If Gu Zheng hadn't accidentally touched the area where the center of the immortal formation was separated, he would have no idea that there are treasures in the golden armor that can replenish his original energy. How long can he go, but after getting such a treasure, he knows that he should be able to go farther in this dangerous battlefield! After all, every pair of armor has such a red spar, and there are at least thirty-five such armors in this battlefield!

As for whether the lava skeleton can be awakened without the armor of the center of the fairy array, Gu Zheng feels that this has no effect on the awakening of the lava skeleton, and the reason why he thinks so is because of the fairy-level space fairy weapon. A special feeling born of the degree of control.

Refining the center of the fairy formation on the golden armor, Gu Zheng also has enough understanding of the fairy formation on the armor, so the trouble of carrying the armor on the road no longer exists, and his fingers pressed on the golden armor several times After that, a golden light flashed on the golden armor, and after shrinking many times, it became a piece of metal the size of a palm, which stuck to Gu Zheng's body.

Gu Zheng went on the road again, feeling a lot more relaxed. After walking for a while, he saw more than a dozen skeletons lying on the ground, as well as the bones of three war horses.

Just like last time, Gu Zheng directly destroyed these skeletons, but this time he did not use the strongest sword, but stretched out his hand to create a sea of ​​flames on the ground.

If these bones and the like are ordinary, then Gu Zheng’s insignificant sea of ​​fire is enough to destroy them. If these bones are not ordinary, even if his strongest sword splits them into pieces, they will still be will be reorganized.

The sound of "cracking" kept ringing in the sea of ​​flames, and all the bones burned by the flames burst. Gu Zheng was cautiously on guard, and his tentacles writhed uncomfortably in his palms. He was waiting for the cold power to appear. Looking forward to a battle with the power of the cold.

To Gu Zheng's surprise, the power of yin and cold did not appear, and without the power of yin and cold, the bones on the ground that had been burned to the point of bursting by the flames could be reorganized!

I didn't dare to hope that there would be only the resistance of the cold force in this area. Now seeing the staggering reorganization of these flaming monsters, Gu Zheng is not too surprised. However, it is obviously not Gu Zheng's style to wait for these monsters to reorganize before launching an attack, so the flame whip has been shaken by him.

Like a spirit snake, the long flame whip whips wildly at the monsters in the sea of ​​flames. Although these monsters will come back to life, the monsters without the blessing of Yin and cold power are obviously not as good as those previously blessed by Yin and cold power The monsters are powerful, and several of them were quickly broken up by Gu Zheng. Once these reorganized monsters fell apart, their bones would explode into powder, completely losing the possibility of reorganization.

Although it was easy to deal with a few monsters, Gu Zheng couldn't help but feel agitated, because he found that although the power of the explosion of those bones was not great, there was a special wave produced during the explosion. If he was close enough, he would be able to His original energy produced vibrations, and when this vibration reached a certain level, his original energy would overflow from his mouth like blood. There must be a reason for existence. Since the explosion of the bones of the monsters will produce such an extraordinary effect, Gu Zheng feels that he has foreseen the few remaining monsters and may use a method to attack him. Bones were thrown at him like weapons.

The monsters haven't displayed the attack method foreseen by Gu Zheng yet, but other attack methods have appeared. A bone horse rushed towards Gu Zheng, and the other let out a horse cry, and its horse call was a Although the intensity of this kind of sonic attack is not very high, it also makes Gu Zheng feel stunned, which can already affect his display of strength. As for the remaining two skeletons, one ran towards him on all fours like a wild beast, and the other opened its mouth towards Gu Zheng, spraying out a huge cold mist from a distance, thinking of Gu Zheng. Like the chariots encountered before the war.

Faced with several attacks at the same time, Gu Zheng naturally wouldn't just stand still. His body quickly backed up, but the flame whip that could extend for a long time was still whipping at the monsters.

