Facing the dominance of Gu Zheng, the four nurses at the Moran Auction House looked at each other in blank dismay. They were all angry, but the anger was suppressed so deeply that they dared not show it at all.

"What do you want?" the pockmarked old man asked.

Faced with the pockmarked old man's inquiry, Gu Zheng waved his hand directly, and the appearance of a lava heart appeared in the air. This is a phantom created with his divine sense. It is better to express directly in this way than to describe it in words. After all, the ink dyed auction house I don't even know what a lava core is.

"Is this what you want?"

Because he didn't know each other well, and because the heart of lava had failed before, the old man with a pockmarked face still had a deep impression of heart of lava.

Seeing that Gu Zheng didn't speak, but just stared at him, the pockmarked old man said again: "The thing you need is not from the Moran Auction House, it just appeared at the Moren Auction House some time ago. Later, due to the failure of the auction, the consignor has already taken it away."

"Then give me the client's information." Gu Zheng said.

"Your Excellency, this is against the rules! Whether it is the Moran Auction House or other auction houses, it is a hard rule to keep the identity of the consignor and the bidder secret!" The pockmarked old man shook his head.

"Is it a hard rule? It seems that you can't do it if you don't do it!"

When Gu Zheng spoke, the pockmarked old man and the four immediately showed their fairy weapons, but after Gu Zheng's words fell to the ground, their bodies suddenly disappeared.


The pockmarked old man and the four exclaimed. Their strength is not high, they are just the caretakers of the Moran auction house, and an auction is not held every day, so naturally there will be no caretakers with too high a cultivation level.


Among the four guards who were on full alert, one fell to the ground screaming, because Gu Zheng, who had disappeared, suddenly appeared beside him, bent his head and flicked him on the head, and after making a sound like knocking chestnuts, He also fell to the ground.

Seeing that his companion was attacked unexpectedly, the other three caretakers immediately launched an attack on Gu Zheng. For a while, the rays of light and fluctuations produced by the fairy art were somewhat dazzling. However, these attacks did not fall on Gu Zheng, because Gu Zheng launched teleportation again, and after he reappeared, he knocked one of the three remaining caretakers to the ground with his fingers .

This is a battle that can't be resisted. Immortal cultivators with teleportation are already very troublesome existences, not to mention that Gu Zheng's own strength is much higher than them.

From the beginning to the end of the battle, it only took a few breaths. Gu Zheng just launched four teleportation, and then brought down all four caretakers, but knocking down does not mean killing them. Heart, but not bloodthirsty itself.

At this moment, Gu Zheng had already put his hand on the pockmarked old man's head, and began to search for his soul, and some minions in the Moran auction house were watching Gu Zheng from a distance at this moment, but none of them dared to go up Before, or say something.

The heart of lava was something that appeared at the Moran auction not long ago. This is the recent memory of the pockmarked old man, so Gu Zheng soon learned about the heart of lava.

The pock-marked old man didn't pass out, so he knew what Gu Zheng had seen in his mind. At this moment, he was really scared. He was afraid that Gu Zheng would kill him, but it didn't. When it was removed from his head, a small bag of fairy coins was also thrown in front of him, and Gu Zheng's figure disappeared from his front in an instant.


Seeing that Gu Zheng had disappeared, the pockmarked old man let out a sigh of relief, and at the same time, cold sweat rolled down his forehead. He threw three celestial light balls at the three fainted companions, waking them up from their coma.

"My lord, are you all right?"

At this moment, those minions who had been waiting and watching dared to run to the caregiver and dare to say something of concern.

"You don't need to come here, what should you be busy with, remember that nothing happened today, if you don't keep the door open, be careful of your lives!"

The pockmarked old man gave the minions a hard look, and the minions quickly disappeared from the backyard while saying yes again and again in fright.

"Brother, where was that person just now?"

One of the three caretakers who passed out just now asked, all three of them passed out before, and they didn't know what happened afterwards.

The pockmarked old man told what happened after the three passed out, and the three looked at each other in silence.

"Hey, I'm afraid that the signboard of our Moran Auction House will be smashed. With that person's strength, although I can't say that he will definitely go to Longshengzong, but if Longshengzong finds out that the news leaked from us, this matter I'm afraid things will spread like crazy."

