As Gu Zheng guessed, there was only one lava monster that appeared this time, and this was also a lava monster that Gu Zheng had never seen before.

The lava monster looks like an old human woman, holding a cane in her hand, and her back looks a bit hunched.

The old lava crone is different from ordinary lava monsters. The general lava monster has a lava body, but it seems that there are two kinds of original energy in its body, one is in the form of lava, and the other is in the form of ice, so that its body From time to time, it changes back and forth in the form of magma and ice.

"Enter, you are finally here."

Before he could make a move, the lava crone had already spoken to him.

"Are you waiting for me?"

This is the first communication requirement that Gu Zheng encountered while approaching the second volcano. Judging from his previous experience at the first volcano, when encountering this kind of lava monster that can communicate, usually All represent tasks to be accepted.

"That's right, are you willing to help me with one thing?" said the lava crone.

"Tell me first, what can you do for you."

As expected, the lava old lady was indeed going to give Gu Zheng a task.

"I'll help you open an enchantment, you enter the enchantment and help me take out the lava flower, and I will give you a certain reward." The lava old woman said.

"Then you have to tell me what the reward is first." Gu Zheng asked.

"This reward is to give you something that can improve your strength!"

Gu Zheng was very moved by the words of the lava old woman. Not long ago, he was depressed that the speed of his body's own strength improvement was a bit slow.

"Okay! Then you open the enchantment for me!"

Following the sound of Gu Zheng, the lava old woman pointed at the magma lake with her crutch, and the magma immediately separated to the two sides, revealing a crack.

Looking at the dark crack, Gu Zheng's heart moved. His understanding of the super space fairy gave him an unprecedented sense of danger.

The feeling of unprecedented danger is very strange. If it is changed to the warning of danger in the past, the feeling will be relatively clear. For example, the warning of danger is caused by cracks, so the warning should be directed at the cracks. But now this The second situation is that the danger not only refers to the warning, but also points to other places, but this place is not clear enough, and Gu Zheng still can't figure it out for a while.

Not in a hurry to leave, Gu Zheng was thinking about what that special sense of danger represented. After all, this is not an ordinary thing. I have encountered uncertain warnings before, and that was when I met the silver eel. The early warning at that time was not clear, which made him pay more attention to the lava eel, so as to avoid a big loss later.

"Enter, why don't you go in?"

Seeing that there was no movement in Gu Zheng, the lava old woman asked.

Gu Zheng didn't say a word, he was still looking for that special warning of danger, trying to find out where the source of the danger was.

"Enter, you should go in quickly! You must know that you promised to enter the enchantment to help me retrieve the lava flower. Even if the two of us had an agreement before, the consequences of breaking the agreement will be very serious."

The lava old woman solemnly reminded Gu Zheng that at this time, Gu Zheng narrowed his eyes, because he had been guided by a special feeling to track down the source of danger. It turned out that the unclear danger was the lava old woman in front of him. .

As a special lava monster that issues missions, it’s not surprising that the old lava woman would feel this kind of danger. Because of the phantom crystal now, Gu Zheng’s sense of the space world has been enhanced, so he feels that if he returns to the first encounter When the silver eel was involved, the danger that was unclear at the beginning and needed to be determined by guesswork would definitely become very obvious.

The silver eel is the first guy that Gu Zheng saw in the volcano world, that is, the guy who released the mission and conspired against the law. At the beginning, Gu Zheng also had a special feeling for it, and it also belonged to a strange one. The ancient Zheng saw it in the volcano world. The first monster of ice attribute.

The lava old woman is the second guy that Gu Zheng saw. He not only issued a mission, but also made him feel dangerous, and this feeling of danger is very strong. It has another similarity with the silver eel, that is, its body There is also the energy of the ice-cold attribute.

"Enter, what are you thinking? I will ask you this time for the last time, are you ready to breach the contract?"

Seeing that Gu Zheng was still silent, the lava old woman's voice had become very impolite, Gu Zheng still didn't make a sound, but he suddenly shot at the lava old woman, and his flame whip shot towards the lava old woman rapidly.

"You're looking for death, and you dare to break the contract!"

The lava crone looked very angry. With a wave of the crutch in her hand, an ice-cold sorcery acted on the flame whip from the ancient battle. The flame whip, which was originally fiery red, was immediately surrounded by a layer of frost. !

After the flame whip was stained with frost, Gu Zheng not only lost control of it, but the frost that spread rapidly along the flame whip was approaching Gu Zheng's body, as if he wanted to freeze Gu Zheng's body live.

Gu Zheng discarded the flame whip, and his natal energy turned into silk threads and flew towards the lava old woman. He really wanted to breach the contract, and in the world of volcanoes, it was the first time he had done so.

As the lava old woman said, the volcano world has always given Gu Zheng the feeling that if there is an agreement with the monsters, then it cannot be broken, and the consequences of breaking the agreement will be very serious. However, the lava old woman gave Gu Zheng too strong a sense of danger, and Gu Zheng finally figured out something during this period of quiet thinking.

