"Tell me first what you want me to do for you." Gu Zheng said flatly.

"Help me kill my old enemy."

Through the intention conveyed by the queen ant, Gu Zheng understood that this seemingly straight cave can actually lead to two places. Among these two places, one is the exit, and the other is another straight cave. Inside, there lives a lava beetle, which is the old enemy of the queen ant family.

The queen ants are very productive, and there should be a large number of them, but the lava beetle will come here to hunt and kill the members of the queen's family once in a while, so the number of ants in the ant colony will never increase. The beetles seem to be raising the queen ant family as domestic animals in captivity.

According to what the queen ant meant, it would first open the passage to the lava beetle cave for Gu Zheng, and after Gu Zheng brought the head of the lava beetle king to see it, it would open the passage to leave here.

Gu Zheng was silent for a while, and then said slowly: "Do you think I should kill the lava beetle king for you according to your request? Or should I just kill you to improve my own strength?"

"Of course, according to my request, help me kill the lava beetle king! If you don't follow my request, but you have no way to leave this place by yourself, you will be trapped here to death!" the queen said anxiously.

"Why do you think I can leave this place only by relying on you?" Gu Zheng laughed.

"Because you are an entrant, it is also my mission to give you such a choice." The Queen Ant said.

According to Gu Zheng's true thoughts, he is naturally unwilling to listen to the queen ant, no matter how the queen can improve his strength, not to mention that because of his special feeling, he can't let Xuanyue show up easily, and he has no spiritual sense He also couldn't search the soul of the ant queen to verify whether what it said was true or not. However, the queen ant knew that he was an entrant, which made him decide to take a step at what the queen said, if what the queen said was true, and he killed the queen for that little cultivation , Then I really regret it.

"Okay, then you can open the passage to where your old enemy is!" Gu Zheng said.

The queen ant's stomach began to shrink, and after some contraction, it sprayed a corrosive liquid from its mouth. After the liquid fell on the wall of the cave, a hole appeared on the wall immediately, and through the hole one could see It turns out that the other side is indeed another cave.

"You go, this hole will not be closed until you come back."

After the queen ant conveyed its intention, Gu Zheng also jumped into the hole corroded by it.

The environment in the new cave was very similar to the cave where the ant queen was. After Gu Zheng walked forward for a while, Xuan Yue couldn't help asking: "Master, what's going on?"

Xuan Yue naturally had no way of knowing the intention conveyed by the Queen Ant to Gu Zheng, but Gu Zheng had communicated with the Queen Ant, and Xuan Yue could still guess some of the reason from what he said.

Faced with Xuan Yue's inquiry, Gu Zheng told Xuan Yue what the Queen Ant said. Xuan Yue also understood that Gu Zheng had no choice, but she still couldn't help but feel a little worried.

"Master, do you think the Queen Ant will trick us into this cave for survival, and after we go deep in this cave, it will seal the entrance and trap us here? After all, there was no The entrance exists, since it can open such an entrance, it presumably also has the ability to close the entrance." Xuan Yue analyzed.

"Don't worry about this. I didn't know the structure of the cave before. Now I have some understanding of the structure of the cave. Even if it seals the entrance, I still have a way to reopen it."

After hearing what Gu Zheng said, Xuan Yue didn't say anything more.

After walking for a few minutes, the front door rustled again, which made people think of the situation when they entered the ant hole before.

Appearing in front of the ancient battle were some red lava beetles, about a hundred in number. These beetles were as big as a round table, with a single horn that looked like a burning flame growing on their heads.

The lava beetle did not feel any threat to Gu Zheng, and in the intentions conveyed by the queen ant to Gu Zheng, he had also learned that although the lava beetle was more powerful than the basilisk, it was not too powerful, so He felt that these lava beetles could be easily killed by him! But it's a pity that these lava beetles have no natal energy that he can absorb.

The lava beetles took the lead in attacking Gu Zheng. The horns above their heads shone with light, and red balls of light flew towards Gu Zheng.

Gu Zheng's body dragged out an afterimage in the spacious cave. He was not in a hurry to approach the lava beetle. He wanted to try the power of the lava beetle's attack first, so he let some red light balls fall on him. .

Lava beetles belong to fire monsters, but the light balls they emit also have light attribute damage, and it is this kind of light attribute damage that makes Gu Zheng a little uncomfortable. As for the essential fire attribute damage, Gu Zheng completely ignores it .

Now that he has seen the attack power of the lava beetle, Gu Zheng completely let go of his hands and feet, the original energy turned into a flaming blade in his hands, and he rushed towards the lava beetle.

The flame blade drew lines in the air, and the hard shell of the lava beetle was chopped off by the flame blade as if it were being chopped melons and vegetables. In just a moment, the original hundred lava beetles were killed by Gu Zheng It was completely wiped out, leaving only the remains of the ground.

After dealing with a hundred lava beetles, Gu Zheng had nothing to gain, so he continued to move forward without staying in place.

This is still a cave with no forks, and Gu Zheng didn't encounter any troubles along the way. The result was the same as the previous ant cave. Gu Zheng saw another hundred or ten more ants at the bottom of the cave. The huge lava beetle, and the lava beetle king he wanted to bring back his head.

