Gu Zheng didn't know what the body of the last entrant was, he just saw that he looked like a dragon through the memory of the Lynx Spirit Beast King.

First of all, in terms of appearance, the dragon flying in the sky makes the Lynx Spirit Beast King feel intimidated, while the wolf walking on the ground makes the Lynx Spirit Beast King a little unconcerned, which is one of the reasons why it dared to ambush Gu Zheng.

The Lynx Spirit Beast King didn't have much contact with the last entrant. It was just an ordinary Lynx Spirit Beast at that time, but it was lucky to see the fight between the entrant and a giant bird spirit beast, and the Lynx Spirit Beast King The understanding of divine sense is obtained from that battle.

Through the memory of the Lynx Spirit Beast King, Gu Zheng discovered that the original entrant's strength in terms of divine sense had not yet reached the level of cutting off the "tail". There is a certain misunderstanding, it thinks that as long as Gu Zheng's divine sense is eliminated, it is equivalent to breaking Gu Zheng's siblings.

The battle ended with the winner of the entrant, and the lynx spirit beast also became the lynx spirit beast king because it ate the body of the giant bird, and the reason why it has two inner pills, one of which has exploded, can The inner alchemy used to deal with divine thoughts is actually the inner alchemy that belonged to that giant bird back then! And the inner alchemy that did not belong to the Lynx Spirit Beast King was in the body of the Lynx Spirit Beast King, and it was sacrificed by it as if it were a celestial artifact. After losing it, the ear that represented the strength of the Lynx Spirit Beast King, It also changed from gold to white.

It has to be said that the Lynx Spirit Beast King has a kind of madness similar to that of a cultivator, and when he sees an opportunity, he will do everything to fight for it! Losing the golden inner alchemy, the strength has declined again. The decision made by the Lynx Spirit Beast King is crazy. Even if it knows that if it fails to attack Gu Zheng, it will end in nine out of ten, it will not give up what it believes. By chance, it felt that if a strange guy like Gu Zheng could eat his meat, his strength should be further improved.

In addition to letting Gu Zheng know some things about their species, the soul-searching lynx spirit beast king also let Gu Zheng know the location of the Qingyan tribe, which made Gu Zheng very happy.

The Shanmao Spirit Beast King has seen the Qingyan tribe, which is about seven days away from the stone forest, but the Shanmao Spirit Beast King doesn't know much about the Qingyan tribe. It can deal with the strong ones, but the strong ones are not the existence it can provoke.

From the memory of the Shanmao Spirit Beast King, Gu Zheng understood that with his current strength, he could not run rampant in the Qingyan tribe, and the Qingyan tribe was very closed, and would usually launch a hunt for those who broke into their territory.

The Qingyan tribe is the place where Guzheng must go. No matter how dangerous it is, Guzheng can only hope. The people of the Qingyan tribe should not treat him like a lynx spirit beast. He is different from the lynx spirit beast, he has divine sense and the ability to communicate with those people in the Qingyan tribe, as long as everything can be communicated, it may be easier to handle.

The seven days passed quickly, and during these seven days, Gu Zheng ate twice more, and what he ate was the evergreen radish. In this space world, there are actually a lot of high-quality ingredients, but it's a pity that Gu Zheng can't even use the space fairy now, otherwise he would definitely collect some ingredients.

Gu Zheng has already seen the wall of the Qingyan tribe. It is made of very irregular stones, the kind of stones that can be seen everywhere, with uneven edges and corners, and of different sizes. Hollow, you can see some of the situation in the tribe.

There are more than 30 stone houses in the tribe. These stone houses are basically the same size, and the shape is basically as rough as the wall. On the outside of the tribe, there are wooden piles standing one after another. On the top of the wooden piles are the heads of various beings, including wild beasts, spirit beasts, and even people. These wooden piles are undoubtedly In order to warn those who see their existence, the Qingyan tribe is not easy to mess with.

After simply looking at the Qingyan tribe, Gu Zheng separated the divine sense. His current position is within the safe range of the Qingyan tribe, but if the main body takes a few steps forward, he will face Against the attack from the Qingyan tribe.

