Seeing the lava skeletons fight monsters and upgrade, Gu Zheng is more happy. He thinks that the lava skeletons have changed their characteristics this time because of chance, which is really a surprise! He is also very much looking forward to how much strength the lava skeletons will eventually improve because of these lava monsters along the way.

The lava skeletons are attacking the lava monster fish, and the lava monster fish naturally also launch a counterattack. Their counterattack is a sorcery, and each mouth is closed quickly, and the periphery of the lava skull shield is suddenly surrounded by flames, and the flame There is also a trend of burning more and more prosperous!

Gu Zheng, who was watching the battle, could clearly see that the strength of these lava strange fish is actually very good. They are stronger than many monsters in the previous volcanic space. Their originally powerful shields, under the flames of these lava monster fish, couldn't hold it for too long.

"Gulu Gulu!"

Facing the flexible figures of the strange fishes, the lava skeletons holding swords outside made strange noises. You must know that these lava skeletons did not make any sound before.

"Could it be that their chance last time gave them some supernatural powers?"

Gu Zheng's heart moved, and he suddenly became looking forward to it. He is right to think so, because the lava skull can always surprise him, and many times it is because he feels that he already understands the depth of the lava skull's strength. At this time, Lava Skull showed a new method.

Sure enough, Lava Skull showed a new method, and Gu Zheng's eyes lit up when he saw the method.

"Flame whip!"

Gu Zheng really didn't expect that Lava Skull's new method turned out to be his current body, the flame whip he is good at!

However, the flame whip of the lava skull looks very different from that of Gu Zheng. The flame whip of Gu Zheng looks thicker, like a burning flame, while the lava skull looks thinner, more like a A golden light wrapped in flames.

The lava skulls with the flame whips shot, and the flame whips shot from their hands were as fast as lightning. Those dexterous lava monster fish seemed to be suppressed by the flame whips. The dexterity turned into dullness, and besides the flaming whip, they fell quickly one after another.

The appearance of the flame whip made the lava skeletons soon end the battle, absorbing the energy of more than a hundred lava monster fish. Gu Zheng could see that their jade bones had become purer. Their strength must also be improved because of this, but the magnitude will not be too great. But it doesn't matter, the journey is still relatively long, Gu Zheng believes that when they reach the foot of the volcano, their strength will definitely improve significantly.

After eliminating the lava monster fish, the lava skeletons returned to Gu Zheng's side again, but not long after, Gu Zheng found that the magma farther away was bursting with abnormal bubbles, which indicated that there were monsters coming from Out of the lava lake.

An order was given to the lava skeletons, and thirty-six lava skeletons went out again. They ran to the scene of the incident ahead, but due to the long distance, before they ran to the vicinity of the incident, the lava lake twice left and right Two monsters rushed out of it.

The two monsters that rushed out of the lava lake looked like two wolves, but their size was a full foot long, which was much larger than the lava skeletons.

After the two lava demon wolves appeared, they did not approach the lava skeletons. They waved their claws and cast a magic spell. A huge light array immediately appeared on the way of the lava skeletons.

The light array suspended in mid-air is like a mirror facing the lava skeletons. With the two lava demon wolves swinging their claws, the symbols and patterns in the light array rotate, and beams of light one after another are directed towards the lava. The skeletons shot away.

Gu Zheng rubbed his chin with his hands. Although he knew that as he went deeper, the monsters he encountered would definitely become more and more powerful, but for a guy like the Lava Demon Wolf who can perform gorgeous magic, he is still the first Once encountered, of course, except for those demon-level monsters, and the lava wolf is definitely not a demon-level, it will appear in the magma lake outside the volcano, and they are at most two elites.

The lava skeletons were inevitably hit by the rays of light from the light array, and where they were hit by the rays of light, the fiery red color suddenly dimmed, which shows that the destructive power of the light is not small!

The combination shield of the lava skull cannot be used indefinitely. When dealing with the lava monster fish, their combination shield has already been used. Now they have not recovered this ability, so they can only move forward against the light rush.

However, the fighting awareness of the lava skeletons is still good. They are not rushing forward blindly, but lined up in a line, so that only the lava skeleton at the front will suffer damage! After all, the light emitted from the light array does not turn around. Once the lava skeleton in the front can't hold back, it will immediately withdraw and another lava skeleton will replace it.

Under the orderly advance, the lava skeleton quickly arrived at a suitable position to launch an attack. With the lava skeleton in front blocking it as a meat shield, the lava skeleton behind began to throw an explosive ax towards the light array in the air, chopping out One after another sword qi, the light array also became unstable because of these attacks.


Two lava demon wolves howled, and as they howled, red energy suddenly flowed from the magma lakes on both sides, entering their bodies like a fountain, and it was an endless stream. With the energy blessing, the two lava demon wolves swing their claws faster, and the originally unstable light array in the air becomes stable as a result.

It is undeniable that the lava demon wolf is still very powerful, but the lava skeleton is not simple. Faced with this situation, they decisively launched a combined attack, and this kind of combined attack has been seen in the volcanic space before, but the situation is different.

