The first-level immortal formation and the second-level immortal formation are connected, and the invisibility technique is performed outside the first-level immortal formation, also in order not to scare the snake. Moreover, the Black King also has a subordinate, if this subordinate is in the First Layer Immortal Formation, then Xuan Yue will be exposed at once.

Due to the destruction of the center of the First Layer Immortal Array, the space of the Immortal Array has become a static space, but now the static space is no longer static, and all the fish, shrimps and crabs that should be in a static state are alive again.

The fish, shrimps and crabs will come back to life, Xuan Yue thinks there are two reasons, either the Black King touched them when they were still, or something came down from the second layer of immortal formation to touch them bump. However, as far as the moment is concerned, Xuan Yue and Gu Zheng haven't seen anything coming down from the second-level fairy formation.

"Master, what do you think will come down from the second-level fairy formation?"

Xuan Yue couldn't help talking to Gu Zheng, anyway, after advancing invisibly for a while, she didn't find any danger.

"Who told you that something from the second-level fairy formation came down?" Gu Zheng said.

"The disciple analyzed it himself."

Xuan Yue's head was full of black lines, and she felt that her analysis was wrong: "The black king can't be so idle, can he?"

"It seems that he is so idle."

Gu Zheng's voice paused, and then came again: "Forget it, there is no need to hide, because the words have been exposed."


Xuan Yue was still a little confused.

"We didn't know about the supernatural powers of the black king, and the fish and shrimps that were originally stationary became non-stationary, which is an anomaly in itself, and when you spoke just now, these fish gave me a special feeling, So I think these fish should have become the eyes and ears of the Black King."

Gu Zheng has experienced many water battles in his life. In water battles, some seemingly inconspicuous little fish are often the eyes and ears of sea monsters. When Xuan Yue spoke just now, the little fish beside him felt like It is listening.

"I thought it was one enemy, but I didn't expect it to be two!"

A little fish next to him suddenly spoke, and the words had the feeling of magic words, both Xuan Yue and Gu Zheng heard it.

Xuan Yue shot like the wind, and immediately a force of extreme cold froze the little fish into a popsicle.

"It's useless, these are my eyes and ears, can you kill them all?"

There was a sound of laughter, and it wasn't just a small fish that made the sound, but all the nearby fish made the same sound, and they all surrounded Xuan Yue.

"Go to hell!"

Xuan Yue sneered, and with repeated pushes with her palms, all the small fish surrounding her were shattered by the shock.

"What, are you angry? Do you think you're stupid? You're right to think so! Isn't there someone else? Why doesn't that person speak?" The rampant voice sounded in the distance again.

"Black King?" Gu Zheng spoke using the magic words.

"That's right, hurry up, I'll be waiting for you on the second floor!" The voice of laughter gradually disappeared.

"Master, am I stupid?" Xuan Yue said depressedly.

"No, it's not surprising that people who haven't experienced some things make such mistakes." Gu Zheng said.

"Master, now that I've been exposed, what should I do next?" Xuan Yue asked again.

"Go to the second floor and see the situation!"

Now that it has been exposed, Gu Zheng does not shy away from communicating with Xuan Yue. Moreover, they also knew that the black king couldn't understand their communication, and what it heard were only two different voices of men and women.

Not long after, Xuan Yue came to the ruins of the cave. She did not directly enter the space of the second-floor fairy formation, but first separated her divine sense to enter it to investigate.

Xuanyue's brows were already frowned after simply investigating the second-floor fairy formation, the situation in the space of the second-floor fairy formation was really bad.

Unlike the bright one on the first floor, the light in the fairy array space on the second floor is dark, just like night, there are bright spots like stars in the sky, but they are not real stars, nor are they simple decorations. It's an ultimate move that has never disappeared due to being broken in the space of the second-floor fairy array.

"Let's go, let's go and have a look first." After hearing Xuanyue's report, Gu Zheng said.

