Tiexian heirs in the city

Chapter 259 You don't eat, I eat


The old man in black laughed wildly: "Si Yanting, right? Don't worry kid, the head will definitely remember your credit after he is reborn!"

"Who else wants to abandon the dark and turn to the bright? My Taiji Dao only accepts decisive people, and the number of places is limited, only the last ten left!"

Including Si Yanting who had defected to the enemy, there were only sixteen people left in the mountainside.

"Whoever dares to join, I promise you will not end well!"

Fang Xuemei and Deng Tianyang yelled words with the same meaning almost at the same time. .

However, everyone has their own choices, and the role that threats and warnings can play is really small in today's environment.

The number of ten people was not made up, but it was enough to make up six people. With the addition of Si Yanting before, the number of the two sides was seven to ten.

Liu Qingyun actually surrendered to the enemy, the majestic Qingcheng elder, greedy for life and afraid of death at this time, defected to the enemy, not to mention that the Qingcheng faction would not tolerate him, even if the Shushan ancestors knew about this, they would not spare him. Pursue and kill, vowing to kill this traitor.

Shushan is very big, and it is one of the best sects of the orthodox sect. In the prosperous period, it was as famous as Kunlun and Buddhism. In the prosperous era, the magic way was also rampant. Over the years, Shushan has always been at the forefront of fighting against the magic way. Forward, for the sake of righteousness, Shu Shan sacrificed countless seniors.

Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and Shushan is no exception. Shushan is very large and has many disciples. It is undeniable that some scumbags have been identified, but few dare to take refuge in the evil sect. Those who dare to take refuge, no matter who he is, there will be people chasing him kill.

You can defect, you can do other outrageous things, but taking refuge in evil spirits is not allowed in Mount Shu, not only the main line of Mount Shu, but also all branches, and Emei where the ancient dispute is located is the same.

"My lord, I want to expose Gu Zheng, the one who hid the Millennium Snow Lotus!"

After Liu Qingyun joined the enemy, he was the first to speak, and also the first to change his words to the old man in black.

"Liu Qingyun, you really refreshed my understanding of you time and time again. You were not born in those special eight years, or you would definitely be a traitor and running dog!"

Gu Zheng narrowed his eyes and spat hard at Liu Qingyun.

"Boy, I'll make you go crazy. My lord, I want to expose Gu Zheng again. On the way, we were chased and killed by a master in white. In the end, there was a big battle between the people of Gu Zheng and the master in white. I don't know that the master in white is now Is that okay? Besides, the fact that I was an enemy of Lord Baiyi at first was purely bewitched by the ancient dispute!"

Liu Qingyun grinned grimly, and he said everything.

"You were the first one to disagree with me just now, and you are the one who has been acting suspiciously on the top of the mountain. Although you haven't found a thousand-year-old snow lotus on your body, it seems that you are indeed the most suspicious. I said that damn old Bai, why is it until now? He hasn't shown up yet, so it seems that he is probably in the hands of your group?"

The old man in black laughed strangely, his voice was like a mandrill ghost.

"That's right, the old man in white was indeed killed by us. Just like you, he deserved to die. Therefore, the rotten corpses and non-rotten corpses that you think are very powerful are nothing to me at all! Today you will die , your dog will die too!"

Gu Zheng's gaze was as calm as water, and he pointed to Liu Qingyun on the left.


Fang Xuemei applauded, and leaned directly to Gu Zheng's side.

It is conceivable what Fang Xuemei's actions represent. Gu Zheng was able to say the name of the non-rotten corpse, which made her feel that today's things might not be so bad.

"Wait until the war starts, everyone protect the head of Gu, it seems that it depends on him whether he can get out alive this time!"

Deng Tianyang also approached Gu Zheng, and as for the other people, they naturally also approached him.

"Gu Zheng, no matter whether you have taken the thousand-year-old snow lotus or not, I will open up your body to take a look after you die. Everyone, kill this Gu Zheng first!"

