Gu Zheng was very surprised. In this special space world, he has never seen a monster that can regenerate its limbs. It is no wonder that the lava queen dared to cut off her own legs so ruthlessly, but its origin The energy also lost some after the legs were broken, and Gu Zheng felt that it was also injured a little bit.

"Are you proud? Do you think you hurt me a little? But don't forget, you no longer have the supernatural powers of a super artifact. Let's see how you fight me next!" The lava queen screamed.

"I'm not very proud! But it's not as miserable as you said. Although you escaped this magma ground, the supernatural power of my lava hammer has not disappeared. To me, the so-called supernatural power is just another way Just reproduce it!"

Gu Zheng's hands began to lift up, and the magma ground immediately produced a fountain effect, and five magma columns spewed out, and these sprayed magma columns turned into five magma flying dragons after Gu Zheng pushed them towards the lava queen with both hands To the Lava Queen.

Gu Zheng has the supernatural ability to manipulate magma. If it is in a place with natural resources such as a magma lake, he can quickly use the magma to transform into a magma dragon, but he can only transform one of that kind of magma dragon at a time. However, the lava hammer was originally Gu Zheng's fairy weapon. The magma ground created by using the fairy tool's supernatural power is easier for Gu Zheng to manipulate than natural magma, so he easily transformed into five lava flying dragons .

"Awesome, there is such a way to manipulate magma!"

The lava queen's voice became more serious. She raised her hands and circled in the air, and a phantom like a black hole appeared in the air. There was such a strong suction in it that the five magmas that were not flying side by side The flying dragons were all sucked by the suction and couldn't help but go together.

The circle drawn by the lava queen gave Gu Zheng a weird feeling, making him feel that his five lava dragons were useless. These five lava dragons were bound to become smaller and smaller as they flew towards the black circle, and eventually they were killed by the black circle. to swallow.

Of course, Gu Zheng would not allow such a thing to happen, so he moved, and the lava horse did not allow such a thing to happen, so it jumped down from the spiral ladder. Although its sight attack is powerful, the distance of the sight attack is not enough. It may be as far away as the real line of sight, so it has to jump down from the spiral ladder, and it has to be closer to the black circle. From its point of view, the black circle also belongs to the category of invisible attacks.

The Lava Ant Queen didn't show much concern for the flying Gu Zheng, but she couldn't help gritting her teeth when she saw the Lava Horse jumping down from the spiral ladder.

"I forgot that you, the scourge, are still here. Since you don't just stay on the spiral staircase, I might as well send you on your way first!"

The lava ant queen laughed strangely, and her body shook amidst the strange laughter.

The swaying of the lava queen's body is not a normal sway. This swaying can not see the afterimage of the body, and it even produces the same kind of fluctuation as the lava flying ant's wings before. Under the influence of this fluctuation, no matter it is flying to The lava flying dragon in the black circle, or the Gu Zheng flying towards it from another direction, were all inevitably affected, and their speed slowed down by a factor of two.

The purple sight has shot out from the eye sockets of the lava horse, and an extremely spectacular scene has appeared.

The original fluctuations caused by the shaking of the lava queen's body were like ripples, wave after wave, but when the ripple-like fluctuations were attacked by the sight of the lava horse, the original colorless fluctuations It turned purple, and spread along the ripples round and round, the speed was faster than the speed of the ripples. According to the calculation of this speed, it would soon swing to the body of the lava queen.

"Fenxu Ziyan is really powerful!"

The lava ant queen screamed, although it has not been touched by the purple ripples, but the Gu Zheng and the lava flying dragon that were touched by the purple ripples have all canceled the slowed down effect, and the effects it cast The black circle that could shrink and swallow the lava wyvern was also affected by the purple ripples. Although it did not disappear because of this, it also lost its effect.

The lava queen's body had stopped shaking, and without the body shaking, the purple ripples naturally couldn't reach her body. However, the original purpose of the lava queen shaking her body was not simply to release some waves. In the process of creating clones! And at this moment, there are two lava queens that are exactly like it standing on both sides of its body!


As soon as the two clones of the lava queen appeared, they rushed towards their respective targets with afterimages. One rushed towards Gu Zheng, and the other rushed towards the lava horse. As for its real body, it was looking at Gu Zheng. Zheng opened the mouth and said: "Enter, I have to say that you and your mount are really powerful. It hasn't been long before you have fought, and I have been forced to use the strongest method."

"Is this your strongest method?"

Gu Zheng stared at the real body of the lava queen, and didn't care about the clone of the lava queen who wanted to kill him, because as long as he stood still, he could give simple orders to his five lava dragons , so the five lava dragons are now targeting the clone of the lava queen who originally wanted to kill him. And Gu Zheng can use the current method to control the lava flying dragon, that is because the lava flying dragon is transformed from the magical power of the lava hammer to transform the ground into magma, and then it is transformed by Gu Zheng's characteristics of manipulating magma. Those illusions of natural magma do not have such manipulation power! Moreover, this peculiar control method is also a method that can be used because of the improvement of the lava dragon lizard king's heart after refining the heart. If it was there before, it would not be difficult to kill the lava dragon lizard king. It will be so laborious.