Although the attack methods of the monsters are very fancy, but this kind of monsters without the blessing of Yin and cold power are naturally not as powerful as those encountered before Gu Zheng. The lava horse can launch teleportation, but the current lava horse can only rush over.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

The sound of explosions kept ringing. Due to the unequal strength, it was difficult for the monsters to get close to Gu Zheng, and the constant explosion sound was the sound of those monsters who tried to get close to Gu Zheng were scattered by the flame whip, and the bones exploded automatically.

In just a moment, the monsters in the arena were only left with a white bone horse and the two skeletons.


A skeleton that was running like a beast let out a roar at this time. This skeleton is not simple. From Gu Zheng's point of view, he is the one with the highest spiritual intelligence among the group of monsters. Its speed is obviously the fastest, but it feels that it can't break through the defense of Gu Zheng's flame whip, and has never ventured forward. Now its roar stopped the other two monsters who originally wanted to attack Gu Zheng.


Gu Zheng's heart moved. Although the time of fighting these monsters was not too long, Gu Zheng's understanding of these monsters was also deepening, and his heart could not help being touched.

At first, Gu Zheng Zhi Jue felt that the skeleton that looked like a wild beast had a higher spiritual intelligence, but it didn't mean that it was particularly high, but now this skeleton can give orders to the other two monsters, and the other two monsters can also give orders. There are already some different reactions, which makes Gu Zheng sure that this kind of monster without the blessing of Yin and cold power seems to be able to continuously improve its intelligence in battle! After all, the skeleton that looked like a beast obviously didn't have the ability to give orders from the beginning.

"If this is the case, it is better to solve you faster!"

Gu Zheng has already made a decision in his heart. The biggest reason why he felt that these monsters could not hurt him before is because spiritual intelligence is the weakness of monsters. But if this weakness is filled, then these monsters will be able to hurt his strength.

After hearing the roar of the beast-like skeleton, the monsters paused their attacks for only a moment, and then the normal skeleton suddenly rushed forward, and it would only spit out a large amount of cold mist from its mouth, but now the cold mist that spewed out turned into The appearance of a flying bird. As for the bone warhorse, it rushed towards the beast-like skeleton, and the beast-like skeleton jumped onto its back, and it actually rode towards Gu Zheng on the bone warhorse.

Gu Zheng was a little shocked. He thought that with the prolongation of the battle, the monsters only improved their intelligence, but they did not expect to improve their strength. This has been shown from the ordinary skeleton turning the cold fog into a bird. Compared with the straight-forward cold fog, the dexterous bird is naturally easier to break through the defense of the ancient flame whip.

Fortunately, the cold mist that turned into a flying bird can be targeted by Gu Zheng's flame whip, otherwise Gu Zheng's situation would not be optimistic.

One after another, the misty birds were scattered by Gu Zheng's flame whip, but the cold mist sprayed from the mouth of ordinary skeletons seemed endless. not far.


The Beast Skull roared again, and it actually pulled out a bone from the white-boned war horse under it, and the attack method that Gu Zheng had foreseen before was about to show.

However, Gu Zheng had only foreseen that the monsters would tear down the bones to deal with it, but he did not expect that the bones of the white-boned war horse dismantled by the beast skeleton would change from white to red in the hands of the beast skeleton. Gu Zheng felt a great threat, and felt the violent energy contained in it.

The Beast Skull threw the red bone in his hand towards Gu Zheng with great force and fast speed. This was not new to Gu Zheng's conjecture, so Gu Zheng couldn't suffer from this loss. The long sword he was holding in his hand had already disappeared Turning into a flame barrier, he threw the flame barrier towards the flying red bone.

Gu Zheng threw the flame barrier, not to turn the flame barrier into a dazzling flame, but he really used it as a weapon that could be thrown.

