Gu Zheng hides in the Heart Demon Orb and flies. The road is not very peaceful. The monsters in this space world seem to be very interested in the Heart Demon Orb. Those monsters that can fly in the sky, after seeing the Heart Demon Orb, it is like watching When it came to food, the heart magic beads were swallowed by monsters several times.


Gu Zheng secretly said in his heart, and at the same time he was quite helpless, the Heart Demon Orb was targeted by a monster again.

This time, the monster that is staring at the Heart Demon Orb is a zombie. It is very fast and jumps from a terrifying height. If the Heart Demon Orb has the speed of a normal cultivator, then it will not be a problem to get rid of this zombie. Zhu has the height that a normal cultivator can control the sky, so it is not a problem to get rid of this zombie! However, the Anxin Orb doesn't have these two items, and it will be a matter of time before it is overtaken by zombies.

Gu Zheng didn't deliberately stop to deal with the zombies, his time was more precious, and it wouldn't be too late to deal with him when he was really swallowed by the zombies. Besides, maybe just attracting this zombie in this way, he could meet other monsters, resulting in a fight between the two tigers, which would save him time to solve it.

The battle between the two tigers that Gu Zheng wanted to see did not happen. After all, the Heart Demon Orb failed to escape the pursuit of the zombies, and it was swallowed by the zombies in one gulp.

The heart magic orb can't launch a direct attack, but if it is used well, it can also be used infinitely. If a zombie dares to swallow it, this method is undoubtedly courting death.

As soon as Gu Zheng thought about it, he came out of the Heart Demon Orb. With the strength of a zombie, he couldn't suppress what was released from the Heart Demon Orb that was swallowed in his stomach, so the picture was very bloody. Suddenly, an existence similar in size to it rushed out, and the situation it faced was only an explosive body.

With a disgusted expression on his face, Gu Zheng entered the Heart Demon Orb again, and controlled it to fly towards a high mountain. Gu Zheng wanted to have a wider view, and there would be a good place to observe. However, the road leading to the high mountain is not destined to be peaceful, because that high mountain is not ordinary at all, and there are many bones on the mountain that can be seen from a distance.

With the flying height of the Heart Demon Orb, Gu Zheng can only fly to the halfway up the mountain with Gu Zheng, and Gu Zheng needs to take the Heart Demon Orb to the top of the mountain to observe the rest of the way.

Gu Zheng found a relatively clean place to land on the mountainside, and started climbing the mountain step by step.

Although Gu Zheng found a relatively safe place, he was an outsider himself. He had just stood on the mountain with his feet on the ground, and the bones and skeletons scattered on the mountain had already come to life.

The skeletons that came back to life were relatively ordinary skeletons, and their speed was not fast, and the limping ones all moved closer to where Gu Zheng was. However, Gu Zheng believes that it is impossible to only have these ordinary skeletons on this mountain, and there must be more powerful ones.

Before Gu Zheng could go far, a ghost-like spirit body floated towards Gu Zheng, and opened its mouth to blow a gust of evil wind towards Gu Zheng.

The yin wind blown by the ghost is not an ordinary yin wind. The mountains and rocks along the way are lifted up in pieces by the yin wind, as if they were cut by a sharp knife that cuts gold and jade.

Gu Zheng is not the owner of the Heart Demon Orb, he just has certain control over the Heart Demon Orb, so this is a heart-pounding link.

With a thought, Gu Zheng re-entered the Heart Demon Orb before the arrival of the Yin Wind. The Yin Wind that could blow Gu Zheng to the point of separating his flesh and blood had no effect on the Heart Demon Orb. It was still quietly suspended in the air.

Being in the Heart Demon Realm, Gu Zheng couldn't use the Heart Demon Orb to absorb ghosts into it, but if he wanted to absorb ghosts into it, he had to be outside the Heart Demon Orb! That's why when he first entered this space world, the swooping blood-colored crow would be collected by Gu Zheng into the Heart Demon Realm, but the zombie chasing the Heart Demon Orb, Gu Zheng could only make it explode and die.

Gu Zheng disappeared suddenly, and the ghost was also very confused. It continued to drift towards the heart magic bead.

