The two horns that grow on the heads of the lava skeletons are golden, not very sharp, but they are curved and upturned, making them look a bit like demons. Moreover, the promotion of the lava skeletons this time not only changed the horns on the top of the head, but their bodies were also a head taller than before, and their skeletons became thicker. The skeletons that used to have a jade texture have now appeared Some metallic sheen.

Although the lava skeletons are the subordinates of Gu Zheng, Gu Zheng can't communicate with them, so it is not clear what internal changes their promotion has brought about. I can only feel their promotion this time. The strength should have improved a lot.


Lava Boy suddenly made a curious sound.

"Don't you know what's going on?"

Gu Zheng's lava body has no brows, if it has brows, it must have been frowned.

Before the lava skeletons were promoted, they didn't spend too much energy chasing and killing the remaining lava mantises. When the lava skulls were about to advance successfully, those lava mantises no longer escaped but connected with their forelimbs to form a group in the air. The circles are circling, and a kind of fluctuation is also produced along with their weird behavior.

"I don't know, maybe there is something else in this space that I don't know about!"

Mr. Lava shook his head. It wasn't sad because there was something it didn't understand in the space it was in. What it had in its eyes was only anticipation. What it wanted to see was a fierce battle. It was obvious that the one-sided fierce battle before Fighting is not enough.

According to Gu Zheng's judgment, there are only two possibilities for the strange behavior of the lava mantis, either to perform the summing technique or to perform the summoning technique, and among these two possibilities, which one is the most likely, Gu Zheng thinks it is the latter! After all, the preparation time required for the totalization technique is usually not long, but the strange behavior of the lava mantises has already lasted for a long time.

No matter what the lava mantises are going to do, the lava skeletons that have finished their promotion can free up their hands to deal with it, so a lava skeleton took the lead in throwing the explosive ax at the lava mantis in the air.

The body of the lava skull became bigger, and the ax also became bigger, and its power also increased. When the ax went down, it directly killed all the lava praying mantises circling in the air! Even Gu Zheng couldn't help but be a little surprised. After killing so many lava praying mantises, he has obtained a relatively accurate figure, that is, the lava skull's explosion power has at least doubled this time. !


Gu Zheng couldn't help applauding the lava skeletons, the stronger his subordinates were, the happier he was! Anyway, even with the help of the lava mirage dragon, before he entered the volcanic space, he only had a 50% chance of winning against the Fire Demon King who stayed on the fifth floor of the volcanic space! Now that the strength of the lava skull has increased, he feels that the original 50% chance of winning should be increased to 60%!

Although the lava mantises in the sky were blown to death by the ax of the lava skull, the whole space shook again, and a huge figure appeared from the ground. It was also a lava mantis, but it was more Many times bigger in size!

"It turns out that these lava mantises also have a king, and their weird actions before were calling their king!" The lava boy smiled: "It would be enough to defeat those lava mantises, but now the lava mantis king appears, look These lava skeletons coming to you still need to defeat it!"

Gu Zheng nodded. He didn't think Mr. Lava was playing tricks, because the power of law was still acting on him. If killing those lava mantises before was considered as the end of the test, then the power of law acting on him should disappear. right.

"Do you think your Lava Skull can defeat this Lava Mantis King?" Lava Man asked.

"I think it's okay!" Gu Zheng said.

"Why do you say that?" Mr. Lava asked again.

"I have a special sensitivity to lava monsters. This lava mantis king is not particularly strong, but it is relatively large. Moreover, my lava skeletons have just been promoted. Although I can't communicate with them, I think they The golden horn on the top of the head will not be a decoration!"

Gu Zheng is talking to Mr. Lava, and the lava skeletons have already started a battle with the lava mantis king.

The lava skulls have good fighting talents. This is something we have known for a long time. Facing such a huge lava monster, it is almost like a guerrilla war, attacking the lava mantis from multiple directions.