Gu Zheng's flame barrier is considered a weapon in the first place. He often hits the enemy with the flame barrier. In addition to the strong flame barrier, there is also a strange elasticity on the flame barrier, which makes it easier to fight with it. The enemies that collided with each other bounced away. Gu Zheng now uses the flame barrier to hit the red bone, just to see if the red bone will explode when it hits the flame barrier, or will it be ejected. If the red bone will explode when it hits the flame barrier, then this will be a more troublesome thing. If the red bone can be knocked out, then the originally threatening red bone may be able to be captured by Gu Zheng use.

The flame barrier collided with the red bone, but the explosion did not occur. The red bone was knocked out and exploded not far after flying out. However, the distance of this explosion did not cause any harm to Gu Zheng.


Received the flying back flame barrier in his hand, Gu Zheng applauded secretly in his heart, he has already seen that there are two conditions for the explosion of the red bone, one is to explode when it encounters an obstacle, the other is to explode when it is determined by time, as for The reason why it didn't explode after hitting the flame barrier is naturally because of the special relationship between the flame barrier.

Although the Beast Skull has spiritual intelligence, its spiritual intelligence is still not comparable to that of normal people. At least the fact that the flame barrier can knock the red bones into the air did not attract enough attention from it. He removed a bone from the bone warhorse The bones were thrown towards Gu Zheng.

Gu Zheng didn't rush to throw the flame barrier this time, he was waiting for a suitable distance.

The red bone is getting closer and closer to Gu Zheng, and the appropriate distance that Gu Zheng thought in his heart has arrived. Gu Zheng, who has a good grasp of strength, throws the flame barrier towards the red bone.

Since the elasticity of the flame barrier will not cause the red bones to explode in advance, Gu Zheng made the flame barrier more elastic this time, so the red bones that were bombed by the flame barrier flew to the side of the ordinary skeleton and produced Explosion, this is a perfect balance of timing and strength!

The power of the explosion of the red bone was terrifying. It directly shattered the lingering ordinary skeleton, causing its bones to explode in the air, and the dead could not die anymore.

Gu Zheng was quite satisfied with the power of the red bone explosion. If it didn't have such a great power, Gu Zheng wouldn't have to be so cautious.


Seeing that the red bone killed the ordinary skeleton, the beast skeleton roared again. Its body seemed to be burning with flames, and even the bones of the white bone horse under its crotch also turned red.

"Damn it, this is it!"

Gu Zheng couldn't help but widen his eyes. The beast skeleton and the bone warhorse were not far away from him. Now the bones of these two guys have turned red. The only picture Gu Zheng can think of is that they are going to explode! If it was just a bone, the explosion would not hurt Gu Zheng because of the distance, but it seems that hundreds of bones would explode together in this situation, so the range of its explosion would be terrifying.

The Flame Wings have been deployed behind Gu Zheng, and if he wants to avoid this crazy self-destruction, he feels that it is impossible to rely on the flying speed of the Flame Wings. As for the consequences of using the Flame Wings, there must be someone Time will completely turn into a disaster. He hopes that before the disaster really hits, he can safely escape this crazy self-destruction, and then retract the wings of flames to turn the disaster into nothingness.

Gu Zheng spread out his wings of flame and flew into the sky. The beast skeletons and bone warhorses obviously have no ability to defend against the sky, and once their bones turn red, self-explosion is inevitable. They want to hurt Gu Zheng who hid in the air There is no hope.

However, the Beast Skeleton was obviously not reconciled, and it even removed a bone from the white bone war horse and threw it towards the ancient battle in the air.


That is, when the Beast Skull just dropped the red bones, the big bang happened, not only the red bones thrown by it, but also their bodies.

The explosion was very powerful, but it was very difficult to injure Gu Zheng. All Gu Zheng could feel was the air wave from the explosion passing by.

"not good!"

Gu Zheng exclaimed, he felt a special aura from the air waves generated by the explosion, and this special aura gave him a feeling, so he hurriedly looked back.

