"This deity has some understanding of the matter of the Luoxue Icefield, and I know your responsibilities and the situation here, and I also know what the consequences may be after I enter the Luoxue Icefield, so I stopped here to tell you something talk."

Now that the momentum has been released, Gu Zheng has also put on airs that he should have airs. At this time, there is no need to be polite to others. Strong is strong, and enough strength will make complicated things simple.

"Senior, tell me!"

The white-haired old man secretly breathed a sigh of relief, since Gu Zheng knew the situation here and said that, then everything might not be so bad.

"Gongsun Yuan, I have two things to do now, and you need to cooperate with these two things!"

Gu Zheng directly called out the white-haired old man's name, because he already knew some information about the white-haired old man in the memory of the big-nosed immortal cultivator, and knew that he was the deacon sent by Wufengguo to guard the Luoxue Ice Field.

"The first thing is, this deity needs you to bring up your memory of Luoxue Icefield, this deity needs to search the soul!"

"Senior, this is no problem!"

Gu Zheng looked at Gongsun Yuan, but Gongsun Yuan's answer did not hesitate at all, because he understood that in the face of absolute strength, there is only one way, and that is to agree! For an existence like Gu Zheng, it is meaningless to refuse, and any resistance in front of him is futile, and the final result is to be forced to search for the soul.

"Then the deity will read your understanding of Luoxue Icefield first, and then talk about the second thing!" Gu Zheng said indifferently.

"Senior, wait a moment, and wait for the junior to recall these memories."

Gongsun Yuan didn't dare to neglect, and quickly recalled the memory of Luoxue Icefield to facilitate Gu Zheng's reference.

Going through Gongsun Yuan's memory didn't take Gu Zheng much time, and through going through Gongsun Yuan's memory, Gu Zheng also learned a lot about Luoxue Icefield, and a plan became clear in his mind.

Seeing that Gu Zheng had finished investigating his memory, Gongsun Yuan didn't ask any questions. He knew that Gu Zheng, who had his eyes closed, must be thinking about something at the moment.

"Gongsun Yuan, I need you to contact the cultivators in the Luoxue Ice Field and have them all withdraw from the Luoxue Ice Field."

Gu Zheng finally spoke, and what he said made Gongsun Yuan's eyes widen.

Gongsun Yuan has contacted the deacons of the other two countries in Luoxue Icefield, but he doesn't know what Gu Zheng's purpose is.

"Dare to ask senior what is this going to do? If there is no suitable reason, although the junior can contact those people, they will not listen to the junior." Gongsun Yuan said.

"Then you tell the truth about this deity, you say that this deity wants them to leave the Snowfall Icefield, just to let this place go once and for all, you ask them to come to this place as soon as possible, if you don't see them within ten days If you gather here, if the deity touches them at that time, then let them be prepared to die!"

The reason why Gu Zheng asked all the people in Luoxue Icefield to gather here is that there is something they need to do, and this matter is also related to their defense of their home and country. If they are really disobedient, Gu Zheng will speak up In other words, who made this a world where the strong are respected, and as a strong man, it is commendable to be able to think too much for others like him. As for the ten days, it was because Gu Zheng felt that the ten days were enough for those cultivators in Luoxue Icefield to gather here. After all, the Luoxue Ice Field is huge, and it takes almost eight or nine days to fly from the other side to this side. Not everyone has the transcendent flying speed like Gu Zheng.

Regarding Gu Zheng's words, Gongsun Yuan didn't dare to refute, he saluted to Gu Zheng: "Then please wait here, senior, and junior go to the camp now, and convey the words of senior to the deacons of the other two countries."

Gu Zheng nodded, and Gongsun Yuan flew back with his people. When he was far enough away from Gu Zheng, one of the three people in the same group spoke to Gongsun Yuan first.

"Fellow Daoist Gongsun, what do you think that senior said once and for all?"