The lava mantis king has more attack methods than the lava mantis, at least it can cast magma rain from the sky, and the magma is purple, and the destructive power is obviously stronger. However, it seems that it is not good at flying because it is too big, and it has been on the ground without flying.

If the lava skeletons did not advance this time, they would feel very uncomfortable when they encountered purple magma. The high temperature of that magma could burn their bones red, thus affecting all aspects of them. But the lava skeletons have been promoted again. Their bones are different in color from the past, and they are very resistant to purple magma. Therefore, even if they are frequently hit by purple magma in a short period of time, nothing will happen.

In addition to being able to launch magma rain attacks, the Lava Mantis King also possesses two attack methods of the Lava Mantis, one is to shoot red light from its eyes, and the other is to use its sharp blade-like forelimbs.

It stands to reason that the red light emitted from the lava mantis king's eyes should be more powerful, but the red light emitted from its eyes cannot cause any damage when it hits the lava skeletons, because the golden horns on the top of the lava skeletons will glow. All the red light on them is absorbed by their golden horns! As for the sharp blade-like forelimbs, the lava skulls are more concerned about this. Every time the lava mantis king attacks them with their forelimbs, they will quickly dodge.

Just as Gu Zheng was guessing the golden horns of the lava skulls, in addition to being able to absorb the line-of-sight attacks transformed by lava energy, the golden horns of the lava skulls showed an unusual side, which also made Gu Zheng understand that the cunning The Lava Skull has been fighting against the Lava Mantis King before, and the biggest purpose turned out to be to find the Lava Mantis' vitals!

The key point of the lava mantis king is in the abdomen of the lava mantis king. This key point is very confusing. It is not as soft as common sense. After all, the lava mantis king is a lava body, not a flesh body. After being attacked, the lava mantis king will also No particular reaction.

However, after wounding many parts of the Lava Mantis King's body, it seems that it has been carefully screened. The golden horns on the top of the Lava Skull, which is good at combined attacks, all emit light beams, and after the golden beams are twisted into one strand, they are directed towards the Lava Mantis King. The abdominal wound beat through.

To be honest, Gu Zheng was a little shocked. When considering the use of the lava skeletons' golden horns, he ignored the fact that the lava skeletons are good at combining skills, so he didn't expect the lava skeletons to launch such a joint attack!

The thing that shocked Gu Zheng's heart happened immediately, just like he told Mr. Lava, he had a special feeling for lava monsters, so he knew from the beginning that the lava mantis king was different from the lava mantis, the former belonged to him The kind that cannot be detonated by urging its original energy, and the latter belongs to the kind that he can detonate by urging its original energy.

However, Gu Zheng clearly felt that the joint attack golden light launched by the lava skeletons did something that he couldn't do. The joint attack golden light actually catalyzed the original energy of the lava mantis king, causing the huge lava mantis to explode , thus solving the battle!

The battle has been resolved, and the power of law that originally acted on Gu Zheng has also disappeared, but Gu Zheng still took the opportunity to make the previous discovery. He felt that the harvest in this space may not only belong to the lava skeletons, but may also belong to he! He wants to find time to study the golden horns of the lava skeletons. If he can gain enough from it, maybe he can detonate those lava monsters that he couldn't detonate originally.

"Good luck!"

It was Mr. Lava's voice that interrupted Gu Zheng's reverie. Now that Gu Zheng had passed the test, the body that left behind the fan had already begun to fade.

The test belonging to the third-level space is over, and Gu Zheng also felt that they were able to stay in the third-level space for a day. Excited, he put away the fan left by Mr. Lava, and ran towards the lava skeletons on his lava horse. , he is going to study the golden horn of the lava skull.

The lava skulls are also very cooperative, and Gu Zheng doesn't resist touching and pinching their golden horns, and they don't even reject Gu Zheng's original energy thread into their bodies, but after all, they can't have in-depth communication, so After one day passed, Gu Zheng did not achieve what he wished.