"If there is a lot of rumors about the true biography, there is nothing we can do about it. Even if we are not strong enough to be searched for by others? We have an explanation for public opinion! After all, we didn't pour beans from the bamboo tube just because the other party is a strong person. Explain, we also fought, but we couldn't resist."

"I still feel that it is better to tell the higher-ups about this matter and see what the higher-ups say!"

Each of the three caretakers said a word, and they were also prepared to be punished by the superiors. Although the root cause of this incident was not theirs, it still fell into the category of dereliction of duty for the strict rules of the Moran Auction House. As for what they said above, it naturally belongs to the strength of the sect. After all, they are just caretakers, and with their cultivation base, even in a city that is not considered prosperous like Moran City, they are not able to open such an auction.

"You must tell the higher-ups, but things may not be as bad as you imagined! First of all, even though that person broke into our auction house and searched for my soul, as a strong person, he has already That's very polite! I think he is a very particular person, and he probably wouldn't tell the people of Longshengzong how he got the news!"

While speaking, the pockmarked old man threw away the bag of fairy coins in his hand, he understood that this was the compensation given to them by Gu Zheng.

"I'm not afraid that he will take the initiative to tell the people of Longshengzong the source of the news, but I'm afraid that the people of Longshengzong will make him speak out in exchange!" one of the other three caretakers sighed.

The Longsheng Sect that the guardians said was where Gu Zheng was going now, and the heart of lava that appeared at the auction was commissioned by the Longsheng Sect to be auctioned.

Long Shengzong does not belong to the sect within the range of Moran City, its sect is located in Lincheng Longyuan of Moran City.

The Longsheng Sect is not considered a very large sect among the sect forces, and the total number of people in the sect is just over a thousand, and the most powerful person among them is their Great Elder, whose cultivation is only at the late stage of the Golden Immortal .

Gu Zheng, who left the auction, immediately went to the Teleportation Pavilion in Moran City, and arrived at Longyuan City through the Teleportation Immortal Formation. After leaving the city, he immediately flew in the direction of Longshengzong.

Although he got the news of the lava heart, Gu Zheng's heart is not easy. After all, before the lava heart is in his hands, everything may change! Just like the lava heart who went to the Moran Auction to entrust the auction, although he is a sect master of the Longsheng Sect, whether he is in the Longsheng Sect now is something that Gu Zheng doesn't know.

It took Gu Zheng two days to fly from outside Longyuan City to the front of Longshengzong's mountain gate.

Standing under the tall mountain gate of Longshengzong are two disciples guarding the mountain. For a sect like Longshengzong, Gu Zheng can no longer break in directly like he did with the Moran auction house, otherwise there will be more troubles .

"Stop coming!"

"What does the visitor mean?"

Before Gu Zheng got too close, the two guard disciples of Longsheng Sect spoke one sentence at a time.

For any sect, under normal circumstances, the mountain guarding formation is in a semi-open state. In this state, the mountain guarding formation will allow the formation barrier to protect the entire sect, let alone birds and beasts. , even if a cultivator wants to enter it, he must first pass the formation barrier. As for an important place like the mountain gate, there are more than two disciples who are responsible for guarding the mountain. As for the two that Gu Zheng saw, they are only responsible for questioning and passing on messages outside the mountain gate.

"Someone asked me to deliver this brocade box to Wu Jie, the head of the Sword Wind Sect of the Longsheng Sect."

Gu Zheng was dragging a brocade box in his hand. He wanted to ask first to see if Wu Jie, who had a heart of lava, was in the Longsheng Sect. If Wu Jie was in the Longsheng Sect, he would be invited into the Longsheng Sect, or Wu Jieshan came to see him, no matter which way, as long as he met Wu Jie, he could take him down in a lightning-fast way. But if Wu Jie wasn't in Longsheng Sect, then there would be no point in breaking through.

The brocade box in Gu Zheng's hand is not an extraordinary thing. One look at it and you will feel that there are very valuable things inside. The two mountain guard disciples did not dare to neglect, and immediately notified the mountain guard disciples inside the formation barrier, and the mountain guard disciples inside the barrier It is to use their method to quickly pass the information back to the sect.