Entering the second-floor space of the fairy formation, Xuan Yue did not rush forward, she was leaving time for Gu Zheng to sense and observe.

After a while, Gu Zheng laughed, and his laughter made Xuan Yue feel that things were not as bad as she imagined.

"The feeling of danger comes from the ultimate move of the fairy formation itself, which is actually a very good thing. This makes me feel that even if the black king destroys the center of the formation, there should be no second kind of broken void. Difficult situation. However, if the center of the fairy array is destroyed, it will still have an impact on the entire space world, and this time if there is another impact on the space world, it should be very clear!"

The ambiguity in Gu Zheng's words that is opposite to Mingming is the change that took place in the whole world after the destruction of the first-level fairy formation last time. If the center of the second-level fairy formation is also destroyed this time, then Gu Zheng feels that this space How the world has changed because of this, he will be very clear in his heart.

Since the space on the second floor of the fairy formation had been damaged, Gu Zheng knew more or less about these killer moves, and Gu Zheng also told Xuan Yue what he knew about these killer moves in the fairy formation.

With the guidance of Gu Zheng, Xuan Yue's original worries became more confident. Although the ultimate move here is powerful, it is a formation after all, and the formation has traces to follow, as long as there are no mistakes, there is no need to worry too much about danger.

Xuan Yue has already entered the ultimate move area, and a little starlight from the sky descends quickly. With Xuanyue's cultivation base, it is easy to avoid this starlight, but Xuanyue did not hide. This is not only because of the strong pressure on the starlight, but also The important thing is that it is not time to hide from the starlight. If Xuan Yue hides now, there is a danger of making a wrong step, which will trigger a series of killing moves.

When the starlight was only three feet away from the top of Xuanyue's head, Xuanyue dodged to the left, avoided the starlight perfectly, and stepped on the right place, so there would be no danger of consequences.

The air was forbidden in the formation space, and Xuan Yue couldn't fly here, so she took the first step right, and walked ten steps forward safely, which was what Gu Zheng had ordered before.

Xuan Yue, who had walked ten steps, stopped, and if she went any further at this time, the consequences would be very serious.

Another starlight fell from the sky, Xuanyue remained motionless, and waited until it was three feet above her head before rushing forward three steps away.

According to Gu Zheng, there are two types of killing moves in the formation space, one is starlight falling, and the other is starlight transformation. The former killing move, Xuanyue, can be avoided at the right time. As for the latter This kind of ultimate move can only be encountered after walking through the area of ​​Starlight Falling.

Xuanyue stopped and walked, sometimes fast and sometimes slow, as time went by, she also walked farther and farther in the space of the fairy array, just as Gu Zheng said, as long as you don't make a wrong step, Starlight Fall will not be too far away. It was dangerous, so Xuan Yue didn't suffer any injuries.

Xuanyue was breaking the formation, while the Black King took his subordinate black horse to watch what happened in the formation at the center of the formation.

"It seems that this formation can't stop her!" said the black horse.

"It's just starlight falling now, let's talk about it when the starlight is transformed." Black King sneered.

Another starlight fell, and Xuan Yue dodged it when she was three feet away from Xuan Yue's head.

Having escaped the last fall of starlight, Xuan Yue raised her head and looked at the sky. The stars in the sky have changed, they have become a little bigger, and the original white light has also turned into red light.

Without rushing forward immediately, Xuan Yue stopped on the spot. She needed to adjust her breath to continue. Although she didn't die, after the starlight fell, her demon power was also lost a lot, and she had to adjust her breath to continue. recover.

Taking out a fairy fruit that can replenish demon power, Xuan Yue immediately closed her eyes and adjusted her breath after eating it.

After a cup of tea, Xuanyue, who had regained her demon power, stood up, and she was about to step into the fairy formation area of ​​the astral transformation.

Xuan Yue stepped into the area of ​​the starlight, and the starlight in the sky immediately fell at four points.