However, even if you don't gain the ancient battle, you can open it. After all, he is not a lava skeleton. Maybe this is the exclusive promotion reward of the lava skeleton! Just like those things he has learned from his strength improvement, isn't the Lava Skull also capable? Besides, the lava skeletons are all his subordinates, and the ability of the lava skeletons can be regarded as an improvement in his combat effectiveness.

At the top of the spiral staircase, Gu Zheng took out Mr. Lava's fan. The original small fan became a size suitable for being placed in the clouds. After Gu Zheng put it in the clouds, the clouds turned to both sides again Separated, followed by a dazzling light, Gu Zheng led the team into the light.

The sight in front of him alternates between light and dark. What Gu Zheng sees is still an unpretentious space. There are no monsters or caves. It looks like a third-level space. The only difference is the pass key. That depression looks like a flower.

With the experience of the three-story space, Gu Zheng just took a look at it and started to walk forward.

Sure enough, there was a flash of red light on the spiral staircase, and a guy who surprised Gu Zheng, but not surprised, appeared. It was not a lava monster, it had a red cloud-like body, and it was the human-shaped red cloud that Gu Zheng had seen before.

Gu Zheng had seen the human-shaped Hongyun once before. At that time, he accepted the test of the lava mirage dragon and went to the ancient battlefield at the bottom of the magma lake to find the armor belonging to the lava skeleton. As a result, he met the human-shaped Hongyun in the secret room of the ancient battlefield. As a condition, The sculpture of Aotianzhou, which originally belonged to Gu Zheng, was taken away by the humanoid Hongyun.

The reason why Gu Zheng didn't find it strange to see the human-shaped red cloud was because he already knew some of the entanglements that belonged to the lava mirage, the human-shaped red cloud, and the king of fire demons. The stories between them can be said to be the main thread in this space world .

The Lava Mirage Dragon Gu Zheng has encountered many times, and the Fire Demon King has also had some entanglements, and he also knows that the Fire Demon King is waiting for him on the fifth floor of the volcanic space, so on the fourth floor of the volcanic space , who will be waiting for the ancient battle? It's not that Gu Zheng hasn't thought about the possibility of a humanoid red cloud.

When I saw the human-shaped Hongyun for the first time, Gu Zheng was still very weak. At that time, he was no match for the human-shaped Hongyun. Now he is already very strong. From the human-shaped Hongyun, he no longer feels the pressure of the past. .

The Aotianzhou sculpture is a very special thing. With him on the body, and then entering the inner space of the fairy-level space fairy artifact, it will no longer be taken into such a difficult space world. At the beginning, I had no choice but to hand it over to the human form. Hongyun, Gu Zheng is naturally very distressed, now that he has seen it again, if possible, Gu Zheng wants to bring back the sculpture of Ao Tianzhou.

"Seeing me again, don't you feel a lot of emotion?" Humanoid Hongyun spoke first.

"Yes!" Gu Zheng didn't deny it.

"I didn't expect that the entrant, who I didn't think was so extraordinary at the beginning, would be able to make it this far!" The humanoid Hongyun paused, and glanced at Gu Zheng's lava horse and lava skeleton: "The strength of the team is very strong. Powerful!"

"What about the sculpture I gave you back then?" Gu Zheng asked.

"Here." Humanoid Hongyun stretched out his hand and waved, and Gu Zheng's Aotianzhou sculpture appeared in its palm: "Do you want to get it?"

"Nonsense, it belongs to me." Gu Zheng said.

"As long as it is something that you can't bring out of this space, it can't be your thing." Humanoid Hongyun chuckled: "I have two choices here, one is to defeat me and get the key to enter the fifth-level space, and the other is to Accept my test and get what I got from you before!"

It was another multiple-choice question similar to the third-floor space. Gu Zheng said coldly: "Can't I kill you and get everything I want directly?"

"If you kill me, you can get the key to leave here, but you can't get the things you gave me. If you don't believe me, you can try." Humanoid Hongyun said lightly.