The voice of the old man in black fell to the ground, and the sound of shakuhachi sounded again, followed by the sound of running in the passage.

"Who wants to come and die?"

Fang Xuemei took a step forward, calling out to the enemy who were standing still.

"Why panic, since there are refining corpses, of course they are the first to attack."

Si Yanting sneered, looking at her former senior sister like a stranger, no one on their side believed that with a large group of refined corpses assisting in the battle, could this battle still be lost?


The tone of the shakuhachi changed. Originally standing on the unmoved corpse, one of them screamed strangely and rushed towards Gu Zheng.

Unlike the initial attack on Nangong Wushuang, the rotting corpses who attacked this time did not hide anything, and before they got close to Gu Zheng, they threw out the bodily fluids from their bodies.

"Hoo hoo..."

There was a sound of sleeves being flapped, and several people shot at the same time, the powerful internal force blowing the body fluids of the rotting corpse back into the air.

"let me!"

Gu Zheng shouted, and everyone let go of the rotting corpses, and they also wanted to see Gu Zheng's methods.

Rotten corpses are stronger than non-rotten corpses. However, for Gu Zheng, getting rid of a rotten corpse is not much more difficult than getting rid of a non-rotten corpse. This point of Qi Ling gave him a positive answer.

The rotting corpse approached, and Gu Zheng approached with the Misty Illusion Technique, and with a wave of his hand, he used the Anshen Technique to purify the energy that supported it.


The purified rotting corpses softened directly to the ground like a pile of mud.


Gu Zheng dealt with the rotting corpse so neatly, everyone couldn't help applauding, and morale rose unprecedentedly.

"Damn it!" Liu Qingyun roared, and ran towards Gu Zheng's side following the non-rotten corpse that had rushed out of the passage.

"What do you want to do?"

Fang Xuemei didn't want to confront her boss Yanting, so she rushed directly to Liu Qingyun.

All of a sudden.

Except for the two elders Wuyou and Wushou who followed Gu Zheng closely, the enemy's people were already entangled one by one by their own people.

However, as Deng Tianyang said before, the ancient battle is the key to this battle. Whether he can quickly get rid of the refining corpses on the field is extremely important.

Gu Zheng was well aware of his importance, so the two elders, Wuyou and Wuchou, also came down, and under their protection, they frantically shuttled among the corpses, raising their hands and performing "sedation spells" again and again.

Among the refining corpses, the rotting corpses are the first to be eliminated. After all, there are only two of them left, which is only one seventeenth of the rotting corpses.


The screams rang out several times, and the people on both sides had their own differences, but generally speaking, the casualties on the Gu Zheng side were more severe. Although Gu Zheng could finish off a corpse with a single raise of his hand, it was not like bending over to pick up beans in the field, but like walking a tightrope on a crocodile pond.

With the strength of Gu Zheng, participating in such a battle is purely risking one's life. The Emei Ring's characteristics have been used when it was on the top of the mountain, and there is no way to continue to use it now. Misty Illusion is good, but the enemy is not a vegetarian, as long as he has a little negligence, any existence on the field, whether human or not, can end his life.

"Go to hell!"

Si Yanting, covered in blood, finally approached Gu Zheng, and his inner strength flew out of his fist, hitting Gu Zheng's head.


Deng Tianyang shot from one side, and the palm wind he launched disintegrated Si Yanting's inner strength.

However, Si Yanting's attack on Gu Zheng was not his real purpose. He knew that Gu Zheng, who was protected by everyone, was not easy to be hurt, so his real target was actually Deng Tianyang who would definitely help.

The fist that hit Gu Zheng changed suddenly in the air, Si Yanting's feet rushed towards Deng Tianyang like the wind, it was the same punch just now, but it hit Deng Tianyang's chest!

Deng Tianyang had a non-rotten corpse by his side, so he didn't dare to resist Si Yanting's sudden change of move, so he could only dodge and hide to the side.

Liu Qingyun, who had been prepared for a long time, stepped forward while Deng Tianyang was dodging, and blocked his retreat in a flash.

