Among the three monsters, the centipede monster was dealt with by the cold pool monk's son, the two-headed wolf monster was dealt with by the cold pool monk, and the remaining monster that looked like a chipmunk escaped. He still wanted to chase it out, but Gu Zheng stopped him. Since he wanted to enter the barrier to find ingredients, there was no need to waste any time on that monster.

The gate of the enchantment is actually very strange, it is a big tree that fell down, but the big tree did not fall completely, but arched into a semicircle, covered with a thick layer of moss.

Brother Hantan and his son entered the barrier, and Gu Zheng's eyes also alternated with light and dark.

The environment in the enchantment is not like a forest. In front of Gu Zheng and others are two tall mountains that cannot see the top. The mountains are not as steep as a knife. Things are sparse and there are a few vines hanging down from it.

In the middle of the two high mountains is a passage about three feet wide. As for Gu Zheng and the others, behind them is a fog that cannot see the way they came from, but Gu Zheng knows that as long as he passes through this fog, he can go back to the past. to the forest.

Gu Zheng's understanding of this enchantment comes entirely from the golden-haired monkey monster. The golden-haired monkey monster once entered this enchantment, but it didn't go deep. It just looked at the surrounding environment and retreated after seeing a powerful monster. out.

Through the memory of the golden-haired monkey, Gu Zheng also saw many strange flowers and plants, and these flowers and plants were still growing on the cliffs on both sides.

Gu Zheng asked the cold pool monk to be responsible for climbing the cliff. He wanted to observe closely whether those flowers and plants were suitable ingredients.

As for the son of the monk Hantan, he also has a skill in rock climbing, but Gu Zheng doesn't have it because he is responsible for vigilance.

There is an orchid-like flower in front of it, and there is an elegant fragrance on it. Even if Gu Zheng is in the magic crystal, he can still smell that peculiar fragrance.

However, just as he instructed the cold pool monk to approach the orchid, the two climbing claws of the cold pool monk suddenly plunged into the cliff.

It was not the original intention of the cold pool cultivators to insert their front paws into the rock wall, but the originally very hard rock wall became as soft as mud, so that the arms it inserted into it fell directly into it, cold pool The cultivator's arms had just been inserted into the mutated cliff, and the hard cliff that was kicked by it immediately became as soft as mud, so that his body was facing the rock as if he had fallen into a swamp. Did not go.

Brother Hantan screamed, this change is very frightening, but what is even more frightening is that he is powerless to stop, his hands and feet are controlled, even if he launches a soul power attack on the rock wall, he still cannot stop the sinking trend.

Gu Zheng was also a little shocked. He had realized that the so-called mud was actually an unknown monster with a super huge body. He originally wanted to use magic crystals to collect this unknown monster, but found that this monster turned out to be Something that is connected to the entire enchantment, he has no way to collect the monster into the magic crystal.

No need to wait for Gu Zheng to say anything, the son of the cold pool monk saw the suffering of the cold pool monk, and immediately shot out vines to bind the body of the cold pool monk, and then pulled the cold pool monk like a carrot, from the soft and rotten body. Pulled out of the rock wall.

Although the cold pool monk was pulled out, the screams of the father and son of the cold pool monk came out at the same time. Even the ancient struggle in the magic crystal was shocking, because when the cold pool monk fell into the cliff with both hands and feet In a short time, the flesh on his hands and feet was eaten away by something, leaving only white bones, but the monk Hantan not only didn't feel pain just now, even now he doesn't feel any pain!

The sound of birds chirping sounded from a distance, it seemed to be the screams of the father and son of the cold pool monk, which alarmed the birds in the distance.

"Master, what the hell is this?"

Cultivator Hantan gritted his teeth angrily. When had he ever suffered such a big loss, his hands and feet were abolished without knowing it, so his current monkey body is useless.

"No matter what it is, don't mess with it. Even my phantom crystal is useless to it. If we mess with it, we're afraid there will be endless troubles."

Seeing Brother Hantan's son angrily wanting to attack the cliff, Gu Zheng hurriedly reminded him.

The originally softened cliff hardened in an instant, but the holes left by the hands and feet of the monks in the cold pool were still there, and from the holes, many dark-colored, ants-like creatures drilled out. Although these insects are small, they can move very quickly, and their mouthparts seem to be very sharp. It seems that they have eaten the meat off the hands and feet of the cold pool monk just now.

"Go, get out of here!"

Regardless of the little black ants baring their teeth at them on the cliff, which seemed to be provocative, Gu Zheng gave orders to the father and son of the cold pool monk.

When entering the enchantment before, Gu Zheng didn't have any strange feeling, but now that strange feeling has appeared, and this strange feeling makes Gu Zheng understand that this enchantment is a very dangerous place, Gu Zheng It is possible for them to stay here and die!

