Gu Zheng looked at somewhere in the magma lake, and he already felt that the source of the strong wind was there. Although he didn't know why the strong wind wanted to sweep away the ashes of these toad monsters, but it was in a bad mood. I don't want to let the wind get what I want.

In the special space where the lava dryad absorbed his consciousness, the supernatural power that Gu Zheng realized was the control of volcanic ash and other fine dust. You can't do what you want.

Gu Zheng stretched out his hand, and the ashes of the toad monster retreated back even after flying far away, as if they had been powerfully sharpened, and finally condensed into a huge ball above his palm.

"If you think you can suck this super big ball, then this super big ball is for you!"

Gu Zheng sneered, the super big ball is made of the ashes of more than seventy toad monsters, and when these toad monsters were alive, each one was bigger than a cow. Moreover, the reason why he said that was because the violent wind was not a natural thing, it was emitted by a monster, even though Gu Zheng didn't know what the monster was.

"You, you were able to find me?"

A voice came from the magma lake, looking very surprised: "As an entrant, and with such a body, you should not be able to feel the Qi mechanism. How did you find me?"

As the voice said, under normal circumstances, even if Gu Zheng felt that the gust of wind was different, he would not be 100% sure that the gust of wind was caused by a monster, and the reason why he dared to be so sure was because of the guidance of his special feeling , but this is his secret, and it is naturally impossible for him to tell the other party.

"Sneaky, don't you dare to show your head?"

Gu Zheng, who was in a bad mood, sneered, this kind of monster that can communicate with him is not easy.

"You are a special entrant, I haven't seen it for many years, and a special entrant like you, doing business with me is the best thing!"

While speaking, a giant emerged from the magma lake. It was as big as a room and looked a bit like a lava toad, but it was a lava frog.

The words of the lava frog revived Gu Zheng, but it wasn't the "I haven't seen it for many years" in what it said. After all, Gu Zheng already knew that there were several entrants in front of him when he was at the hide giant. This is an extremely difficult space world! And what he was really interested in was the deal that the lava frog said.

"What deal do you want to make with me?" Gu Zheng asked.

"Can you give me your oversized ball?" the lava frog said.

"I can give you this super big ball, but what benefits can I get?" Gu Zheng asked again.

"Have you seen this nasty toad before?" The lava frog asked back.

"Indeed, I have seen and killed a few of them." Gu Zheng replied.

"Then did you get the inner alchemy from them? If you got the inner alchemy, do you still have the inner alchemy on you now?" The lava frog asked again.

"I got inner alchemy from them, and now I still have three of this kind of inner alchemy!"

Gu Zheng spread his hands, and the inner alchemy that was originally hidden in his body appeared on the palm of his hand.

"If you give me a super big ball, I can help you strengthen these three inner pills, so that these three inner pills have a stronger explosive power!"

It is undeniable that the proposal of the lava frog is very tempting. Originally, the explosive power of the inner alchemy is strong enough. If it can be strengthened, it may become a real trump card. This makes Gu Zheng unable to bear it anymore. Fantasizing.

His heart was moved, but Gu Zheng was actually very calm. The monsters he encountered in this special space world that could communicate with him were not ordinary. He wanted to try to find out more from this lava frog. Useful things.

"Strengthening the inner alchemy is a good proposal, but I don't want to strengthen the inner alchemy now. What I want most is to restore my subordinates to normal!"

Gu Zheng pointed his finger at the lava skull that was like a high fever, and what he said was indeed the truth. Even if the overall value of the lava skull is not as good as the three strengthened inner pills, as long as the lava frog can restore them to normal, Gu Zheng I would rather give up strengthening the three inner pills! After all, lava skeletons can be regarded as having lived and died with Gu Zheng, even though they are wayward, Gu Zheng has already regarded them as his own.

"I can't save your subordinates!" The lava frog regretted.

"Then you don't want this super big ball."

Gu Zheng's attitude was extremely tough. He held the super big ball with one hand, and then a strange red light appeared in his hand: "I can make them condense into super big balls, and I can also make them really disappear!"

"I advise you not to be impulsive, I really don't have the ability to solicit your subordinates!" The lava frog said hastily.

"Don't play tricks with me anymore, do you have no points in your heart?"

Gu Zheng shouted loudly, the red light on the palm immediately invaded the super ball, and the ashes that made up the super ball immediately began to decompose.