There are already red clouds condensing on the upper side behind Gu Zheng. Gu Zheng originally planned that if there is no special situation on the side of the beast skeleton, he will put away the flame wings after they explode. Lava monsters will not spawn. However, when the explosion blasted past his body just now, his control over the fairy-level space fairy gave him a special feeling, that is, the blast generated by the explosion would give birth to lava monster birds in the red cloud.

Gu Zheng's feeling is not wrong. Although he has retracted the flame wings, the red cloud that has been impacted by the blast wave has not dissipated, and the cry of the lava strange bird has already been issued.

"This is really just a wave of just flattening and a wave of rising again!"

Gu Zheng has already assumed a fighting posture, and he is going to meet the coming hard stubble.

Gu Zheng also broke up two lava monster birds before, but that was with the help of the lava horse and the lava skeleton. Although without the help of the lava horse and the lava skeleton, Gu Zheng felt that he could kill a lava monster by himself Bird, but the price to be paid is too great, Gu Zheng is conservatively estimated to be seriously injured.


Gu Zheng took out an inner alchemy of a lava toad strengthened by a lava frog. Now he only has two inner alchemy that can explode, and he plans to use one of them to solve the lava monster bird. He was very reluctant, but he had no other way, he couldn't allow himself to be seriously injured here, after all, the power of Yin and Cold was still dormant in the dark.

"Hahahaha, good!"

At the same time, a sound of laughter and applause suddenly came out from somewhere underground on the battlefield. If Gu Zheng was here, he must be able to hear that the guy who made this sound was the power of Yin Han.

The underground space where the power of yin and cold is located is very dark, so dark that only two beads emitting shimmering light can be seen, and the current situation of Gu Zheng's side is being presented in the beads.

"Try to lose a little more and use another method to control the beast skeleton. What do you think I'm trying to do? Didn't I just want to force you into the air? This time I want to see if the lava monster bird can push you kill!"

The voice of the power of yin and cold is full of pleasure. In the battle where it first possessed the bone horse and then the chariot, it was seriously injured by Gu Zheng. The degree of this injury was beyond It surpassed the imagination of the ancient war. If it hadn't been for the Yin-cold power being too severely injured, it would not have lost the opportunity to possess the monsters like the beast skeletons again, but Gu Zheng didn't know that the beast skeletons were not possessed by the Yin-cold power. It is thanks to him.

Under normal circumstances, the monsters in the battlefield are divided into groups one after another, and the power of Yin and Cold can possess which group of monsters it encounters in Guzheng, and its strength will become stronger and stronger. Strong, but the damage that Gu Zheng caused to it made it lose the chance to possess monsters like beast skeletons. However, although the power of yin and cold cannot possess monsters such as beast skeletons, it can still take some damage to itself in exchange for simple manipulation of beast skeletons. This kind of manipulation will not be noticed by Gu Zheng, but it It was impossible for the Beast Skeleton to do particularly complicated things, so the Beast Skeleton behaved very differently. After all, it was also under its control that pushed Gu Zheng to the current situation.

"Master, I feel that the strange lava bird cannot kill the entrant!"

There was another voice, and the two shimmering beads in the air were actually the eyes of the monster who spoke at this time.

"Why do you say that? Is it because of the bead in his hand?" Yin Han Zhi asked.

"Although this subordinate doesn't know what the bead is used for, since he took out the bead now, it must be used to deal with the lava monster bird!" The voice worried.

"Hmph, let's wait and see! Besides, how about calculating how it can deal with the lava monster bird? My subordinates are more than these three horses and two batches!" The cold power said contemptuously.

At the same time, the strange lava bird in the red cloud suddenly appeared. It looked like a phoenix, but it only had one tail feather, and its wings spread out to a full three feet. It was much larger than Gu Zheng.

Spreading its wings, the strange lava bird rushed down from the sky, and stretched out its sharp claws towards Gu Zheng in a posture of an eagle catching a chick. Moreover, just as it stretched out its pair of claws, two flames that could burn Gu Zheng flew towards Gu Zheng like a fire dragon.

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