In the combined attack that Gu Zheng saw, the super sword energy from the lava skull was like a lava skull slashing out, repeating itself. The lava skeletons collectively threw their explosive axes towards the light array! However, the eighteen exploding axes were different from the past. Seventeen of them faded and disappeared while flying out, and the remaining one became very huge!


There was a loud noise, and the originally unbreakable light array in the air was destroyed by the super explosive axe. The two lava demon wolves controlling the light array in the distance spewed out a wave of original energy as if they were being backlashed.

After breaking the light array, the lava skeletons accelerated towards the lava wolf. They wanted to go to a suitable distance to attack the lava wolf.

The lava demon wolf howled again, and the lava energy that had been continuously blessing them changed and became more violent. However, their bodies, which were originally only one foot long, became more than two feet long in an instant. As for It is said that the energy that originally blessed them in the magma lake also terminated the blessing at this time.

Even though they are separated by a long distance, Gu Zheng can still feel that the strength of the two lava demon wolves has improved a lot. If there were no lava skeletons fighting against the lava monster fish, Gu Zheng would not be worried about the lava skeletons. After all, their joint attack defense passports are very powerful, but now that they no longer have the joint attack defense shield, Gu Zheng felt that he had to take action, otherwise the lava skeletons might be in danger!

However, Gu Zheng was not the only one who felt the danger of the lava wolf. The lava skeletons who had a strong sense of combat also felt this danger. They once again showed a method that Gu Zheng had never seen before.

I saw that a layer of crystal-like things appeared on the surface of each lava skull, as if they had put another layer of armor on them! Seeing the crystal-like thing, Gu Zheng couldn't help but move. The last time the lava skull was injured was because of the energy in the cold pool, and the energy in the cold pool has a very good restraint power against all monsters with lava attributes! Gu Zheng really didn't expect that after that injury, lava skulls, monsters with lava attributes, would be able to display magical powers that were originally incompatible with their attributes.


Gu Zheng applauded the lava skeletons. Although he has not seen the defensive performance of the ice armor, since this is an attribute that is incompatible with the lava attribute, it is now displayed by the lava skeleton. Such an anomaly has already It shows that the power of the ice armor must be good.

Gu Zheng, who was going to rescue the lava skeletons, couldn't move anymore. He felt that with the protection given by the ice armor, the lava skeletons should be able to kill the two lava demon wolves.

The lava demon wolf has grown bigger, and in fact it has changed a fighting form. They no longer use black magic to attack the lava skeleton, and start running towards the lava skeleton. We settle.

One after another sword qi, one after another ax greeted the two lava demon wolves running towards them. Although the two lava demon wolves were flexible, they could not help being hit, and the damage they caused seemed not small. However, in the current form of the two lava demon wolves, their recovery ability is extremely amazing. The damage caused by the lava skeletons to them can heal instantly, and the original energy is not lost at all.

The two lava demon wolves had already rushed to the side of the lava skeletons, and they started screaming fiercely with their claws, and all the lava skeletons that they called out with their claws flew into the lava lake.

Lava can be used by Lava Skulls to heal, but it can also hurt Lava Skulls, between them it's like, if the hand is quickly swept through the flames, there is no problem, but if the hand is completely placed in the fire, Then the situation must be different.

If the lava skeletons fell into the magma lake before, they would be burned to death soon. Gu Zheng, who had never seen them with the ability to fly, felt that they didn't even have the ability to struggle out of the magma lake. However, the current lava skeletons are no longer the original lava skeletons. Because of the existence of the ice armor on the body surface, they did not sink when they were breathed into the magma lake. The magma lake was like a solid to them, and they stood still. On it, it still launched an attack on the two lava demon wolves. It's just that there is white mist coming out of their body surfaces, which is a sign that the ice armor is melting at an accelerated rate.

Ignoring the lava skeletons that were breathed into the magma lake for the time being, the lava demon wolf, who seemed to be full of hatred for the ax-wielding skeleton that broke the light array before, launched a different attack on the ax-wielding skeleton. A skeleton with an ax was found.

Although the lava demon wolves bit the ax-wielding skeleton with their mouths, they did not dare to swallow the lava skeleton protected by the ice armor. They could only bite with their teeth, biting the ice on the surface of the ax-wielding skeleton The armor made a 'creaking' sound.

The two lava demon wolves are undoubtedly powerful, but the truth that two fists are no match for four hands has been demonstrated. The lava demon wolf, which has been attacked by lava skeletons many times, has many scars on its body surface, and its original strong recovery ability has also been somewhat weakened. not enough.

However, the scene that made Gu Zheng stare wide-eyed appeared again, and the lava skeletons jumped towards the two lava demon wolves like monkeys.

The lava skull can jump, and it can jump quite far, something that Gu Zheng didn't know before! In Gu Zheng's wide-eyed eyes, thirty-four lava skeletons have already jumped onto the body of the lava wolf. Although the lava wolf is huge, it doesn't have that much space on its back, so the lava skeletons are not just on them. on their backs, their necks, their legs, and even their heads.