"Wind Slash!"

Liu Qingyun shouted, and slashed heavily on Deng Tianyang's neck with the knife in his hand.


There was a sound of bones breaking, and Deng Tianyang's neck was abnormally tilted on his shoulders, and his whole body suddenly went limp.

Gu Zheng could clearly see that Deng Tianyang's eyes were staring at him firmly, and his silent lips trembled at the end, as if he was saying the word "revenge".

"Liu Qingyun!" Gu Zheng roared, wishing he could tear him apart.


Liu Qingyun screamed, and the pride after beheading Deng Tianyang disappeared from his face immediately. He covered his left eye with one hand, and a knife handle was exposed on the back of his hand. It was Elder Wushou's throwing knife! If he hadn't used his hand to protect it, after the flying knife stabbed one of his eyes blind, the inner strength pierced by it would definitely be able to penetrate his head through the eye socket.

Without fighting, Liu Qingyun, who was blind in one eye, immediately hid behind the two non-rotten corpses.

"Little brother!"

Fang Xuemei's roar contained incomparable heartache.

Deng Tianyang died, and died indirectly at the hands of her junior brother. Now, in terms of strength, only she and Wuyou were able to fight Si Yanting one-on-one among the people present. Different paths do not conspire with each other, since fate caused the two to break up, Fang Xuemei, who rushed to Si Yanting, will not show any mercy.

The battle was still going on, and as time passed, there were only four non-rotten corpses left on the field.

As for the human side, there are still six people on the Guzheng side, three of them from Emei, Fang Xuemei from the Taiji Gate, Qin Han from the Nangong School, and Zhao Baoping from the Tiandao Gate. People, in terms of combat power, do not give in to each other.

But the battle has continued to this day, and the people who are still alive, including Gu Zheng, are all slightly or seriously injured. As for the injury suffered by Gu Zheng, it was caused by a non-rotten corpse! Fortunately, the weapon used by the non-rotten corpse to attack Gu Zheng was a blunt weapon, which only injured one of Gu Zheng's arms, and this level of bone injury is really a minor injury in today's environment.

Gu Zheng has already taken the healing elixir, and the injury to his arm is indeed not a serious problem.

However, Gu Zheng's immortal power in his body has been exhausted after repeatedly using the "Soothing the God Art" and the Piao Miao Illusory Body Art, and his figure when dodging is slower than before.

"Master Gu, you must hold on!"

Fang Xuemei exhorted anxiously.

Gu Zheng's performance in this battle was obvious to all on his side. Although he looks very young and his strength is nothing, but his strange footwork, the magical method of dealing with non-rotten corpses, and his contribution to this battle have already won him the recognition of these elders.

Regarding Fang Xuemei's exhortation, Gu Zheng didn't dare to distract himself from answering, the more the battle came to the end, his situation became more and more dangerous because of the lack of immortal power.

"Headmaster be careful!"

Elder Wuyou yelled, and he, who was empty-handed into the sword, grabbed Gu Zheng's hard-to-dodge sword.

Blood flowed down Elder Wuyou's arm, and Gu Zheng hurriedly took advantage of the chance that the non-rotten corpse was restrained by Elder Wuyou, and used the "Shenshen Art".

However, Gu Zheng's shot this time is also an opportunity for Liu Qingyun!

Ever since one eye was abolished by the flying knife, Liu Qingyun's tactics have become more and more wretched. He hardly confronts people head-on, and he specializes in seizing every opportunity to make up the knife! At least half of the casualties on the side of Gu Zheng were caused by him.

"You guys hold Wuchou them!"

Seeing the opportunity, Liu Qingyun, while instructing his accomplices, also launched an attack on Gu Zheng from one side.

Gu Zheng immediately used the characteristics of the Misty Illusion Technique, and under the attack of his inner strength, his people flew back a certain distance.

However, Liu Qingyun, who had already seen the characteristics of Piao Miao's illusion, knew very well about Gu Zheng's evasion methods.