Gu Zheng was silent, he would say these words to the human-shaped Hongyun, just to see if there would be any special feelings, but the special feelings did not appear, so then follow the rules, even if you don’t want to make a choice, You have to make a choice too.

"Talk about the details of the two choices!"

Before making a choice, Gu Zheng naturally wants to hear the details about the choice.

"If you choose to defeat me, the method is the same as that of the third dimension. I will randomly choose one of you, your lava horse and your lava skeleton as an opponent. If you defeat me, you will pass the test." Humanoid Hongyun said .

"Then did you also send some monsters to fight with the one you chose? Or did you just defeat you?"

Gu Zheng was a little speechless, and the fourth floor turned out to be such a challenging battle.

"Defeat me!" Humanoid Hongyun said.

"What about the so-called test?" Gu Zheng asked again.

"The test is that I open an enchantment. You enter the enchantment and help me find a bottle and bring it back. As long as you get close to that bottle, you will have a special induction. Apart from that, there is no hint about the test!"

Hearing what the humanoid Hongyun said, Gu Zheng said again: "Since you gave me two choices, that means I can choose the order to proceed, right?"

"That's right, but if you choose to beat me first, if you really win, you won't get the pass key for the time being, you have to wait until you complete my test and come back to get it. If you choose the latter first, then wait for you Bring back what I want, and after defeating me, you can get the pass key."

Humanoid Hongyun had already given an explanation, and Gu Zheng didn't think about it any further. He directly chose to defeat Humanoid Hongyun first.

For Gu Zheng, a test without too many hints must have dangers and difficulties in it. If he accepts the test first, he feels that when he comes out of the test, he will most likely not be in his prime, and should There won't be any time to adjust breath, if the humanoid Hongyun chooses him as an opponent at that time, then he will suffer a lot! It is better to defeat the human-shaped Hongyun first, because the human-shaped Hongyun does not necessarily choose him to fight, but the test is for him to complete, so he will enter the test in his prime, and it will be relatively safer.

"Okay, then I'll start picking." The humanoid Hongyun smiled, looked at Gu Zheng and said, "Don't worry, I won't pick you! You have a special baby on you, and there's no chance of picking you."

"Hmph, I know quite a lot."

Gu Zheng sneered, he understood that the special baby that the human-shaped red cloud refers to is its phantom crystal, because he already knew through the lava mirage that some special monsters in the space world have special reactions to those babies that can disrupt the balance, Among these special monsters, the Fire Demon King and the human-shaped Hongyun are the most recommended. One of them took away Gu Zheng's Heart Demon Orb, and the other took Gu Zheng's Soaring Boat sculpture! The Aotianzhou sculpture can prevent Gu Zheng from being taken into the difficult space world when he enters the space world next time. It can also be regarded as a treasure that destroys the balance.

"The lava skulls that have grown golden horns, tsk tsk tsk! Their golden horns should restrain me, and it seems that I can't choose them." The humanoid red cloud swept across the lava skulls, looked at the lava horses and said: "It seems that I only I can choose you!"

The words of the human-shaped red cloud represented its decision. Gu Zheng and the lava skeleton were transferred to a corner of the space at the same time.

Gu Zheng was delighted. If only talking about destructive power, it felt that the destructive power of the lava horse was the strongest in their team.

Looking at the humanoid red cloud who was about to fight against it, the lava horse neighed, and that sound was infinite!

"Don't hold back, just use your strongest means to deal with this guy!"

Gu Zheng was only limited by the power of the law, but the lava horse was his mount, and he still maintained the ability to communicate with the lava horse.

"Master, don't worry! I will let it know that it was definitely a mistake to pick me!"

The lava horse's reply was very confident.

"It's quite arrogant!" Looking at the lava horse who looked down on it, the humanoid red cloud chuckled: "Come on, you lifeless horse, I will let you feel what despair is!"

The human-shaped red cloud's voice fell to the ground, which represented the start of its battle with the lava horse, and its figure disappeared without a trace.

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