Among the three people accompanied by Gongsun Yuan, there were two male cultivators and one female cultivator. The male cultivator who spoke at this time looked younger than Gongsun Yuan. At least his hair was gray and white, not as white as Gongsun Yuan's.

"Senior should want to destroy the ice monsters in the falling snow and ice field!" Gongsun Yuan said absent-mindedly.

"Destroy it? How? Do you want to unite us to destroy it together? How is this possible! With senior cultivation, once he steps into the falling snow and ice field, the consequences will be unimaginable. The scene at that time is no longer A monk of our level can handle it, so he doesn't want us to be cannon fodder?"

Among the three people accompanied by Gongsun Yuan, the female cultivator looked the youngest. She was full of panic when she spoke at the moment. completely disappeared in my heart.

"Yeah! Could it be that there is some purpose? Such a strong man suddenly appeared and asked us to gather again. Thinking about it, I still feel uncertain. What if he really wants to do something against us?"

Among the three people in the company, the male cultivator who looked a little sick also spoke, and Gongsun Yuan, who was originally absent-minded, frowned after hearing what he said.

"What are you thinking? What can senior do against us? Blood sacrifice us? Then do ulterior things? I think you are thinking too much! When senior showed his aura, it's not like you didn't see it, he didn't Demon cultivators, how could they use those methods to deal with us?" Gongsun Yuan rolled his eyes at the sick monk.

"It's not a demon cultivator, so wouldn't you use methods similar to demon cultivators?" The gray-haired immortal cultivator smiled wryly.

"I advise you not to think about it!"

Gongsun Yuan also rolled his eyes at the white-haired cultivator, and then sighed: "I think all we can do is obey, and don't think too much about anything else!"

When Gongsun Yuan said that, the three people who were traveling with him looked at each other with frowns.

"Fellow Daoist Gongsun, I don't really want to obey. I don't want to try this kind of bet that puts my life on the unknown!"

The female cultivator's words resonated with the other two. They all nodded, and then looked at Gongsunyuan, waiting for his final decision.

"According to what you mean, do you want to leave? I think you all know the consequences of leaving without authorization?" Gongsun Yuan looked at the three of them and asked.

"Under normal circumstances, of course we would not leave our post without authorization, but we are now facing threats!" said the sickly male cultivator.

"Senior's thoughts are beyond my guess! Anyway, I decided to try what the senior said, maybe this is indeed an opportunity for me to end my service early."

Gongsun Yuan's voice paused, and then he said earnestly: "In addition, I would also like to remind you, seniors dare to let you come back with me, you'd better weigh it carefully!"

Gongsun Yuan's words were not very clear, but it made the other three tremble. This seemed to be a problem that they ignored.

"What do you mean by that? Could it be that he planted some restrictions on us, can we still know?"

"Papa papa!"

As soon as the gray-haired immortal cultivator's words fell to the ground, there was a loud slap on his face. It wasn't just a slap, but he really seemed to be slapped twice. The body that was flying in the air was knocked down to the ground.

Just as the other two immortal cultivators were looking around in horror, Gongsun Yuan, who looked calm at first, suddenly widened his eyes full of inconceivable, because he spoke, which was not affected by him. control.

"Before, I was still respectful to the deity, how could I have the guts to be disrespectful to the deity when I thought I couldn't hear it?"

The words that came out of Gongsun Yuan's mouth were clearly Gu Zheng's voice.

Although Gongsun Yuan was frightened, he was only frightened that Gu Zheng would use his mouth to speak. As for the three accompanying people, they knelt on the ground in fright at this moment.

"Senior, forgive me!"

"Senior, I was wrong, please give me another chance!"

"Senior, thank you!"

The three immortal cultivators kowtowed to the void, each of them was really scared to death.

"I don't care too much about you this time, but next time, you have to be more careful! However, there is one thing I can guarantee, that is, if you do what the deity says, you will most likely be wrong." I will lose my life. After all, I have no intention of letting you be cannon fodder or sacrifice your blood. I have other things to do when I go to the Luoxue Ice Field. It just so happens that this Luoxue Ice Field is so weird. Entering and causing the loss of life, this deity wants you to cooperate! Moreover, it is also good for you to cooperate with this deity, at least it will allow you to end your service earlier."