I saw that Liu Qingyun chased after him without hesitation, completely ignoring the attacks of Elder Wuyou behind him, changed his wretched style, and was determined to act like a desperate Saburo.

Indeed, as the battle continued until now, Liu Qingyun had no choice. Gu Zheng could easily settle the corpse refining, which he never thought of before the war, and the old man in black seemed to have only these methods, which he also never thought of! The so-called one mistake will lose everything, and Liu Qingyun's strong sense of crisis made Liu Qingyun think that it is impossible for him not to work hard.

"Liu Qingyun, stop if you have the ability!"

Elder Wuyou was very anxious. Liu Qingyun had broken through their blockade and really approached Gu Zheng. No matter how much Gu Zheng hid, he would never be outside the range of internal energy attacks like before! This is a very dangerous distance. Despite the help and obstruction of people like them, the ancient dispute itself cannot withstand the blow of Liu Qingyun!

Liu Qingyun naturally ignored Elder Wuyou's attack, and he even intentionally let Elder Wuyou's not-so-strong inner strength hit him, and with the help of the blow, he paid the price of a little injury. The faster speed approached Gu Zheng.

"Go to hell!"

Liu Qingyun's eyes widened as wide as possible, and he launched his famous stunt "Wind Slash" at Gu Zheng.

In Liu Qingyun's view, this is his only chance to kill Gu Zheng. The only person who can protect Gu Zheng now is Elder Wuyou who is behind him. As for the other people, they are all killed. Hold on, it's too late to help. And this time, if Gu Zheng couldn't be killed, he would surely die in the hands of Elder Wuyou due to his serious injuries.

Facing the head-on knife, Gu Zheng once again evaded with the Piaomiao illusion technique, but Liu Qingyun's "Geek Wind Slash" is not just a single move, it is a complete set of ancient martial arts.

Unless he could keep a distance from Liu Qingyun, otherwise, the consequence of being close to him by "Flood Slash" would be to face continuous routine attacks.

This is an extremely dangerous moment, Gu Zheng has already been approached by Liu Qingyun, and the only Elder Wuyou who can still protect him, because of fear of accidental injury, he can only rescue him close by!

"Go to hell!"

Elder Wuyou finally approached Liu Qingyun, and slapped Liu Qingyun on the back.

Liu Qingyun spurted blood, but he held on, not only was he not sent flying, but he also attacked Gu Zheng's temple with the sword finger in "Fast Wind Slash"!

A person's life and death are often in an instant, so fast that people have no time to react.

Liu Qingyun's sword finger desperately launched, this is really a fatal blow, even if Elder Wuyou attacks again, his sword finger will end Gu Zheng's life first, because there is no way to hide Gu Zheng.

However, the person who died was Liu Qingyun, not Gu Zheng!

There was one thing that Liu Qingyun didn't know, and this thing finally led to his failure.

What Liu Qingyun didn't know was that Gu Zheng didn't only know how to dodge, he also knew how to attack. Moreover, apart from the fact that Gu Zheng's attack methods were not powerful enough, in terms of the subtlety of their moves, they were far from being "gale wind". "Cut" can be compared!

In that flashing moment, when the killing intent in Gu Zheng's eyes was at its peak, he raised the saber in his hand, and defeated the enemy with the twentieth form of the immortal skill "Mountain Saber Technique"!

The hand knife passed close to the sword finger, and the trajectory of the sword finger deviated. The sweeping hand knife cut on Liu Qingyun's throat, and Liu Qingyun's sword finger rubbed against Gu Zheng's scalp.

Liu Qingyun fell down, on Gu Zheng's body, and he would never understand until his death that what he was asking for was also the opportunity that Gu Zheng had been waiting for for a long time. If he hadn't been seriously injured, and if he hadn't been severely injured by Elder Wuyou before he died, Gu Zheng would not have the strength to kill him at all. Who is better at this routine?


Gu Zheng killed Liu Qingyun, and Fang Xuemei and others were overjoyed.

"Congratulations, Gu Zheng, you have completed the task I gave you, and killed this bitch brilliantly, and the reward has been distributed in the Primordial Space."