"That's right, this is my strongest method! Although your lava dragons are very powerful, your lava horse is not very strong. Once it is killed by my clone, without it, it will be burnt." Help Xu Ziyan, then you will know what cruelty is!" The lava ant queen said with a smile.

"I have to say that your avatars are really interesting. Each avatar should have 80% of your main body's strength, right? But, with an 80% avatar, do you really think you can kill my lava horse? Then you underestimate it Already!"

Gu Zheng didn't intend to say anything more to the lava ant queen. Holding the lava hammer, he rushed towards the lava queen. Although his lava hammer could no longer perform supernatural powers for a short period of time, it could still activate special regrets. hit.

Looking at the rushing Gu Zheng, the hands of the lava ant queen instantly turned into sharp spikes. It seemed that she was about to fight Gu Zheng in close quarters, but in fact she was waving her arms at Gu Zheng like a pair of knives. up.

Gu Zheng ignored the sword energy that was about to strike head-on, he smashed the lava hammer to the ground, and launched a regrettable blow!

The reason why Gu Zheng dared to ignore the oncoming sword aura was that after his lava hammer was strengthened by the humanoid red cloud, even a special attack could make these attacks such as the sword aura in the air disappear.

The place where Gu Zheng launched his regretful blow was well chosen. The shock wave dissipated the knife energy that was about to hit his face without accident, and it also affected the real body of the lava queen ant and the clone fighting with the lava dragon .

Whether it is the real body of the lava queen or the avatar of the lava queen, they are all immobilized under the influence of the characteristics of the lava hammer, and Gu Zheng has already known the time of their immobilization through the shock wave for the first time.

The immobilization time of the real body of the lava queen is only one second, and the immobilization time of the clone of the lava queen is three seconds!

Although one second is short, it is enough for Gu Zheng's flame whip to wrap around the lava queen, and three seconds of fixation time is almost enough for the lava dragon to break up the lava queen's clone.

The lava ant queen really felt panic. The reason why she said that Guzheng's lava hammer was a super artifact was because the magical destructive power of the lava hammer had reached that level, but it really didn't expect that the lava hammer had After supernatural powers, there are special attacks similar to supernatural powers, and this kind of special attacks are actually so powerful.

For a second, apart from being frightened, the lava ant queen also had strong hatred and deep resentment. She was also the one who had obtained a super artifact, but only now did she realize that its super artifact is really incomparable with Gu Zheng's. It's just slag, because its super artifact has only one supernatural power, and it doesn't have the characteristics of the lava hammer, which can be called sub-supernatural power.

One second is very short, and the lava ant queen who has ended her fixed state is in a state of wrestling with Gu Zheng. It wants to break free from the control of the flame whip, and Gu Zheng wants to use the flame whip to kill It is firmly bound.

The flame whip bound the lava ant queen very tightly, her legs and feet were all tied up and she couldn't move, she could only fight against the ancient struggle through cultivation. Although Gu Zheng is holding a flame long whip, he can't move in this state, even if he swings the lava hammer and launches another blow, he can't do it, because he doesn't dare to be distracted at all. Once he was distracted to do other things, the lava queen could break free from his flame whip in an instant, causing him to suffer backlash.

Gu Zheng was wrestling with the Lava Ant Queen's real body, and a shrill scream sounded from the side. Although the Lava Ant Queen's avatar was not killed by the Lava Wyvern in the three seconds it just settled down, it was already seriously injured It was in the body, but after it ended the fixed state, it did not dodge towards it. Instead, it wanted to save the real body bound by Gu Zheng, but was caught by a lava flying dragon, and the dragon claws ran directly along its back. It pierced through the wound on its body, deeply hurting its original energy.

Hearing the scream of the Lava Queen's clone, a lava flying dragon that originally wanted to grab the head of the Lava Queen's clone changed its original attack direction, and its dragon claws also penetrated deeply into the wound on the back of the Lava Queen's clone , and then the two lava dragons tore it together, only to hear a "crash" sound, the avatar of the lava queen was directly torn into two pieces, the original energy scattered all over the ground, and the dead one was called a thorough.

It's a pity that Gu Zheng can't control the lava wyvern now. When he finishes controlling the lava wyvern, the simple order he can give them is to kill the clone of the lava ant queen, so after completing this command , the lava wyvern, which was about to disappear because of its supernatural powers, disappeared.

"Fortunately, your avatar is also strange enough. If it is a normal avatar, the death of the avatar will greatly implicate your main body!"

Although Gu Zheng can't be distracted from doing other things, he can still speak, especially now that one clone of the Lava Ant Queen has died. For him, if there are no new variables, it can be said that the overall situation has been settled. When the lava ant queen was not restrained with a long flame whip, Gu Zheng didn't know who would be the final winner of this wrestling, because wrestling was considered a level of cultivation, and he couldn't see the level of cultivation of the lava ant queen. However, he always felt that his cultivation level was not too high in the inner space of the volcano! However, after really wrestling with the lava queen, Gu Zheng discovered that sometimes he still likes to think about the disadvantages. In fact, his cultivation level is similar to that of the lava queen, but he has the flame whip to restrain the lava queen. He has a dominant advantage, so even without external help, he will be the final winner of this struggle.