The four falling starlights turned into a monster with only half of its body but with wings and holding a mace in mid-air. They waved the mace towards Xuanyue, and the airflow generated was aimed at Xuanyue in a terrifying way. moon.


Gu Zheng gave a reminder in time. Regarding the matter in this area, Gu Zheng only told Xuan Yue the general, too specific details, and he couldn't see too far, and he could only see it when it happened.

Since Gu Zheng had already talked about it in advance, Xuanyue knew that the north he was referring to meant that the monster in the north was the key to passing through the starlight fall this time. The other monsters were just illusions. Can't attack, even their attacks can't be avoided, otherwise it will immediately cause the next batch of starlight to fall. However, the phantom's attacks are also illusory. Although Xuan Yue can't hide, those attacks can't hurt her either.

Xuanyue launched an attack, and one after another of the extreme cold force was ejected by her. She didn't want to hit the monster in the north at this time, as long as she could hit the monster in the north, her goal would be accomplished, because as long as she hit the monster in the north , or the phantom will disappear, and she can get rid of this northern monster within a certain range.

The strength of the monster is not high, and Xuanyue's attack easily hit it. As for the attack it launched before, it fell on Xuanyue's body, and even the monster shield on Xuanyue's body could not break through.

After the northern monster was hit, the other three phantoms disappeared immediately, and the surrounding air seemed to be missing something.

It feels like something is missing, and indeed something is really missing, because Xuanyue can break the illusion, so this wave of starlight transformation's ultimate move is also half broken, and Xuanyue can not only move within a certain range , and even the no-air restrictions no longer exist within this certain range.

Now that he can move, it is even more difficult for the monster's attack to fall on Xuanyue. In addition, the strength of this monster is already very low, so Xuanyue quickly killed it. The so-called beheading is not a real killing, because this monster is actually an illusion, but it is not like other illusions as long as it is ignored, it needs to be attacked many times before it disappears like it is now. Moreover, its attack will also cause substantial damage to Xuan Yue.

Xuanyue was not happy about passing the first wave of astral products with ease, because she knew that astral products had the characteristic of becoming more and more difficult as they went on, and the first batch of astral products were just appetizers.

Xuanyue walked forward for a while, and the second batch of starlight objects fell, and the second batch of starlight objects was also four. These four starlight objects fell directly on the ground and became four existences like armored soldiers.

The four armored soldiers all held spears, and they rushed towards Xuanyue.


Gu Zheng pointed out the direction for Xuanyue, and Xuanyue slapped towards the south, and the powerful palm wind directly sent the armored soldier in the south flying upside down, and the other three phantoms disappeared without a trace.

Before the armored soldier who fell on the ground stood up, Xuan Yue rushed over and gave him a fat beating, and the body of the armored soldier gradually disappeared.

The second wave of starlight objects didn't seem to be powerful, but Xuanyue understood that they were stronger than the first wave of starlight objects in terms of destructive power and defensive power.

Xuan Yue walked forward again, and the third wave of starlight objects appeared soon, and there were a total of six starlight objects in this wave.

The monsters with six-point starlight changes are all flying tigers with wings, and these flying tigers spit out angry flames at Xuanyue from a distance.

"Two in the north!"

Gu Zheng reminded Xuanyue that Xuanyue's divine thoughts flew out in an instant, and now it is too slow to hit the two flying tiger monsters first with ordinary attacks, and only with divine thoughts can quickly complete what he wants to do matter.

The divine sense has a very fast speed, it hit the two flying tiger monsters in an instant, and the figures of the other flying tiger monsters disappeared immediately.

Although the flying tiger monsters have no way to deal with Divine Sense, Divine Sense can't decompose them like normal things, so Xuanyue needs to kill them personally.

Since some of the restrictions had been lifted, Xuan Yue flew directly into the sky, and the two flying tiger monsters were hit continuously amidst the flying shadows of their palms, and they were finally taken down by Xuan Yue without injury. But this time, it was obviously not as easy for Xuan Yue to take down the two flying tiger monsters.