The lava skeleton lying on the lava wolf began to frantically absorb the lava wolf's natal energy from the lava wolf's wound, which was a method they did not have before.

The natal energy was absorbed, and the two lava demon wolves panicked immediately. They wanted to get rid of the lava skeletons on their bodies, but those lava skeletons were like leeches that saw blood, and they couldn't get rid of them at all.

Seeing that they couldn't get rid of the lava skeletons, two lava demon wolves rushed towards the magma lake, wanting to sink into the magma. But it is a pity that due to the ice armor on the surface of the lava skull, the lava demon wolf cannot drill into the magma lake, and can only roll painfully on the surface of the magma lake. In the process, their bodies began to fade, and finally because of the disappearance of the original energy, the bodies returned to nothingness.

The ancient dispute still moved, because the two lava demon wolves had just died, and the surface of the magma lake farther away became abnormal again.

With the movement of Gu Zheng, the lava horse, which was quietly refining the inner alchemy, also moved. Although it cannot attack, it can still walk and run normally.

Since Gu Zheng was going to support the Lava Skeleton, he naturally wouldn't leave the Lava Horse alone. It would be better to keep it by his side, so that even if something happened, it wouldn't take much time to reach out for help.

Gu Zheng originally thought that the lava monster that appeared this time would be a new species, but he didn't expect it to be a lava wolf, but there were four lava wolves this time.

Gu Zheng's strength is not weak, but his current body does not have as many chances as the lava skeleton, so if he is allowed to deal with two lava demon wolves, it is okay, but it is definitely not good for him to deal with four. Under the premise of not using phantom crystals.

Although Gu Zheng can't deal with two lava wolves at the same time, he still has a lava skull, and the ice armor on the lava skull has not disappeared, so the four lava wolves should not pose any threat to them this time. However, Gu Zheng is somewhat worried. In a magma lake, he has never been harassed by monsters so frequently. Although the four lava demon wolves this time should not cause any harm to them, if the four lava demon wolves After the wolves were dealt with, the next batch of monsters came out immediately, so he was probably forced to use magic crystals.

There are four lava demon wolves, two of which cast light arrays to launch light attacks, but the other two are more troublesome. They are running on the surface of the lava lake, as if they are going to face the lava skull and Gu Zheng outflanks!

Now the lava skeleton has obeyed the command, Gu Zhengrang attacked the light array with all his strength, as for the two lava demon wolves who wanted to outflank them, it was up to him to deal with them.

Quietly watching the two lava demon wolves approaching, Gu Zheng suddenly launched an attack at a suitable distance, and two tentacles transformed by the original energy shot out from Gu Zheng's palm.

Gu Zheng didn't want to use the tentacles transformed by the original energy, because it not only consumed the original energy, but also once he used this magical power to attack, he himself would be in a state of immobility. However, under the current situation, he has to activate the tentacle magic power, because he has learned the strength of the lava demon wolf through the previous battles of the lava skeletons, so he knows that if he uses the flame whip to deal with the lava demon wolf, he must not be able to use the lava demon wolf. The magic wolf can only be restrained by using the tentacle supernatural power which is more powerful in all aspects.

Gu Zheng's tentacles had been activated, and the two lava wolves wanted to dodge, but they couldn't dodge in the end. They were struggling with all their strength while being entangled by Gu Zheng's tentacles.

Gu Zheng's previous guess was not wrong. With his current strength, it is really the limit to deal with two lava demon wolves at the same time. , can't struggle at all, it will be like the current lava wolf, still struggling desperately.

Although it is a desperate struggle, since dealing with two lava demon wolves at the same time is the limit of Gu Zheng, as long as this limit is not exceeded, they will not be able to escape the palm of Gu Zheng, but Gu Zheng did not deal with those tentacles like before. Like a monster entangled by supernatural powers, he immediately treated the two lava demon wolves as meteor hammers, but he who lifted the lava demon wolf into the air seemed to have no plans for the next step.

It's not that Gu Zheng has no plans for the next step, he is studying the original energy of the lava demon wolf.

Gu Zheng's current body, the most powerful method at this stage is to use magma to launch various attacks. This is because his understanding of lava has reached a certain height, so he awakened such supernatural powers.

It is precisely because of his understanding of lava that even though Gu Zheng had just fought against lava demon wolves, he already knew after the appearance of the last wave of lava demon wolves that lava demon wolf, a special lava monster, has the original energy in its body It is also special enough that he can no longer use magma to turn it into a monster to attack the lava wolf, otherwise it will only give the lava wolf a tonic. It is no problem to deal with the four lava demon wolves. It is also for this reason that Gu Zheng wants to find out what is so special about the lava demon wolf!

If you can't figure it out, you will probably suffer a loss along the way, but if you can figure it out, then it's like getting to know those super ice monsters in the Soaring Boat. The solution to the lava monster.

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