When Gu Zheng's voice fell, the three immortal cultivators kowtowed in gratitude. When Gu Zheng's voice suddenly rose, they were really afraid that their disrespectful words would lead to death.

Gu Zheng didn't use Gongsun Yuan's mouth to say anything more, and Gongsun Yuan and his party soon went on the road again, but after this time on the road, they became more silent, and they didn't communicate again until they entered the camp.

Gu Zheng was able to use Gongsun Yuan's mouth to speak, and he was able to punish the gray-haired immortal cultivator from a distance. This was all using sorcery in the eyes of the so-called decent sects. A kind of witchcraft performed by Qi machine. In fact, Gu Zheng knows a lot of sorcery, but under normal circumstances, he would not use it. Even if he used it, it would not hurt Tianhe, just like using it on Gongsun Yuan, or against it. The gray-haired immortal cultivator is the one who gives small punishments.

Through searching for Gongsun Yuan's soul before, Gu Zheng knew a lot about Gongsun Yuan. He knew that Gongsun Yuan would not shrink back just because of his words. It was also because of searching for Gongsun Yuan's soul that he also had a certain understanding of the three people with Gongsun Yuan, so he borrowed the words from Gongsun Yuan's mouth, which he had not said to Gongsun Yuan and the others before. After all, Gu Zheng, who knew the three of them well, knew that even if he said those words at that time, these three guys would still not believe it, and would still have the idea that it would be better to escape. the kind of person! That being the case, let's talk about it after giving them a small punishment, and it is still very beneficial to give them a small punishment, at least it can promote his orders to be executed more effectively.

In the camp where Gongsun Yuan was, besides the four who had seen Gu Zheng, there were another forty-four people, and among the forty-four immortal cultivators, twenty-two were currently patrolling the snowfield .

After returning to the camp, Gongsun Yuan first told the twenty-two cultivators what had happened.

After hearing what Gongsun Yuan said, the twenty-two immortal cultivators frowned. Apart from concealing the fact that Gu Zheng punished the gray-haired immortal cultivator, Gongsun Yuan felt that he had said everything he could say, so these people knew that Gu Zheng The strength of Zheng, also know what Gu Zheng wants to do.

After looking at each other in blank dismay, one of the twenty-two people spoke, and what this person asked could undoubtedly be regarded as a representative.

"Fellow Daoist Gongsun, what do you think of this matter?"

Although Gongsun Yuan had already stated his opinion before, for Gongsun Yuan, this person's inquiry at this moment was undoubtedly a reassurance, and he wanted to hear him say it again.

"I think it's believable. A senior with such strength has no need to lie to us. With his strength, if he is not afraid of causing people to die, this Luoxue Ice Field can come and go as soon as he says it."

Gongsun Yuan's words were not against his will. When Gu Zheng didn't use his mouth to speak before, he also worried about Gu Zheng's attempt, but after Gu Zheng used his mouth to say those words, he completely believed in Gu Zheng , he really couldn't find a reason for Gu Zheng to lie.

"Anyway, we have always followed Daoist Gongsun's lead. Since Fellow Daoist Gongsun believes so much in that senior, we have nothing to say."

After the representative of the twenty-two people said this, Gongsun Yuan couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief. After all, the twenty-two people were settled.

Without saying anything more, Gongsun Yuan came to the Zhongxian Formation in the camp.

The fairy formation has various uses, and the fairy formation in Gongsunyuan's camp is arranged on a high platform decorated with various spars. Through this fairy formation, Gongsun Yuan can not only communicate with his own forces patrolling in the falling snow ice field, It can also communicate with the camps in the other two countries, because they also have such fairy formations there.