After a short rest, Xuanyue walked forward again, and the fourth wave of starlight objects fell. This time, there were still six starlight objects. Gu Zheng also named Xuanyue's target again. It was unharmed again.

Going through the astral transformation without injury was something that Gu Zheng had thought of before, but for the Black King, its expression was already very ugly.

"Wang, there are only six waves of starlight transformations, and she has already passed four waves. Should my subordinates do something?" Dark Horse asked.

"Now I have only one subordinate like you by my side, I really don't want to take this step!" Black King said reluctantly.

"No way, the subordinate sacrificed, maybe the king can survive, if the subordinate does nothing, then he can only be buried with the king!"

The black horse felt nothing, it faced the altar-like center of the fairy formation, and at the same time as it let out a horse cry, its body also exploded.

When the black horse exploded, nothing like flesh and blood appeared, but only a piece of gray light appeared. After the gray light fell on the center of the formation, some changes occurred in the center, and the entire space of the fairy formation was slightly shaken.


Gu Zheng, who had been paying attention to the space of the fairy array, frowned.

Xuan Yue was fighting against the fifth wave of starlight, and when she heard Gu Zheng's voice, she hurriedly asked, "Master, what's wrong?"

"At first I thought that the Black King only had the ability to destroy the center of the formation, but I didn't expect it to have the ability to change the center of the formation. The center of the formation was changed just now. The impact of this change on the formation will be to make the last wave The astral compound has become more powerful, so you have to be careful when the time comes, I will guide you at any time."

Hearing what Gu Zheng said, Xuan Yue's heart became serious, and her attacks became sharper.

Three of the fifth wave of starlight creatures are real. These three monsters look like the scarecrows that Xuanyue and the others have seen before. The eyes of different colors swept back and forth and became radiant.

The three scarecrow-like phantom monsters did not have the strength of the scarecrow chief at all, so after fighting against Xuanyue for a while, Xuanyue defeated them one by one.

After completely eliminating the fifth wave of astral transformations, Xuanyue immediately adjusted her breath. Although her demon power consumption was not serious, she wanted to be at her peak when facing the last wave of astral transformations.

After Xuanyue had adjusted her breath, she stepped forward and entered the range of the last wave of starlight.

Sixteen stars descended from the sky, and Gu Zheng issued a reminder at his fastest speed.

The monsters transformed by the sixteen starlights are all demon images with bat wings, eight of them are real, and eight are fake, even though Gu Zheng told Xuanyue which eight demons are real at the fastest speed, But whether it's talking, or Xuanyue's attack with divine sense, it will take some time! Moreover, the combat power of the demons has been greatly improved compared with the fifth wave of starlight, and it is difficult for Xuanyue's divine sense to hit them as quickly as before, so Xuanyue is inevitably attacked.

I saw that the purple light balls ejected by the demon hit Xuanyue's demon shield one after another, so that Xuanyue's shield seemed to be covered with purple octopuses.


With a not-so-loud sound, Xuanyue's shield of demon power exploded. Although she didn't suffer any damage due to the explosion of the shield, the light ball attacks released by the demons followed one after another.

At the critical moment, all the phantoms disappeared, and the restrictions that originally belonged to this area also expired. Xuan Yue, who was able to move her body, dodged in a flash, barely avoiding the light balls that could seriously hurt her.

Being able to move would make her less passive. Xuanyue first put some distance away from the demon, then her body suddenly became bigger, and a sharp blade transformed from the power of extreme cold appeared in her hands.


Xuan Yue screamed, although the strength of these demons is much stronger than that of the fifth wave of starlight, but under normal circumstances, Xuan Yue has not taken them seriously.

Xuanyue waved the sharp blade in her hand, and the light balls approaching her were split open one by one, and the demons turned into ice sculptures under her attack, and fell into ice balls all over the ground after falling.

