Things in the cultivation world came to an end for the time being, thinking about the situation on Xuanyue's side, Gu Zheng returned to the original cave.

In fact, it's not just about Xuanyue. Anyway, there is nothing going on in the cultivation world for the time being. Gu Zheng also wants to enter the fairy-level space fairy weapon again after seeing Xuanyue, so that he can become the master of the fairy-level space fairy weapon earlier. Anyway, it's a pretty good thing.

After returning to the cave, Xuanyue was naturally very happy to see Gu Zheng. During the time when Gu Zheng left, she practiced very hard, and now her cultivation level has improved a bit compared to when Gu Zheng left.

In addition to seeing Xuanyue, Gu Zheng also saw the lava horses and lava skeletons he left in the cave. Seeing these subordinates who had accompanied him in the last space world again, Gu Zheng felt very sad.

"Master, how long will you be here this time?" Xuan Yue asked.

"I don't know how long it will be. I came back this time not only to cook food for you that can improve your cultivation, but also to take you to the next space world to practice." Gu Zheng said.

"Master, you now have the sculpture of Soaring Sky Boat. After entering the fairy-level space fairy artifact again, you won't be involved in that extremely difficult space world again?" Xuanyue thought for a while.

"Theoretically, this is the case, but everything is not always the case. After all, there are also artifact spirits in fairy-level space artifacts." Gu Zheng said.


Xuan Yue frowned. She, who was as smart as ice and snow, had already heard something unusual from Gu Zheng's words.

"Master, but has there been any change in Qi Ling?" Xuan Yue asked.

Gu Zheng sighed. In fact, he returned from the cultivation world so quickly, not only because there was nothing wrong with the cultivation world, but also because the fairy-level space fairy weapon that he had been carrying with him was recently given to him. A special feeling, this special feeling made him feel that Qi Ling's situation was a little different from what he imagined.

Every time he passes the test of the space world in a fairy-level space fairy weapon, Gu Zheng's control over the fairy-level space fairy weapon will also increase a little. will reduce some.

Last time, because Qi Ling wanted to solve the ancient dispute, it lost itself, causing the ancient dispute to finally enter the very difficult space world of the volcano world to accept the test, and the ancient dispute was there after all the trials and tribulations. Suffering, finally passed the test and left, Qi Ling can also be said to have been seriously injured because of the passing of Gu Zheng.

After escaping from the volcanic space world, Gu Zheng soon returned to the cultivation world. He thought that Qi Ling would not be able to be a demon for a long time, but who would have thought that just a while ago, he felt the restlessness of Qi Ling , This made him feel that he had to clear the space world again to make the Qi Ling injured and peaceful. is truly once and for all.

After hearing what Gu Zheng said, Xuan Yue asked: "Master, then do you think that after entering the fairy-level space fairy artifact this time, how likely is it that you will be absorbed into the more difficult space world?"

"Qi Ling is just restless. Its state is not as good as you imagined. In addition, I already have the treasure of the Aotianzhou sculpture. It can force me into a relatively difficult space world. The possibility is actually less than two." Success! The teacher said that just now, but he didn't want to say something too deadly." Gu Zheng smiled slightly.

"Master, I don't want to enter the space world with you again this time." Xuan Yue whispered.

"Why?" Gu Zheng laughed.

"I used to want to follow Master into the space world. On the one hand, I wanted to help Master, and on the other hand, I also wanted to experience, but the situation is different now. Master not only has the Heart Magic Orb that can be brought into the space world, There are also phantom crystals that can be brought into the space world. Even if it is a space world that is relatively difficult to encounter, it should have the ability to protect itself. If the apprentice follows the master to enter again, it feels like he is holding back the master! Like the last time in the volcanic space world, the apprentice failed to help the master at all, but let the master go through so many hardships because the apprentice was captured." Xuan Yue smiled wryly.

"You don't have to blame yourself, although in the very difficult space world of the volcanic space, the disciple didn't help the teacher, but it is precisely because the disciple was captured that the teacher has experienced so many things, and the teacher has experienced so many things. To be able to get such a treasure as Magic Crystal! Because of this, Tuer has his own chance, and got an Ice Spirit Crystal the size of a small mountain, so everything has two sides, and difficulties do not necessarily represent bad things." Gu Zheng said.

"Let the master make the decision! If the master still wants the disciple to follow, then the disciple will follow the master and go to that space world. If the master does not want the disciple to follow, the disciple wants to go to the prehistoric world." Let's practice a bit." Xuan Yue said with a smile.

Gu Zheng thought for a while and said: "The teacher wants to take you into the space world, and the purpose is to let you practice. Since the disciple has already planned to go to the prehistoric field for practice, then this time the teacher will not let the disciple follow!"

Gu Zheng originally planned to take Xuan Yue, the lava horse, and the lava skeletons into the space world together this time, but since Xuan Yue wanted to go to the wilderness to experience more, Gu Zheng also planned to go alone this time. As for the lava War horses and lava skeletons, during the period of time accompanying Xuanyue in the cave, they are quite familiar with Xuanyue, and Gu Zheng decided to let Xuanyue take them with him when he went to the prehistoric power this time. own safety.