The lava beetle king is similar to the queen ant, that is, it also has a human-like head. When it saw Gu Zheng, there was a frightened light in its eyes.

Looking at the lava beetle king's head, Gu Zheng slowly said: "Can you also communicate with me?"

There is no other reason for Gu Zheng to ask this question, that is, in the same cave, with a very similar human head, there is no reason why the Queen Ant has the ability to communicate with him, but the Lava Beetle King does not.

"how do you know?"

Sure enough, the slightly surprised voice of the Lava Beetle King rang in Gu Zheng's mind.

"I see, it seems that you came from the ant hole! You must have seen the queen ant, and it must be the queen who asked you to kill me, right?"

Before Gu Zheng could speak, the lava beetle king's voice sounded in Gu Zheng's mind again.

"Since you are so sure, why ask again?" Gu Zheng laughed.

"Enter, you can't kill me! If you kill me, you will never be able to leave here again. The queen ant will let you do this, just to make a backstop!" The lava beetle said kingly.

"Listen to your tone, I can't leave this place until I kill you?" Gu Zheng asked.

"That's right! If you don't kill me, I will open a passage for you to leave here!" The lava beetle king said seriously.

"Okay! Then I won't kill you, you can open the passage for me to leave here now!" Gu Zheng said.

"No, I can't trust you unless you swear!" the lava beetle said kingly.

It wasn't his own body. Originally, Gu Zheng vowed to blurt it out, but his heart was moved at this moment. The control of the fairy-level space fairy gave him a special feeling at this moment.

The control of fairy-level space artifacts is a very special kind of power. In the previous space world, it was precisely because of Gu Zheng's control over fairy-level space artifacts that he was able to save himself from danger many times. Just like now, if there is no warning of the control of the fairy-level space fairy, then he will swear to the lava beetle king. Anyway, in his opinion, it is nothing to swear with the current body. However, the control of the fairy-level space artifact gave him a dangerous warning, that is to say, he cannot swear this oath casually. If he swears this oath, it may cause extremely troublesome consequences.

"No? Do you have a choice? Now you can either open the passage for me to leave here, or die in my hands!" Gu Zheng raised the flame blade in his hand.

"If you don't swear, I won't open the passage for you even if I die!" the lava beetle king said forcefully.

"In that case, you can die!"

Gu Zheng didn't say anything more, and immediately waved the flame blade to attack the lava beetles.

"Want me to die? It's not that easy!"

The lava beetle king roared, and the vibration of its wings produced a wonderful wave. This wave is not a sonic attack, but under the influence of this wave, the number of lava beetles at the bottom of the cave, which is more than two, all vibrated Take off your wings.

Affected by the lava beetle king, the lava beetles vibrated their wings, and the well-informed Gu Zheng was moved. He already understood that the lava beetles could also attack together. In addition to making their carapace harder, it will also make their original single light ball attack more powerful.

Gu Zheng didn't retreat, and now he didn't retreat. He could only cautiously let the flame barrier appear in his hands, let the flame shield emerge from his whole body, and tear the formation with the flame blade vigorously.

Most of the light balls enlarged by the joint strike technique fell on the flame barrier of Gu Zheng. Although the power of the light ball has been improved after the joint strike technique, the strength of the lava beetle itself is far behind that of Gu Zheng, so I want to It will take a long time to break through Gu Zheng's flame barrier. As for the balls of light falling on Gu Zheng's body, besides making him feel like he has been punched, it is also necessary to cause real damage to him. It takes many such attacks.

When Gu Zheng dealt with the hundred lava beetles before, the slashing of the flame blade did not do his best. Now he wants to tear a hole in the joint attack technique, so he must use all his strength to speed up. Under the attack, the flame blade can not only deal with one lava beetle at a time, but can basically cut off two or three lava beetles with a single swing, even if these lava beetles have been blessed by the joint attack technique, their carapaces have changed. Not even hard.


There was a loud noise, and the lava beetle king who flew towards Gu Zheng like a boulder was smashed back by Gu Zheng's flame blade. Although this heavy injury did not directly break the hard shell of the lava beetle king, it could However, there were many cracks on its shell like ice. Gu Zheng believed that if it dared to fly towards it again, the next blow would definitely damage it severely.

The strength gap is too large. Gu Zheng slaughtered the lava beetle like cutting melons and vegetables. Even the lava beetle king failed to attack Gu Zheng. He no longer wanted to sneak attack the lava beetle king of Gu Zheng. Seeing a flash of light on its wings, the lines on it were imprinted on the cave wall, and the cave wall immediately showed signs of melting to form a cave entrance.

The process of the entrance of the cave appeared very quickly, that is, within a few breaths, but the time of these few breaths has allowed Gu Zheng to get rid of the lava beetle that was in the way. When the lava beetle king wanted to jump into the cave to escape, Gu Zheng A long flame whip flew from behind it, tightly wrapping around its neck.

After trapping the lava beetle king with a long flame whip, Gu Zheng shook his hands and exerted force, and the huge lava beetle king was brought back by him, and even hit two lava beetles when it landed.