Gu Zheng waited quietly outside the mountain gate in accordance with the request of the guarding disciples. About a minute later, a word came out from the Longsheng Sect, and the guarding disciples told Gu Zheng that since it was difficult for Wu Jie's sect master to escape, please ask Gu Zheng first. Enter Longshengzong to taste tea and wait.

With Zongzhong's order, the disciples guarding the mountain in the gate made an opening appear on the formation barrier, and Gu Zheng could easily follow the disciples guarding the mountain into the gate.

The mountain gate of Longshengzong is halfway up the mountain, while the real Longshengzong is on the top of the mountain. Therefore, after Gu Zheng followed the disciples who guarded the mountain into the mountain gate, there was still a long way to go.

From a distance, the main hall of the Longsheng Sect is just above. Although the main hall is considered magnificent, for the well-informed Gu Zheng, the building in front of him is already relatively shabby among the main halls of the sect he has seen. However, for the Shoushan disciples, they are full of pride. Whether Gu Zheng is willing to listen or not, he is trying his best to introduce their Longshengzong Hall.

As he approached the main hall of Longshengzong, Gu Zheng frowned slightly. Although he didn't use his spiritual sense to investigate, he still discovered some people from Longshengzong who were ambushing outside the main hall with his super sensitive five senses.

There will be people ambushing outside the main hall of Longsheng Sect, and the disciples guarding the mountain will bring Gu Zheng into the main hall of Longsheng Sect. The meaning of inviting you into the urn is self-evident.

Gu Zheng didn't expect that what was waiting for him would be to invite the king into the urn, but since the plan was to deal with it in this way, it seems that something has changed.

Gu Zheng is not afraid of entering the hall of Longshengzong, he hasn't taken the gang of Longshengzong seriously! However, he didn't want to waste too much time in Longsheng Sect, so he stopped.

"Since there is an ambush, it seems that you have some plans for me, so you might as well show up and see, let's open the skylight and tell the truth!"

Gu Zheng's words echoed on the top of the mountain, and they were naturally heard by a group of people in the main hall of Longshengzong, and these people were the head of Longshengzong and others.

"It seems that the person here has some skills, and he has discovered the ambush, so let's go out and have a look!"

Long Tian, ​​the suzerain of the Longsheng Sect, smiled, and those people who were originally in the main hall followed him and left the main hall.

The suzerain of the Longsheng sect looked Gu Zheng up and down, and then slowly said: "I am Long Tian, ​​the suzerain of the Longsheng sect, what is your relationship with Wu Jie, my guest? What do you want to give him? Who told you to give this thing? Give it to him?"

Gu Zheng originally thought that there would be an ambush by the people of Longshengzong. It should be that the Moran auction house notified Longshengzong in advance, but now listening to what Longtian said, it seems that things are not what he imagined.

"What is the relationship between me and Wu Jie? Don't you know that the suzerain let Wu Jie come? As for other questions about the suzerain, I will naturally tell him after meeting Wu Jie."

Having said that, Gu Zheng has a feeling that Wu Jie doesn't seem to be in Longshengzong, otherwise why isn't Wu Jie among the group of people he can see? Moreover, Gu Zheng still has a feeling that Wu Jie, the head of the sect, seems to have something to do with Longshengzong, and it is not a good thing.

"No matter who you are, since you have got involved with Wu Jie, then I'm sorry, Long Shengzong doesn't treat you too well, so you'd better answer my question just now, or it will be too late to regret it! "Long Tian sneered.

"It's just a cover to say that I want to give something to Wu Jie. I came to Longshengzong to find Wu Jie and exchange something from him."

It seems that there is something really going on between Wu Jie and Long Shengzong, and it turned out to be the case. I'm afraid Wu Jie would not be in Long Shengzong, or Long Tian wouldn't talk like this, so Gu Zheng told the truth.

Long Tian frowned slightly: "Oh? Are you looking for Wu Jie just to change something?"


