The magic crystal is falling, and Gu Zheng knows more about coercion. He found that the existence of coercion does make the magic crystal suffer from the restrictions he thought before, but the situation is not particularly bad, at least the magic crystal can still Flying, but has been pressed at a height of no more than three meters from the ground.

Seeing that the phantom crystal stayed at a height of three meters above the ground, the son of the monk Hantan hurried over. Now that he can no longer travel by flying, he can only travel by him, no matter what his huge body Taking a step forward, the speed of the journey is faster than the flying speed of Magic Crystal.

Gu Zheng manipulated the illusion to stick it on the leg of the monk's son in the cold pool, and started the journey with the monk's son in the cold pool. As for the monk in the cold pool and the water monkey, including the king of gold wire and iron nematodes, it was the same. When it came to Brother Hantan's son, Brother Hantan's son was huge anyway, let alone a few more of them, even a few more huge monsters would have no effect on him.

The environment on the island is similar to the previous two islands, but the only difference is that there are very few monsters on this island, and when there are monsters that appear, they are all relatively powerful ones. For example, after setting foot on the island, the first monster that Gu Zheng and the others encountered was a giant python with a body length of more than ten feet!

The body length is more than ten feet long, and the thickest part of the body needs to be embraced by two people. Such a giant snake is naturally very powerful, but it still dies miserably in the face of these subordinates of Gu Zheng, because they are in a hurry. Going to find the three-headed dragon monster, Gu Zheng didn't want them to waste too much time, so when dealing with the strange snake, both father and son of the cold pool monk made a move, and the cold pool monk separated the fog tentacles, ignoring the hard The scales directly touched the body of the strange snake from the gaps in the scales, and started to devour its original energy. When he launched the original energy to devour the strange snake, his son directly cut it with a sharp wooden knife. The vital parts of the strange snake were cut, and the strange snake was cut into immobility with just two knives, and the monks in the cold pool could only let the monks absorb its original energy.

Although I was in a hurry to find the three-headed dragon monster, there was still time for the monks in the cold pool to absorb the original energy of the strange snake and improve themselves. The huge strange snake has also become like a pile of rotten meat because it has lost its natal energy.

After going on the road again, after walking for about a stick of incense, Gu Zheng and the others met a second monster outside a forest. This second monster was also very huge, like a colorful spider with many eyes. However, the upper body of this spider monster looks like a man without clothes.

As soon as the spider monster saw Brother Hantan's son, it immediately launched an attack. A large strand of green spider silk spewed out from its abdomen, and turned into countless small spider threads in the air. These spider threads directly hit Hantan The body of the monk's son gave him a feeling like an electric shock.

The son of the cold pool monk swung a wooden knife, and he wanted to cut off the green spider silk. The green spider silk not only restricted his movement, but also gave him signs of poisoning, and this sign of poisoning, that is, That electric feeling. Although it is difficult for this kind of toxin to cause great damage to his body, the feeling of the toxin continuously acting on his body is still very unpleasant.

However, the wooden knife of the monk's son in the cold pool did not fall, and the hundreds of eyes on the spider monster's body emitted light at the same time. These lights were not dazzling, but they made the son of the monk in the cold pool fall into a state of trance.

From the time when the son of the monk in the cold pool was attacked by spider silk, and then he was fixed in the eyes of the spider monster, everything happened in a very short period of time. The cold pool cultivator and the water monkey have rushed down to deal with the spider monster.

The light from the eyes of the spider monster is not only aimed at the son of the cold pool monk, but also at the cold pool monk and the water monkey, but the effect of the light on the cold pool monk and the water monkey is not obvious. Its flying speed was only slightly affected. As for the water monkey, it didn't respond at all, and its speed didn't slow down at all.

Feeling that the light had little effect on the incoming enemies, the spider monster let out a roar, and the light emitted from its eyes changed from not dazzling to very dazzling.

"Small tricks, dare to be rampant!"

The cold pool monk roared, his body instantly atomized in the air, turning into a sphere, completely immune to the spider monster's light, and hundreds of mist tentacles that can absorb the original energy also separated from the sphere, He rushed towards the spider monster like a spirit snake. He had already been angered by the spider monster. He had to absorb its original energy from hundreds of eyes of the spider monster to relieve his anger.

The cold pool cultivator has the means to deal with the spider monster, and the water monkey also has it. The stick it got from the golden armored skeleton in its hand flew away, turning into a black light and flying towards the spider monster's abdomen.

Spider silk spewed out from the abdomen of the spider monster again, trying to prevent the black stick from inflicting damage on its abdomen. However, a black light suddenly appeared on the black stick, and the sprayed silk melted instantly like white snow encountering sunlight, so that the black stick directly fell It pierced the place where the spider silk spewed out from the spider monster's abdomen, and then there was a flash of black light, and the spider monster's abdomen exploded!