The divine sense that Gu Zheng divided is not a light spot of divine sense that can be used to attack, so it is an invisible force, but even if it is an invisible force, once it enters the dangerous range, the Qingyan tribe will react immediately .

The response of the Qingyan Tribe was a trinity. First, the rough wall swayed like a living thing. This was an early warning! Secondly, several secret whistle outside the Qingyan tribe also rushed out of doubts, and the originally quiet Qingyan tribe became commotion because of this.

The people of Qingyan tribe belong to stone life, Gu Zheng has seen similar life before, but those similar lives he has seen are either extremely rough, or like stone carvings, while the stone life of Qingyan tribe is just to see It really looks like a human being, without the sense of carving that stone carvings have at all, as if this is a kind of person with bluestone shiny skin! However, although these people are naked, they seem to have no gender, and they cannot be judged from their physical appearance.

The stone wall was still shaking, and the originally dazed secret sentries were reminded, and they all slapped at the position where Gu Zheng's divine sense was.

The palm that the Qingyan man slapped was not an ordinary palm. This palm not only produced palm wind, but also contained countless fine stone powders, as if it wanted to beat the ancient god of struggle into a hornet's nest.

"Don't attack, I have no malicious intentions, I need to talk to someone in your tribe who can communicate!"

Spiritual will is a strange power, it can clearly convey the master's intention, as long as the other party's spiritual intelligence reaches a certain level, even if the verbal language is difficult, they can communicate.

Gu Zheng's words were transmitted over a large area, regardless of whether he was able to communicate with him or not, all the people in the Qingyan Tribe heard it anyway.

"Damn it!"

Gu Zheng cursed secretly in his heart. Although these people of the Qingyan tribe looked very human, they were stone people after all. They all had facial paralysis and gem-like stone eyes, so not only did they have no facial expressions, Even the eyes don't have the kind of change that is unique to flesh and blood, so people can't read their words and expressions, and they can't guess what their silence means.

Gu Zheng didn't know that the people of the Qingyan tribe were very excited at this time, they were communicating with each other with their minds, and the scene could be described as bursts of cheers.

"Spiritual will, this invisible power that can alert the stone wall and communicate with us, is it the legendary divine will?"

"The prophet said that divine sense is a power that does not belong to this world, so the person who uses the divine sense is the so-called entrant?"

"Patriarch, what should we do? Do we do what the prophet said?"

The discussion finally threw the question on the patriarch, and the patriarch was still in deep thought.

The patriarch of the Qingyan tribe does not differ much from the general tribe members in appearance, that is, the skin color is darker, a little less glossy, and a little more aged.

The Qingyan tribe does not have a prophet now. The prophet died three hundred years ago, but the prophet left a last word when he was alive. He told the people of the Qingyan tribe that the entrant is the key to their departure from this world. If they can see in this life Those who enter must try their best to help him.

"I am the patriarch of the Qingyan tribe, welcome guests to our Qingyan tribe!"

Although the patriarch of the Qingyan Tribe has no divine sense, he can feel the existence of Gu Zheng's divine sense, and he released his intentions towards Gu Zheng's divine sense.

Gu Zheng didn't reply immediately. He was actually very nervous. The kindness released by the Qingyan clan leader was what he wanted to see the most, but it was also what disturbed him the most. After all, he didn't have the capital to let the Qingyan tribe release kindness.

"Dear patriarch, I want to know why you are so hospitable?"

Gu Zheng didn't show up right away, even if Patriarch Qingyan's next answer was a lie, he still needed this lie to make him make further decisions.

"Because you are the entrant!"

Patriarch Qingyan gave an answer, and this answer satisfied Gu Zheng. Now that he knew his identity, it was a reasonable explanation for him to have a wrong reaction to ordinary intruders. However, what Gu Zheng wants is not only that this point is reasonable, he also needs to know more!

"Dear patriarch, let me ask again, why is my identity the reason for your hospitality?"

