Brother Hantan and his son, Gu Zheng first saw them on the fourth floor of the volcanic space. At that time, because the lava skeletons were seriously injured and unconscious, Gu Zheng had no choice but to accept the test in the fourth floor and went to the prehistoric Go find the statues for the Brothers and Sons of the Cold Pool.

At first, Gu Zheng thought that the father and son of the monk Hantan were immortal cultivators in the prehistoric world, or because they went deep into the Soaring Boat and learned more and more things, Gu Zheng guessed that the father and son of the monk Hantan were not from the prehistoric world, they should have belonged to Skyboat. At that time, Gu Zheng thought that the original owners of the fairy artifacts in the fairy-level space used the image of the father and son of the cold pool monk to serve as the task issuers in the two fourth-floor spaces. , is not directly related.

However, after the death of the father and son of the monk Hantan in the Aotianzhou, the remaining Qi unexpectedly entered the interior of the fairy artifact in the fairy-level space. The two must have a direct relationship. When he completes the mission and returns to the volcanic space, he should be able to see these two guys.

Sure enough, as soon as he returned to the fourth floor, Gu Zheng saw monk Hantan and his son.

The father and son of the monks in the cold pool still have liquid bodies, but they originally had no qi mechanism in the fourth floor space, but now they already have qi mechanism, and it is exactly the same as the one inside Aotianzhou.

"Do you know that I really want you to die?"

Gu Zheng will never forget that Brother Hantan said arrogantly at that time that he would give him a pleasant surprise.

"Hmph, do you think this is still inside Aotianzhou? Are you our opponent?" Brother Hantan said disdainfully.

"If we didn't have a mission, we would still want to kill you!"

The son of the monk Hantan is also full of hatred. The father and son have no reason not to hate Gu Zheng. They already know that they have been deceived by the spirit of the central center. Let the bird fly, so how could he continue to be a domestic dog in the inner space of the fairy-level space fairy in such a useless way.

"That's right, my current body is indeed no match for you."

Gu Zheng's voice paused, and he originally wanted to tell Brother Hantan and his son one thing, but now that he is inside the fairy artifact in the fairy-level space, he is no longer the powerful Gu Zheng, and he has to be more cautious in doing things. Anyway, inside the body of the lava horse, there is that silver eel that is definitely not a good thing, so it is better not to reveal some cards.

"It's good to know!" Brother Hantan's son snorted coldly.

"Stop talking nonsense if you know it, and hand over the mission items!" Brother Hantan reached out to Gu Zheng.

Gu Zheng looked at the happy faces of the monk Hantan and his son, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart. He felt that these two guys really didn't know how to live or die, and no matter what he said, he was very likely to become the master of the immortal space artifact. Brother Tan and his son need to see his face, but the father and son don't seem to have the awareness of being a human being, and they just do things that make people angry.

"Since it's a mission, after getting the mission items, quickly heal my lava skull, I have to hurry!"

Gu Zheng returned the statues of monk Hantan and his son to the original place. Seeing Gu Zheng not paying attention, the father and son of Hantan monk were very angry, but the task is the task, and things must be done according to the requirements, so Hantan The monk's son immediately walked towards the lava skeletons on the ground.

"Hmph, you don't have to be complacent. Although there is no test in the fourth floor space, there is still the top floor! After the top floor, you will go to the interior of other volcanoes, right? We will meet again at that time. When that time comes, our father and son If you want to look good, you better hope that you will survive when we meet again!" Brother Hantan laughed.

"Oh? Don't you have the qualifications to enter the Land of Freedom after completing the tasks here?"

Gu Zheng's words stopped Brother Hantan's laughter abruptly, and he looked at Gu Zheng as if he wanted to eat people.

If it is an ordinary task issuer, as long as the entrant completes the task, they will have the qualification to enter the land of freedom, but the cold pool monk father and son are different, they are traitors! So they have to continue to serve the entrants. This is really something that makes their father and son extremely depressed.

