With just one shot, the Ice Fish Monster already knew that it was no match for the monks in the cold pool. It dared not fight against the monks in the cold pool, and immediately wanted to jump into the cold pool. For it, its territory was invaded , the lotus seeds were taken away, these are nothing, and the most important thing is life.

However, since he dared to take action, the monk in the cold pool did not intend to just let the ice fish monster go, so he thought again, the cold pool froze in an instant, and the fish monster that was about to jump into the cold pool hit the ice surface , not only failed to smash the ice, but let out a strange scream in pain.

Just because it failed to break through the ice and failed to return to the pool in an instant, the Ice Fish Monster was hit by the flame birds. Hundreds of flame birds hit it in an instant, As for its body, it caught fire in an instant, and then turned into fly ash in a very short time.

Although the ice fish monster turned into flying back, but in the process of turning into flying ash, its original energy actually floated up, in the form of light spots visible to the naked eye, and these original energy turned into light Points, all that was not wasted were absorbed by the cold pool monks.

Seeing the scene where the light spots were flying, Gu Zheng couldn't help thinking that in the last space world, his subordinate lava skeletons had the ability to absorb the original energy of monsters because of the chance. As long as the monsters die, they will turn into the energy of this form, and then be absorbed by the lava skeleton, thereby strengthening their bodies and increasing their energy, and now the cold pool monks also have this ability.

The trip to the cold pool was really worthwhile for Gu Zheng. First of all, on the way here, monks in the cold pool got a chance and greatly improved their own strength. Secondly, they harvested two suitable One of the ingredients is green golden frog, and the other is Hantan lotus seeds.

Without staying in the valley, Gu Zheng asked the cold pool monk to take the magic crystal, and they are now going to the next place where the suspected ingredients are.

The second place where the suspected ingredients are located is in the northeast corner of the island. It will take a while to fly there. As for the location of the other suspected qualified ingredients, it is in the northwest corner of the island. Gu Zheng plans to go to the northeast corner first. Take a look at that place, and then go to the northwest corner.

The northeast corner of the island is a desert. The place where Gu Zheng is going is an oasis in the desert. From the memory of the white boar monster, Gu Zheng knows that there is a very extraordinary bamboo forest in that desert oasis. There may be a bamboo forest in the bamboo forest. The ingredients that Gu Zheng wanted.

It takes a little time to fly to the northeast corner of the island, but that's nothing. Anyway, for the current Gu Zheng, he will no longer be in any crisis because of the time problem. As for whether there will be any other dangers on this island, he is not worried at all. He feels that no matter what monsters he encounters on the road, unless they cannot be included in the magic crystal, they will all be given to Hantan. The monks delivered food to improve the cultivation of the monks in Hantan.

Completely handed over to monk Hantan to lead the way, Gu Zheng himself fell into reverie.

When Gu Zheng entered this space world this time, too many things really happened. In the beginning, it was indeed a very low-difficulty space world, but so many things happened by accident, until now this The difficulty of the space world has been raised to the peak!

However, at the beginning, Gu Zheng was still worried that the difficulty of the space world was raised too high, which would make it difficult for him to pass, but now this worry is gone. His three subordinates are too powerful. It’s a little bit, but it’s nothing, he already has the spirit of the real water, as long as he solves the problem of the spirit of the real water, whether it is to improve his own strength or the strength of his subordinates, it will be all right. nothing.

"Master, what do you think will happen when you return to the outside world?"

Brother Hantan's son had completed his transformation, knowing what Gu Zheng was thinking, he couldn't help asking.

"Who knows, maybe the previous things are useless! Some of the original trajectories have been changed."

Gu Zheng understands that when the cold pool monks said the outside world, they meant the space world outside the barrier, and they entered the current barrier from the forest in that space world.

If he didn't enter this enchantment at the beginning, Gu Zheng planned to go to the barbarian dragon tribe in the desert to find a way to leave this world after solving the problem of the spirit of the real fire, until now in his phantom crystal. , there are still some people or things that he thought were useful before, such as the witches of the Mangu tribe, or the gold hairpin whose purpose is unknown.

However, the difficulty of the current space world has been raised to the highest level by accident. Whether it is a witch or a golden hairpin, these things may be useless.

"Then what should we mainly do then?" Brother Hantan's son asked again.

"What should I do? There are only four tribes in the desert. The way to leave this space world must be in that tribe. At worst, we will fight one by one!"

Gu Zheng's words were very domineering. After hearing what he said, Brother Hantan's son immediately became excited. After all, in my heart, the two of them, father and son, were more enthusiastic about killing than Gu Zheng.

On the way to the northeast corner of the island, I did encounter many monsters, but these monsters were indeed delivering food to the monks in the cold pool, which continuously strengthened the strength of the monks in the cold pool.

On the way to the northeast corner of the island, the water monkey also ended its metamorphosis. Its size became larger again, but the color of its body surface did not change much, but the blood-red third eye became white. The eyeballs are still blood red, and it looks like a two-color gemstone is inlaid on the forehead.