Hearing Gu Zheng's voice was very serious, and after the words fell to the ground, he even took the abolished monk Hantan directly into the magic crystal, and the son of the monk Hantan didn't dare to ask any more questions, so he quickly picked up the magic crystal and was about to leave the knot. boundary.

However, the situation is different from the memory of the golden monkey monster. In the memory of the golden monkey monster, if you want to leave the enchantment, you just need to pass through the fog, but the actual situation is that the fog is basically a wall of fog. Just can't pass through!

"Master, you still haven't asked people to leave, have you?"

Gu Zheng sneered, and the energy of not admitting defeat also emerged. Since this enchantment does not allow him to leave through the fog wall, then why not just break through this enchantment? Although this enchantment will be very dangerous, danger is often accompanied by opportunity.

Gu Zheng controlled the magic crystal to fly to the forehead of the monk's son in the cold pool, and then stuck it on it, which made the son of the monk in the cold pool look like a three-eyed tree man.

"Let's go, be careful, it's still mainly about collecting ingredients."

Gu Zheng gave orders to the son of monk Hantan.

"Master, do I need to make my body smaller?" asked the son of the monk Hantan.

A treant's body, even if it is huge, has great strength, but its movements are relatively slow, and in the case of a small body, its strength will decrease and its sensitivity will increase.

"No, that's it for now. If you encounter any trouble, you can adapt! You pick off the grass that your father just wanted to pick off and show me!"

According to Gu Zheng's instructions, Brother Hantan's son took action. With his father's lessons learned, it will definitely not go climbing stupidly, even though his climbing speed is faster than his father's.

The son of the Hantan monk who did not choose to climb rocks stood still, but a vine that flew out of him kept growing, and he wanted to use the vine to roll over the grass that Gu Zheng wanted.

Seeing that the vines shot by the monk's son in the cold pool were about to fly to the grass, a crack suddenly appeared on the stone wall without any gaps, and a thing exactly like the black ant just poked its head out.

It is said that it is the same as the black ant, but the appearance is the same, but the shape is very different. The original black ant is really as small as an ant, but this one is just a black ant with a head sticking out. The head is almost as big as a baby, and the mouthparts are naturally even more exaggerated.

Like a pair of sharp scissors, the super-large black ant cut off the vine shot by Brother Hantan's son in one bite. If it wasn't for the trouble that would be caused by screaming, Brother Hantan's son would definitely scream out of pain! Although his vines are powerful, once he is cut off like this, he will also experience pain like a severed finger.

The son of the monk Hantan was not convinced. A normal person only has ten fingers, but the number of vines he has is innumerable. He was able to attack with vines, so he made the broken vines longer and slammed towards the head of the big black ant.

Although the big black ant's mouthparts were sharp, it was not as powerful as imagined, and it was not too much to say that it was vulnerable to a single blow. Its head was directly blown away by a vine of the monk's son in the cold pool.

After killing the big black ant, the son of the monk Hantan let out a breath of anger. He used vines to roll up the plant that looked like an orchid. Gu Zheng looked at it with the eyes of the Tao. Such plants can indeed be used by him in cooking, which is really dangerous and rewarding!

Bringing orchid-like plants into the illusion, new troubles have also appeared. Because the son of the monk in the cold pool killed the big black ants, countless small black ants sprang up on the cliff, they are like black streams Usually, it spread towards the son of the cold pool monk.

Without waiting for Gu Zheng to say anything, Brother Hantan's son instantly became smaller and rushed towards the depths of the barrier. He didn't think that his treant body could withstand the nibbling of these little black ants .

However, before the son of the monk in the cold pool could run far, the ground shook, and stones began to roll down on the cliff. In the distance, a group of monsters like bison were rushing towards this side.

The son of the monk in the cold pool has fake three eyes, and those monsters like bison have real three eyes. The third eye on their foreheads is surrounded by flames, obviously they are guys who can perform fire magic!

The son of the monk Hantan may not be afraid of attacks of other attributes, but attacks of the fire attribute can restrain him the most. The current situation is really in a desperate situation! After all, there was a fire-attributed buffalo monster in front, black ants that could pick flesh silently behind, and the stone walls on the left and right sides did not dare to climb.

However, in such a desperate situation, Gu Zheng didn't intend to put the son of the monk in the cold pool in danger. He directly took the son of the monk in the cold pool into the illusion, and then controlled the magic crystal to fly up.

The buffalo monster originally came for the son of the monk in the cold pool, but now seeing the son of the monk in the cold pool disappeared, leaving only a piece of crystal flying up, they immediately launched an attack on the magic crystal, one after another flames came from They shot out from their third eyes and burned towards the phantom crystal.

Gu Zheng is not afraid at all. Although this enchantment is more dangerous, he does not believe that there is anything that can destroy the magic crystal.

The flames released by the bison monster were very hot, but they had no effect on the phantom crystals. Seeing that the flames they used didn't work, the irritable bison monster vented its anger on the black stream in front of it.