"Don't be complacent, we are waiting for you in the inner space of the next volcano!"

Accompanied by the sound of monk Hantan gnashing his teeth, the figures of their father and son faded away from the fourth floor space.

"Even if I see you again, I won't be afraid of you."

Gu Zheng sneered in his heart. Although he still has a lava body now, he is different from before, because the magic crystal is actually the same as the Heart Demon Orb, which belongs to the treasure that can be brought into the fairy weapon of the fairy-level space. This is what Gu Zheng did not before. Knowing things, and now the magic crystal is in his body.

It is a surprise for Gu Zheng that the magic crystal can be brought into the fairy-level space fairy weapon. Thinking about the power of the magic crystal, Gu Zheng really has the confidence to not be afraid of any test in the fairy-level space fairy tool. However, this is the interior of the fairy-level space artifact after all, and the phantom crystal originally belonged to the original owner of the fairy-level space fairy artifact. It is indeed a happy event to be able to bring it in, but it is not clear whether there will be any restrictions. Anyway, he won't use Magic Crystal easily.

Even if the magic crystal is not used easily, the benefits brought by the magic crystal are real, because Gu Zheng already has a feeling that the special feeling he originally had for the fairy-level space fairy is due to the existence of the magic crystal. It has been enhanced. Although the benefits of this enhancement are not visible right now, when encountering some special events, the benefits it can bring must not be ignored. After all, Gu Zheng was able to reach this step in the space world of fairy-level space artifacts. The special feeling he had because of his control over fairy-level space artifacts really helped him a lot. He can't remember it anymore. How many times has Qing saved danger by relying on this special feeling.

The lava skull that was lying on the ground slowly stood up because of the treatment of the monk's son in the cold pool.

Although Gu Zheng is the master of the lava skulls, it is not a relationship of recognizing the master. In the beginning, Gu Zheng couldn't command them at all, and they fought completely by instinct. Later, the lava skeletons had their opportunity, not only became stronger, but also able to understand some simple commands of Gu Zheng.

The key reason why Gu Zheng returned to the wilderness to do the mission this time was also because the lava skeletons were injured. Only by completing the mission given by the monks in the cold pool can the lava skeletons be treated.

Now that the lava skull has recovered, Gu Zheng also had a feeling, which surprised him a little.

Originally, Gu Zheng had a feeling that after the Lava Skull recovers from this injury, they will become bigger than before, but this special feeling now makes Gu Zheng understand that the Lava Skull Gate is not only stronger than before Yes, they can accept some relatively complex orders in the basic field where they could only listen to the simplest orders! Being able to accept relatively complex orders is a qualitative leap for Gu Zheng. As long as they can obey orders, they can enhance the overall strength of Gu Zheng, a small group! For example, they are good at the very powerful joint attack defense technique. In the past, because they did not obey the command, they could use the total defense technique as they wanted, but now that they obey the command, Gu Zheng can make the joint attack Defense is used where it is needed most, thus yielding the greatest utility.

However, the changes made by the lava skulls due to injuries this time are not only about improving their own strength, but also becoming as simple as being obedient. The special feeling made Gu Zheng understand that their characteristics have also changed!

In the past, lava skulls could only become stronger through chance, but now the special feeling made Gu Zheng understand that there is another way for lava skulls to become stronger. They can swallow the energy transformed by any lava monster, thereby strengthening own strength!

"It will be upgraded, which is a bit powerful, good, good!"

Gu Zheng laughed in his heart, thirty-six lava skeletons were his subordinates, and he wished that these lava skeletons would be even more powerful.

There was nothing else going on in the fourth-floor space. Through the spiral staircase in the cold pool, Gu Zheng led the team towards the clouds above.

The clouds parted when Gu Zheng arrived, and Gu Zheng entered the fifth space, which is the top space of the volcano.