Already in the desert, Gu Zheng has already seen the oasis and some monsters in the desert. There are not many of these monsters. Some of them look like sheep monsters, eating some plants in the desert, and others There are fewer of them, they look like wolf demons, they are lurking, and they seem to be waiting to prey on the sheep demons.

Gu Zheng asked monk Hantan to bring the magic crystal to the past. He felt that the goat demon should be an ingredient that can be used. Of course, this ingredient is not the kind that can be used now. He thinks it was after he solved the problem of the spirit of true water , the kind of ingredients that can be used, and ingredients like this, it is better to collect them when they come across them now, so as to save them from having to look for them when they want to use them.

Although they are sheep demons and wolf demons, they are more like ordinary animals. The weak ones can't compare with the real monsters on the road who want to make trouble when they see the magic crystal. The first reaction after seeing the magic crystal is run away.

If Brother Hantan wanted to deal with these goat and wolf monsters, it would naturally be an easy thing to do, but he didn't do that, he just let go of his aura, and those goat and wolf monsters who were running away were frightened. I dare not get up on the ground.

Gu Zheng originally thought that the goat monster might be a medium-level ingredient, but what he didn't expect was that the food quality of the goat monster didn't even reach the ordinary level, but the food quality of those wolf monsters had already reached the middle level. Gu Zheng also kept one in the magic crystal, and continued to let the monk Hantan fly to the oasis with the magic crystal.

From the memory of the white boar monster, Gu Zheng had seen the scene of the oasis, and he felt that this oasis was a treasure in the entire enchantment, and there should be a lot of it, which he would collect as food for reserve. After all, from the memory of the white boar monster, Gu Zheng has already felt the unique aura of beauty that is unique to that oasis.

After entering the oasis, Gu Zheng quickly discovered some ingredients that could be harvested as backup, including some plants and some small animals, and the reserve of ingredients suddenly increased.

However, these ingredients are reserved ingredients after solving the problem of the natal true water spirit in the future, not the urgently needed ingredients that Gu Zheng wants at the current stage.

The bamboo forest is the place with the most aura in the oasis, and it is also the place that Gu Zheng wants to visit the most when he comes to the oasis. In the memory of the white pig monster, he has already seen that this kind of purple-red bamboo is an ordinary-level food material. Because this kind of bamboo called Blood Tears Bamboo already existed in the prehistoric.

The texture of general bamboo is very hard, and the texture of blood-tear bamboo is also hard, but if it is cooked in a suitable way and simmered in a suitable soup, the texture of blood-tear bamboo will become soft and it will have a very rich taste. The taste is no less than that of ordinary quality meat.

The Blood Tears Bamboo itself is an ordinary-grade ingredient, and its bamboo shoots are medium-grade ingredients when they emerge. There are likely to be mutated bamboo shoots in this bamboo forest, and the mutated bamboo shoots can reach excellent or high-grade ingredients. .

Since the bamboo forest is the place with the strongest aura, besides the bamboo shoots that meet the requirements, there may be other ingredients that may become the quality that Gu Zheng wants. Everything depends on Gu Zheng to find.

The bamboo forest is denser, and it is not convenient for monk Hantan to fly with the magic crystal, so Gu Zheng controls the magic crystal to fly in the bamboo forest.

Gu Zheng didn't plan to collect the Blood Tears Bamboo, as this kind of ingredients would be too troublesome to handle. Gu Zheng was still keen on those ingredients that were of high grade and relatively easy to handle.

There are no seasons in the enchantment, and the temperature maintenance is not suitable for bamboo shoots to appear, so there will not be too many bamboo shoots in the entire bamboo forest. Anyway, Gu Zheng searched for a while, and saw more than a dozen bamboo shoots. The one that meets the standard can't be found.

However, although he did not find suitable bamboo shoots, Gu Zheng knew that he would definitely be able to harvest the required ingredients in this bamboo forest, because he had already seen many bird nests in the bamboo forest, and these bird nests basically contained Bird eggs, and the ingredients of bird eggs have basically reached the middle level. In this case, the possibility of good-grade bird eggs is even greater.

Gu Zheng's heart became a little excited. The bird's nests before were obviously the same kind of bird's nests. Their size looked the same, and so did the eggs. But now the bird's nest that Gu Zheng controlled the magic crystal to fly to , looks bigger, and the things used to build the monster are more delicate, and some of them are even ordinary-grade Ganoderma lucidum grass!

Gu Zheng has already controlled the magic crystal to fly to the bird's nest. There is only one bird egg the size of a goose egg in the bird's nest. There is a spot-like pattern on it. Gu Zheng used the eyes of the Tao to see the ingredients of this bird egg. The grade is already very close to high-grade, and it can be regarded as a qualified ingredient.

Just as Gu Zheng put the bird's eggs into the magic crystal, there was a phoenix-like song in the sky, and a big fiery red bird rushed towards the magic crystal.

The big bird looks like a phoenix, but it is definitely not a phoenix. When it rushed towards the magic crystal, Gu Zheng also observed it with the eyes of Tao, and found that its ingredients were of medium grade, so he directly put it into the magic crystal as a reserve Ingredients.