"Don't don't!"

The lava frog was in a hurry: "I have something to say, I have something to say!"

Hearing what the lava frog said, Gu Zheng also turned off the red light, and the decomposition of the super big ball stopped immediately.

"You are really special enough, even more special than the entrant I met who ended up in the volcano!"

The lava frog looked at Gu Zheng, and Gu Zheng smiled in his heart. Although the original entrant entered the highest volcano very special, he felt that the entrant's control over the fairy-level space fairy The speed is not as high as his, so compared with him, that seemingly special entrant is not that special! And the reason why he knew that the lava frog had a way to save the lava skeletons was precisely because of his control over the fairy-level space device, which gave him a special feeling. This feeling made him understand that this lava frog is like a Hidden tasks are average, and this task is related to lava skeletons.

"I can save your subordinates, but I still lack one thing to save your subordinates, and you have to get it yourself!" said the lava frog.

"What are you talking about? Where is this thing?" Gu Zheng asked.

"You have seen the lava toad before. There is a lava toad king in this magma lake. Since your subordinates were injured by the lava toad king, their injuries can only be healed by the lava toad king's inner alchemy! But , since it is the Lava Toad King, it is naturally very difficult to kill it, and your life may even be in danger! So are you still willing to take that risk for your subordinates?"

The voice of the lava frog became solemn, and the special feeling produced by the control of the fairy-level space fairy also made Gu Zheng understand that this is an agreement that cannot be easily agreed. Once this agreement is agreed, there is no room for regret , so before agreeing to this agreement, he has to clarify some things first.

"Let's put this matter aside for now."

"You don't have so many things to do, your subordinates won't last long!"

The lava frog interrupted Gu Zheng's words, but Gu Zheng just smiled, he understood that some of the lava frog's words were set game rules, since he has touched the rules of the game, naturally he doesn't want to break the rules Or change, it is more like the conclusion of the agreement.

"Trading is also part of your responsibilities, isn't it? In this case, let's talk about the transaction first. I will give you this super big ball. You can help me strengthen the three inner alchemy first. It shouldn't take much time?"

Gu Zheng's words caused the lava frog to have a very mechanical reaction. It was stunned for a while before saying: "Yes, then give me all the ashes and inner alchemy!"

Gu Zheng didn't think it was cheating for the lava frog to ask for things first. After all, he had no special feeling about it, and he had no choice in this matter, so he turned the super big ball into ashes, and with All three inner pills were given and floated towards the lava frog.

The ashes entered the magma lake under the lava frog, and the three inner pills were caught by the lava frog's tongue.

"Wait a minute!"

Hearing what the lava frog said, Gu Zheng nodded.

I saw that the eyes of the lava frog flickered, and its mouth seemed to be burning with fire. Even though it was far away, Gu Zheng could still feel that there was violent energy brewing in its mouth. And this process lasted for a stick of incense.

After a stick of incense, the lava frog spit out the three inner alchemy, looking at the three inner alchemy flying towards him, Gu Zheng felt somewhat excited.

The three inner elixirs that were originally red have now become as pure as red crystals, but the energy contained in them has increased a lot. Gu Zheng feels that even with his current cultivation base, he would be attacked by such inner elixirs. , Not dying is also the end of being seriously injured.

"Okay, Neidan has already strengthened it for you, so hurry up and answer my previous question, do you want to save these subordinates of yours?"

Where the duty lies, the lava frog urges the ancient dispute again.

"Can you give me the details?"

Gu Zheng asked cautiously, but what he got was a frantic 'croak' from the lava frog.

"Why are you so greedy as an entrant? You have already drilled the hole, and strengthened your three inner alchemy first, what else do you want? Tell you, you only have three seconds to think about things, within three seconds If you don't agree, I'll jump into the magma lake right away, believe it or not?" The lava frog said frantically.

"I believe, I believe!"

Gu Zheng was amused by the madness of the lava frog. After laughing, he said seriously: "I promise!"

After Gu Zheng agreed to the request of the lava frog, his special feeling immediately made him understand that he had already concluded an agreement with the lava frog, and he could not give up this agreement no matter how dangerous it was.

Hearing that Gu Zheng had agreed, the lava frog spoke again: "I will open the door to the space for you later and send you into the space where the lava toad king is. I won't say more about the danger there. Get back the inner alchemy of the Lava Toad King, and bring me a pair of eyes of the Lava Toad King!"