Gu Zheng really had to be cautious, without the strength to support him, only blind optimism and self-confidence, so in this sinister world, he could only die.

"Hmph, why are you so rude? You came to our Qingyan tribe first. Our patriarch saw you as a guest and answered your two questions enthusiastically, but you put on airs and have not even seen anyone. You Where is our Qingyan tribe?"

Another intention was captured by Gu Zheng. The Qingyan man who made this intention stood beside the Qingyan patriarch. Judging from his position, his status in the Qingyan tribe should be second only to the patriarch.

"Guest don't be angry, he is the priest of our Qingyan tribe."

The intention of Patriarch Qingyan was also captured by Gu Zheng. Although he smoothed things over, he didn't answer Gu Zheng's question. From this point, it can be seen that he actually felt the same way about the priest's displeasure, but he didn't express it directly. That's all.

"Forgive me, the patriarch. I can't show up for the time being. Naturally, there are my reasons. After the patriarch answers my previous question, I will naturally show up to meet each other."

Gu Zheng is indeed putting on airs now, but he has no choice but to put on airs.

"The reason for my hospitality is very simple. The prophet of our Qingyan tribe once said that the entrant is the key to our tribe leaving this world! Well, I have already explained the problem of the guests. If the guests are willing to show up and meet, then Let's continue. I don't think the guests will just pass by our Qingyan tribe, right? If the guests are still on guard and don't want to show up to meet each other, then the guests can go back wherever they came from! We The Qingyan Tribe also doesn’t want to have more dealings with people who are not sincere.”

The intention of the patriarch Qingyan was captured by Gu Zheng. After thinking about it for a while, Gu Zheng appeared in the sight of the people in Qingyan, but he did not move forward, and the Qingyan tribe still kept a relatively long distance.

Although he couldn't observe the words and demeanor of the Qingyan people, Gu Zheng could imagine how surprised the Qingyan people would be when they saw that he turned out to be a wolf.

Gu Zheng's imagination is not wrong. The Qingyan people have expectations for the entrants. They naturally hope that the entrants will look majestic, but the appearance of a wolf is obviously not majestic enough.

"Since the guest has shown up, how about going with me to the tribe? Let's do our best as landlords."

After all, the patriarch is the patriarch. Although he was disappointed with Gu Zheng's appearance, he still said what to say.

"No need! It is true that as the patriarch said before, I am not passing by the Qingyan tribe. As for the precautions, I think there is nothing wrong with being appropriate. If the chief is willing to talk, let's find another place to talk. "

It is impossible for Gu Zheng to enter the Qingyan Tribe right now. He still knows too little about this tribe. If his identity is really important to the Qingyan Tribe, then he believes that the Qingyan Patriarch will not reject his proposal.

"It is indeed like the guest said, there is nothing wrong with some proper precautions! It is okay to find a place to talk, but I am not alone. I need to take the priest with me. Some decisions in the tribe are usually The result of my discussion with the priest."


Gu Zheng did not reject Patriarch Qingyan's proposal, he led the way, Patriarch Qingyan and the priest followed, and finally stopped at a place in the forest that Gu Zheng thought was safe.

Generally speaking, the Qingyan tribe and his party have arrived now, and Gu Zheng feels that it is relatively smooth. Before he thought about the various twists and turns that he would have to go through to meet the Qingyan patriarch, but the Qingyan tribe actually knew that his identity as an entrant was that they left this place. The key to the world, this is the most surprising thing for Gu Zheng.

"Do you Qingyan tribe want to leave this world?"

Even at the place of conversation, Gu Zheng still kept a distance from Qingyan patriarch and priest.

"Of course we want to get out of this world."

The Qingyan patriarch responded, and then took the initiative to tell the history of the Qingyan clan.

The Qingyan tribe belongs to the first type of life in this space world. They are trapped in this world, not only their cultivation is restricted, but their ability to reproduce is also restricted. Of the more than 1,000 clansmen at the beginning, only the current There are less than two hundred people, and the Qingyan people are very much looking forward to leaving this world.