Gu Zheng plans to stay in the cave for a few days. In the next few days, he will help Xuanyue and the others cook food, and he will also give sermons to Xuanyue and the others. When they leave the cave for prehistoric experience , Gu Zheng re-entered the space world of fairy-level space artifacts.

Five days passed quickly. During these five days, Gu Zheng also did all the things he wanted to do, and Xuan Yue had already left with the lava horse and lava skeleton.

Since I have helped the lava horses and lava skeletons do spiritual food training, their spiritual intelligence is now almost the same as that of normal people, and because this is a prehistoric place, Gu Zheng himself is a master of refining, so that kind of He also made a space fairy that can allow a few creatures to enter it, and he gave one to Xuanyue, so Xuanyue went to the wilderness to experience this time, and on the surface it was not ostentatious, but if she encountered any problems, she could In an instant, lava horses and thirty-six lava skeletons were released from the space fairy to help her fight.

In addition to giving Xuanyue a space fairy that can hold living beings, Gu Zheng also gave some fairy artifacts that can defend herself. I think there will be no problems when Xuanyue goes to the prehistoric experience this time, but I don’t know if I see her again. When did it happen.

Xuanyue and the others had already left, and Gu Zheng sealed the cave, then took out a fairy-level space artifact like a nuclear carving, and entered it with a thought.

Still in that starry sky world, Gu Zheng stood in it and felt it carefully. Although Qi Ling was already restless, he did not force Gu Zheng into a certain space and time, which made Gu Zheng happier, even though it was more difficult But if there is a choice, Gu Zheng doesn't want to waste time in those space worlds, he wants to go straight to the place where the Qi Ling is, first destroy the Qi Ling, and wait for him to become After becoming the owner of a fairy-level space fairy weapon, it is not too late to go to those difficult space worlds again. No matter how the despicable guy Qi Ling exists, it is always something that people can't feel at ease.

After wandering around, Gu Zheng approached a star, and when his faith moved again, his sight disappeared, and there was darkness in front of him.

After Gu Zheng's vision returned to normal, he had already entered the space and time corresponding to the stars.

"Yes, this time it turned out to be a person!"

Looking at his body this time, Gu Zheng smiled with satisfaction. In the space worlds he entered before, he never appeared in the form of a human. To be honest, if the body can be chosen, he still hopes for a human body, even if it is a human body. It will be much weaker than those treant and lava bodies, and it still can't stop him from liking this form, anyway, he is a person himself.

It is still the same as when he entered the space world before, restricted by the law, Gu Zheng's own means were deprived, and his current human body is really very fragile, just like an ordinary adult, the only thing better than an ordinary adult The only point is that it is more flexible in itself.

Although compared with the previous treant body or lava body, Gu Zheng lacks the ability to protect himself, but this is nothing to him. The two treasures that can destroy the balance of space, the Heart Magic Orb and the Magic Crystal, Not surprisingly, he was also brought into this space world, so he didn't have anything to worry about, not to mention that he already knew that the difficulty of this space world was not high.

Gu Zheng has the perception that the space world is not difficult, but it is not because of the Aotianzhou sculpture that he will not be forcibly absorbed into the difficult space world. After all, even if he will not be forcibly absorbed into such a space world, but if he Entering by accident is something that no one can stop, and the fundamental reason why he has such a cognition is because of his control over the fairy artifact in the fairy-level space, and he has experienced the last difficult space. The challenge of the world has been improved, so after entering this space world, he already has a clear feeling that the difficulty of this space world is really not high.

The current location of Gu Zheng is the top of the mountain, and the bottom of the mountain is a vast forest. There is nothing strange to see in the endless.

Gu Zheng started to move, he was going to go down the mountain, and then walked out of the woods to have a look.

Gu Zheng walked for an hour all the way down the mountain, during which time he found no danger, not even a small animal, but Gu Zheng saw a lot of things like ingredients, but the ingredients looked different. It's strange, Gu Zheng Xian has no eye of Tao to use, and he is not hungry, so he has not collected it for the time being.

For Gu Zheng, no animals were found, which is very abnormal. Even though the environment here is not the same as that of the wilderness, after walking for an hour, it is right that a small animal should be found, then Since there was such an anomaly, Gu Zheng felt that this mountain should be the site of some powerful guy. If it wasn't so, he wouldn't even be able to see a small animal.

Gu Zheng is not a lava skull. He can increase his strength by killing monsters like a lava skull. Otherwise, he really wants to find that monster and kill it to improve his strength.

Standing at the foot of the mountain and looking at the forest in front of him, Gu Zheng decided to go east. Anyway, there are no clues now, and it doesn't matter which direction he goes.

Just as Gu Zheng was about to step into the forest, a strange feeling arose, and this strange feeling came from his control over the fairy-level space artifact.