Qi Ling's happy voice also rang in Gu Zheng's mind at this moment.

If it weren't for the inappropriate venue now, if it wasn't for the prehistoric space that has been used today, Gu Zheng would like to go in and see what those fairy vegetables look like! After all, it is very rare for a weapon to give benefits.

However, Gu Zheng's happiness did not end here, and Qi Ling pushed his happiness to a new climax.

"As Ben Qiling said, you have completed the task I gave you brilliantly, which is beyond my expectation. In my imagination, you only need to lead someone to kill Liu Qingyun to complete the task, but I Unexpectedly, you actually beheaded a cultivator in the middle stage of the fifth floor with your own hands! In view of your outstanding performance, I will give you another benefit beyond the agreement, so that you will not always scold me for being stingy in your heart."

Qi Ling's voice fell to the ground, and a picture flashed in Gu Zheng's mind. It was still the handsome young man in white, but this time he was cooking porridge.

"Actually, this is not Master Tiexian's own culinary art. It is just a way of Master Tiexian's food processing and the details of his operation, so it is not a violation to pass it on to you."


Apart from applauding, Gu Zheng was too excited to speak. Although the unexpected benefits are not cooking skills, this method of turning the original food into another kind of food through processing food is really necessary and useful for Gu Zheng who has already learned the method of food cultivation up!

The most wretched existence of the enemy is dead, which is a fatal blow to the morale of the enemy.

The remaining enemies, except for the non-rotten corpses, all ran towards the passage to seek the protection of their master.

Without enemies with high fighting skills, there were only a few non-rotten corpses left, which were quickly ended by the ancient battle.



In addition to the Emei faction, there are still three people on our side, and everyone cheers endlessly.

Fang Xuemei was still steady because of her gender, while the other two rushed over directly, holding Gu Zheng and shouting frantically. Facing so many powerful rotting corpses, they really thought it was going to be over this time, but they didn't expect still have a chance.

"I'm exhausted, I'm exhausted!"

Gu Zheng was almost out of breath from being hugged by several people. The excessive consumption of immortal power made him have a splitting headache, and the continuous use of Piao Miao illusion made his body fall apart!

Gu Zheng sat directly on a rock and stretched his limbs comfortably.

"Ahem... Do you really think that the battle is over?"

It's useless to blow the shakuhachi again, and the weak voice of the old man in black rang out.

"Who are you bluffing? If you have other means, how can you wait until now? Even though you haven't seen you yet, with your late fifth-level cultivation base and controlling so many non-rotten corpses at the same time, you still have to wait until now. Peeling."

Fang Xuemei sneered, sitting cross-legged and adjusting her breath indifferently.

"Well, it's really up to man to make things happen!"

The old man in black sighed, and then he was full of unwillingness: "Gu Zheng, what kind of method did you use to destroy the corpse?"

"When you die, you will understand what this means."

Sitting on the stone, Gu Zheng's voice was as soft as a murmur. I don’t know what other people are thinking. What he thinks now is that the grass that can heal the wound and satisfy the appetite is delicious. Unfortunately, the grass that was delicious last time was too little to prepare, and it has already been used by the disciples. He is still the same. Didn't get that taste.

He secretly took out a Xianyuan pill and put it in his mouth, now is the critical moment, even though the number of Xianyuan pills is not much, this will not be spared, he still has to eat it.

"What a bunch of bastards. Seeing how complacent you are now, I really want to cut you piece by piece with a knife! I failed this time, but let's not change the green hills, and the green waters will flow forever!"

The voice of the old man in black seemed to be traveling far away.

"If you don't get rid of this dog, it will be a disaster sooner or later!" Fang Xuemei's eyes showed worry.

"He must die today!" Zheng's voice was still exhausted, but there was a strong sense of confidence.

"Why do you say that?"

Everyone was curious, what Gu Zheng said was groundless!

"Have you rested? Rest well, let's go find that old guy!"