Through the fairy formation, Gongsun Yuan first contacted the other 22 people on his side, but during the contact, Gongsun Yuan didn't tell them the specific situation, only said that there was something important to ask them to return to the camp. After all, this contact can only be with one person at the same time, it would be too troublesome to explain one by one, it is better to explain to them after they all come back.

After contacting these people on his own side, Gongsun Yuan began to contact the camps in the other two countries.

Originally, Gongsun Yuan was a little apprehensive. He had thought about what kind of questions the camp deacons from the other two countries would ask him, but in fact, the camp deacons from those two countries did not say anything except that they all showed shock. Ask more, the most important thing is to ask him what he thinks about this matter, and Gongsun Yuan's answer is naturally 100% trust in Gu Zheng. However, according to Gu Zheng's instruction, Gongsun Yuan didn't say anything about his soul search.

What Gongsun Yuan said to the camp deacons of those two countries is clear to Gu Zheng. He knows that although the deacons of the other two countries didn’t ask more questions, it doesn’t mean that they won’t do it after meeting. what to ask. However, for Gu Zheng, the matter of Gongsun Yuan conveying the news was relatively smooth, at least much smoother than he had imagined at first, and the next thing he had to do was to wait for the meeting with these people.

The people who belonged to Gongsun Yuan came to meet with Gu Zheng soon. Because of Gongsun Yuan, after the people from their side came over, they didn't dare to ask Gu Zheng what to say. Gu Zheng was talking to Gongsun Yuan. After saying a few words, he closed his eyes and meditated as before.

According to common sense, the camps of the other two countries, one of which is closer to the place where Gu Zheng asked to gather, should have come on the sixth day, but they did not come on the sixth day, and they were not seen until the seventh day .

Gu Zheng was still meditating as if he didn't know the passage of time, but Gongsun Yuan was a little anxious. He asked Gu Zheng if he should go through the fairy formation in the camp again and ask what was going on there.

Gu Zheng’s answer to Gongsun Yuan was no, he guessed that people from that country hadn’t come over, they must be waiting for people from another country to come together, Gongsun Yuan was the one who conveyed the message, and they would definitely face Gongsun Yuan’s words. It's hard to say when, maybe what the people in the two camps will say after they meet.

On the eighth day, according to the normal speed, the farthest camp should have people coming, but still no one came. Gu Zheng still seemed to be meditating quietly, and Gongsun Yuan couldn't sit still more and more, although Gu Zheng gave him the feeling that his temper didn't seem to be bad, but people who have cultivated to the level of Gu Zheng can't describe their temper in terms of good or bad, because they have absolute strength, and if they do something unhappy, it may be difficult. It is something that ordinary cultivators can only do when they are furious.

For Gu Zheng, he had already taken many things into consideration when he gave ten days before. He allowed people from the two camps to come over, but if the time limit passed, they still did not show up. , he would no longer have so many considerations.

On the ninth day, people from both camps came, more than one hundred and thirty in number.

Seeing the people from the other two camps approaching, Gongsun Yuan, who didn't want any more unpleasant things to happen, stepped forward to greet him, but the two leaders of the other party obviously didn't want to talk to Gongsun Yuan, and their eyes fell on Gu Zheng, so it was not hostile. , but it can't be called respect, anyway, it's a very plain kind.

"Senior, Cao Qingyang is the deacon at the Luoxue Country Camp."

"Senior, Dong Mingquan is the deacon at Xiadongliang State Camp."

The two leaders in the two camps saluted Gu Zheng. Gu Zheng just nodded slightly, which was regarded as a salute from them, but he didn't say much, because he knew that these two guys with plain eyes must have something to say.

Sure enough, just as Gu Zheng thought, Cao Qingyang spoke first: "Senior, what are you asking us to do here?"

Gu Zheng didn't answer immediately, but looked at Dong Mingquan who hadn't spoken yet: "What about you? If you have any questions, just ask them together!"

Seeing Gu Zheng's smiling face, Dong Mingquan, who originally wanted to wait for him to answer Cao Qingyang's question, and then judge whether to ask according to the situation, didn't know how to speak for a while.

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