If Gu Zheng didn't get the magic crystal, he felt that the special feeling he could have in the current situation would still be as bright as when he met the silver eel. Then since it is because the magic crystal strengthens the special feeling, I know the danger of the dangerous lava old woman, and this dangerous feeling is quite special, so special that it makes Gu Zheng hesitate, which makes Gu Zheng think of the characteristics of the magic crystal. .

What are the characteristics of magic crystal? Naturally, it is to create illusions! So what are the characteristics of illusion? Naturally true and false, false and true! Therefore, Gu Zheng felt that the road to the second volcano was naturally more difficult than the road to the first volcano, so on this more difficult road, some things might be true or false Fake, if you use the old thinking on the road leading to the first volcano to think about the problems here, you will probably suffer a loss!

This is a gamble, and Gu Zheng feels that he made the right bet. If he did not make the right bet and the consequences of breaching the contract are very serious, then when he used the flame whip to attack the lava old woman who issued the task, he should have tasted the breach of contract taste! But what is the taste of breach of contract, at least he has not tasted it yet. So he felt that it was a good thing that he thought patiently and made a judgment boldly. Otherwise, he might have encountered real danger if he had really listened to the lava old woman and acted according to the agreement!

The old lava crone is a special lava monster. Gu Zheng uses the original energy thread to deal with it. In addition to seeing if he can do research on it, another purpose is to see if it will be like the lava monster he encountered before. In that way, for the thread that his original energy is transformed into, it is basically an invisible state.

However, the lava old woman is really special. She can see the original energy thread of Gu Zheng, and with a light wave of the crutch in her hand, a wave of air like sword energy cut off the original energy thread of Gu Zheng.

After cutting off the original energy thread of Gu Zheng, the lava old woman roared: "How dare you break the agreement, I will make you pay the price!"

After the voice of the lava old woman fell to the ground, it waved the crutch in its hand again, and a large stream of ice fell from the sky, which brought Gu Zheng a sense of crisis.

Gu Zheng's current body is made of lava, and he is more afraid of damage from the cold attribute, so he spread his wings of flame and flew away.

Although the ice falling from the sky was dodged by Gu Zheng, but under the control of the lava old woman, the ice turned into something that made Gu Zheng stare wide-eyed. It turned out to be a dragon he had seen in the falling snow ice field Shaped into a super ice monster!

After all, this is a volcanic world, not a snowfall ice field. Although the ice was manipulated by the lava old woman into a dragon-shaped super ice monster, the dragon-shaped super ice monster here is not as strong as the snowfall ice field. Vigorous, otherwise, if the ancients compete with the current strength, there will still be lives!

The dragon-shaped super ice monster was chasing Gu Zheng behind him, and Gu Zheng was approaching the old lava woman suspended in the air. He found that the old lava woman seemed unable to move. If this is the case, it would be relatively easy to solve it Some.

Looking at Gu Zheng who was approaching, the lava old woman did not move, but she waved the crutch in her hand towards Gu Zheng again, and a stream of air slammed into Gu Zheng's body, so fast that even Gu Zheng could not avoid it.

Gu Zheng was not knocked away by the airflow, but under the impact of the airflow, he involuntarily retreated a certain distance, and the original energy overflowed from his mouth like blood. Moreover, due to Gu Zheng's irresistible retreat, the dragon-shaped super ice monster that was chasing him had a chance. Its head hit Gu Zheng's back heavily, sending Gu Zheng flying back. .

Gu Zheng was hit by a dragon-shaped super ice monster and flew towards the lava old woman. The original energy also spewed out a mouthful at a time. The lava old woman seized the opportunity and waved another airflow, trying to hit Gu Zheng again. To the dragon-shaped super ice monster.

Gu Zheng's heart was on fire, and he retreated uncontrollably. He had undoubtedly encountered a serious crisis. If he didn't take any effective measures, he would be regarded as a ball by the lava old lady and the dragon-shaped super ice monster. Generally, they fought back and forth, and were eventually beaten to death by these two guys.

With a thought in Gu Zheng's mind, he used the ashes of the lava giant that was originally hidden in his body, and his body surface burst into a fiery red light in an instant.

Gu Zheng's body was originally very afraid of the dragon-shaped super ice monster, because the attributes of the dragon-shaped super ice monster are relatively restrained. He also thought that when he used the ashes of the lava giant to complete the transformation process, He is bound to be hit by the dragon-shaped super ice monster again. However, Gu Zheng did not expect that after he used the ashes of the lava giant, the dragon-shaped monster that originally wanted to hit him suddenly stopped in the air, as if it had seen something terrible. Zheng also seized this rare opportunity to escape the fate of being hit as a ball.

Everything just happened in an instant. After Gu Zheng escaped the fate of being played as a ball, his body has completely changed. He has become a lava giant who looks like a lava giant, but he is not the same as a lava giant. of monsters.

Gu Zheng can use the ashes of lava monsters to transform into armor, thus possessing some special abilities, but this is only a practice when passing through the first volcano. On the way to the second volcano, the only monster that Gu Zheng encountered that could produce ashes was the giant lava man. After he got the ashes of the giant lava man, he knew a lot about ashes, so he quickly I couldn't help being hooked, because the ashes of this lava giant were different from the previous ones.