Gu Zheng made a fool of himself, got up and walked towards the passage.

Gu Zhengzhi said that the old man in black would surely die today because Qi Ling told him that the old man in black never left the cave. And where he was hiding, if Qi Ling hadn't told him about it, no one would have thought of it!

"Which one of you will break this stone wall?"

Not far into the passage, Gu Zheng stopped and pointed at the unremarkable stone wall in front of him. After taking Xianyuan Dan, his celestial power was recovering rapidly. There is celestial power, but this stone wall is very Big, beyond the range of his ability, even if he fully recovers his immortal power, he still can't beat this place.

After all, his strength is only at the third level, which is far from the fifth level.

Everyone's eyes were full of curiosity, Fang Xuemei even knocked on the stone wall with her hand, judging from the sound, this place is not hollow.

Immediately Fang Xuemei laughed at herself, it doesn't matter if it is hollow or not, besides, although Tai Chi Gate is a branch of Tai Chi Dao, the description of Tai Chi Dao in the secret book of the gate can be said to be only a simple description. Fang Xuemei didn't know how many strange things they had.

"Bang bang bang..."

Fang Xuemei began to hit the stone wall with internal strength, and everyone saw the unusualness immediately.

The rock on the stone wall was almost strangely hard. With Fang Xuemei's cultivation, she launched eight consecutive attacks, but she didn't even make a hole.

However, just after Fang Xuemei launched the tenth attack, the abnormally hard stone wall suddenly cracked without warning.


After the stone skin fell to the ground, it disappeared, and a door appeared on the stone wall.

This door is carved like crystal, with mysterious ripples surging back and forth. The space behind the door is not that big, just like a small room, with something like a magic circle engraved on the floor, and the old man in black is sitting cross-legged in surprise.

"You, how do you know I'm hiding here?"

The old man in black exclaimed, but the voice seemed to come from the depths of the passage.

"With your cultivation level, it is already the limit to control twenty-seven corpses at the same time, but you have controlled more than thirty. What an abnormal thing!"

"Using a magic circle from the age of prosperity, it is possible for people to control more corpses beyond common sense. However, the location where this magic circle is placed is relatively strict! Because it needs the help of the spirit of mountains and rivers, or Either in the water or in the mountains. And this kind of magic circle, in addition to allowing you to control more corpses, can also allow you to have a faster cultivation speed than ordinary people in the Dharma-ending era."

"On the stone wall in the middle of the mountain, there is a magic circle that ordinary people can't see. You observe the situation outside through that magic circle, and you also use it to change the position of the sound. Am I right or not?"

Gu Zheng knew that the question asked by the old man in black was also the answer that other people wanted to know. But Gu Zheng couldn't say it directly, Qi Ling told him these things, he could only synthesize some things that Qi Ling said, and give plausible answers to confuse the audience.

Sure enough, the old man in black was shocked again, and he stared at Gu Zheng with wide eyes.

"Who are you? Why do you know such details about something that only existed in the age of prosperity?"

"I said, you will know when you die."

Gu Zheng smiled faintly, and stretched out his hand to caress the clean 'Crystal Gate'.

"You want me to die? Are you dreaming? Can you open this door? Or are you going to wait outside until you starve me to death?"

The old man in black raised his voice, as if he heard a big joke. Indeed, theoretically, this door cannot be opened from the outside. If you want to open it from the outside, if you don’t have the unique secret method of Taiji Dao, then you need to use celestial power to break the restriction on the door. You don’t have celestial power at all, so don’t think about it up.

"I really can't open this door, but I can change it!"

To open this door, too much celestial power is needed. Gu Zheng's current celestial power has not been fully recovered, and even if it is recovered, it will meet the requirements.

However, the prohibition on this door is also a magic circle, and the relationship with the magic circle in the space behind the door belongs to the secondary and the main, which is a very important point!

Gu Zheng's immortal power is not enough to directly open all the magic circles, but it can change the prohibition on the door, that is, this small magic circle, without any major changes, only simple changes, you can use the two developments of primary and secondary. Associated, affecting inside.

