Gu Zheng appeared, and at the moment he appeared, all the statue-like super ice monsters came to life, there were as many as fifteen in number, and all of them were invisible.

If he could use his divine sense to attack these super ice monsters, it would be a very quick way, but Gu Zheng didn't use his divine sense to deal with them, because once he did, his own perception would be affected. The decline, if it is under normal circumstances, the decreased perception due to the separation of divine thoughts is nothing at all, but the invisible supernatural powers of these super ice monsters are extraordinary, if he separates the divine thoughts, the situation will be, He won't be able to find out where these super ice monsters are, so he won't be able to attack them with divine sense anymore.

However, even without divine thoughts, Gu Zheng still has many ways to deal with the super ice monsters. He has already used the Qianqiu reincarnation pen to shoot one after another air wave at the super ice monsters.

These super ice monsters are very special. They can become invisible and launch invisible attacks. They can also prevent the power of Gu Zheng's natal true water from penetrating into their bodies, but for Gu Zheng's current attacks, they were originally The special features are nothing. Anyway, in the face of the current attack of Gu Zheng, there are only two ways for them to be in a situation, either to be hit, or to find a way to escape. As for the attack that wants to destroy Gu Zheng , that is simply impossible.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

Gu Zheng danced the Qianqiu reincarnation brush into a flower, and the energy released from it could not only destroy the invisible attacks aimed at him, but also counterattack those super ice monsters, so that after the successive explosions Among them, some are the sounds made by the energy hitting the super ice monster.

Gu Zheng didn't use 100% of his strength to attack, so the energy that hit the super ice monster couldn't kill the super ice monster immediately, but as long as he was hit by Gu Zheng's energy attack , the originally strong body of the super ice monster will definitely become broken!

If it is a super ice monster without super self-healing ability, the broken body is already a fatal blow to them, because the original energy in their body will flow out along with the broken body. However, the self-healing ability of these spider-like super ice monsters is not so powerful. They can heal wounds quickly, but it is a pity that they do not have the function of regenerating severed limbs. Even if the ice monster could heal its wounds, it would lose the ability to remain invisible due to the loss of its limbs.

Originally, the fifteen super ice monsters could block Gu Zheng when they were in their prime, but after being hit by Gu Zheng, their bodies were producing self-healing energy, so it was naturally impossible to launch an attack. Therefore, Gu Zheng's attacks on them naturally became more and more, so that in just a few moments, three super ice monsters were already blown up by Gu Zheng!

The army was defeated like a mountain, and when the fifteen super ice monsters were good, they could only stop Gu Zheng for a while, but now three of them have been defeated, and the rest are naturally easier to deal with! Moreover, what is more tragic is that those super ice monsters did not dare to get too close to Gu Zheng, and the attack could not fall on Gu Zheng. If they could howl, they must have let out a cry of despair at this moment. But alas they won't.

The remaining super ice monsters were quickly settled by Gu Zheng. Twelve of them were directly killed by Gu Zheng, and the remaining one was controlled by Gu Zheng. For the unfinished business, he wants to infiltrate the super ice monster with the power of his life's true water, and get in touch with its original energy, so as to gain an understanding of the super ice monster.

The reason why Gu Zheng is obsessed with having a sufficient understanding of super ice monsters is because he knows that Aotianzhou is very big. Since there are super ice monsters in this cabin, it is possible that other cabins may There are too! Moreover, if the super ice monsters are regarded as two types, Gu Zheng feels that the super ice monsters he encountered outside can be regarded as one type, and the super ice monsters inside Aotianzhou are the second type. , if you have enough understanding of this super ice monster, it may be easier to stay in the cabin later.

Without the rescue of its companions, facing the original energy that Gu Zheng had infiltrated into its body, the resistance from the super ice monster quickly collapsed, and was soon touched by Gu Zheng's original energy of true water.

A moment later, Gu Zheng with a smile on his face received the power of his life's true water, and the original super ice monster turned into a pile of crushed ice. Gu Zheng already has the ability to deal with this super ice monster. I understand that if they meet again, he can use his tentacles to get in touch with the original energy of these super ice monsters very quickly, and still be able to make them explode like the ice monsters from the outside world.

Gu Zheng walked forward, looked down at the jade slip in his hand, and there was a slightly beating red dot on his jade slip, which represented Dong Lianruo's location.

There were no more obstacles on the road, and Gu Zheng soon saw the hatch. When he was observing the hatch, his brows were slightly frowned.

Gu Zheng had thought before that the statue of the monk in the cold pool was the key to open the hatch. This was because of its peculiar shape. Now that he saw the hatch, Gu Zheng’s previous guess had been confirmed, because the hatch There is a hole above the door, which looks like a keyhole. If the statue of the monk in the cold pool can be made smaller, then it can be inserted into it!

The shape is suitable, but the size is not suitable. This shows a problem. The key needed to open this hatch is not the statue of the monk Hantan, but the statue of the son of the monk Hantan! From Cao Mengqi's memory, Gu Zheng has seen the statue of the son of the monk Hantan, and the size of that statue fits better with the keyhole.