Gu Zheng didn't love to fight any more. Now that he had caught the lava beetle king, he dragged the lava beetle king and ran towards the way he came.

Gu Zheng didn't want to settle the battle here, he just wanted to drag the lava beetle king to death first. Once the lava beetle king died and there was no supporter for the combined attack technique, the remaining lava beetles would be even more powerful. easy fix.

The lava beetle king has a huge body, as big as a small house. Although the cave is very spacious, when it was dragged by Gu Zheng, it still blocked more than half of the cave space, so that those who followed it The lava beetle did not dare to attack Gu Zheng again, for fear that the ball of light would fall on the lava beetle king and hurt the lava beetle king, and the effect of this kind of mouse-throwing weapon was exactly what Gu Zheng wanted to see.

Gu Zheng thought that if he dragged the lava beetle king away like this, the lava beetle king might convey some intentions to him again, but the lava beetle king was very stubborn and did not say a word to him until he died.

The lava beetle king died, without the continuous effect of his natal energy, his originally hard body became less hard, and Gu Zheng's flame whip directly burned his head off his body.

Without the Lava Beetle King, the momentum of the Lava Beetle's pursuit stopped. When Gu Zheng thought that they were going to be angry and desperate, they all ran towards the bottom of the cave.

Gu Zheng chased and killed the lava beetles, but he didn't try his best. He wanted to see what the lava beetles were doing when they ran back to the bottom of the cave, and whether they were going to enter the cave entrance.

Sure enough, the lava beetles that had been killed by Gu Zheng until there were only about 20 of them left ran back to the bottom of the cave, and hurried into the entrance of the cave.

Gu Zheng stood at the entrance of the cave and watched, but he didn't enter it. This cave is different from the one opened by the queen ant. The cave opened by the queen ant can be seen from the outside. Before entering here, he knew that this place was also a cave. However, the hole opened by the Lava Beetle King saw only endless darkness, like a black hole.

"Master, what happened just now?"

Gu Zheng hadn't been idle before, Xuanyue just listened to him with a half-knowledge, now that he was idle, the curious Xuanyue naturally asked.

Gu Zheng told her what Xuan Yue didn't know, and Xuan Yue asked after hearing this: "Master, what do you think the so-called danger is?"

"Danger is danger, who can know the specifics?"

Gu Zheng shook his head and smiled, and then said: "Perhaps I really swore an oath, and there is no certainty that there will be some ultimate move."

"Master, what do you think of this hole? Don't you think it's an exit?" Xuan Yue asked again.

"It shouldn't be the exit. This hole should be the same as the vortex we entered into the magma lake. Once we enter, it may be another place. Moreover, this hole is not going to enter this hole. Since the lava beetle king wants to lie to me to swear, then he In the setting of this space world, it should be a bad guy. Although I don’t feel any special feeling about the hole opened by such a bad guy, it’s better not to take risks! As for those lava beetles all entered it, I Just think of their entry as luring the enemy to go deep."

Without saying anything more, Gu Zheng took the lava beetle king's huge head and walked back. After returning to the cave where the queen ant was, he would ask the queen ant about his doubts to see if he could get an answer.

Going back to the way he came from, the entrance of the cave still exists. Through the ancient battle at the entrance, he has seen the bloated body of the queen ant. At least for now, the queen ant has not deceived him.

Seeing that Gu Zheng came back with the head of his old enemy, the ant queen, who had avenged her vengeance, naturally conveyed to Gu Zheng some intentions to relieve her anger.

"Is there anything you want to tell me about what happened over there?"

Gu Zheng told the Queen Ant what happened in the lava beetle cave, and the Queen Ant conveyed her intention to Gu Zheng again. She said that she didn't know why the lava beetle king wanted Gu Zheng to swear. For what reason, but it has some understanding of the hole like a black hole, and it reminds Gu Zheng not to enter such a hole out of curiosity, or there is no need to regret it.

Gu Zheng didn't believe the Queen Ant's words, he asked, "How do you know this?"

Faced with Gu Zheng's questioning, the Queen Ant said that her understanding of the entrant and the things she knew and could tell Gu Zheng belonged to her mission, and she had already said what had to be said. , then it all depends on Gu Zheng himself, anyway, he has been liberated.

Just when Gu Zheng wanted to ask the queen ant what she meant by the so-called liberation, the queen ant's body emitted white light, which turned into spots of light and gradually dissipated, and those spots of light gathered together and finally Let a hole appear above the top of the cave.

Looking at the opening above the top of the cave, Gu Zheng had the urge to curse people. This was not because the location where the opening appeared could not be reached, but because it was also a black hole! Moreover, the ant queen had told him before, never to enter such a hole out of curiosity.

Seeing Gu Zheng staring at the entrance of the cave in a daze, Xuan Yue couldn't help asking: "Master, what's wrong with you?"

Gu Zheng told Xuan Yue what the Ant Queen had said before, but Xuan Yue didn't have Gu Zheng's good temper, so she scolded directly: "This damn Queen Ant, what the hell is going on!"

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