely damage the son of the cold pool monk and the silver-scaled monkey by self-destructing. Fortunately, Gu Zheng found out in time, and he took all the son of the cold pool monk and the silver-scaled monkey into the magic crystal , let them hide in the phantom crystal, avoiding the self-explosion attack of those two monsters.

This time, after the silver-scaled monkey flew with the magic crystal for half an hour, it finally encountered a very powerful monster. A ten-foot amethyst eagle!

The Amethyst Eagle suddenly emerged from the clouds and launched a surprise attack on the Silver Scale Monkey, but from that powerful aura, Gu Zheng could already feel that the strength of this Amethyst Eagle was already at the early stage of the Golden Immortal However, although the Silver Scale Monkey is powerful, it is definitely not the opponent of the Amethyst Eagle fighting alone.

Sure enough, facing the oppression of the Amethyst Eagle's aura, the Silverscale Monkey's movements became slow. Fortunately, the third eye between his brows has some effect on the Amethyst Eagle, which can slow down the Amethyst Eagle's attack speed a little. It also made the silver-scaled monkey finally escape from the eagle's claws.

However, although the silver-scaled monkey escaped from the eagle's claws, his body was still touched by the sharp claws of the amethyst eagle, so that some of the originally solid scales were peeled off by that touch.

Gu Zheng was also unambiguous. Since he knew that the Silver-scaled Monkey was not the opponent of the Amethyst Eagle, he naturally couldn't let the Silver-scaled Monkey deal with the Amethyst Eagle alone. He had already released the blood-winged black mosquito.

In fact, the best thug against the Amethyst Eagle is Brother Hantan, but unfortunately Brother Hantan is still in a stable state. As for the son of Brother Hantan who can't fight against the sky, he can only let the blood-winged black mosquito play up.

Looking at the mosquito swarm that suddenly appeared, it seemed that it felt a strong threat, so the Amethyst Eagle gave up on the silver-scaled monkey that was chasing, and instead let out a long howl at the mosquito swarm.

The long cry of the Amethyst Eagle is not a sonic attack, but a large amount of purple mist is sprayed out in a long cry, and the effect of this kind of purple mist after hitting the target, Gu Zheng has also seen it in the wild before , that is the spar that can turn the attack target into purple, thus becoming its food.

However, the blood-winged black mosquitoes are now the prehistoric alien species in the void-returning realm. They are not as fragile as before. Facing the purple mist that can hurt them, their bodies become like It was as light as fluff, so that they were blown away far away before the purple mist touched them.

"call out!"

Looking at the blood-winged black mosquito that was blown away in one breath, Amethyst Eagle let out a very disdainful hawk, as if he had overestimated the blood-winged black mosquito before.


The silver-scaled monkey is not a vegetarian. Even though he knew he was no match for the Amethyst Eagle, he still dared to attack the Amethyst Eagle. That is, when the Amethyst Eagle's disdainful hawk fell to the ground, his elongated black iron stick , as heavy as a mountain, it slammed on Amethyst Eagle's body.

After all, the Amethyst Eagle is a monster of the Golden Immortal Realm. The silver-scaled monkey's all-out attack only knocked its body down a little bit, and did not cause any serious injuries to it. On the contrary, it completely aroused its anger. An extremely dazzling purple ray spewed out from its mouth. As soon as that ray appeared, it made the silver-scaled monkey lose its mind, obviously making it impossible for the silver-scaled monkey to hide.

However, Gu Zheng would not let anything happen to the silver-scaled monkey. With a thought, he put the silver-scaled monkey into the phantom crystal, and successfully avoided the attack of the purple light. That is to say, when the Amethyst Eagle emitted purple light, the blood-winged Black Mosquito King, who had been quietly approaching the Amethyst Eagle without following the mosquito swarm, finally landed on the Amethyst Eagle's side at that time. back.

The Amethyst Eagle has crystal-like feathers on its back, and its defense is extremely strong. No matter how heavy the mountain's stick from the Silver-scaled Monkey, it couldn't smash those crystals that should look brittle. However, for the wild alien species like the blood-winged black mosquito king, almost any kind of protection is just a display. Its mouthparts have pierced the body of the Amethyst Eagle, and it also sprayed out towards the inside of the Amethyst Eagle's body. The liquid that dissolves its flesh and blood.

The Amethyst Eagle, who didn't notice it, didn't feel something bad until it was sucked by the blood-winged black mosquito king. The king is not very useful. The strength of the blood-winged black mosquito king is already in the late stage of Void Return. After it sucks the flesh and blood of the monster, it can quickly develop a certain resistance to the magical power of the monster. With the protection of this resistance , it knows that as long as it persists for a while, when its subjects come over, even the mighty Amethyst Eagle will only end up dead.

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