This set of magic circle itself is not designed to protect the people inside, it is only set up for cultivation, but in a certain period now, it has become a magic circle that cannot be opened from the outside, so it has the ability to protect.

It’s just like an ordinary elevator. Usually, everyone is easy to go up and down. Just press it, but if the elevator is out of power, you can’t move it no matter how you press it. possible.

Xianli is the electricity of the elevator, you can use it if you have it, but now is the end of the age, unless those reclusive ancestors appear, these people outside will not be able to open this place at all. Therefore, even if he occupies the center, the old man in black still has nothing to worry about.

But soon his expression changed, and he became a little terrified. Gu Zheng held the door, spit out the immortal power in his body, and the magic circle on the door began to rotate. Gu Zheng really activated the magic circle above.

"don't want!"

The old man in black showed panic on his face. Passing outside, he could turn off the main magic circle. Although he couldn't open it, once the main magic circle was terminated, this place of practice would become a torture chamber. According to Qi Ling , What happened at that time was bloody and terrifying.

It's like an elevator, the electricity is on, but the door doesn't open, but suddenly falls from the highest point to the bottom. If the elevator is dozens of floors high, the consequences for the people inside can be imagined.

In the horrified eyes of the old man in black, Gu Zheng used a little fairy power to achieve the ultimate change according to what Qi Ling said, and ended the main magic circle inside the door through the secondary magic circle.

The space behind the door was not opened up, but a piece of heaven and earth opened up by the arranged magic circle. After the magic circle was terminated, the upper, lower, left, and right stone walls quickly squeezed towards one piece.


The old man in black screamed, and the horror in his eyes was extremely intense. At this moment, he finally understood that he had provoked a cultivator who existed in the Dharma-ending Era!

This magic circle is like an elevator, out of control becomes terror.


Fang Xuemei, who didn't vomit when she saw the rotten corpse, finally couldn't help but vomited it out. The moment the old man in black was crushed, something like blood splashed from the cracks in the stone, making people speechless with disgust.


When the crystal gate shrinks, it still hangs on the stone wall unaffected. But after the stone wall was completely closed, it fell to the ground in a crack, and disappeared into nothingness. Like the previous stone skins, the crystal doors are not real objects, they are just objects transformed by fairy power.

After finishing off the old man in black, Gu Zheng and others walked out of the passage.

The passage is extremely long, and behind it is a hall-like space. There are some decorations in the hall, but none of them are treasure-level things.

There is another passage in the hall, and at the end of the passage is a closed gate, where the few enemies who fled before stood.

"Let us live!"

"Great Elder, we know we were wrong!"

"For the sake of my fellow disciples, please spare my life, Great Elder!"

The enemy at the door, Chong Guzheng and others begged.

Gu Zheng understood that these people would surely die today, and with Fang Xuemei's personality, there was no reason to spare them, so he turned around directly.

"Forgive you? Ask those who died, will they spare you?"

"Martial nephew, in this lifetime, there are some mistakes that cannot be made, and once they are made, there is no turning back!"

"Fight with you!"

Gu Zheng still didn't look back. After a burst of ping-pong-pong in the passage, all the enemies fell down.

"Master Gu, can you open this door?"

Standing in front of the door and trying again and again, Fang Xuemei looked at Gu Zheng.

"It can be opened, but not now. You must take a break and eat something."

Gu Zheng just took a close look at the gate, then turned and walked away.

Regarding Gu Zheng's reaction, Qin Han and Zhao Baoping were overjoyed, while Fang Xuemei looked at Gu Zheng's back with very puzzled eyes.

The old man in black said before his death that the only way to open the door that protects him is through celestial power. Although Gu Zheng is changing rather than opening, doesn't it require celestial power to change?

Now it is the age of the end of the Dharma, and such things as immortal power are just legends, and Fang Xuemei has also seen that Gu Zheng is indeed using internal strength, but why does everything always feel weird?