"Why did you bring you the eyes of the Lava Toad King?" Gu Zheng asked.

"Do you think I'll help you treat your subordinates for free? You're overthinking it! Letting you bring me the eyes of the Lava Toad King is my reward for treating your subordinates."

The lava frog said angrily, and then said: "Of course, danger also comes with opportunities. In the space where the lava toad is, you may be able to reap opportunities! Well, I will say what I have to say." I've already said, I'm going to send you into that space now."

"Wait, how long can I stay in that space? Can I bring my mount in? After entering that space, how can I leave?" Gu Zheng asked.

"You can only stay in that space for one hour. If you can't get what I want for one hour, then you can only die in that space. You can't bring your mount into it. My mana is not enough to open it. An entrance that the two of you can pass through. The entrance will last for one hour, if you get what I need within one hour, then you can just come out through the entrance, but if I find that you haven’t got what I need If you want to come out through the entrance, then I will close the entrance!" said the lava frog.

"Okay, there is no doubt, you can open the entrance!"

Gu Zheng's voice fell to the ground, and the lava frog croaked, and the whole space seemed to shake. Not far in front of it, there was a hole in the void, followed by a piece of darkness.

Gu Zheng spread out his wings of flame and flew towards the crack in space. This constantly shaking crack looked very unstable, which also made Gu Zheng understand that it really only allowed him to enter and exit once.

Passing through the crack, Gu Zheng's vision alternated between light and dark. When his vision recovered again, he found that the environment he was in was in a cave. The environment in this cave was very similar to the cross passage that he passed through before, which was relatively wide. The walls of the cave are all passages made of red rock.

Gu Zheng looked up, and he found that the space crack that entered this passage was still there, and it was still trembling and emitting unstable fluctuations.

"The time is only one hour, and I don't know what kind of danger is waiting in this cave."

Gu Zheng murmured in his heart, swept some dust from the hole with a wave of his hand, held it in his hand, and then walked forward.

I didn't feel any danger, and I didn't find any monsters. Gu Zheng traveled very fast, but the passage seemed to be extremely deep. Gu Zheng walked for a full third of the time it took for a stick of incense, but there was still no trace. Seeing the end of the passage, he did not encounter any fork.

Although he didn't see the end of the passage, nor did he encounter a fork, but Gu Zheng's progress stopped, and he felt something strange behind him.

Gu Zheng looked back, his eyes couldn't help but widen because of the strange scene behind him, and there was a group of red things swimming towards him in the air.

The red things are lava monsters. The shape of these things is very similar to tadpoles. When they swim in the air, the thin tail behind them is constantly swinging, and there is a faint electric light flickering on it.

With a thought in Gu Zheng's mind, the handful of dust in his hand was thrown out by it, and the supernatural power that he had just realized not long ago that can control the dust was also activated.

I saw that the dust thrown into the air by Gu Zheng quickly shot back towards Gu Zheng, and after falling on it, it showed a spreading trend, covering his body with a layer of red armor. Turning motes into armor is the one that Gu Zheng can use to control motes, and the protective ability of this motes armor is much stronger than his previous flame protection.

Although there are only more than 30 lava tadpoles swimming towards Gu Zheng in the air, they can make Gu Zheng use the mote armor directly, which is enough to show that Gu Zheng attaches great importance to them. However, Gu Zheng's emphasis on lava tadpoles is not because of the electric lights on their tails, but because of the violent energy in these guys' bodies, which shows that they can explode themselves! As for the faint electric lights on their tails, Taoist Gu Zheng felt nothing to be afraid of.

The lava tadpoles have already launched an attack on Gu Zheng. They flicked their tails, and shot lightning rays as thick as chopsticks towards Gu Zheng.

Gu Zheng shook the flame whip in his hand, not only scattered all the lightning lights that were shot, but also did not suffer any harm. Moreover, all those lava tadpoles that touched the flame whip were all sent back.

"Squeak creak!"

The lava tadpoles that were sent back made a mouse-like call, and their restless calls seemed to have infected those lava tadpoles that hadn't been sent back, causing them to make the same call.

Gu Zheng was stunned. He suddenly found that these lava tadpoles seemed to be able to attack together. This kind of cry was obviously to strengthen the weak sonic attack through the combined attack. He already felt a little uncomfortable.