Gu Zheng sneered in his heart. His body was very fragile, and the ghost could easily kill him, but it was very exciting for him to get rid of the ghost. If he was not careful, the end would be miserable.

Gu Zheng suddenly appeared in the air, Ghost was also startled, but its reaction was still a bit slow, before it could attack Gu Zheng again, Gu Zheng took it into Mind Demon Realm.

Gu Zheng didn't go far with the Heart Demon Orb before he encountered a few bone skeletons, and these bone skeletons, which were not threatening, were also brought into the Heart Demon Realm by Gu Zheng.

"Finally came a useful one!"

Gu Zheng stopped climbing the mountain, the current body is really useless, without any special means, not to mention, after climbing the mountain, he felt tired, and even felt a faint sense of hunger.

The monster that is useful to Gu Zheng is a rotten tiger demon. He can see some aura in the eyes of the tiger demon, and the monster with aura in the eyes is exactly the monster that Gu Zheng needs now.

The tiger demon rushed towards Gu Zheng like a shooting star from a very long distance. With Gu Zheng's thought, the tiger demon was also included in the Heart Demon Realm, and Gu Zheng also entered it.

If it is in a normal environment, with Gu Zheng's current control over the Heart Demon Orb, he does not need to enter the Heart Demon Realm to do something to the tiger demon in the Heart Demon Realm. However, in the space world, what he wants to do to the tiger demon can only be done by entering the heart demon world.

The Heart Demon Realm is very large, and the place where Gu Zheng appeared in the Heart Demon Realm is naturally not with the Tiger Demon, but this does not prevent him from easily seeing where the Tiger Demon is in the Heart Demon Realm through his control of the Heart Demon Orb.

The tiger demon trapped in the heart demon world has been entangled by illusions, making futile attacks like a mad tiger.

What Gu Zheng wants to do to the tiger demon is to use the illusion to make the tiger demon use it for himself. This is not easy to do. He must first use the illusion to exhaust the will of the tiger demon, and finally let the tiger demon become his puppet.

Time passed little by little, and with Gu Zheng's manipulation of the illusion, the tiger demon, who was originally like a mad tiger, finally lay motionless on the ground, and it had been tortured to the point where it almost lost its will.

Even in the Mind Demon Realm, Gu Zheng doesn't have divine sense, so he can't search for the tiger demon's soul. However, if you want to know the memory of the tiger demon, the only way to go is to search for the soul in the heart demon world. For this, Gu Zheng can induce the memory of the tiger demon through illusions.

A phantom that looked like a mummy appeared in the eyes of the tiger demon. After the exhausted tiger demon saw the mummy, his limbs twitched. It was a rare reaction. This is what Gu Zheng wanted to see. to the result.

In the process of killing the tiger demon's will, this mummy-like phantom appears frequently. Not only does it appear, but it also conveys an intention to the tiger demon. This intention is that it will wait until the tiger demon is unable to resist. demon memory.

The many times of conveying the intention has formed an effect in the tiger demon's mind. This effect makes the tiger demon feel that once it can't resist, the mummy can check its memory. This is a kind of induction produced by illusions. If the tiger demon does not have this kind of thinking, then Gu Zheng will not be able to obtain its memory, but once it has such a thinking, then Gu Zheng's goal will be achieved.

The hand of the phantom phantom pressed the tiger demon's head, and the tiger demon's body twitched in pain. In fact, this process was not painful at all, because the phantom was just an illusion, and it could not cause real harm to the tiger demon. However, the desired effect had already been implanted, and the tiger demon felt that it was being searched for souls, and the memories in its brain began to replay quickly, which allowed Gu Zheng, who knew everything in the heart demon world, to know its memories Everything.

The tiger demon was searched for its soul, and its will was completely dissipated, which also achieved the puppet effect that Gu Zheng wanted.

From the memory of the tiger demon, Gu Zheng analyzed that the only valuable information is that this space world is a dead world, but it will come back to life because of the entrants! That is to say, there are monsters in a dead state in each area. These monsters will only be resurrected when the entrant steps into the area, just like the mountain that Gu Zheng climbed. The mountain, then everything on the mountain is dead.

After analyzing such a fact, this is good news for Gu Zheng, which means that as long as Xuan Yue enters this space world, as long as she does not run around, the monsters she needs to face are not endless, but It is only those monsters within the range of her area. However, this good news is not particularly good. If Xuanyue is unlucky, even if she does not run around, if there are powerful monsters in the area, then this is still very troublesome.