Fang Xuemei has already tried the current door. It is indeed a door that requires force to open. Fang Xuemei, who has cultivated as high as the fifth floor, understands that it is a door that cannot be shaken by her inner strength. The power needed by the Taoist sect is, in all likelihood, immortal power!

Gu Zheng just said that it could be opened at a glance, which made Fang Xuemei more and more confused about the situation. She shook her head vigorously, and Fang Xuemei followed Gu Zheng's pace.

"That old woman in the back is probably going to die of depression!" Qi Ling's triumphant voice rang in Gu Zheng's mind.

"Yeah, that feels pretty good!"

Gu Zheng chuckled, with the help of Qi Ling in the disguise, it is impossible for the cultivator to discover that he is a cultivator! Because even if the immortal power in his body is used, in the eyes of a practitioner, it is nothing more than internal strength.

Gu Zheng's so-called eating something is naturally to make grass and taste delicious to supplement.

The day before arriving at the top of the mountain, Gu Zheng had already taken out the delicious ingredients for making grass from the prehistoric space just in case.

As for the backpack with ingredients and kitchen utensils, even though Gu Zheng didn't carry it all the time, after he fell into the mountainside, Elder Wuchou who jumped down later also brought it down.

Without Gu Zheng's explanation, Elder Wuyou is responsible for building the hearth, and Elder Wuyou is responsible for lighting the fire.

"You still have cooking utensils and vegetables with you when you go out?"

Qin Han looked at Gu Zheng who was packing up the ingredients, his eyes were bigger than a cow's. Although the other two didn't say anything, they had similar expressions, which was really hard for them to understand.

"Wrong, these are not only vegetables, they are all precious medicinal materials. I want to make medicine to heal your wounds!"

Several people were more or less injured. Except for the three members of the Emei Sect, Fang Xuemei was the most seriously injured, followed by Qin Han.

The three of Fang Xuemei had already taken healing elixir, but except for Zhao Baoping, the injuries of the other two could not be recovered within three or two days.

"Gu, Master Gu, although I don't know what you are holding, I have never seen ginger jujube primers, or medicinal materials such as hay! Besides, shouldn't the decoction be a casserole? You , These pots you use, no matter how you look at them, they look like cooking!"

Zhao Baoping's head was full of black lines, and he stuttered when he spoke.

"That's right, Master Gu, stop joking. Although we are all cultivators, we do not have bigu after all. We still have the desire to satisfy our appetites. Everyone can understand this. You want to make something to eat , I am also looking forward to it, after all, I haven’t eaten hot food for several days. But, don’t say so seriously, you are making medicine, or you are going to treat us for healing. I am really happy to hear that Want to laugh!"

Qin Han really couldn't help but want to laugh, but he didn't mean to laugh.

"Master Gu, we have all taken healing pills. You said you want to make medicines for us to heal our wounds. Could it be that the medicine you made is more effective than the pills? I have heard of diet therapy, but that can only Is it the category of health preservation?"

Although what Gu Zheng said was unreliable, Fang Xuemei still somehow felt that this was a highly credible matter. However, the traditional concept still made her question it.

"You guys, don't eat it if you don't believe it. Do you think you are flattering me?"

Elder Wuchou said angrily, if these guys hadn't fought side by side in the mountainside, they would not be much better each of them. When they competed for the snow lotus before, they were all dead hands. Cooking delicious food for them mercifully, they still laugh and question? It's hard not to get angry!

"Hey, Wuchou, why are you still so bad-tempered? If you don't take it, don't take it. I really don't believe that it will be more effective than medicine!"

Qin Han gave Elder Wuchou a hard look.

"I don't dare to please Elder Wushou! Anyway, my injury will heal soon, so I won't take this medicine."

Zhao Baoping laughed, closed his eyes and adjusted his breath.

"If you don't eat it, I will!"

Fang Xuemei's seriousness made Qin Han and Zhao Baoping slightly taken aback, then they shook their heads and closed their eyes again


Gu Zheng didn't say anything, he just laughed off everyone's words and just lowered his head to clean the ingredients.

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