However, it is impossible for Gu Zheng to have no help, because the lava queen only split into two clones, one was entangled and killed by the lava flying dragon to deal with Gu Zheng, and the other dealt with the lava horse. However, Gu Zheng's subordinates are not limited to just one lava horse, he also has thirty-six lava skeletons. When these thirty-six lava skeletons ran from the lava ant queen's clone to the lava horse, they had already started to attack that clone. Therefore, Gu Zheng didn't worry that the lava horse would suffer from it at the beginning! After all, it also has thirty-six lava skeletons to help.

When Gu Zheng used the flame whip to trap the real body of the lava ant queen, the avatar of the lava queen who was fighting with the lava horses also wanted to come to rescue the real body, but it failed. Soon, it will teleport such supernatural powers again, so it has never really been able to get close to Gu Zheng's side. Moreover, the lava warhorse knows how to cooperate with the lava skeleton. When it launched a violent kick on the lava queen's avatar through teleportation for the first time, it kicked the lava ant queen's avatar towards the lava skeleton, and the lava skeleton pushed the four at the same time. Throw the Explosive Ax at the Lava Queen clone.

Although the lava ant queen's clone is also very fast, and none of the axes can explode on it, the power of four lava axes exploding at the same time is still very powerful, and even Gu Zheng will be seriously injured. , not to mention that there is only the clone of the Lava Queen's real body with 80% strength, so the remaining clone of the Lava Queen has already dodged as if she was dying, let alone wanting to get close to Gu Zheng. It was struggling to cope with the attacks of the lava horse and the lava skeleton. If it weren't for the fact that the lava horse could no longer move while casting instant, it might have been wiped out by now.

"I really didn't expect you to have so many powerful subordinates. If I had so many powerful subordinates back then, maybe I would have made another choice in the second-floor space."

The lava ant queen seemed to give up, and her voice became emotional, but it was so nervous, and her emotional voice immediately turned into a scream: "Why? Why do you have such powerful subordinates? , you can still make the right choice in the second-floor space? Why do I have to suffer so much in this third-floor space, and finally have a disastrous end? Why do you want to pass through the third-floor space safely? Why? ? I don't agree!"

The lava queen's scream made Gu Zheng frowned. He felt that the life energy of the lava queen's life energy became a little abnormal. He couldn't explain what was abnormal, as if there was a rage in its body. The energy is average, but this kind of violent energy is not the kind that will explode.

"No! I still have a choice, I still have a choice!"

The lava ant queen looked at Gu Zheng and laughed, not to mention how crazy the laughter was, and in her crazy laughter, the violent energy in her body exploded, and that kind of energy made her body fade away. The mist flew into the air.

Gu Zheng knew that the lava ant queen was dead, so after the violent energy in her body erupted, her breath of life suddenly stopped. It felt like a cultivator's self-destruction, but there was no explosion wave.

Although the death of the lava queen's clone will not have any impact on the main body, the clone will also disappear when the main body dies.

Gu Zheng knew that although the lava queen was dead, the matter did not end here. The lava queen turning into mist was a new kind of life, and Gu Zheng felt the breath of life in that mist.

Feeling the breath of life in the mist, Gu Zheng made two decisions. He first smashed the lava hammer to the ground, and when he smashed the lava hammer to the ground, he also notified the lava horse , he prepared the lava steed to attack the mist with sight.

The mist is something that appears due to the madness of the lava queen. The monster that will be born from it is definitely stronger than the lava queen, otherwise the lava queen would not use this method of killing and killing. Therefore, Gu Zheng not only used the lava hammer to deal with the upcoming troubles, but also notified the lava horse, because he suspected that his lava hammer might not be able to deal with the weird fog in the sky.

Sure enough, Gu Zheng's lava hammer did not disperse the fog in the air, and the sight attack of the lava horse did not make the fog in the air burn.

"Don't waste your energy, all your attacks won't work on me!"

A voice without the slightest emotion resounded, the mist in the air had already completed its transformation, and it turned into a man with a man's voice, wearing a robe that completely covered the body, and the hat that was supposed to cover the head There is no head under it, but only a mist like a starry sky, in which the shining points are like stars.

Listening to the other party's words, Gu Zheng stopped the lava horse that was about to try to attack again with a thought.

"Since my attack is useless to you, it seems that you are the one who wants to test me?"

Gu Zheng's heart sank when he was disappointed with the blow and the sight of the lava horse. He felt that he had encountered an extremely difficult guy, and he might even fall here. However, the robed man transformed from the mist actually talked to him like this, which made his heart relax again. He would say such words and attack useless people. Gu Zheng only thought of those special guys who gave him a test. For example, the lava frog, the lava mirage, the photo of the king of fire and the humanoid red cloud.

As long as it is a test, Gu Zheng is not afraid. Although the test is dangerous, and the risk factor is even high, once you pass the test, you will probably get a chance.

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