However, everything has two sides. While Gu Zheng thinks this is good news, it is also bad news! The monsters were revived by the entrants, so they don't have much memory at all. It is impossible to know the news of Xuanyue through soul searching, at least on this mountain! After all, the monsters here came back to life because of his appearance, so they couldn't possibly have seen Xuan Yue.

Gu Zheng knew the memory of the tiger demon, and gave orders to the tiger demon through the phantom of the mummy, and then released the tiger demon from the heart demon world.

The tiger demon released from the Heart Demon Realm put the Heart Demon Orb in its mouth and ran quickly towards the top of the mountain. Gu Zheng wanted to use this method to travel.

Although they are all monsters on the same mountain, they are not in harmony with each other. On the way to the top of the mountain with Gu Zheng, the tiger monster was attacked three times by other monsters. Fortunately, none of these monsters belonged to tigers. The opponent of the demon did not have much influence on the tiger demon.


A hoarse and strange cry came from above the tiger demon, and a carrion with a head like a buffalo appeared.

When Gu Zheng saw the buffalo-like carrion, he knew it was extraordinary, because on the horns of the buffalo-like carrion, flames were still burning.

Flame is the nemesis of evil spirits, and this buffalo-like carrion is obviously capable of casting flame-like magic.

Sure enough, the buffalo carcass attacked the tiger demon first, and the flames spouted from its mouth turned into a flying bird with wings, and rushed towards the tiger demon.

Becoming Gu Zheng's puppet, the mummy-like phantom is in the tiger demon's mind, and Gu Zheng can give orders to the tiger demon through the phantom at any time.

Gu Zheng knew that the tiger demon was no match for the buffalo carrion, so he didn't let it get entangled with the buffalo carrion.

I saw that the tiger demon launched its powerful tiger pounce, while avoiding the flame birds, it had also reached a higher place on the mountain.

The tiger demon ran wildly, while the carrion buffalo chased after it, and launched flame attacks from time to time.

The tiger demon's reaction was very sharp, and it dodged the flame attack again and again, and it was getting closer and closer to the top of the mountain.

"call out!"

A cry came from the top of the mountain, and a strange bird with wings spread ten feet wide flew up.

The strange bird also looked rotten. Gu Zheng made the tiger demon tuck its tail to show weakness, and then climbed to the top of the mountain smoothly, while the strange bird swooped down towards the rotting buffalo carcass that was trying to escape.

The carrion carcass of the buffalo failed to escape the claws of the strange bird. Compared with the strange bird, its body was like an eagle and a chick.

The struggling buffalo carcass was caught in the air by the strange bird. The flames on its horns shone fiercely, and then flames ignited all over its body. It wanted to make the strange bird give up on it in this way.

However, the flames on the buffalo carrion did not cause any harm to the strange bird at all. The strange bird had no eyes, and black mist overflowed from the eye sockets like black holes. After the black mist touched the body of the buffalo carrion, the buffalo The flames on the body were extinguished immediately. Not only that, the carrion buffalo carcass whose body was surrounded by a layer of black mist, the original struggle has also become stiff, except for blinking, other parts of the body cannot move.

The strange bird let go of the buffalo carcass, but this kind of letting go was a fall from the sky. The carcass of the buffalo that fell on the top of the mountain was like a watermelon thrown from the sky, and it fell to pieces immediately.

"call out!"

There was another loud cry, and the strange bird swooped towards the tiger demon on the top of the mountain.

As if it had sneezed, the tiger demon spewed out the heart magic bead under Gu Zheng's control.

Gu Zheng had to give up the puppet Tiger Demon, which could not escape the pursuit of the strange bird at all. Moreover, the strange bird is not the kind of monster that can be made into a puppet by Gu Zheng. Gu Zheng didn't feel any aura from it, so he had to run away quickly. After all, once the Mind Demon Orb is swallowed by the strange bird, it will be a rather troublesome thing. With the size and strength of the strange bird, Gu Zheng is not sure whether he can deal with the strange bird like a zombie.