The power of the explosion was not very great, but it completely destroyed the place where the spider monster sprayed out the spider silk, so that it could no longer spray out the spider silk, and some green body fluid like blood also came from the spider The monster gushed out from the wound, and it suffered a lot from the water monkey's stick.

The water monkey made the spider monster suffer, and the fog tentacles of the cold pool monk had already landed on the spider monster, and began to absorb its original energy. However, a strand of spider silk shot at the cold pool monk from another direction .

The spider silk shot at the cold pool monk from another direction was not sprayed out by the spider monster in front of him. After all, the place where it sprayed out the spider silk has been completely destroyed by the water monkey. It really attacked the cold pool monk. It is another spider monster, and the difference between this spider monster and the first spider monster is their gender. The upper body of this spider monster is in the form of a woman! Moreover, there are not only two male and female spider monsters, but the real number of them is three, two of which are male and female, the other one is usually female, and the other is generally male, and it appeared earlier. It had already appeared when the cold pool monk and the water monkey rushed towards the male spider monster, but was stopped by the cold pool monk's son, so they did not join the battlefield.

Right now, there are three spider monsters, and there are also three subordinates of Gu Zheng, the son of the cold pool monk is dealing with the hermaphrodite spider monster, the cold pool monk is dealing with the dangerous spider monster, and the water monkey stretches out his hand. The stick in the abdomen of the male spider monster flew back into its hand, and it rushed towards the female spider monster with the stick.

"After you kill them, take out the inner alchemy from their bodies. This inner alchemy is a good thing."

Gu Zheng spoke up, and his three subordinates naturally replied in response.

In this magical space world, there are many monsters, but there are not many monsters with inner alchemy, and inner alchemy is a pure energy body, which can often be used when cooking beast spirit food and alchemy food. And Gu Zheng has also discovered that the three spider monsters have inner alchemy in their bodies.

"Master, don't worry, let me take down this annoying guy first!"

The son of the monk Hantan spoke, and the wooden knife in his hand directly chopped off the androgynous spider monster.

Although the hermaphrodite spider monster was slashed and flew by the son of the cold pool monk, it did not suffer any serious injuries, because its strength is the most powerful among the three spider monsters! However, Gu Zheng understood that it was not the opponent of Brother Hantan's son, and it would not take too long for Brother Hantan's son to solve it.

When I met the male spider monster for the first time, the son of the cold pool monk was covered by the spider silk, and was distracted by the eyes of the male spider monster. It seemed that even the male spider monster could not beat it, but it was not. He just didn't activate his special supernatural power, and his special supernatural power had already been activated after the cold pool monk and the water monkey jumped off his shoulders!

The activation of special supernatural powers allowed the son of the cold pool monk to not only get rid of the entanglement of the spider silk at that time, but also completely ignore the light attack of the male spider monster. If the hermaphrodite spider monster did not appear at that time, he would have passed Tear off the male spider monster that attacked him.

The special supernatural power of the son of monk Hantan is the strange flower on the top of his head. The strange flower is originally a bud. Once the son of monk Hantan activates his special supernatural power, the bud will bloom into a flower. The huge body of the son of monk Hantan, Then he will be surrounded by a dense light, the kind of dense light that circulates around his body endlessly, not only can make him immune to the entanglement of spider silk, but also prevent him from being affected by the sight of spider monsters.

Everything just happened in an instant. After the androgynous spider monster was slashed by the cold pool monk's son, it immediately shot towards the cold pool monk's son, and during the ejection process, the abdomen sprayed out spider silk. , The eyes on the body also emitted a dazzling light.

"act recklessly!"

The son of the cold pool monk snorted coldly. These spider threads did not approach his body, but under the action of the dense light on his body surface, they turned into green liquid and fell on the ground. As for the sight attack of the spider monster, it was also harmful to him It didn't produce the slightest effect, and the wooden shield he was holding in one hand turned into thousands of vines at this time, and entangled the spider monster flying in the air.

Although the androgynous spider monster is powerful, it doesn't have much intelligence, and it only belongs to the category of fierce beasts. Otherwise, the spider silk and sight attacks it has seen before are useless, and it will not use useless attacks to attack it. To deal with the son of the monk in the cold pool, let alone want to catapult to the son of the monk in the cold pool in a whimsical way, and use its teeth to tear the body of the monk in the cold pool into pieces.

Thousands of vines have already touched the spider monster's body, and they are as flexible as tentacles. After entangled the spider monster, the son of the cold pool monk began to smash the spider monster to the ground again and again like a meteor hammer.

For the son of the monk in the cold pool, since the hermaphrodite spider monster is not afraid of the damage of sharp weapons, let it try a different kind of damage by using a meteor hammer.

The hermaphrodite spider monster was injured. When it was being swung up and down by the monk's son in the cold pool, a large amount of green body fluid flowed out, as if a person was vomiting blood after being hit.