"I've already said everything I need to say, and we also want to know how you will take our Qingyan tribe out of this world."

Faced with the question from Patriarch Qingyan, Gu Zheng said: "This is a space world in a fairy-level space artifact, and you all know this. What I want to tell you is that this is the second time I have experienced this kind of space. World, when I was in the first space world, I took one person away! So as long as you cooperate with me, I think I can take your entire tribe out of this prison."

"Then how can we cooperate with you?" Priest Qingyan asked.

"I need the holy relic of your Qingyan tribe, I think it is the key for me to take you out of this world." Gu Zheng said.

"Is he joking?"

Priest Qingyan sent a voice transmission to the patriarch Qingyan in shock.

"I don't think so."

The patriarch of Qingyan replied to Priest Qingyan, and then asked Gu Zheng: "How do you know that the sacred objects of our Qingyan tribe are the key to our leaving this world?"

Facing Patriarch Qingyan's inquiry, Gu Zheng didn't respond immediately. He heard an unusual taste from Patriarch Qingyan's intention, which can be called scrutiny or guard.

Seeing that Gu Zheng did not respond immediately, the Patriarch Qingyan once again conveyed his intention: "The holy relics of the Qingyan tribe are extraordinary. They are the key to our survival in this world. If anyone damages the sacred relics, our Qingyan people will It will be over in an instant!"

Gu Zheng understands that something that can be regarded as a sacred object must be very important to the Qingyan tribe, but he did not expect that this so-called sacred object is not only the belief or spiritual sustenance of the Qingyan tribe, but it is related to the life and death of the Qingyan people. related, then things will undoubtedly become more complicated because of this.

"I learned about it from a strange bird."

Gu Zheng passed Xuanfei's appearance to Qingyan patriarch and Qingyan priest with his spiritual thoughts, and he also wanted to see if he could understand Xuanfei from these two people.

"Strange, where did it know about the use of the Qingyan holy relic?"

Patriarch Qingyan was very puzzled, but his doubts were only conveyed to Priest Qingyan.

"I don't know, maybe it's a trap deliberately set by the hostile tribe?" Priest Qingyan sent a voice transmission to the patriarch Qingyan.

"How much do you know about it?"

Gu Zheng still didn't know about the communication between the Qingyan patriarch and the Qingyan priest, he just asked the question he wanted to know.

"I don't know, I've never seen it before, but it may be sent by our hostile tribe! I want to know why this strange bird told you about the Qingyan sacred object?"

Patriarch Qingyan asked Gu Zheng, and Gu Zheng explained what happened at the beginning in a modified manner. He did not hide the state he had fallen into, but he concealed the troublesome things caused by the spirit of the weapon. He did not want Patriarch Qingyan and the priest So worried.

After hearing what Gu Zheng said, after another exchange of thoughts between the patriarch Qingyan and the priest, the patriarch Qingyan conveyed his intention to Gu Zheng: "I'm really sorry, we also want to cooperate with you, but we can't give the sacred objects of the clan to you. you!"


Gu Zheng smiled wryly. He didn't expect the Qingyan Holy Relic to be so important to the Qingyan Tribe, and after he knew the importance of the Qingyan Relic to the Qingyan Tribe, he didn't expect to get it today.

"If you see that strange bird, you can also try to communicate with it, tell it that I am in this place, let it come here to find me, and some things seem to be the only way to know the answer from it ! Of course, if you have other things, you can also come to find me near here." Gu Zheng said.

Knowing that Gu Zheng was on guard, the patriarch Qingyan didn't invite Gu Zheng to go back to the Qingyan Tribe with them. After chatting with Gu Zheng for a few more words, he took Qingyan Priest back a long way.

After Patriarch Qingyan and Priest Qingyan left, Gu Zheng was thinking about the conversation they had before, but after much deliberation, he had to meet Xuanfei and get more information from Xuanfei if he wanted to turn things around only then. However, when Xuan Fei will appear, Gu Zheng is not clear, the only thing he can do now is wait.

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