Gu Zheng contacted Dong Lianruo through the jade slips, which was what Cao Mengqi had done before, but Dong Lianruo still did not respond.

It can be confirmed from the jade slip that Dong Lianruo is not dead. If he is already dead, then the jade slip in Gu Zheng's hand will show differently.

When Gu Zheng contacted Dong Lianruo, he naturally wanted him to come over and open the first hatch, but for this matter, he was just trying and didn't report any hope. Dong Lianruo failed to get a response.

The Aotianzhou is very strong as a whole, especially the hatch. Since Dong Lianruo cannot be contacted, Gu Zheng can only try to see how to break the hatch.

The easiest way to break the hatch is not to use brute force, but to understand the restriction on the hatch, which is actually in the keyhole.

Gu Zheng penetrated his divine sense into the keyhole. Under normal circumstances, he would quickly discover the existence of the restriction, but he didn't know how long it would take to break the restriction. However, an abnormal situation appeared. Gu Zheng's divine sense did see the restriction of the sealed hatch, but at this moment, an uncomfortable feeling made Gu Zheng's sight return to normal.

The so-called Gu Zheng's sight is that Gu Zheng saw the light emitted by the restriction through his divine sense. As for the uncomfortable feeling and his sight returning to normal, it was because his divine sense was swallowed by the restriction, and he lost his usefulness. Come to explore the forbidden spirit.

Losing a wisp of divine sense may sound like a trivial matter, but fortunately, Gu Zheng's body has cut off the tail between him and his divine sense. If he hadn't achieved this step in his spiritual sense, the situation just now would have been very dangerous up! Restriction can completely pull a person's spiritual thoughts into a special space through the connection between spiritual thoughts and the body. At that time, the spiritual thoughts and the body will be in a state of separation. The spiritual thoughts without the support of the physical body will be in that unknown space. Unable to use the various supernatural powers of the body, but without the body of divine sense, it is a vegetable who is at the mercy of others! But since Gu Zheng had already cut off the tail between his spiritual thoughts and his body, when he encountered this situation, what he lost was only a strand of his spiritual thoughts.


Gu Zheng smiled in his heart, although this kind of restriction is very rare, but in the moment when his divine sense came into contact with the restriction, he also had enough understanding of the restriction, so he knew how to break the restriction.

If you want to break the restriction, you must enter the space where the restriction is located, and Gu Zheng does not intend to let the divine sense enter this space.

It is said that the main body has cut off the tail with the divine mind, but in fact, the spiritual mind is still inextricably linked with the main body. Immortal cultivators like Gu Zheng who have achieved this step are actually very taboo about the spiritual mind. It belongs to two spaces with the main body! Because their spiritual thoughts have already cut off the connection with the main body to a certain extent, so if their spiritual thoughts enter such a space, they will die, and they will not be like ordinary cultivators. The divine sense is still alive, but the main body is a vegetable. This can be regarded as pros and cons in everything, depending on the angle you look at it from.

Although it is impossible to let divine thoughts enter it, the power that Gu Zheng possesses is not limited to divine thoughts, he also has his immortal power, he can use his immortal power to touch the restriction, and that restriction will inevitably affect his immortal power. Generate suction, and then Gu Zheng can use that special suction to let the body enter that space.

Gu Zheng had never encountered this kind of situation before, but as the saying goes, after reaching a certain level of cultivation, even if it is some problems encountered for the first time, he can quickly figure out a solution and quickly make comparisons to the problems. In-depth understanding is like dealing with those ice monsters. Gu Zheng has never seen them before, but after the power of the true water of life came into contact with their original energy, Gu Zheng soon had an understanding of them. ways to deal with them.

The matter was not different from Gu Zheng's imagination. When his immortal power touched the restriction in the keyhole, the strong suction immediately pulled his immortal power. The pulling force made it smaller, and finally entered the space corresponding to the restriction along the fairy power.

Although he had never entered such a space before, Gu Zheng already had some guesses about the interior of the space. He felt that what he saw should be the same as the space where Feilong Super Ice Demon Beast King trapped him.

Sure enough, in front of Gu Zheng are still the lines that make up the space, but it is different from the special space at the beginning.

In the special space back then, if Gu Zheng wanted to break it perfectly, he had to have a good understanding of his "lost memory" divine sense, but in today's space, Gu Zheng needs to find the restriction and space A few points where the lines merge, strip those points from the spatial lines.

Gu Zheng quickly found a few points that merged with the space lines, and his understanding of space is already outstanding.

After finding a few points that merged with the lines of the space, Gu Zheng began to peel it off. In fact, for him, the difficulty of perfectly breaking this space is lower than that of the special space that trapped him before.

The few points that merged with the spatial lines were quickly stripped by Gu Zheng, and the effect it produced was the same as opening a door lock with a key.

The originally closed hatch opened, and the space where Gu Zheng was located produced a repulsive force, and Gu Zheng followed that repulsive force and returned to the Aotianzhou again.