There is no spiral staircase in the space on the top floor. Above Gu Zheng's head is the starry sky, and the surrounding area is also very empty. Only in the center of the space, there is a magma pool the size of a room. The magma in the pool is "gurgling" and bubbling.

Gu Zheng's heart moved, the magma in the magma pool was purple, and he had never seen this kind of magma before.

The special magma gave Gu Zheng a special feeling in his heart. This magma was very destructive, especially to his body.

"Spit it out! Now at the top of the volcanic space, ask him what to do."

Gu Zheng wanted to let the lava warhorse know his intentions, and the lava warhorse also spit out the silver eel that turned into beads.

"The fifth floor space is finally here!"

The silver eel in the beads, the voice is very emotional.

"You said before that you asked me to do something for you when you reached the fifth floor. Now that the fifth floor has arrived, what exactly do you need from me?" Gu Zheng asked.

"Do you want to leave this fifth-floor space?" the silver eel asked suddenly.

"Of course I want to." Gu Zheng said.

"The starry sky above is an enchantment. If I want to leave this space, I must break that enchantment."

Hearing what the silver eel said, Gu Zheng shook his head and said, "I can't break that barrier!"

The special feeling has already let Gu Zheng know that no matter whether it is him, or the lava horse and lava skeleton, there is no way to break the starry barrier above.

"I know you can't break that enchantment." The silver eel paused, and then continued: "You can't go down this magma pool with your body, but your lava horse can, and in the depths of this magma pool , there is a lava purple dragon, as long as your lava horse can kill that lava purple dragon and eat the lava purple dragon's life energy, it will have a way to help you open this star barrier, and what I need is That lava purple dragon has everything except the original energy!"

"My lava horse can't enter the magma pool at all, so how can I deal with the lava purple dragon? Is there any way to attract the lava purple dragon?"

Gu Zheng is the owner of the lava horse, so he naturally knows the weight of the lava horse, so he knows that the strange purple magma can't be carried by the body of the lava horse either.

"The lava horse couldn't hold purple magma, but not only can it hold purple magma, but it can also deal with the lava purple dragon in the magma pool." The silver eel said firmly.

"Oh? What can you do?"

For the silver eel, Gu Zheng has always been on guard. He knows that this guy is plotting something wrong, and now he has a special feeling that the main event is coming.

"The Lava Warhorse has the Fenxu Ziyan. This Fenxu Ziyan is the key to its ability to enter the magma pool and defeat the Lava Ziyan. However, its Fenxu Ziyan is not powerful enough now. I need to refine this one of mine. Neidan can do it!"

After the silver eel's words fell to the ground, it floated out of the inner alchemy it had been staying in in the state of a spirit body.

Gu Zheng didn't speak, but looked at the lava horse. The inner alchemy of the silver eel had been in its stomach before, and it was in a state that could not be refined. He wanted to know if the inner alchemy was as the silver eel said. It can already be refined by the Lava Warhorse.

The lava warhorse felt the breath of the inner alchemy, and then reported to Gu Zheng that the current inner alchemy can be refined, and after refining, it can indeed increase the power of its Burning Void Purple Flame, and even has a relatively large amount. change.

"Since you know that your inner alchemy can enhance the power of Fenxu Ziyan, then you should be familiar with Fenxu Ziyan, right? What is its purpose? Is it just entering the magma pool in the fifth floor space and killing the lava purple Dragon?" Gu Zheng asked again.

"I don't know much about Fenxu Ziyan. I just know that this is an unusual flame. Apart from being used in the fifth-level space, it should be very useful in other places."

Hearing what the silver eel said, Gu Zheng didn't ask any more questions. Anyway, they exist, some things can be said, and some things cannot be said.

Gu Zheng instructed the lava warhorse to refine the inner alchemy, first do as the silver eel said, and take one step at a time.

After the lava warhorse swallowed the inner alchemy of the silver eel, it immediately started refining. This process did not last long. During this period, the third eye of the lava warhorse, which can release the Burning Void Ziyan, was always open. There is a purple flame lingering in it.