Gu Zheng didn't talk too much, and directly made the phantom of Lava Heart appear in the air: "Some time ago, Wu Jie once auctioned this item in the auction house of Moran City, but at that time this item failed to be auctioned, and then he sold it. Take this thing away, and now I want to know where he is."

"What is this thing? When did Wu Jie put this thing at the auction in Moran City? And when did he take it away?" Long Tian asked.

"This thing is called the heart of lava..."

Gu Zheng answered Long Tian's question, but his patience was about to run out: "I have answered all the questions you asked, and I hope you can answer my questions honestly."

Gu Zheng didn't look very old, and in such an environment, he spoke too lowly and neither humble nor overbearing, so some people in the Longsheng Sect had long disliked him, so when he said these words, some people who were originally suppressed People exploded.

"Boy, I think you are very arrogant?"

"Aren't you ignorant of your current situation?"

"Wu Jie is a traitor of Longshengzong. Since you have something to do with a traitor, you should think about your own situation!"

"Sovereign, there is no need to say anything more to him. If you want to know whether what he said is true or not, just search his soul directly."

The people around Longtian spoke up one after another, and although Longtian was not impulsive, it could be seen from his sizing eyes that he was very moved by the proposal of his subordinates to search for souls, but as the suzerain of Longshengzong , there are many things to consider before issuing an order.

"Soul search? This is really a good proposal!"

Gu Zheng sneered, since the other party wanted to use fists to speak, then use fists to speak.

Hearing Gu Zheng's words, the people of Longsheng Sect started the fight first. For a while, immortal arts and artifacts flew towards Gu Zheng, and even an elder of Longsheng Sect directly launched the Immortal Realm against Gu Zheng.

Immortal Realm works faster than Immortal Arts and Immortal Artifacts. The elders of Longshengzong took Gu Zheng into the Immortal Realm. The scene immediately activated his Immortal Realm.

The strength of the elder Longshengzong's fairyland is naturally not comparable to that of Gu Zheng. When a powerful fairyland appears in a weak fairyland, there is only one consequence for the weak fairyland, and that is to be exploded .

The Immortal Realm that had just been activated was shattered, and the elder Longshengzong immediately vomited blood. Before he could wipe off the blood from the corner of his mouth, the sound of vomiting blood rang out all around him. He found that the other two elders had the suzerain and the three sect masters They were also taken into the Immortal Realm by Gu Zheng.

Taking these people into the Immortal Realm, Gu Zheng directly used the energy of the Immortal Realm to oppress them until he vomited blood, which was regarded as a disarming blow to them. Their strength is still too weak for Gu Zheng. Trapped in the Immortal Realm, even if Gu Zheng wanted them to die, it would be very easy to do.

"I just want to know Wu Jie's whereabouts and get what I want. If I'm sensible, I can stay alive in the fairyland honestly. Otherwise, I don't mind razing your Longshengzong to the ground."

Gu Zheng's words reverberated in the entire Immortal Realm. The high-level members of the Longsheng Sect who were trapped in the Immortal Realm almost didn't pee in fright. They all had terrified expressions on their faces. How terrifying is the strength of the ancient battle.

Without the original arrogance, even when Gu Zheng put his hand on Longtian's head, Longtian still had a flattering smile on his face.

Long Tian had no choice but to let go of the suzerain's airs. He had to be afraid now. He really had no doubt that if he was not good enough, the end waiting for him would be death.

Gu Zheng was searching for the soul of Long Tian, ​​and those disciples of the Longsheng Sect who were not taken into the fairyland on the top of the mountain were anxious like ants on a hot pot. The fearless fairy art attacked the void that they thought was the weak point of Guzheng's fairyland, trying in vain to break down Guzheng's fairyland from the outside and rescue the suzerain, elders and sect masters who were trapped in it.


A thick voice sounded from a distance, and the disciples of Longsheng Sect on the top of the mountain immediately became excited, because this voice was made by their pillar, the Great Elder of Longsheng Sect.

As an immortal cultivator in the late Jinxian period, the elder of Longshengzong already knew what happened on the top of the mountain, but he didn't pay much attention to it at the beginning, so he acquiesced to the development of the situation, but he didn't expect that his sect would The door will kick such a stubborn stubble as Gu Zheng.

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