The black stream is made up of countless little black ants. After the flames of the buffalo were sprayed, those little black ants turned into flying ash. The little black ants that made the monk's son in the cold pool very afraid were nothing in the place of the buffalo monster. Forget it, it was burnt clean in an instant.

Seeing that there were no enemies around, the grumpy buffalo monster wanted to go back the same way, but their disaster also came at this time. There were hundreds of holes in the stone wall, and this time the hole was bigger than The openings where the big black ants appeared before were much larger, and each of the places where the openings were the thickest was like a bucket.


Roaring sounded everywhere, and out of each of the hundred or ten openings on the stone wall, a dragon monster shot out. The reason why it is called a dragon monster is because the head of this monster is very similar to a dragon head, but they are not like dragons. With scales and temples like that, their bodies looked soft, as if they had been peeled off, showing a fleshy pink color! Moreover, Gu Zheng doesn't know how long the bodies of these dragon monsters are. Anyway, no matter how far or near they are, each of them can stretch their heads to the side of the bison monster, but the other end of their bodies is still connected to the stone wall. on the crack.

An extremely bloody massacre began. The buffalo monsters still wounded the enemy with flames. Those dragon monsters that were sprayed by their flames burst into flames instantly, as if they were made of oil! However, fire is nothing to dragon monsters. As long as their bodies are on fire, they will retract into the cracks on the stone wall like lightning. When they pop out again in an instant, the original flames on their bodies have been extinguished. , leaving only the traces of the flames that burned them before, this is simply a way of fighting that will not die!

As for the bison monsters, their fate is a bit miserable. Although the dragon monsters are afraid of their flames, their teeth are also very sharp. Their bodies can't bear the bite of the dragon monsters at all, so that they scream In all directions, the water turned into streams and meandered on the ground.

More than sixty buffalo monsters died in less than two minutes. The dragon monsters not only ate the corpses of the buffalo monsters, they even licked off the clotted blood on the ground.

The passageway that was originally like the Shura field became quiet. It seemed that the bloody battlefield just now was just an illusion of the ancient struggle.

"What kind of enchantment is this!"

Gu Zheng sighed in his heart. At first he thought this space world was a simple space world, but the things that happened in this space world made him understand that the difficulty of the space world has been raised, and now after entering such an enchantment , he already suspected that the difficulty of the entire space world has been improved again because of his decision? If this is really the case, then his progress is a bit slow. If the strength of their side increases, if they cannot keep up with the increase in the difficulty of the space world, there will inevitably be more and more fatal dangers.

"call out!"

Like the sound of a goshawk, it broke Gu Zheng's reverie. Looking up, Gu Zheng found a monster that looked like an eagle but had four wings, and was swooping towards the phantom crystal.

Gu Zheng didn't control the phantom crystal to dodge. For him, the goshawk monster that swooped down was simply delivered to his door! When he was worrying about finding a new body for the cold pool monk whose hands and feet had been crippled, this goshawk monster unexpectedly came to his door.

With a thought, Gu Zheng trapped the Goshawk monster into the illusion crystal.

It was still the usual operation, but when Gu Zheng saw what the goshawk monster was afraid of, he couldn't help being startled! The monster was standing in a quagmire. It looked like a dragon, but it had three long necks and heads. As for the size of the other part of the quagmire, the goshawk monster had never seen it before, and the illusion appeared naturally. incomplete.

Each head of the three dragon monsters has a different color, and the white head roared, and the roaring sound was presented through an illusion. Gu Zheng didn't sound like much, but it could be heard in the ears of the goshawk monster , It is indeed more powerful than most sonic attacks, so that the goshawk monster just crawled on the ground without any fighting spirit.

Gu Zheng understands that the three-headed dragon monster is not only capable of roaring, it is just an attack method that the goshawk monster has seen before.

Soon, the goshawk monster's will was consumed by the illusion, and Gu Zheng also began to use the illusion to search for the goshawk monster's soul.

The goshawk monster also woke up on the day that Gu Zheng entered the space world, so it didn't know much about this barrier, but it was a flying monster anyway, and it had been to many places in this barrier.

After reading the memory of the goshawk monster, Gu Zheng asked the cold pool monk to seize it, while his brows were slightly frowned.

Through the memory of the goshawk monster, Gu Zheng found many useful things, such as suspected qualified ingredients, such as which places may be very dangerous, and how to leave this enchantment.

In the memory of the goshawk monster, Gu Zheng saw the two doors in this enchantment. They were real two doors, not something like a door. Gu Zheng felt that if he wanted to leave this enchantment, he had to Go through one of the two doors.

However, Gu Zheng doesn't know which door is the correct one. Maybe when he gets close to the door, he will have a special feeling to guide him! However, the only thing he knows about those two doors at this stage is that neither of them is easy to pass through.

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