The heart magic bead was sprayed off the cliff by the tiger demon, and the tiger demon was pressed to the ground by the strange bird and rubbed against it. Like an eagle catching a mouse, the strange bird began to peck at the tiger demon.

The strange bird didn't eat a few mouthfuls at all, and the dead tiger demon stopped struggling, but the strange bird also lost interest in the corpse of the tiger demon, and it flew down the cliff to chase after the flying heart demon orb.

"court death!"

Gu Zheng felt overwhelmed and had to take another risk. He wanted to leave the Heart Demon Orb and ingest the strange bird into the Heart Demon Realm.

Another exciting moment came, and Gu Zheng bet that the strange bird's reaction speed was not fast enough.

Gu Zheng couldn't afford to lose, but he did win! The sudden appearance of him from the Heart Demon Orb surprised the strange bird, and he took advantage of the moment when the strange bird was startled, and brought the strange bird into the Heart Demon Realm.

Bringing the strange bird into the Heart Demon Realm and returning to the Heart Demon Realm is also a sigh of relief. If the strange bird's reaction is fast enough, his fragile body is really like a chicken and a dog in front of the strange bird.

Looking at the top of the mountain before, Gu Zheng didn't find any useful information. The bottom of the mountain is a plain landform, and there is a towering mountain at the end of the line of sight. Gu Zheng is going to go there now to have a look.

Among the hills, a lonely skeleton is walking forward.

This skeleton is different from the ones that Gu Zheng has seen. It holds a bone knife in its hand, and the bones on its body also have a jade luster, and this skeleton is Xuanyue.

Forcibly brought into this dead world by Qi Ling, Xuan Yue's identity has also become an entrant, and it is natural to be transformed by the power of the law. But compared to Gu Zheng, Xuan Yue was much luckier. Qi Ling didn't spend any more effort on her body, which also gave her a body that was many times stronger than Gu Zheng's.

Xuanyue's bone body not only has good fighting skills, but also can perform some sorcery, and even has a strong ability to recover from injuries, and has been assimilated by this world for as long as a month.

Although the time with Gu Zheng was very short, Xuanyue knew that Gu Zheng would definitely come to her, but before Gu Zheng found her, she was also facing the biggest crisis, which was hunger!

Xuanyue's hunger is similar to that of normal people, especially after a fight. Even though it hasn't been long since she entered this world, the feeling of wanting to eat has already appeared, just like a normal person. It's like a person hasn't eaten a meal.

Xuan Yue also has no divine sense, nor can she search for the soul of monsters, but she also discovered the secret discovered by Gu Zheng, that is, the dead world will follow her movement and come alive. However, even knowing that this would happen, Xuan Yue still couldn't stop, she was going to implement her plan.

Xuan Yue is sure that Gu Zheng will come to rescue her, but the space world is too big, even if Gu Zheng enters it, she doesn't know if it will be thousands of miles away from Gu Zheng. And if Gu Zheng wants to find her, she has to leave something in some conspicuous places.

It's a barren world with not much to use, but not nothing.

Xuanyue, who was walking towards a dead tree at this time, was holding some rags in her hand. These rags were clothes she had ripped off from the carrion body. She wanted to find a suitable branch from the dead tree in front, and then use the rags to Make a flag, leave a message on the flag, and plant the flag on a relatively high mountain. This is the second time she has done such a thing after entering this space world.

Xuan Yue had already come under the dead tree, but she didn't break the branches immediately, she found a dying plant under the dead tree.

The plant has radish-like leaves, which makes Xuanyue ecstatic. If judged from the leaves alone, this plant is very similar to the kind that Gu Zheng ate in the last space world, which can fill the stomach, but will not make people feel sick. Evergreen dill with faster assimilation speed.

However, joy turned into depression in an instant. Xuan Yue looked at her bone body and gritted her teeth with hatred. How could this kind of food that the flesh can be used to solve the hunger problem solve the hunger problem of her bone body?

Xuan Yue couldn't help thinking of some monsters that had been killed before. Whether those monsters were rotting corpses or zombies, after they were killed, there would be light spots like will-o'-the-wisps floating out of their bodies. When looking at those light spots, Xuanyue felt like drooling, but she didn't try to eat those things. She knew that most of the food in the space world would speed up the assimilation speed of the entrant into the space world .

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