When the bamboo forest was about to be visited by Gu Zheng, Gu Zheng finally found a bamboo shoot that met the requirements. The bamboo shoot showed its head on the ground like a jade carving, and the whole body was surrounded by dense light. It looked very Fan, and its ingredients are of high grade!

Gu Zheng couldn't collect the bamboo shoots directly, nor could he come out and pull out the bamboo shoots by himself. This matter had to be handed over to monk Hantan. In the soil under the bamboo shoots, a monster of unknown strength lurks.

After Brother Hantan showed up, he directly pulled out the bamboo shoots, and brought along the monster whose strength was unknown. It was a three-foot-long, colorful-looking poisonous snake. He bit towards Brother Hantan, but was grabbed by the neck by Brother Hantan.

Brother Hantan originally wanted to strangle the strange snake to death, but was stopped by Gu Zheng. Gu Zheng told Brother Hantan that the ingredients of this strange snake were also of good quality, which was a windfall, and it was naturally paid by Gu Zheng Mirage.

During a trip to the northeast corner of the enchantment, Gu Zheng got a lot of reserve ingredients. The qualified ingredients got a colorful snake, a bamboo shoot of blood tears bamboo, a bird's egg, plus the cold food he got before. Pond lotus seeds, white pork, and green golden frogs, the reserve of suitable ingredients reached as many as five pieces in one fell swoop!

However, although these ingredients are suitable, Gu Zheng still does not plan to cook delicious food. This is not to say that cooking delicious food with these ingredients will not allow the cultivation base to reach the early stage of transformation of the gods. On the contrary, cooking delicious food with these ingredients will produce medicine This effect is enough to allow Gu Zheng's cultivation to reach the early stage of transforming gods, thus solving the problem of the spirit of true water! However, doing so would be too wasteful for Gu Zheng. No matter how high-quality ingredients are, they are relatively rare. Without the water control formula, it would be wasteful to use them like this. He still wants to wait until he has been to the northwest of the island. Besides, maybe there may be a more economical way by then.

On the way to the northwest corner of the island, he was naturally attacked by various monsters, and all these monsters were easily dealt with by the cold pool monks.

The northwest corner of the island is a cliff by the sea. There is a fruit tree growing on the cliff. The fruit tree bears a pear-like fruit. Even the white pig monster knows that the fruit is very special, and it is also very coveted by the fruit. , but it didn't dare to really hit the fruit, because the one guarding the fruit was a skeleton with terrifying strength.

How terrifying the skeleton's strength is, the white boar monster actually doesn't know. In its memory, the skeleton just released its aura, making it tremble and run away.

The skeleton is very powerful, but its strength is nothing to Gu Zheng. He believes that with the abilities of his three subordinates, no matter which one he is, he can easily eliminate the skeleton.

After a while, Gu Zheng has already seen the cliff by the sea, and also saw the lonely fruit tree growing on the cliff!

When he saw the fruit tree, Gu Zheng's heart couldn't help being excited. A special aura was coming from the fruit tree. This special aura not only made him understand that the fruit on the fruit tree was a treasure that was about to ripen, Even some monsters understand the value of the fruit, so now there is not only the very majestic golden armored skeleton on the cliff, but also all kinds of monsters gathered.

From the aura emanating from the fruit tree, Gu Zheng judged that it would take three days for the fruit to mature. When encountering the treasures of heaven, material and earth that will not mature in three years, Gu Zheng can use the techniques of controlling wood and controlling soil to give birth to them.

But now, because it is not the main body, naturally there is no Wood Control Jue and Soil Control Jue to use, so Gu Zheng is going to wait for three days on the edge of the cliff after killing all these monsters, waiting for the fruit to ripen .

Gu Zheng controlled the magic crystal to fly towards the cliff, and all three of Gu Zheng's subordinates became excited. For them, a feast of massacre was about to begin.

The monsters on the cliff also saw the flying phantom crystals, and they unanimously launched various attacks on the phantom crystals. For a while, the entire sky became fantastic due to the halos produced by various black arts.

Although the monsters' sorcery attacks were fancy, they couldn't hurt the phantom crystal at all. Gu Zheng let the cold pool monk and his son out with a thought.

The massacre started, although there were a large number of monsters, the three subordinates of Shang Guzheng really only had to be slaughtered. When they were subordinates, most of the first reaction was to run away, not to mention the cold pool monk and the water monkey, the size of the cold pool monk's son alone could scare some monsters to death!

Most of the monsters want to escape, but they can't escape, no matter what, the father and son of the cold pool monks can release something like tentacles, and it is impossible for any monster to escape.

The father and son of the cold pool monks were harvesting monsters in a large area, and the water monkey ran directly to the golden armored skeleton. The golden armored skeleton held a black stick in its hand. It liked the stick very much, and it also It has already told Gu Zheng that it feels that the stick in its hand can explode with greater power.

The smell of blood was very strong, even if a large number of monsters were killed, even the strong sea breeze on the cliff could not blow away the strong smell of blood.

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