The Flame Wings unfolded behind Gu Zheng, and Gu Zheng fanned the fire rain on the Flame Wings towards the lava tadpoles. Huo Yu also has some understanding, so he understands that this kind of Huo Yu, which seems to be difficult to use to hurt the enemy, is very effective against some special lava monsters, and lava tadpoles belong to this kind that can be targeted by Huo Yu monster.

Sure enough, seeing the fire rain, the lava tadpoles no longer cared about using sonic attacks or electric lights to deal with Gu Zheng. They all flicked their tails and accelerated, as if they were leeches smelling blood.

Gu Zheng understood that the lava tadpoles were desperately trying to get close to him and explode themselves!

However, Gu Zheng also understood that it was very difficult for the lava tadpoles to injure it, because the fire rain was very dense, and the speed of the lava tadpoles was not enough to safely walk through such a fire rain.

"Bang bang bang bang bang!"

Explosions continued in the air, and all the lava tadpoles that were hit twice by the fire rain exploded uncontrollably. The power of the intensive self-explosion made the cave tremble slightly, and it also shocked Gu Zheng's heart. After all, the explosive power of a single lava tadpole is almost equivalent to that of an unenhanced lava toad inner alchemy, and a similar explosive power can blow up a monster like a lava giant crocodile in just three times. If more than 30 of them were hit, it is estimated that giant beasts like the giant lava crocodile would be blown up to ashes, not to mention Gu Zheng's small body.

More than 30 lava tadpoles have all been blown up in the air, and none of them can get close to Gu Zheng. However, getting rid of more than thirty lava tadpoles was not the end of the troubles. New troubles had appeared behind Gu Zheng.

The so-called rear of Gu Zheng is actually the front of Gu Zheng, but he turned around when he killed the lava tadpole before.

Gu Zheng, who turned around again, saw that the so-called troubles were very special. There were more than 30 of them. They had a body like a tadpole, but they had grown a pair of forelimbs like a lava toad. However, although these guys have lava tadpole-like bodies, their mouths are no longer as friendly as lava tadpoles. Their mouths are very large and have extremely sharp teeth inside.

Although there is only one pair of forelimbs, this lava monster crawls very fast, and there is also that kind of violent energy in their body, so Gu Zheng can't let them get close.

Previously, Gu Zheng used the fire rain on the wings of flames to prevent the lava tadpoles from approaching. Whether the monsters could be restrained by the fire rain was something he could know without trying, and it was because of this that Gu Zheng knew, thinking It was impossible to repeat the same trick, the lava monster was not something he could deal with with Fire Rain.

You can't use fire rain to deal with lava monsters. Gu Zheng can only use flame whips to whip them. As long as they can't stop the flame whips, then Gu Zheng can still deal with them outside the range of their explosion.

However, sometimes things don’t go as smoothly as expected. Seeing Gu Zheng’s flaming whip whipping past, the lava monsters not only didn’t dodge, but jumped towards the flaming whip. They opened their mouths to reveal their sharp edges. His teeth bit the flaming whip.

Gu Zheng's flame whip is actually an energy body, and this energy body is not easy to be destroyed, but under the special teeth of the lava monster, the flame whip that was originally not easy to be destroyed is like being cut by a kitchen knife. Easily cut off.

The flame whip is useless to the lava monster, and Gu Zheng can only back up while raising his hand to turn the passage into a sea of ​​flames. Although he doesn't think the sea of ​​fire can really burn and explode the lava monster, there is no particularly good way right now , he can only be a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

Sure enough, the lava monsters simply ignored the ancient sea of ​​flames, and they crawled in the sea of ​​flames without any serious injuries at all.

"I really don't want to use it!"

Gu Zheng felt sorry for the toad demon Nei Dan in his hand. This inner alchemy had been strengthened by the lava frog, and its power was astonishing. It would detonate all these lava monsters in one shot, but Gu Zheng was really reluctant.

However, if you are reluctant, you have to be willing. For this kind of lava monster that will explode when approached, Gu Zheng has no good way to deal with it. He can only hope that after finishing these lava monsters, he will not encounter this annoying monster again. A monster capable of exploding itself.

Gu Zheng sacrificed an inner alchemy of a toad monster, and then detonated it. The powerful explosion power is naturally not the damage that lava monsters can bear, but more than 30 lava monsters exploded almost at the same time. The whole cave trembled.

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