The eight demons became less and less, and although the rest were still fighting with Xuanyue, it took only a moment for Xuanyue to solve them.

The Black King's heart was completely desperate. He didn't think he could get any benefits from Xuanyue who had killed eight demons. If he didn't be more decisive now, when Xuanyue really killed those starlight creatures and came over, he I don't think it still has time to destroy the center of the fairy array.

"Fate, after all, there is no escape from fate!"

The Black King laughed loudly, and rays of light popped out from his fingertips one after another. After these rays of light fell on the center of the fairy formation, the center of the fairy formation immediately flickered.

The fairy array space was about to collapse, and Gu Zheng, who had been paying attention to the fairy array space, sensed something strange in an instant.

"Be ready at any time, that guy has already destroyed the center of the formation."

Almost immediately after Gu Zheng notified Xuan Yue, the Black King destroyed the center of the fairy formation.

Due to fate, the moment the black king destroyed the center of the immortal formation, it also returned to its original form and became a black pawn.

Gu Zheng was lucky, the effect of the collapse of the fairy array space was still a static space, so he and Xuanyue who were hiding in the heart magic orb were still not affected at all.

Both Gu Zheng and Xuan Yue came out of the Heart Demon Orb, and beside them were two demons in a state of opening their teeth and claws, but Xuan Yue had no interest in continuing to deal with them.

The space is static, even if there was a little blocking ultimate move, it will not appear because of the static.

Coming near the center of the collapsed formation, Gu Zheng found the black pawn that the black king turned into. After he combined the black pawn and the white pawn, the two pawns joined together, but they were so black and white.

"Master, what are the changes in this world?"

The formation center of the second immortal formation finally collapsed, and the space world has indeed changed, even Xuanyue can feel this change.

Before Gu Zheng felt that the changes were not good for him, but now that everything is clear, he also knows what the changes that are not good for him are.

"The next time I enter the immortal-level space device, I will not choose to enter an immortal array space. The reason for this is that the two immortal array centers here have been destroyed."

Gu Zheng's voice paused, and then continued: "Actually, this space world is the restoration of the living environment of the owner of the fairy-level space fairy tool when he was young. Beads, dogs, clay dolls and chess pieces are all his toys when he was young. Because of this Because of the destruction of the space world, although I haven't felt the space world I will enter next time, I think the difficulty of the next space world will be very high!"

"With a treasure like the Heart Magic Bead, even in a dangerous space world, I think Master can get through it safely."

Gu Zheng responded with a nod to what Xuan Yue said.

"By the way, Master, the damage to the space world has affected Master, so has it affected Qi Ling?" Xuan Yue asked.

"Of course, it's more serious than expected. This will make the teacher no longer have to worry about what it will do for a long time. However, the teacher's control over the fairy-level space The strength is not enhanced by passing through this space world, I think this increase is cumulative, and I will get it together after I pass the next space world." Gu Zheng said.

Without staying in the still space for too long, Gu Zheng and Xuan Yue flew towards the direction of the valley immediately after leaving the great lake.

Two days later, Gu Zheng and Xuan Yue returned to the valley again. Gu Zheng put beads, dogs, clay dolls and chess pieces on the four points on the teleportation array. Zheng sent out the space world.

Returning to the cave again, Gu Zheng was also a little emotional. He had passed several space worlds in the fairy-level space fairy artifact, but the space world he passed this time was undoubtedly the shortest one. Not even ten days.

Since there is no need to worry about what Qi Ling will do for a long time, Gu Zheng also plans to go back to the cultivation world. After all, after meeting the cultivation world last time, some things hadn't been dealt with cleanly, and it was also because he was thinking about Qi Ling and Xuan Yue that he returned to the cave so quickly.

Now, there is no need to worry about Qi Ling for the time being. What should be left to Xuan Yue is entering the space world, and Gu Zheng has already given it to Xuan Yue. Deal with the things that are done.

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