The special feeling made Gu Zheng understand that if he left the mountain, he would lose something, which stopped Gu Zheng's original steps.

He didn't know exactly what he would lose by leaving this mountain, but he thought it must be related to the monster on the mountain, so he walked up the mountain again.

For Gu Zheng, he is happier now, because he can clearly feel the real benefits brought by the improvement of his control over the fairy-level space fairy weapon, just like at this moment, the special feeling is born again, Guided his direction, let him know that the thing corresponding to regret exists in that direction.

Instead of going up the mountain, Gu Zheng went around to the other side of the mountain and saw a road there!

When Gu Zheng went down the mountain before, he came down through thorns and thorns. There is a real road here, a road that is often trampled. There are also strange footprints on the road. The footprints are very strange. Gu Zheng has never seen it before.

At the end of the road is a dark cave. Now that he has a temporary direction, Gu Zheng entered the Heart Demon Orb as soon as he moved his mind. His body is not strong now, and the trip down the mountain just now made his legs weak. If you climb the mountain once, it is estimated that you will be tired when you reach the entrance of the cave.

Entering the Heart Demon Orb instead of walking, although the speed of the Heart Demon Orb is not fast, it does not require any effort on his part.

The Heart Demon Orb flew up the mountain steadily, and reached the outside of the cave after flying for about four minutes.

There was a roar, and the heart demon bead was swallowed with a bloody mouth.

Gu Zheng of the Heart Demon Orb laughed. He knew what the guy who swallowed the Heart Demon Orb looked like. After all, although others were inside the Heart Demon Orb, they could see the situation outside, so when the guy in the cave When it appeared, Gu Zheng also saw it.

It was a monster, it had the skin of a fan, it had no hair, but it looked very strong, it had four arms in total, and it had two indescribable heads, and of the two heads, one was in a normal position , and the other grows on its abdomen.

Seeing this weird looking guy, Gu Zheng couldn't help but feel a little angry. The appearance of its two heads reminded Gu Zheng of the Hantan monk and his son who were against him everywhere in the last space world. .

"It's said that since the remnant souls of the father and son of the cold pool monks were condensed, they have never been bothered with them. If you are bored in this space world, you can play with them then!"

Gu Zheng sneered in his heart. After he came out of the last space world, during the time he stayed in the cave and did not return to the cultivation world, he had slowly condensed the remnant souls of the father and son of the cold pool monk through the magic crystal, and after returning to the cultivation world He already knew that the souls of the father and son of the cold pool had been reunited, but at that time he was not in the mood to talk to the father and son of the cold pool, and let them live a good life in the magic crystal temporarily.

The Heart Demon Orb is a treasure, if you dare to swallow the Heart Demon Orb, the monster is simply looking for death, so Gu Zheng just thought of it, and the Heart Demon Orb swelled up quickly.

The monster made a painful sound, but the expansion speed of the heart magic bead was too fast, and only one sound was heard, and the monster was burst by the heart magic bead.

Although the monster's body was exploded, it didn't die because of it, or it didn't completely die because of it, because there was a head in its abdomen, and its stomach was not in the abdomen, but in its chest, so on its upper body After the explosion, the head of its lower body controlled the two legs and ran towards the hole, but it had no arms, only one head and two legs, which looked very weird.

Gu Zheng would not let the monster escape, and the speed of the Heart Demon Orb was not fast. If he let the monster escape, it would be difficult for him to catch up with the monster, so he put the monster into the Heart Demon Orb with a thought.

For Gu Zheng, his understanding of this world is still zero. Although this monster looks like a beast and has no intelligence, Gu Zheng still wants to use illusions to see if he can get anything useful from it. memory.

Usually, when Gu Zheng uses illusions to obtain monster memories, he controls the Mind Demon Orb to create what they are most afraid of. When they are tortured to the point of collapse by the most feared thing, it is easy for Gu Zheng to know their memories. There are many.

With a thought, the Heart Demon Bead cheered out the thing the monster feared, but what Gu Zheng didn't expect was that the thing the monster feared was a plant, and that tree looked very similar to corn, but it was only three feet long. Laigao also has green leaves and a cob, but the corn cob is not coated, and the color of the seeds has the luster of pomegranate seeds.

After the corn-like plant appeared, it swayed towards the monster. The corn leaves were stuffed directly into the monster's mouth. The monster chewed the corn leaves and made a painful cry, but it still ate one bite after another.

Gu Zheng was very curious. He had used the Heart Magic Orb to deal with many monsters before. The monsters were also afraid of all kinds of strange things, but there was never a monster like this one in front of him. The thing he was afraid of turned out to be a plant. At the same time, I can't help but want to eat it.

Gu Zheng didn't understand why the monster behaved like this. He had to wait for the monster's will to collapse before he could know the reason for it to behave so strangely to a plant through its memory.

It didn't take long for the monster's will to collapse, and the short speed surprised Gu Zhengdu, because when it ate the first corn leaf and sent the second corn leaf to its mouth, it had already collapsed.

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