About the time it took for a stick of incense, the lava warhorse finished refining the inner alchemy of the silver eel. It told Gu Zheng that he didn't feel any discomfort, and that the power of Fenxu Ziyan had indeed increased a lot, and that Fenxu Ziyan was now It can be turned into a shield on its body surface, and this shield should be able to resist the damage of purple magma.

Now that the lava horse was not afraid of purple magma, Gu Zheng told it to be careful, and then it walked towards the magma pool.

The purple Fenxu Ziyan burned on the body of the lava horse, and the lava horse that jumped into the magma pool disappeared immediately, but Gu Zheng knew that nothing happened to the lava horse through the induction of the master-slave relationship.

The magma pool doesn't look big, but there is a large area below it. The lava horse gallops in the purple magma. Due to the burnt purple flames on its body, it can't feel any resistance or damage, just like it is in the air. Just like running.

The lava horse's running was not aimless, it could feel something in the distance attracting it, and it believed that that thing was the lava purple dragon.

The lava warhorse was approaching the lava purple dragon, but the road was not unimpeded. Soon the lava warhorse saw some swordfish-like lava monsters with sharp mouths, and these lava monsters rushed towards it like arrows .

The lava warhorse opened its mouth. Because of the burning void purple flames on its body, magma is no different from air to it, so not only did no magma pour into its mouth, but purple flames spewed out from its mouth.

The purple flame is the Fenxu Ziyan, which is a very domineering flame. It also ignores magma. As long as it sticks to those lava swordfish, their bodies will burn immediately.

Without waiting for those lava swordfish to get close, the lava warhorse's Fenxu Ziyan burned them all to death, but after the lava swordfish was burned to death, some lava monsters resembling yakshas appeared. The lava swordfish is different from the lava swordfish. The lava swordfish will only rush towards the lava horse, while the lava Yaksha wields the weapon in his hand and launches two different sorcery.

There are two types of black magic launched by the lava yaksha, one is to let the pressure act on the surrounding of the lava horse, slowing down its running speed, and the other is to make the magma around the lava horse explode.

Although the lava warhorse can ignore the magma, it cannot ignore the power of the magma explosion, and the wave after wave of explosion impacts the burning void purple flame on its body. However, the Fenxu Ziyan not only keeps the lava warhorse safe in the magma, but also has a very powerful defensive performance. Although the power of the explosion comes one after another, it still has no effect on the lava warhorse. harm.

It's not that these lava monsters are too weak, but that the Fenxu Ziyan of the lava warhorse is too strong. It has an extraordinary restraint against these monsters in the purple magma. This is not only reflected in the attacks of Fenxu Ziyan. In terms of power, it is also reflected in its defensive performance.

In the face of the lava Yaksha's attack, it is impossible for the lava horse not to fight back. The third eye on its forehead began to close rapidly. With the rapid closure of its third eye, one after another, the rays of light wrapped in the burning void purple flame , Flying towards those lava yakshas, ​​all those lava yakshas that were touched by the purple flame light were all burned to nothing like the previous lava swordfish.

At first, the Lava Warhorse was worried about whether the Lava Purple Dragon could handle it well, but it was not so worried now, maybe it was really like the meaning expressed by the silver eel, it refined the inner alchemy of the silver eel, and could easily make the lava purple Dragon solves it.

The lava horse's mood was captured by Gu Zheng, and he was relieved a lot about the lava horse's trip to the magma pool.

Along the way, the lava warhorse encountered two different types of lava monsters, but these lava monsters couldn't hurt it at all. Gray's fate.

Finally, the lava warhorse saw the lava purple dragon. It originally thought that the lava purple dragon would be big, but in fact, the lava purple dragon was only about the size of a sheet, and it was sleeping at the bottom of the magma pool without realizing its arrival. Great sleep.

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