However, even though it was hit to vomit blood, the androgynous spider monster was still very powerful. It let out a strange cry, and the originally quiet forest in front of it suddenly became commotion.

Tens of thousands of spiders, each about the size of a washbasin, looked like ticks with big stomachs sucked full of blood, crawled out of the forest at a fast speed, densely packed like an ant colony .

Tens of thousands of spiders are descendants of the three spider monsters. Their appearance is different from the three spider monsters, and their magical powers are also different. The magical powers they possess are relatively simple, and this magical power is self-destruct.

Explosions continued one after another, and tens of thousands of spiders began to self-destruct on the three monks in the cold pool, but the effect was not obvious.

The cold pool monk can absorb the original energy of various monsters. After taking the beast spirit food repair cooked by Gu Zheng, his ability to absorb the original energy of monsters has been enhanced. This enhancement can be said to be a change, and this kind of The change also allowed him not only to absorb the original energy of monsters, but also to absorb the attack energy of monsters, such as the self-destruction of pot-bellied spiders.

It is precisely because the explosion is just another form of food delivery for the monks in the cold pool, so the monks in the cold pool do not dodge at all, but the black mist that originally wrapped his body is like a heart With this strange beating, all the explosive energy that attacked him was absorbed by him! Moreover, in the process of absorbing those explosive energies, he has not let go of the absorption of the original energy of the male spider monster.

The son of the monk in the cold pool is not afraid of explosions. Although the explosive power of those little spiders is powerful, they have little effect on his huge body, not to mention that his body surface is protected by the enveloping light provided by strange flowers. Under the protection of this kind of dense light, the self-destruction that had no effect on him could have zero impact on him.

Compared with the father and son of the cold pool monk, the water monkey is more afraid of the energy of the explosion. As the saying goes, one object drops one object, and the energy of this explosion is very restrained to it. However, in the explosion of tens of thousands of spiders, the water monkey was also not injured. Although it is used to fighting on the ground, it is not that it cannot fly, but the flight time is not long enough, so when the explosion started, it He temporarily broke away from the battle and flew far away.

In the process of continuous explosions, Brother Hantan has already sucked the male spider monster to death. As for the female spider monster who attacked him while he was absorbing the male spider monster's original energy, it has also been connected by his mist tentacles at this moment. The body is trapped, and the original energy also flows from its body to the body of the monk in the cold pool in an endless stream.

Although the androgynous spider monster is stronger, it has been settled by the son of the cold pool monk at this moment. If it wasn't for the son of the cold pool monk, he wanted to leave the androgynous spider monster for his father to absorb the original energy. The androgynous spider monster was smashed into a pile of meat.

After the explosion, the water monkey flew back from a distance. Having nothing to do, it gutted the male spider monster that had been sucked to death by the cold pool cultivator before, and found an egg-sized inner alchemy from its body. .

After the cold pool monk sucked the female plant monster to death, he also found an inner alchemy from its body.

"How is your cultivation now?"

Gu Zheng's voice came from the magic crystal, and he was naturally asking the monk Hantan.

After taking the Beast Spirit Food Cultivation before, the strength of Hantan cultivator has been improved, but the effect of the Beast Spirit Food Cultivation is still there, but it does not allow him to enter the next stage of cultivation.

On the way to this island, a large number of monsters delivered food to the monks in the cold pool. The original energy of these monsters was basically absorbed by the monks in the cold pool. It was only because of their lack of strength that they absorbed their original energy. The improvement of cultivation base is just a slow accumulation process.

However, after landing on the island, the three monsters that Brother Hantan has sucked to death so far are not ordinary monsters, and their original energy is very huge! If it wasn't for the fact that monk Hantan has improved his strength before, and the supernatural ability to absorb the original energy of monsters has undergone transformation, then after he absorbs the original energy of any monster, he will not be able to digest it. Now like this, a big appetite is like a dissatisfaction!

"Master, even if we absorb the original energy of this hermaphrodite spider monster again, it is estimated that we will need to absorb three more similar monsters to improve our cultivation level next time!" Brother Hantan said.

"Yes, it is already very good. This place is still far from the location of the three-headed dragon monster. I believe that you will have the opportunity to improve your strength on the next road." Gu Zheng said.

"Master, do you think the three-headed dragon monster will come to see us?" the son of the monk Hantan couldn't help asking.

"probably not!"

Gu Zheng's words were more certain. Although he didn't know much about the three-headed dragon monster, he felt that the three-headed dragon monster could not be separated from the quagmire it was in! After all, behind the mire is the stone gate on the mountain, and it exists to protect this stone gate. Moreover, Gu Zheng already saw in Goshawk monster's memory that the quagmire where the three-headed dragon monster was located was very small, only a circle bigger than its body! Due to the relatively cramped environment of the quagmire, the feeling of standing in the quagmire seems to be trapped there.

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