The ashes owned by Gu Zheng before can be used to change all kinds of armor, but the use of the ashes of the lava giant is not to change armor, but to let Gu Zheng integrate his own situation and transform it into another armor. A lava giant, in this state, he can no longer use the previous methods, but he can display the supernatural powers that belong to the lava giant, and the defense in this state is extremely strong, unless there is something that can fight against the lava. The state of the giant man has been beaten to disappear, otherwise it would not be able to suffer any damage at all, but the only fly in the ointment is that the ashes of the lava giant are only enough for him to transform into a lava giant twice.

The state of the ancient lava giant is a special state created by using the ashes of the lava giant and combining his own situation. It belongs to his original energy, so that the lava giant who originally had a lava body turned into a high-temperature magma body , This is something that Gu Zheng already knew before, but what Gu Zheng didn't know is that the body in this special state, the lethality of the high temperature is amazing, and the magma that makes up his body is just like the purple he saw before. Magma is so scary!

It is precisely because of the high temperature generated by the body, which is as terrifying as purple magma, that's why it hesitated to run into Gu Zheng's dragon-shaped super ice monster. The relationship between ice and flame is mutual restraint. If the ice is strong enough, the damage to the flame is obvious. If the flame is strong, the damage to the ice is also obvious.

Just like when the lava crone knocked Gu Zheng out with an air wave for the first time, the temperature emitted by Gu Zheng's lava body at that time was not much of a threat to the dragon-shaped super ice monster, so it was not afraid at all. It directly slammed Gu Zheng into the lava old woman, and because its ice attribute was strong enough, Gu Zheng suffered a lot of damage under that impact, so that the original original energy was just overflowing. At that time, he squirted out a mouthful of original energy.

Nowadays, the damage that high temperature can cause to Gu Zheng's magma body has reached a certain level, so the dragon-shaped super ice monster is more afraid. In this case, if it hits Gu Zheng, it may cause damage to Gu Zheng It is very limited, and the damage it will suffer from this impact will be very terrifying, so it has such hesitation.

However, it was precisely because of the hesitation of the dragon-shaped super ice monster that Gu Zheng discovered something unusual, that is, this guy was obviously just a magic attack performed by the lava old woman, why did he have such a deliberate behavior? You must know that Gu Zheng has already discovered with his keen senses that this dragon-shaped super ice monster is not the same as the lava wolf he can implant thoughts. The intelligence it possesses is not as simple as implanting thoughts, but It really does think! Just like now, it didn't chase the ancient battle, but it didn't avoid it because of fear. It was obviously waiting for the lava crone to attack again, so that it could cooperate with its master.

"Do you have two purposes? Can you deal with me while controlling this dragon-shaped super ice monster?"

The inner thinking was actually within a short period of time, Gu Zheng, who had doubts in his heart, waved the mace in his hand at the lava old woman.

The lava giant originally held a mace in his hand, but the mace in his hand was still in the shape of lava, but in the ancient contestant, it looked like a piece of red-hot iron. Great.

With the mace that Gu Zheng swung, a high-temperature magma that was born out of thin air shot towards the lava old woman, and at the same time, the lava old woman also waved her crutches towards Gu Zheng again, and once again launched a force capable of knocking Gu Zheng out. The kind of air wave attack.

"Come here again!"

Gu Zheng sneered in his heart. Under the action of the air waves, his original body just retreated irresistibly instead of flying upside down. Now this special state, whether it is the weight of the body or the resistance to damage They are stronger than before. He is confident that not only will he not be knocked out by the lava old woman's air waves, but he can also smack that lava old woman.

The air wave collided with the magma shot out by Gu Zheng in the air, and the magma that couldn't hold the air wave flew back in front of Gu Zheng. For Gu Zheng's current body, the magma that was shot out was energy. He didn't want to waste it, so he opened his mouth and inhaled the magma into his stomach again, and his stomach became bigger during this inhalation process, and he inhaled all the air waves from the lava old woman.

The air wave entered the abdomen, not only did not cause any harm to Gu Zheng, but was spit out by Gu Zheng again, and what was spit out was not just as simple as the air wave, but also waterfall-like magma.

Looking at the waterfall-like magma, the lava crone's eyes widened. She hurriedly waved her crutches, creating a barrier in front of her. This move also convinced Gu Zheng that it could not move.

Gu Zheng moved and avoided the attack from behind. Now he is in the state of a lava giant, and in this state, his perception has become a little dull, which is also a disadvantage, so from He barely dodged the attack behind him.

Dodging the attack behind him, Gu Zheng's eyes couldn't help but widen, because the dragon-shaped super ice monster that was waiting to cooperate with the lava old woman did not know when it turned into a lava body, and there was no body on its head. The not-so-sharp dragon horns are now exaggerated like two sharp blades. The flashing light on them gave Gu Zheng a sense of danger. This sense of danger made Gu Zheng realize that if his If the stomach is pierced by the pair of dragon horns, the original energy of his current body will flow irresistibly, and there is no way to stop it. This is the characteristic of dragon horns! And once too much original energy passed away, his special state of transforming into a lava giant would naturally be over.

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