As soon as he returned to Aotianzhou, Gu Zheng was attacked by an invisible attack, which came from four directions and consisted of four spider-like super ice monsters.

If Cao Mengqi were here instead, this kind of attack would definitely kill him! After all, if you want to open the hatch without a key, you must have your mind and your body in two separate spaces, and once your mind and your body are in two spaces, the effect of the restriction will make the original In this space where there are no super ice monsters, a new super ice monster will be born, and the super ice monster will naturally attack Cao Mengqi's vegetative body, so why is Cao Mengqi still alive! As for whether Cao Mengqi will use Gu Zheng's method to let his body enter a special space through the fairy force touch restriction, the answer is absolute. After searching the soul, Gu Zheng knows exactly what methods he has.

Gu Zheng's body is not a vegetative, so it is impossible for the invisible attack of the super ice monster to land on him. If he wants to get rid of these four super ice monsters, it will be easy, but he doesn't He planned to do this, because the time for the hatch to open was limited, and he didn't want to waste time on these super ice monsters.

With a flash of Gu Zheng's figure, the whole person entered the space behind the hatch, and one of the four super ice monsters followed in recklessly.

Gu Zheng waved his backhand, and the Qianqiu reincarnation pen hit the super ice monster. When it flew to the position of the hatch, its body was squeezed by the closed hatch.

The closed hatch has a lot of strength. Even though the body of the super ice monster is very strong, when it is squeezed against the hatch, it still makes a crackling sound like a normal ice block, and it closes. The cabin door was jammed to death.

The space in front of me seems to be no different from the previous cabin.

With the experience in the last cabin, Gu Zheng already has a certain degree of understanding of the interior of the Aotianzhou. He knows that when an outsider like him enters the cabin, the restrictions in the cabin will be touched, thus giving birth to chills. Something like an ice monster. As for how many ice monsters can be born in the cabin, Gu Zheng is not very clear about it. The only thing he knows is that he must attack the center on the metal wall as soon as possible. As long as he destroys the center, there will be no ice monsters in the cabin And because of this center, a steady stream of super ice monsters were born.

After entering this cabin, Gu Zheng just wasted a little time when he was flying the trailing super ice monster. Generally speaking, finding the center and destroying the center was better than when he was in the last cabin. It takes less time to reach this step, so the number of super ice monsters born in the center is also less than that in the previous cabin.

There are only thirteen super ice monsters, and these thirteen super ice monsters also look like spiders, but they look different from the super ice monsters in the previous cabin. The super ice monster in the previous cabin had long legs, while the super ice monster in this cabin has short legs and big belly even though it can also be invisible.

The stomachs of the super ice monsters in the invisible state swelled as if they were breathing. Gu Zheng could tell at a glance that they were self-destructing super ice monsters.

Gu Zheng also encountered super self-explosive ice monsters when he was outside. To him, all self-explosions are jokes, whether they are monsters or cultivators, because the way of time is restraint The best supernatural power to self-destruct.

In the past, the ancients used the way of fighting for time to deal with the existence that wanted to self-detonate, all of which were to calm the self-destruction that was originally brewing, so that the guy who wanted to launch the self-destruction would lose the ability to self-destruction. After all, something like self-destruction needs to be brewed, and once the brewed self-destruction is calmed down under the influence of time, it will be difficult for the guy who wants to self-destruction to give birth to a second self-destruction! Because it was originally used for the special energy of self-explosion, but it did not return to itself with the subsided self-explosion.

Gu Zheng has prevented many self-destructions, and his reasons for preventing self-destructions are very unified. He does not want the other party to self-destruction, which will cause him to lose his due understanding of the self-destruction party. However, this time, Gu Zheng did not intend to prevent those super ice monsters from exploding themselves. For him, he no longer wanted to know anything about these super ice monsters. His jade slips had already shown that Dong Lianruo was at the next hatch. Behind him, he wanted to meet Dong Lianruo earlier and get a statue from her that could end this test. Therefore, Gu Zheng will not only prevent the self-destruction of super ice monsters, he will also promote their self-destruction. Who makes the way of time not only slow down time, but also speed up time!

When Gu Zheng waved his hand, ripples appeared in the air, which is the characteristic of the power of Tao.

The Way of Time has already been used on thirteen super ice monsters. The super ice monsters that would take two or three breaths of time to explode exploded uncontrollably.

There was a loud noise in the cabin, and the waves generated by the explosion rushed towards Gu Zheng, although Gu Zheng had already made protection before, and even drew a prohibition in front of him that could resist the power of the explosion. However, the power of the explosion of the thirteen super-ice monsters is still extraordinary. The restriction that Gu Zheng had arranged in advance was destroyed, and even the protection of the immortal power on his body was distorted out of shape under the impact of the explosion.

The restrictions arranged in advance were destroyed, and even the celestial protection on the body surface was seriously distorted, but Gu Zheng himself was not injured. As for the cabin of the Aotianzhou, it was also not damaged. It was already extremely strong, and the decorations on the metal wall also had a good absorption effect on the power of the explosion.

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